Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Your Turn

Secret celebrity crush? Have a thing for Justin Bieber? Don't want anyone to know that Oprah makes you hot? There must be someone you have a crush on that you don't usually share.


  1. funny. for the longest time shia labouf was my shame fu**. i was cured as soon as he started exhibiting his hongkongphoeey/harikrishna hybrid style. *hangs head*

  2. Krysten Ritter does it for me. She's so unconventionally hot!

  3. Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Always loved the bad boys.

  4. Charlie Hunnam... super sexy as Jax Teller on Sons of Anarchy. Who doesn't love a badass biker. Very underrated show in my opinion!

  5. Oh my god.

    I don't even know where to start with this one.

    I am ashamed to say that I find Adam Levine extremely boneable. I know he's a total douche, but I don't wanna talk, alright?

  6. @Maja
    I'm not ashamed to admit Adam is extremely doable! ;)

  7. Benicio del Toro.

    Where IS he, by the way?

  8. James Spader - he's so totally against my type and shorter than me to boot but I find him sexier than hell.

  9. No secret here. My Fassbender.

  10. What's his name, the one who left his wife for Sienna Miller or the nanny... before he lost his hair. Gorgeous man. Now, not so much.

  11. I'm with @Sadie - James Spader. He just looks like he knows all sorts of really dirty ways to pass the time.

  12. I've always had the strangest girlcrush on Clinton Kelly...yes, I know he's gay...

  13. Not now, but I used to have a major crush on Kevin Federline. Before he was fat.

  14. Got to be Jared Leto for me...that man is gorgeous.

  15. Man I love the Spader name-checks.

    Not a crush per se, but I see that Hilary Swank is single again. Hils, honey, you're a nice Washington girl looking to nest. Come home, we'll buy a nice house on Queen Anne and I'll brood the tots and write scripts for you. Enough with those milquetoast Hollywood poseurs; you need a Northwest logger boy to sire you some kidlets.

  16. My FB girls know - (whispering) Kevin Costner.......

  17. Burt Lancaster. A woman-beater and jerk in real life, unfortunately, but what a gorgeous acrobat's body, what beautiful curly hair. What a hunk.

    Love him in a Speedo in From Here to Eternity, love him in glasses and a bow tie as the cruel columnist in The Sweet Smell of Success.

  18. Mine has been John Travolta since I was a kid. Since before I knew he was gay (confirmed long ago for me by some in the industry :-(. ) Don't care - he's still my original celebrity crush. New celebrity crush: Joe Manganiello. Still want to climb him like a tree!

  19. Lynette, it's Jude Law.

    My secret crush used to be John Mayer. Everytime I heard his "Your Body Is a Wonderland" song, I imagined letting him explore my body.

    However, that poo blind item totally killed it for me. Now I only see douchebag sleaze, which he is

  20. Craziest crush EVER...wouldn't want anyone in my real life to know...Adam Richman from Man vs. Food...don't ask me why but he's just so....I don't know...huggable!!! I could totally picture us hanging out on Friday night watching movies on the couch with a pizza and six pack.

    I have a crush on Clinton Kelly too!!! Something about him makes me feel I could flip him, ya know?? LOL!

    Michael Pitt...OMG...I have major fantasies about him and know he's wierd in real life...but that actually makes him even more sexy in a creepy kind of way.

    Love Adam Levine-sooo hot!!!

    Dave Grohl-used to date a guy that looked like him

    Matt Bomer...I know...I have no chance

    Robert Downey Jr...even as a druggie....love him...love tortured/intelligent souls

    Baseball players....all of them!

    1. Omg I LOVE Adam Richman too!! He is adorable! And RDJ too...of course :)

  21. Oh...one last one...and I feel like a perv saying this, but just can't help myself...I just absolutely adore Zac Effron!!!

  22. I never ever had a huge celebrity crush as an adult...until Andy Whitfield (RIP). That man was beautiful, sexy and perfect looking in my eyes...and the accent.

  23. I've got a thing for the Ang, I think I mentioned that before somewhere. Don't remember. People do this all the time on Deviant, but a handful of my sketches are inspired by her. Though I cant get her facial configurations exactly right yet...she's tricky.

    Inspiration crush? Kevin Spacey. I would pick that man's brain clean about his craft. Just awesome.

  24. @B.Profane your comment was wonderful, lol!

  25. Well i also have an unending love for Clinton Kelly. But I actually share that one - lol my secret crushes - Dennis Farina and Anthony(Tony)Denison. Since Crime Story in the 80's thru today. Love them - i guess it's that bad boy italian mob guy thing... who knows. And i usually go for younger guys in real life (cough cough shia cough until recently) Oh and Alan Rickman - Die Hard, Love Actually - mmmmm

  26. Anonymous10:50 AM

    A lot of these people -- Fassbender, Bomer, Whitfield, Meyers, Spader -- are legit hot and I don't see the shame in having a thing for them. My understanding was this was supposed to be someone unconventional, someone people don't usually see as sexy.

    In that case, I will volunteer that I have a huge thing for Mitch Pileggi, who played Skinner on The X-Files. Did you ever see him without a shirt? Oh, my. Come to Texshan ...

  27. Wow, I don't know, but I think that's because I have very little sense of shame. I am open in my love of Will Ferrell and Jack Black. I should be ashamed, but I'm not!

  28. Vincent Gallo. And Bill Maher. What can I say? I have diverse tastes

  29. If Kate Beckinsale were single and know that I exist, it would blow my mind. For me, she's the perfection of a woman.

  30. Josh Gates from Destination Truth. I want to climb him.

  31. You mean my guilty pleasure crazy-uber crush over Ellen Page ever since Whip it?

  32. Also, mid-80's Letterman. Yup - still no shame.

    1. Hahaha Frufra, I love him! He's so funny and that's attractive ;)

  33. My secret crush is Ricky Gervais.....there is just something about him, i'm so attracted to him. He's not even conventionally attractive but I just find him funny & sexy LOL.

  34. I'm know I'm older - I had a real thing about George Segal - back in the day he was hot! And Gene Wilder - I don't know why. And Mel Brooks. Now - Mark Harmon.

    And while I don't have a crush on this guy, I do still kind of like him - Charlie Sheen. Yeah, I know, he's a pig but he always makes me laugh.

  35. Zac Efron. Seen 17 Again w/ Matthew Perry? Yeah - nuff said.

  36. This is weird but I find Gene Wilder to be so sexy..... Steve Martin also comes to mind!

    And my new crush is Justin Theoroux!

    There are just so many but for me Gregory Peck is the shit!!!!

    I am an old soul!! born in the wrong generation!

  37. Raja from RuPaul's Drag Race. Let me be clear that this is when he is NOT in drag.

    Now, that's embarrassing.

  38. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Hmmmm I usually have to feel like I know someone before I'm attracted to them, but I guess that's where celebrity gossip and rooting around in people's personal lives and relationships comes in. I used to have a thing for Brad Pitt, now he does nothing for me. He used to have soul, swagger, style, independence, confidence, machissimo, a sparkle, but now, he's like a whipped puppy/ wounded old guy that's desperately trying to hang on to a younger woman that likes women and her exes according to Enty. I like RDJ now. He's so nice, so va va voom, the kindness blinds, the struggles with addiction, he's a little kookie and odd,but I like that, he's positive, he's upbeat, he isn't afraid to put himself out there, and be him. He deserves his success, he's humble, he works hard, maintains his physique, gives back to the fans, appreciates what he has. He's a good person, he loves his kids and wife and are there for them, what's not to like???? What woman wouldn't want to be around him? He just seems like somebody that would be so nice to sit down on a red velvet couch with and talk about politics, life, kids, whatever gets him going, what he's interested in. He's so animated, I think he'd be fascinating to talk to and pick his brain. That's what I'm in to.

  39. Scott Bakula--even tho he's much older than me. Something about that beautiful profile with his distinctive nose. (Not that I didn't slow-mo those shower scenes from Enterprise over and over...)

  40. Cillian Murphy. Some people think he's hideous, but I think those people are crazy. He's beautiful.

    And Viggo Mortensen. He's more than twice my age, but he's just so lovely.

  41. Alan Rickman. Imagine that voice describing the things he'd like to do to you....

  42. Ah @GreerScout...I feel your lust! Josh is funny, handsome and brilliant.

  43. Thank you, Coriander. I bet that all of you fine ladies are crush-worthy.

    Back to work tomorrow. Sooper seekret stuff--and they're paying my top rate.

  44. Meatloaf, Jack Nicholson, Williaml Roache (Ken Barlow), Lohan.

    Do I win this one?

  45. Emma Stone, although my crush on her hasn't been a secret. Charming, hilarious, good actress besides & easy on the eyes. What Julia Roberts was in the 1990's Emma Stone will be to the 2010s. Secret crush would be Camilla Belle. She can't really act, but I'll watch more bad movies just to have the chance to look at her for a couple of hours.

    1. Hope not! I love Emma Stone but hate Julia Roberts, sorry

  46. Paul Stanley from Kiss, he's sexy/ugly, like you're turned on and repulsed all at the same time! lol

  47. Im an old soul too Roman Holiday. One of my biggest crush is Gary Cooper. I love Gregory Peck and Cary Grant.

    For the modern actors I love RDJ since I saw him in The Pick Up Artist. Also Alexander Skarsgaard and Michael Fassbender. My dirty, little secret crush is Zac Effron, I know a lot of rumors say that he's gay but I refuse to believe! Oh and I also love Adam Richman! He's like a cute teddy bear I wanna cuddle with!

  48. Max Irons!! And I'm so ashamed.....Alex Pettyfer (I know!)

    1. ...and Lenny Kravitz. Do not see the Spader thing:)

  49. Thoreston Kaye is sex on a stick for me.

  50. Alan Rickman is an open crush for me - I have no qualms about finding that man sexy!

    kelli - Funny men (who also happen to be very very rich) are hot. I have a massive crush on Seth MacFarlane, but that is also not a secret to anyone who knows me *L*

    1. Absolutely...put the accent on top? Yum.

      Seth is hot too...

  51. @Sass71 ... and a ginger. Mmmmmm.

  52. James Spader - and best of all, he can cook!

  53. steve buscemi
    not ashamed though- would hit that in 2.2 secs

  54. Guy Pearce. Loved him in LA Confidential and Memento.

  55. I love me some 80's Chevy Chase. Also, I have to agree, 70's Jack Nicholson was HOT! John Travolta will always be my Urban Cowboy ;) yep, no shame here either!

  56. In the day I had a HUGE crush on Mel Gibson..I know I know!
    Crushed on RDJ and that's how I know Himmmm isn't him because we've had some amazing telepathic stuff going on! He would have mentioned it by now (LOL!)
    James Spader-Sex Lies Videotape days
    Dave Grohl-He has a lifetime position with me
    Angelina Jolie-During her bad girl phase
    Brad Pitt-Before he left JA

  57. Oh, 80's Chevy Chase is a GOOD one! Also '80's Bill Murray - OMG, 80's Bill Murray - my original, pre-Will Ferrell crush! How could l have forgotten him?? I adore that man. I love the two live-action Garfield movies because he's the voice of Garfield. And that's truly pathetic and shame-worthy - even I sense the shame associated with that :-).

    SNL - car train singer - ha!
    What About Bob?
    Groundhog Day

    And then I DIED when he made Rushmore. Just died.

  58. But, woo wee mamma, Chevy as Fletch? Forget about it!

    B., I can hardly wait to find out someday what your sooper seekret secret is :-). Good luck!

  59. Then: Catherine Deneuve.

    Now: Sienna Miller. Because I have a thing for blondes with no shame or morals.

  60. Adam Duritz from Counting Crows, he's got that weird hot, dirty tortured poet thing going on and something about him makes me want to drag him to the nearest hotel room and stay there for the rest of my life doing things I can't discuss in public.
    Also, Alan Rickman. Even as Snape.

  61. For those of you who like Gene Wilder- his eyes are the bluest eyes I have ever seen in my life. Totally get that.

    Get Spader as well, despite the bug-eyes. It is the cockiness and the voice. Nummy.

    Can I add Damien Lewis, whom I have loved since Band of Brothers? I touched his arm once, showing him where the toilets were. Yup. I showed Winters where the toilets were.

    Old school crushes- Jimmy Stewart, Tony Curtis, and Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Yes, he is old school now!

    And Marilyn Monroe, both Niagara and Some Like It Hot phases. Roarw.

  62. Steve Carell.. without a doubt.

  63. I'm crushing on JGL right now. I had to wait two days after seeing TDKR for my fiance to say (to me first) "I love you" so that I could respond dreamily, "I love you, too, Joseph Gordon Leavitt." Luckily he thought it was funny.

  64. Adam Duritz from Counting Crows, he's got that weird hot, dirty tortured poet thing going on and something about him makes me want to drag him to the nearest hotel room and stay there for the rest of my life doing things I can't discuss in public.
    Also, Alan Rickman. Even as Snape.

  65. Adam Duritz from Counting Crows, he's got that weird hot, dirty tortured poet thing going on and something about him makes me want to drag him to the nearest hotel room and stay there for the rest of my life doing things I can't discuss in public.
    Also, Alan Rickman. Even as Snape.

  66. Adam Duritz from Counting Crows, he's got that weird hot, dirty tortured poet thing going on and something about him makes me want to drag him to the nearest hotel room and stay there for the rest of my life doing things I can't discuss in public.
    Also, Alan Rickman. Even as Snape.

  67. Michael C. Hall (Dexter)

    I even went in his house once... And then another time he walked into a bar i was at and stood next to me.. His elbow touched me and i almost fainted..

    Still haven't had the nerve to get a picture

  68. Sorry for triple post. The man is hot, but he's not hot enough for me to spam the internet.

  69. @Bree - How did you get in his house?

  70. Sean Bean from his Richard Sharpe days and Bill Pullman circa "While You Were Sleeping."

    1. I'll second the Bill Pullman vote! And raise you a Tom Hardy...

  71. I used to have a thing for Justin Timberlake until I found out about his douchey ways. Now Ryan Gosling is the object of my fantasies.

  72. Donald Sutherland, I don't care that he's 40 years older than I am--he is s.e.x.y.!

    Also, Nigel Lythgoe.

    These are the names I don't usually share.

  73. Just watched Bill Murray on Letterman, 1987. YouTube is the best invention EVAH! Yup, 80's Murray and 80's Letterman.

  74. Bernadette Peters!

  75. Oh, here's an embarrassing one: Axl Rose, in his pre-homophobic rant, pre-hair implant, pre-Slash feud heyday.

    Around about 1987, I'd say, right about the time of "Sweet Child O' Mine." Definitely after the "Welcome to the Jungle" teased hair but before the "November Rain" pink sunglasses.

    Sleazy, crazy, and incredibly hot.

  76. Louis CK.

    Heavy duty crush on him. Not only is he funny, he seems to be a genuine good guy.

  77. @Roma Holiday -You know, I think gene Wilder in his day was HOT too. He was smooth, and funny. So he's def on my list.

    I like Andrew Zimm-something he's the heavy set bald white guy who does that food travel show. He just has good energy.

    Louis C.K., Bill Murray, and my FAVORITE Favorite, a young (his 30-45 yrs) AL PACINO.

  78. Dr. Travis Stork
    (He was "The Bachelor" one season and now he hosts "The Doctors.")

  79. I should clarify.

    I crush Murray -present
    c.k -present
    zimmer-whatever -present

    but Pacino - of the past
    Wilder -of the past

    //just in case anyone cares ;)

  80. I'm amazed at all the love for Spader. I read an interview with him many years ago (I think when he was doing publicity for Secretary) and he came across a pretentious douche. Discussing how he picked his roles, he said he picked certain high budget roles to "cover my nous" so he could do more arty indies. I've no prob with actors doing well-paid roles so they can do indies, but couldn't he just have said "pay the rent" rather "cover the nous?" It was pretty clear from the rest of the article that the interviewer found him irritating.

    My secret crush: Jason Segel. I think he's a fun actor; he's clearly smart and multi-talented, and I like my men tall and slightly slobby. The Goslings/Reynolds/all the other ones who look like they work out six hours a day actually turn me off. I don't find obsessive vanity attractive in a man.

  81. @Jamie Yeah, but that's what makes an embarrassing crush embarrassing. You know a guy (or a gal) is a complete jerk, but you heart them anyway. Nobody's embarrassed about thinking Clark Gable or Barack Obama is attractive.

  82. Oh, sorry, juts re-read the question....one I WOULDN'T usually share

    Andrew Zimmern from Bizarre Foods.

    And that's my Final answer.

    //sorry. writing until 6am...my brain's gone.

  83. Yeah, my brother from another mother comes off as a preppie snot quite often. Dude should lay off the cigs. We're almost the same age but he looks way older due to years of smoking.

  84. My major crush for the past 20 years(!) has been Eddie Vedder but to truly embarrass myself, I will admit to having a thing for Pau Gasol.
    Five posts in the past three years and THIS is the topic that brings me out of lurkerville...

  85. Christopher Gorham form 'Popular', and later 'Ugly Betty'. He is almost a little effeminate, but I find him incredibly attractive.

  86. I would never tell my friends about my crush on Liam Hemsworth because he is only 22 years old, and it make me feel like a dirty old lady.

  87. I have a HUGE crush on Vincent Kartheiser. :)

  88. lot of the usuals give me the warms, but there is one "odd ball" actor that everytime I see him in something (even if he is being a sleeze which he usually is) does it for me. I guess it's the talent...Giovanni Ribisi

  89. Howard Stern. I feel like he'd be great in bed and make me laugh. Hes not attractive but id do him.

  90. Oh! And Jim Caviezel ever since seeing him in The Count of Monte Cristo....he would be a perfect Emerson

  91. And Louis CK. Ive been watching his show and specials before bed....major sex dreams going on anymore

  92. Ryan Gosling! i'm 47 years old and he's probably young enough to be my kid but I've probably seen Crazy Stupid Love at least 50 times.

  93. Robert Pattinson. There. I said it. Don't make me do it again.

  94. Oliver Platt. Even in his current form.

  95. @B.Profane - Wait, you're from the PNW? I grew up about 10/15 minutes away from Bellingham where Hillary lived for awhile.

    I have a thing for guys in comedy and weirdly they're all Jasons or Seths.

    Jason Sudeikis and Jason Segel (though I'm over him now - I don't like Michelle Williams, so if he's with her, eh, over it). Seth McFarlane (this one I'm a little embarrassed about) and Seth Myers.

  96. This one is not a "celebrity", per se, but a musician. I have a mad crush on Jerry Cantrell. Oh my god, a bad, bad crush! :)

  97. Forgot about Steve Martin! And totally crushed on Tony Curtis when I was a kid. And after seeing Clark Gable the first time I saw Gone With The Wind, I thought he was great too.

  98. well, well, well, Tim Roth, Alan Rickman, Damien Lewis, Mitch Pileggi, *sigh* Skinner would rock my world..

  99. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Again, a lot of these people are totally not shameworthy or surprising. Shit, who DOESN'T have a crush on Ryan Gosling or Liam Hemsworth?

    Miri, I think Cillian Murphy is absolutely beautiful, too. Those eyes! Sigh ...

  100. The Phantom of the Opera-I have fantasies about him kidnapping me and taking me down into the dungeons and having his way with me! Creepy sexy...I know...strange...but wanted to share.

  101. Count me in for the Gene Wilder love. Such a sexy voice and sexy, sparkly eyes.

    A young Tim Curry was also rather hot, ditto a young Wayne Rogers and Michael Ontkean. I guess I have a thing for urly hair.

  102. Long-time visitor and finally commenting! I find Sam Rockwell very sexy. The bad-boy thing and him not being traditionally "attractive." Also, Edward Norton. They kind of look alike now that I think about it...

  103. Eddie Izzard. He is so very clever. Smart gets me every time.

  104. If we still had anonymous "Your Turns," I'd tell you, but mine is too shameful to ever be put in print. Possibly even worse than Justin Bieber.

  105. Christina Applegate. Ohhh ...

  106. mngddess, lol! I love that you shared your shameful crush with us! Now I'm wondering if Enty is secretly spying on our little group. The timing seems so coincidental! :)

  107. Jon Lovitz!

    That is one sweet piece of man candy!

  108. Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs:)

  109. Trey Anastasio from Phish, even though he's not really a celebrity, he is famous!

  110. This is so hard! I like bad boys or funny men.

    Judd Nelson - from Breakfast Club days.

    Val Kilmer - Top Gun days

    Joaquin Phoenix - not the hairy unwashed version, the Gladiator or Signs version.

    Steve Buscemi - something totally dreamy about him.

    Alexander Skarsgard - dreamy and perfect human...

    James McAvoy - Creepy bc I developed my crush when he played Tumnus in LWW.

    James Marsters - SPIKE! I love you forever!

    Then of course all the male stars of The Avengers (and baby Liam).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Old crush, a young Steve McQueen.

    Any time crush, Bill Nighy, Alan Rickman, Anthony Hopkins. It must be the voice.

    AS Matt Damon gets older I love him more.

  112. Has anyone said Bear Grylls? I try to pretend I haven't seen him drink his own urine :/

  113. Judge Marilyn Milian from People's Court. All that power is sexy, plus she's feisty as hell. I'd love to see what's under those robes

  114. Well, I have two crushes that I'd NEVER admit to anyone in person. Kind of ashamed of one, embarrassed of the other. Chris Brown and Kristen Stewart. There I said it.

    As far as secret crushes go, I really like these guys

    Jeff Goldblum
    Jim Belushi
    Judd Nelson
    Jeff Bridges
    Tom Cruise
    JC Chasez
    Joe Jonas

    And Crushes that I'd shout out loud

    Ryan Gosling
    Chris Evans
    Adam Scott
    Josh Hutcherson
    Zac Efron

    1. Oh! And if I liked women;

      Queen Latifah
      Rachel Bilson

  115. This is only half-shameful, but I have to add Vince Vaughn. I have been crazy about him since Swingers, and my friend and I used to freeze frame our VHS tape of VV sitting shirtless on the edge of a bathtub in the movie Return to Paradise. I don't care if he's puffy or has big bags under his eyes - he is my dream man. Swoon

  116. Now I want to start guessing who @Mookshi is too embarrassed to name. . . .
    Steve Buscemi?
    Aaron Carter?
    Danny Bonaduce?

  117. Paul Walker. Any time, any day and any place.

  118. LOL, Sunny. Someone more obscure than them. I would never be too embarrassed to admit I had a claim on Buscemi; he is awesome! I think my guy is less embarrassing than Bonaduce. Eww, he creeps me out.

  119. Dave Grohl - put part of the appeal is that he's such a nice guy/family man and doting dad...so you know, I guess I won't pursue it. lol

  120. @Sunny - I forgot about VV. He has that certain something too. A bit sleezy car salesman-like, but I bet he could talk the pants off of anyone in under 30 seconds. I would probably do it too.

    There was a time I would have thrown down with Owen Wilson, but he's to far gone.

  121. Buscemi was an NYC firefighter before becoming an actor. He may look a little creepy, but he's a tough guy.

  122. Sam Elliot - circa Mask, beautiful man, then and now.

    RDJ - Home for the holidays...I fell in love with him in the movie. Crazy, silly, sweet and tragic.

    Tim Curry - circa RHPS, and yes I'd do him in full wardrobe. He oozed a combo of sexy, crazy and camp.

    Roger Howarth - original Todd on OLTL. I'm not a huge blonde fan, but I so would.

    Neil Young/Bob Dylan - circa 1970's. Sandwich with brillant songwriting skills. Yes, I would.

    Gene Wilder - It's not even just the eyes and beautiful, wild curly hair...who could resist a man that could make you laugh until your sides hurt every day of your life?

  123. Alexander Skarsgard is my ultimate crush...he is on the top of my 'List' and my hubs is ok with that.

    I have a real nerd crush on Jay Baruchel...i find that whole awkwardness vibe rather alluring.

    Girl crushes....Elizabeth Banks (her laugh is so sexy) and i have always had a wet spot for Milla Jovovich!

    1. OMG, I forgot, Jay Baruchel is one of my crushes too. Mmmm mmm!

  124. I love Jack Black and Jaleel White! Even if Jaleel seems to be a bit douchey, he was my first crush when I was 5. Those aren't so secret though.

    I do secretly adore Mike from American Pickers. Old enough to be my dad, but he has a great laugh and has awesome salt and pepper hair.

    The celebrity I'd most like to sleep with would have to be Christopher Walken. Could you imagine what he would sound like in bed?

  125. "Perfect Strangers"-era Bronson Pinchot.

    There, I said it. Bizarre!

  126. Willem Dafoe maybe.

    Or Theon Greyjoy from TV Game of Thromes. I hate him. It would be angry sex but hot.

  127. Oh wait, I thought of a real secret crush: Rachel Maddow. Yeah, I know she's a lesbian, but she's got a cute ass.

  128. Henry Rollins. Lord have mercy...I've hung around to stand in line to meet him after shows, & more than once I've had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't make a total ass of myself by asking him, "would you mind if I kidnapped you for, say, 24 hours or so?" ;) I'd have to put duct tape over my mouth not to say it to Edie Izzard, given the chance!

    (Generally my top 5 are David Tennant, Christian Kane, Aidan Turner, Timothy Olyphant & RDJ)

  129. Old time people:
    Gary Cooper--probably the most handsome movie guy ever
    William Powell-just so freaking suave and cool
    Jimmy Stewart-Funny and a pure soul

    Girl crushes--Maureen O'Hara, Julie Andrews, Hepburns...both Katherine and Audrey...

    More current people--weird choices like Clooney, Obama, Olbermann....I guess I like smart and liberal, lol...I dunno.

  130. I cannot believe no listed Timothy Olyphant. Remember the kiss from Catch and Release?


  131. Jeff Bridges, RDJ, Jason Bateman

  132. Alan Rickman,Alan Rickman,Alan Rickman,Alan Rickman,Alan Rickman,and Alan Rickman ... did I mention Alan Rickman?

  133. Jesse Eisenburg, Alan Rickman, Jon Hamm (no shame on him, though)

  134. Ok I have a major thing for Vincent D'Onofrio. Don't ask me why cause I couldn't tell you but even when he was heavier I would still bone him. My best friend almost died when I told her.

    @Elizabeth~ you beat me to it. Olyphant was so freaking hot in that movie.

    The others I would screw stupid would have to be:
    Joe Manganeillo(with a paper bag over his head)
    Lenny Kravitz
    M. Shadows
    Aaron Paul
    I could go on but I will spare you guys.
    Charlie Hunnam

  135. Shaun White.
    Russell Brand.


  136. Sam Waterson! Throw the book on at me Sam!

  137. Oh, and Brent Spiner. I adore him in Fresh Hell.

  138. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I am on board with Alan Rickman.Also used to crush on the late John Candy. Now Robert Redford is the sexiest man who ever lived. And Robert Downey Junior is crush worthy...one of my Hollywood teenage crushes after I grew out of Shawn Cassidy and Matt Dillon.

  139. Audrey Tautou

    Sofia Milos (even though she is CO$)

    Olga Kurylenko

    Thandi Newton

    Jolene Blalock

    Classy; smart; beautiful and grown women. :)

  140. Eddie Izzard. I don't think I could watch "The Riches" without, you know, breathing heavily.

  141. OMG, did someone say Neil Young???!!! Me, too!!! I know where his house is on Google Earth, and I even picked out the house on Half-Moon Bay which I would buy so I could kidnap him and keep him there with me!!

  142. Mine are

    - Tyson Beckford
    - Tyrese
    - Bradley Cooper
    - Hugh Jackman
    - any man that smells good, dresses well and looks good in a suit.

    BTW: I agree that Matt D looks better as he gets older.

  143. I like athletes even though I'm completely out of shape. Aaron Rodgers, old school Steve Young and heaven help me, something about The Edge just makes me crazy. Love those musicians musicians!

  144. Alan Rickman
    Jeff Goldblum
    Drew Carey
    David Coverdale (hides head)
    Steve Zahn

    So I guess if you're dorky or have an accent, give me a ring! ;)

  145. Don't know if they are unconventional or not but I would totally do Luke Wilson , Tom Hanks and pierce Brosnan
    Though not all together lol Oh an Keanu Reeves

    1. I could do Keanu and Luke Wilson :)

  146. It's so awesome to read about everyone's crushes! My life long friends have never been the crush types. So always thought I was the only one. Also thought I'd grow out of it, never have....though my crushes have changed over time:)

  147. I feel so much better about my dirty, little secret crushes! You guys have mentioned all so I'm not alone in finding something sexy about them. This is a great topic! Oh and I would like to add Enty, who wouldn't love a chubby guy who loves bacon and who can discuss celebrity gossip and make you laugh? Lol

  148. Texshan - the item says secret crushes, not unconventional ones....

  149. joeseph gordon levitt...whatever his name is?

  150. You guys keep adding more guys that I forgot!

    Two that haven't been listed; Shane West (especially in the Walk to Remember days), and I like Kevin James. OH! and I loooove Richard Belzer! And if while I'm talking about law and order characters, Chris Meloni and Danny Pino! Mmmm Danny.

    In my opinion, though, the most beautiful man of all-time was Rock Hudson. Gay or not, that was 100% man.

    1. Not Robert Redford...in The Way We Were? Oh my..hot!

  151. Anonymous7:04 PM

    So my not-so-secret crushes, who are on my permanent, laminated list, are Nathan Fillion and Hugh Laurie. It kind of helps that my husband could be Nathan's (slightly younger) twin.

    Guilty pleasures include Benedict Cucumberpatch and RDJ. I feel really guilty about RDJ because he's obviously ridiculously in love with his wife. Even in my fantasies, I just can't escape the guilt. Also, I agree with @Mary Anne--Sam Waterston in his early Jack McCoy days. I'm ashamed about him because even 20 years ago, he's still way too old for me. I don't want to admit it out loud because no one ever understands.

  152. I once told friends my Bill Murray crush and was laughed at. So pleased others share my taste.
    My ultimate shamef*ck is Shia Labeouf. That boy (I am 17 years older than him) wouldn't be able to walk by the time I was through. Is it hot in here?

  153. mngddess. I read it it wrong too then.

    My current secret crushes need to be 'in character'

    Jon Snow
    Keanu Reeves circa Speed
    Jax from SoA
    Two of the guys from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica

  154. Richard Chamberlain, Steve Valentine and Michael Greyeyes

  155. When I was little and watching old movies with my mother, I really liked Gene Kelley and Perry Como. But I forget Cary Grant. I loved Cary Grant. Always have, always will. For a long time, I've really liked David Morse: love big men, and he is handsome and seems to have integrity. And I love David Patrick O'Hara. One NEVER hears anything about him, but I have a major crush on him.

  156. Girlcrushes:

    Patrice Donnelly, Jennifer Aniston,
    Thandie Newton

  157. Oh, Rick Moranis - the things I would do to you.
    Also, Joel Hodgson from Mystery Science Theater 3000. UNF.

  158. Eric Christian Olsen

  159. Late to the game, but whatever.
    Steve Martin
    Tom hardy
    Jake gyllenhaal
    Jeff bridges
    Jeremy renner
    Clive Owen

  160. I have a big crush on Julian Casablancas from the Strokes. I am old enough to be his mother, but every time I look at his big brown eyes I melt. I cannot tell my kids this because it would gross them out. But he really floats my boat!

  161. I love me some Chandler. So glad he has a new show. Hope this one lasts a little longer than his last two. I watch anything he's in.

  162. Old school H'wood - Cary Grant, William Powell. Love the sophisticated smart alecks. : )

  163. and my secret shame - Alec Baldwin. Also Steve Martin. and OMG, Richard Castle. Any time, anywhere.

  164. and Adam Duritz. Even with the homeless hair.

  165. George Clooney. Keanu Reeves. David Letterman. My list keeps getting longer. I think I might be a little bit of an imagination ho. haha

  166. Most people are stating crushes that are nowhere near shame-worthy...so I will add Lizzie Caplan to my crushes.

  167. All the actors from The Shield. Gawd I loved that show. Years ago, Enty posted photos of several actors attending some event, and I think all were wearing bad sunglasses (daytime event), and the comments here were along the lines of, "who?" "they're gross". Those comments broke my heart.

    I love them. All of them. Jay & Benito are particularly yummy.

  168. Oh, but my shame fuck *was* Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy). But he's so full of himself that it turned me off.

  169. William Fichtner...

    Go figure

  170. @IceAngel Oh guuuurrrl you're gonna have to fight me for him! I too have a thing for disfigured psychotic sociopathic geniuses with mommy issues and a sexy voice.

    On guard!


  171. Jon lovitz... Don't judge me :(

  172. @KPeony!!! I thought I was the only one who crushed on Mike! I watch Pickers with the hubby and kids and I'd die if any of them knew!!!


    I forgot girl crushes-the girl from Storage Wars don't know her name.

    Sarah Palin!!! And Todd is just HAWT!!!

    And totally not my type??? Eminem!!!

  173. What's shameful about crushing on Lizzie Caplan? She's pretty.

  174. OMG you guys may as well add Prince Harry to the list. TMZ has naked photos of him taken at a strip pool party last weekend! Prince Charles will be pissed! I checked Daily Mail and nothing yet, wait until they wake up!

  175. Most embarrassing crush ever: Wojohowicz from Barney Miller. I have no idea why...

  176. Mario Lopez
    Jesse Metcalf
    Michael Clarke Duncan
    50 Cent

  177. Hm - most people didn't get the point of this thread: this is about embarrassing crushes you'd rather not admit, not crushes on Gosling or Alexander Skarsgard, which are a given.

    That said, Louis CK is mine. Usually find men like him totally unattractive, but he's so great on his show that he's completely beguiling. At this point I'm wondering why he doesn't get more attractive women on his show, because he certainly deserves them.
    He's great.

  178. My relatable crushes? RDJ, ever since my jr high days, and Dave Grohl, all day, er day. My weirdest ones? Potsy from Happy Days, I swooned over the episode when Joanie had her crush, and he sang to her in the end...and also Greg Kinnear from his talk soup days, I used to catch myself smiling at the tv like a dork every time I watched! So embarrassing!

  179. I'm late to this, but!

    My crushes aren't particularly secret:

    Johnny Depp. Beautiful man. Period.

    Bono. I REFUSE to acknowledge he's looking like Robin Williams. Nope, nope, nopitty nope! Okay. Kinda untold: I do find Robin sexy. There. I said it!

    Girl crush: I was blown away when I first laid eyes on Angelina Jolie in "Gia." What a gorgeous creature she is; she's not even human to me, she's that gorgeous. I know she's a li'l strange, but that's okay. So am I!

    To those who shouted out James Spader and Micheal Pitt: Oh hell yes. Hellll yes!

  180. Oh yeah, and I would totally bang Jim Morrison. Not dead, though. I'm just not that freaky. =)

  181. Seldom have celebrity crushes, but currently have one on Jason Segel. In the past, Woody Harrelson and Jim Carrey. I also had a little crush on Seth MacFarlane - it appeared we like the same shows and humor and that he needed "rescuing", somehow. With all his success, don't think he needs rescuing now (plus, gay maybe?) This is fun, so many varied answers!

  182. Ditto on the Alan Rickman, and guys with voices. Those non-Americans like Cillian Murphy are nice because they can woo in Irish or maniac. Back in the day I would have said Donald Sutherland had the goods, but who wants President Snow in the boudoir. Sorry, Donald (except I'm not because heard you're a prick with a capital P.)

  183. A little on this but I am so infatuated with Michael Caine. I don't care that he is at least 40 years older than me, I so would.
