Friday, August 17, 2012

Your Turn

Have you read 50 Shades Of Grey? Will you ever read it? Would you read the book version or electronic version? Has anyone heard of a book club that is reading it?


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Have not and will not read it. It looks like anyone can become a writer nowadays.

  2. Haven't read it, don't intend on reading it.
    And vampires do not sparkle.

  3. Nope. Not planning on it.

  4. everyone i know is reading it, i've heard its poorly written and frankly i don't read trashy novels. I get enough of that on gossip sites LOL i can't OD on that stuff

  5. I bought it and started reading it because someone I knew said it was good. I couldn't get past the first ten pages.I learned my lesson on buying a book without knowing what it is about.

  6. I have not and will not. I do, however, know lots of uptight soccer moms who have devoured the entire series, and enjoy posting crap about it on Facebook.

    I would also probably pay admission to hear a book club composed of said soccer moms discuss the series. That would be solid gold.

  7. i tried to read it but its so badly written it made me want go gouge out my own eyeballs. so. freaking. annoying.....

  8. Haven't and won't, mainly because there are too many great books out there to waste on something that began as Twilight Fan-fic. Just finished "Gone Girl"- loved it! "Dare Me" was also great...very Bring It On + Fight Club + Heathers.

    1. Thanks for the recommendations! Just read the reviews and both these books sound interesting.

  9. NOOO!!!!!

    But I may watch the trashy movie. 90 minutes of sexy eye candy would make it worth the painful dialog.

  10. No, while it may be "erotic" I hear it is poorly written. I believe there are some hilarious reviews on Amazon.

    My husband starting reading it and couldn't get through it.

  11. I'm the holdout amongst my friends. I'll still keep holding out

  12. No. No. Neither. No.

    I didn't read Twilight, and I'm not going to read the poorly written fan fiction.

  13. Even if I hadn't heard anything but what garbage it is, it's not my type. I like satire, mysteries/thrillers, and more classically regarded things.

  14. They called this "'Mommy Porn". I almost peed myself from that alone. No, I will not be reading this. The few I know who did like it aren't even sure what erotica is I don't think.

  15. Nope. I'm literate.

  16. No. No. None of those listed. Yes, and that's really sad. :-/

  17. I will not allow myself to read shitty writing. However, if my Fassbender is in the movie version, I'm so very there.

  18. I've read them all! I think it should be a tv series on hbo or something...too racy for a movie

  19. I read the first 3rd of the first book. It was so dumb. I can't believe that there is enough content for the rest of the book, let alone 3! I didn't get it, if I want to get off why read porn when I can watch it?

  20. From the second review on Amazon...

    "And oh, the repetition...and the repetition...and the repetition. I'm convinced the author has a computer macro that she hits to insert one of her limited repertoire of facial expressions whenever she needs one. According to my Kindle search function, characters roll their eyes 41 times, Ana bites her lip 35 times, Christian's lips "quirk up" 16 times, Christian "cocks his head to one side" 17 times, characters "purse" their lips 15 times, and characters raise their eyebrows a whopping 50 times. Add to that 80 references to Ana's anthropomorphic "subconscious" (which also rolls its eyes and purses its lips, by the way), 58 references to Ana's "inner goddess," and 92 repetitions of Ana saying some form of "oh crap" (which, depending on the severity of the circumstances, can be intensified to "holy crap," "double crap," or the ultimate "triple crap"). And this is only part one of a trilogy...

    If I wrote like that, I'd use a pseudonym too."

  21. I am reading Shadow of Night right now. The second book in the Discovery of Witches series by Deborah Harkness. This is a grown up story for lovers of vampires, witches and all things supernatural.

    Harkness is an academic and great writer. She interweaves so much Englush history into the story that I'm constantly looking up stuff to see what is true and what is fiction. They take me a long time to read with all the Big Girl words.

    1. Excellent books! I can't wait for the third one!

  22. The last book I read because everyone else loved it - The Bridges of Madison County. So badly written, made me want to vomit. No way on gray.

  23. read all of them. i just had to know what all the fuss was about and once i start something i just can't stop, and believe me i wanted to stop.
    i didn't have high expectations but my god. these books are terrible.
    the first one i admit, hooked me. it hooked me good. i could overlook the terrible writing and the constant repetition because the book was quite entertaining. (maybe because i had never read about bondage and S&M)
    i finished it in 3 days and couldn't wait for the second one.
    OMG. the second and third book are just HORRIBLE.
    it's the same thing over and over and OVER. all of the characters seem so lacking of depth and just so boring. i personally ended up HATING the main character anastasia. ugh, talk about the anti feminist-all that is wrong with the world- kind of person.
    so yeah, i read it, and it sucked, BUT! i do think itt would make a great HBO series. sort of like true blood but without the vampires. i think the HBO writers could make it genious.

  24. Slate (online magazine) actually did a book club podcast about it and it was interesting. They talked about female assertiveness, stereotyping, etc. It was a good discussion. I haven't read the book because I can't stand to read things that are poorly written. But I enjoyed hearing the Slate folks, who are all well-educated, discussing the themes of the book.

  25. Nope and I never ever will. My summer reading consisted of reading the Game of Thrones books. Took me 3 months but I finished all 5! Only 4k pages! I highly recommend them.

  26. I read it and didn't like it. You can tell the author was influenced by Twilight. Not well written at all. I just started 1963 by Stephen King.

    Thank you for the recommendation @dia papaya I will check her out :)

    1. Stop reading 1963, you'll just be disappointed :-(

  27. @nola - good point there. That man is sex on a stick. I about died when I took my kids to see X-Men Origins.

    I didn't get into the particulars with them, of course, but definitely knew how to cast my vote in the "Who Do You Like Better - Magneto or Professor X?" vote that was taken later. Holy smokes!

  28. I'm not going to read it. I do read romance novels, but those generally have a plot. When sex is used in a story, it should further the plot along--not be the entire book. Also, the whole BDSM(if I got the acronym right) thing squicks me out. If people are into that thing, cool, but I don't enjoy reading about it.

  29. Carebear! I'm reading those next! That's good winter reading for dreary Portland.

    1. Dia- you will love them! I'm so obsessed with them. Some people I work with and my brothers were reading them and they convinced me to start. I'm so glad I did. I bought them in paperback so I had major back issues lugging them around, that's the only drawback!!

  30. Oh, Sass, I'm fixin to start that book, too! I just read Hearts in Atlantis, and it was magnificent.

  31. Have not and will not. Also would not belong to any book club that would consider reading it. My feeling is that life is short and there are too many good books worth reading, so I would not waste precious time reading this garbage.

  32. Nope, no desire to read. I hear it's abysmally written, plus... I can find well-written erotica if I want it. Not enough time to devote it reading drek.

    I would also probably pay admission to hear a book club composed of said soccer moms discuss the series. That would be solid gold.

    Oh, me too, Frufra. Me too.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. And if you're Sass71 because you were born in 1971, high five, sister! Or if not, still high five :-).

  35. Will not read it. I heard is was a pile of c*** as far as the writing goes.

  36. Another review. Actually, these reviewers are pretty good.

    "Holy Cow! Triple crap! My inner goddess just kicked the stuffing out of me for finishing "50 Shades" of the worst book ever written; my psyche may never recover. I'm sure this must be some type of hoax perpetrated by a 10th grader, with unsupervised access to the internet, because it's hard to believe that an adult actually wrote this drivel. Simply put, the characters are flat and uninteresting, the dialog is beyond childish, and the writing is sophomoric. Oh, and the book has no plot. I've never read a book with no plot before, and in the future, I'll try to avoid reading another."

  37. Yes! To Fastpeener. I mean Fassbender!

    Although I can't chose between McAvoy and Fassbender. I have a crush on McAvoy bc of his sexy Scottish accent and witty humor and dreamy blue eyes. Decided! They both join my harem!

  38. @Patty Whoa. Who has the time to count that shit out? Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to to be snarky on an Amazon review.

    My Beloved is reading it before me as I tend to be very sensitive and get really really immersed into movies, music and books. I can't watch horror movies anymore, they're so visceral that it's actually physically painful. The last horror movie I saw in theatres was Silent Hill- never again omfg. Though I was able to sit through Prometheus but I think that's probably b/c I was so fascinated by the symbolism. I hid behind my sweater for the gross, violent parts.

    He likes it. He's read some excerpts out of the 1st book he's in the middle of and it's pretty hot. I thought the serial emailing scene was cute. From what he's read to me, their relationship is a bit overly dramatic and their egos keep butting heads....but hey, that's plot progression for ya lol. :)

  39. I'm on the second one right now and, like sts, I read it because everyone was making such a fuss and I have a thing about finishing books that I start. My husband calls them Fifty Shades of Cliche, and he is right. I think it is sad that it promotes the stereotype of the naive and virginal female and even goes so far to be critical in many places about her roommate (who I believe would have a MUCH better story!) Thankfully, I am reading a couple other things at the same time, so it won't totally drain my brain.

  40. Won't read it. Even if it were well written, I don't care for female submission.

    I prefer non-fiction - history, biography, etc. Also love murder mysteries. Just started "D-Day" by Martin Gilbert, one of my favorite history authors.

  41. Patty - that is too funny! How many times are that and the in there? Sounds worse than grammar school writing! No, won't read.

  42. Haven't read it. Don't plan to read it. One of my friends who did told me I should write a book like that. Won't do that either! LOL

  43. Sadly, I did read it and it is as awful as everyone says it is. Horribly written, unlikeable characters and a gross misrepresentation of the BDSM lifestyle. Also, I just don't get the appeal of a mentally unstable, verbally and physically abusive asshole who just happens to be rich and handsome.

  44. I read them in paper book format. I'm a librarian, and it's all we heard about for weeks. At one point, there were over 500 people on the wait list for this book. I read them because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. After reading them, I still don't' see what the fuss is all about, but this book is getting people reading, so I'm all for it. I don't judge people for what they read, I just love to see people reading. I am curious about all the 80 year old women who are coming in and requesting this book. I wonder if they even know what it's about, or if they're reading it because it's all anyone's talking about.

  45. Wont ever!

    I was in on the whole Diamond Club thing and that book was more entertaining. Cost wise I rather go with a dumb book ment to be dumb with lots of humor. Rather than a book trying to be serious but is really actually dumb.

  46. @Coriander, the reviewer used his/her Kindle to count that.

    Those reviews may be worth the time to read. They are pretty funny.

  47. Haven't read it, won't read it, and am tired of hearing about it.

  48. What nyccc girl said

  49. The Story of O. Read it? It's the original.

  50. Like many of you above I also read the books because It's was all I heard about everywhere I went. The books are blah to me. So many people are focused on the writing and the plot, which weren't anything special, but what really got me was the female protagonist. It really pissed me off that this woman would allow this hot rich man basically abuse her both verbally, emotionally, and physically in the bedroom. Seriously, what kind of message are we sending!! The only way to "resolve" any issues they had, which really never got resolved, was to have sex so the bitch would stop yapping the asshole could get off. I think that las sentence might even sum up the plot.

  51. haven't read it and won't. while i love smut, the reviews on this are horrible, so not interested.

  52. read it before all the hoopla, thought it was fun reads but there are much better hard core stories to be read.

    It's mommy porn and I think the movie won't live up to the hype.

  53. Read them all on my kindle right before they really hit big. Read "Gone Girl;" sooo good!

    @Dia the Deborah Harkness books are next on my reading list!

  54. Hmmm...not sure why people are such snobs.

    Calm down America it's just a book.

    (Notice how I made sure to add the apostrophe)

    That means i'm better than you.


  55. No, mostly b/c I'm a dude. Secondly b/c I don't like poor writing. Besides, I can always just reminisce my college years instead. Kidding. Maybe.

  56. No desire to read it especially with my 8 yr old daughter that is curious to read out loud all books mommy has in her closet thankfully I only have the alchemist and atlas shrugged

  57. Have not read it, will not read it.

  58. I have not nor do I ever plan to. I wonder if there are any dudes that have read it.

  59. I don't have a lot of time to read books but I am making an effort to read Duma Key this summer. I'm pretty exclusive to Stephen King or Thomas Harris.

    1. Duma Key is great. I loaned it to my dad and it gave him nightmares.

  60. Read it when it was just a fanfic (Im a twi-hard)…bought it on kindle when it was published….and still re-read every now and then. *holds head up high* LOL

  61. Yes! I agree its badly written, but so is the Twilight books. I guess like crappy writing. hahahaha

  62. I'm ashamed to say I read them. In my defense, it was right before they blew up on the web. They were the biggest pile of shit I've ever read. I was really bored and depressed at the time so I guess that's why I didn't drop them.
    And The Game of Throne series are one of the best series I've read to date. If you are in to the whole vamp genre, I recommend J R R Ward's The Blackdagger Brotherhood or Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake Vampire Executioner series.

  63. @dia papaya LOVED Shadow of Night and have no idea how I will make it another year until the third book. To those who haven't read Harkness, don't be put off by the vampires/witches. It's nothing like Twilight, more like historical fiction with some supernatural elements.

    1. @LadyLagerfeld - I'm reading it slowly bc I don't know how I will wait a year either. Glad to know you loved it. The beginning was really confusing, but it's getting good. I'm do excited!

      Thanks for the better explanation! I was really surprised by how much I liked the first book :)

  64. Haven't read it, and am not going to. I've seen a few excerpts, and the writing is abysmal. I'm still regretting Twilight. I read it to see what the fuss was all about, but I won't do that again. Waste of money I could've used on good books.

  65. I wouldn't even read "Twilight." Why on earth would I read bad AU "Twilight" fanfic when I'd happily delete the original from the literary universe?

  66. I read the first 2 books on my e reader. haven't bought the third 1 yet, but I will eventually. no rush since they aren't that great.

  67. I downloaded the free sample for my Kindle, read a few pages, and never went back to it. *Boring* and trite. I can believe it's Twilight fanfic, because both books had very one-dimensional weak female protagonists. If you want to read BDSM porn, there is so much better written material on the Internet. And those often come with auto-scroll features, so you only need one hand to read with :-)

    Every time I hear that the book is Twilight fan fic, I wonder what the Twilight author -- a hard core Mormon -- thinks of her series inspiring the best selling female porn novel ever. But hey, I'm evil that way :-)

  68. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Nope. When all the fuss started, I looked at the books on Amazon, and that little feature where you can read a few pages? That did it for me, I didn't want to waste my money on something so badly written.

  69. I, too, wanted to know what the fuss was about.

    So I went on Google, and typed in "excerpts from 50 Shades Of Grey" and up came some of the most contrived, un-sexy bullshit I have ever feasted my eyes upon. The first thing that came to mind was "I don't think this writer has ever actually HAD sex, especially not the BSDM kind".

  70. Any time something is called "Mommy Porn ", it's going to be a laughfest. Have no plans to ever read that godawful trash.

  71. I read 60 pages of it because this girl I knew LOVED them. Bleh, not for me.

  72. Have not, do not want, and will not.

  73. @Patty Oh, well that makes sense then. Upon retrospect, my comment came out sounding a lot bitchier than I meant it. My bad. :)

    ...though I do know a few ppl that I wouldn't put past them to actually count out the words and phrases just for the sheer trolling joy of it, lol.

    @Sheri LOVED your comment! Enty put up a hilarious video awhile ago showing older ladies watching and commenting on KK's sex tape. Someone needs to make one showing the same ladies reading 50 Shades.....that would blow my mind, haha!

  74. I read it back when it was Twilight Fanfic called "Master of the Universe." It was a very well known fic, which I never understood because the writing is so terrible, as bad or worse than the original Twilight. (If you want good Twilight BDSM fic, try "The Submissive" series by Tara Sue Me.) I was honestly disappointed when the story was published as 50SoG, because there are lots of fic writers out there who are 1. talented writers and 2. genuinely nice, neither of which could be used to describe EL James.

  75. no, haven't read it & I really don't know what it's about.

  76. Oh, thank god you're all (mostly) sane and avoiding that steaming pile of shit! I saw a flight attendant reading the book version on a plane recently and was embarrassed for her.

    I just finished the 4th book from the Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire) series. Also not the best writing in the world, some descriptions are repeated ad nauseum, but a damn awesome story nonetheless.

  77. @bobbi1025 Actually my favorite artist, Luis Royo, did the covers for some of the Anita Blake books. I've tried my whole career to emulate the understanding he has of the female body and face. He can do such delicate, soft work with an airbrush and considering he's largely an erotica/Heavy Metal genre artist that's saying something...most of them love the torpedo boobies that seem to weigh 20lbs each look, lol. He did some of that in his earlier career, but he's progressed so much. I adore his work enough to make me want to read the books just because of his art.

    Excuse my artgasm lol.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. No. I read the preview you get on kindle and it was beyond bad. I knew I wouldn't spend $ or time on it when I found out the protagonist's name is Anastasia Steele. Really. So corny.

  80. I am an avid reader. I have absolutely zero interest in reading this book. Too many quality books out there that I would rather spend my time with.

  81. Hold the phone! I enjoyed 1963 by Stephen King. It is not perfection, but good-hearted and imaginative, as always. "Of course it is..."

  82. @Coriander- I just googled him and he is very talented. There are some awesome pictures on the site I looked at. Have you read the books he collaborated on? I believe they were Dead Moon and Dead Moon Epilogue.

  83. Yes @Frufra!!! LOL
    I must admit, I haven't enjoyed King's books as much since he was in his accident. Cell broke me from reading anything else of his, but Mr. Sass (hahahaha love you honey) really liked it and thought I would.

  84. I just finished it and intend to read all three, just because I am a sexual deviant. The writing is crap, and so far I am super unimpressed with the BDSM aspect of it as well. But I have to finish a series once I start it, maybe it will get kinkier. I hope.

  85. I gave not, will not, Sam I Am.
    You can buy it in a walmart, therefor it is not erotica.
    I have one I enjoy called Enchanted: erotic bedtime stories. That's a good one.

  86. I won't because I've heard it's so poorly written and slogging through the Twilight series about killed me. However, I may jump on the lady-porn train and read Ann Rice's Sleeping Beauty.

  87. Dia, I devoured the Harkness books on my vacation last week. Gone Girl was on my list to read next. Initially, I was excited about all of free online books at Amazon why I get my iPad but goddamn! So many poorly written books. Will happily pay for high quality now!

    Fifty Shades of Grey . . . meh. I love erotica and there is so much of it for free on Literotica. Free, and far better written.

  88. I have not, and will not. I've heard it's very poorly written and if it's from twihard territory I have no interest at all.

    I like mysteries, thrillers, complicated books, or books that give you a life lesson.

    Read some of these...
    The Life of Pi by Yann Martel

    An Instance Of The Fingerpost by Iain Pears

    The Journeyer by Gary Jennings

    Or anything by Gary Jennings.

  89. Dia, loved discovery of witches, now you have inspired,e to read her newest! Lady, dare me is excellent, it would make a great movie. Also just finished the beautiful ruins, highly recommend it, and between you and me, by the authors of the nanny diaries, which is a thinly veiled fictionalized account of the Britney spears breakdown, pretty interesting. My book club is threatening to read 50 this fall, and it might just mean we have to break up, like Turkish said, there are just too many worthwhile books out there.

  90. No, no, absolutely not and no.

  91. @Dia - Knew I liked you! Discovery of Witches is one of my favorite books and I really enjoyed Shadow too. I read Discovery when I was pregnant and got pretty obsessed with the book (was a member of Deborah's group on Facebook and posted a bunch of Easter eggs I found).

    Game of Thrones is one series that people keep telling me that I need to read (seriously about 15 people at this point). It's on my list.

    My Mommy group started a book club and alas, the first book is 50 Shades. I refuse to read the book on the grounds that it's so poorly written (I am not a prude in any way and I *highly* doubt any of the content book would surprise me). I'm skipping the first meeting, even though they are having a sex toy person come to the meeting as well.

    1. Thanks Megsablue! I am obsessed too! It's a bit embarrassing.

  92. I was having a bad case of insomnia when I read it. I was really hoping he would go all kinds of 6 1/2 weeks crazy on her. The ending was boring.

  93. Nope. Only because BDSM and het do nothing for me, though. I have no problem with reading and paying for something that started out as fanfic, as long as the story interests me.

  94. Also, I knew that fanfic would crossover like this at some point. (However, I do wish it had been a better written fic. Best foot forward, writers. But oh, well. That's the way it crumbles, cookie-wise.) I expect lots of conventions common to fic will become more common in original fiction as well. It was absolutely bound to happen, and I don't think it's going to be all bad, no matter what the Chicken Littles in publishing have to say about it.

  95. Meghan, I have friends who read it back when it was Master of the Universe, and they all say the exact same thing, about the fic AND the author.

  96. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I started reading it but the writing was so awful that I just couldn't go on but I've read several of the 'sexier' scenes since (online and a few friends emailed them to me b/c they too thought it was a joke since we all share a love for BDSM both in erotica and real life), and I didn't find them that erotic or just plain interesting/original at all.

    I read a lot of well-written erotica so it's obvious that the only reason this series/author is getting any kind of attention is b/c of the Twilight connection and nothing else. It may be a moneymaker but she's going to down in history as one of the biggest fakes and that's even if people remember this series after the Twilight bullshit dies down. I'm confused as to how a woman in her 40s would be into Twilight in the first place so right off the bat I questioned her taste and her abilities.

    The fact that so many people are shocked by it or think it's sexy makes me feel bad for their vanilla sex lives.

    Yep, being totally judgmental at the end.

  97. No, and I do not plan on reading it..I love to read, book shopping at Chapters is my favorite saturday morning ritual. I read a great deal about the book on-line but it never grabbed me. Also a few months ago the book was discussed on this site and judging from the critical comments, I decided it was not worth my weekly book allowance

  98. No and I don't plan on reading it. I picked it up in a bookstore recently and it was so horribly written. I love books and the written word, but just no to poorly written trash.

  99. No, no, neither and no.

  100. I have friends who write fanfic, friends who write smut, friends to write BDSM smut, friends who write smutty fanfic, and friends who write smutty BDSM fanfic, PLUS I have access to whatever I can find online. Why in the world would I bother to read badly-written porn like that? I also have plenty of friends into BDSM, so I have some understanding of the lifestyle, and what's described in the book is NOT how such things should be done. Sheesh...

  101. no. no. no. nevr, no, no, & nope.

  102. Enty, yes, there is a book club that is reading this.

    It's called "Himmmm's Inner Circle".

    Where's Shelly?

    1. Agent! I love you! I love that you never let this go.

      And Himmmm's Inner Circle made me laugh :)

  103. some girl i know (not exactly a friend, but more of an acquaintance) gave it to me when i dropped her off at her apartment when she was very drunk. she had her boyfriend read it to her. i tried to read it a couple times since it has been a big deal in the news, but i could not get in to it. too ridiculous. i prefer wildness/survival/history type books.

  104. @bobbi1025 I've seen some of the art for the Dead Moon books, but I haven't read them. They're the ones with the heavy Asian influence correct? He brought his proliferation of tattoos and exotic piercings from one of the art books he did right before Dead Moon.

    I started with Dreams, which is like a motley of his various commissioned work. The two pieces on the front and back cover are some of my all time ever omg with a cherry on top favorite artworks ever- they inspired me to take my art seriously to try to create things that exotic & beautiful. My personal favorite is the Maleficent art book, "Black Tinkerbell" is one of the best pieces in that book.

    He did a book and a portfolio after that (maybe more) that were sex based....they were a little odd, but still beautiful. He also did a huge installment piece that was inspired by the Sistine Chapel but with his ladies and much more gothic. I *think* it was on the vaulted ceiling of an abandoned church, but don't quote me on the building itself. It was very very sexy so if it was done on the ceiling of a church that would be kinda ironically funny if they allowed him to do it. :)

    ....oh you got me going again lol! Jeebus Crispy I'm like a walking encyclopedia today!

  105. Oy! Not Maleficent damn auto-correct, Malefic! LOL.

    Wrong book anyway. I meant Visions. That's the one with "Black Tinkerbell" in it (she's on the cover). Malefic came before Dreams and has the chick with the sword on the cover.

    I blame it on this B-complex that's making my tummy hurt. (Plant-based vitamin my ass.)

  106. @ dia. I have all the books in A Song of Ice and Fire for kindle or iPad, I can email them to you if you don't want to buy.

    So far, I have read them through twice, think I will go again before the sixth book.

    1. Hi astro! Sorry I had to get some sleep last night! That is good to know when I'm ready to read them. So is it Saturday morning there? I get confused about the time.

  107. Since everyone seems to be recommending books, I'll throw in my two cents.
    I have read all of the Outlander Series (Diana Gabaldon) Its a daunting task as there are 8 books about 1000 pages each. But good (maybe the last books drag)
    In that same type of historical fiction genre are the Sara Donati authored series which starts with Into the Wilderness. This is aa 6 series set , which concluded and I loved the final book.

    Leaving my favorite 3 book series for last historical/fantastical type of genre is the Dalriada Series "A sweeping historical epic set in Roman Britain" starting with The White Mare. Author is Jules Watson. OMG I wish there were more of these!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and I wonder if anyone else has ever read them?

  108. I think it's smut and porn that glorifies S+M and abusive relationships and I will never read filth like this.There are moral boundaries that I will never cross.

  109. @dia Yes I just went back to yesterday's post to say good morning. To me you're 7 hours ahead, the day before.
    So now it's 10am Saturday for me, 5pm Friday for you ;)

  110. Nope and I never will. I can't stand poorly written fan fiction ..

    As far as A Song of Ice and Fire.. I've read them twice so far and I dork out on the Westeros site all the time ..

    " You know nothing John Snow " *chills*

    We have a street in PDX called stark street and for all you SOIAF heads I have on good information Stark street is about to get " Ned bombed " .. Look out kids.. Winter Is Coming!!

  111. I know my analogy is kooky, I just find it easier than counting back 17 hours.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. I just went back there to read about the tarot cards. Very cool! My grandma used to take me all the time to have my cards read. She's passed on but still visits me from time to time. She as a BIG presence in my mediumship classes.

    I loved that experience growing up. Going to psychic fairs with her in Arizona when we went to visit her. While the cards are powerful, someone with power needs to be operating them... Hmmmm... Hint. Hint!

    I used to be a great sleeper. Last few years with stress has screwed me up. It's sad really. I do love to sleep. Wahhh.

    Should we chat here or go back to yesterday? Haha!

  114. @Alicia and rejectedcarebear.

    If Enty posted a ASOIAF theories page on here, I would be on here all day.

  115. dia. I vote yesterday so we don't bug people too much

  116. Alicia! Are we still on for tonight? Would be happy to go to bed early after the week I had. But it would be fun toooooo!

    I can't be there right at 6:30, probably closer to 7. But let me know for sure bc I live in NE so it's definitely a drive. 'K.

  117. @dia, himmmm brought enty over the top with readers/ twitterers (is that a word?). Think it is a bright and clever spot in what otherwise seems to be turning to muck.

    Not sure why older readers despise him/her. Yes, we know that they know that we know that only himmmm knows who he/she is, or is not.We're a very knowledgeable family. Have a good time tonight !

  118. " we know that they know that we know that only himmmm knows who he/she is, or is not."

    Comment of the day for me, thanks Agent. :). Was hoping you may consider a less controversial t-shirt for the 'proof of life' photo

  119. I'm with astro; love the comment, Agent :-). Right on.

  120. I have read the first one, thought it was okay and started the second which I'm finding boring. I have all 3 though so I guess I will have to read the rest of it at some point, if I buy a book I will read it.

    There is.a line in the second book which really makes me laugh, can't vd bothered to find it but she lists the ingredients she gets out her fridge and expresses delight when she finds peas in the fridge. The repetitiveness Doesnt bother me I am just bored of the book, and having people constantly ask me if I've read it (I work in a bookshop at the weekend and i always lie and say I haven't, dong want to talk about erotic fiction with the customers :p)

    I'm amazed so few here have read it. ;)

  121. I read it. I dug it. I like sex, I like sex a little rough, I like ready about both. lol. I know, its popular so now everyone hates it, but I liked it. I won't see the movie though. however to be fair I don't see many movies when I've read the book.

  122. no and no. if i was with a partner that was so boring i felt like i needed to read someone elses ideas of what would be sexy, i would just find a new partner.

  123. I'm reading it now. Highly entertaining brain candy. I don't care if it's trashy as long as it is fun to read.

  124. I'm curious about it, but I refuse to buy it as I don't want to contribute to the phenomenon - same reason I refused to buy any of the Twilight books or tickets to the movies. I did read the website it quoted all the best (aka worst) parts anyway. I did download the ebooks for free though - haven't gotten around to reading them, I have too many good books to read first.

  125. Nope.

    I don't read books where the main characters are named Anastasia and Christian....too Harlequin romance for me.....

  126. No, no, no and no. I just finished all of the Ice and Fire Books. Now I'm reading The Forgotten Man by Amity Shales about the Great Depression. I started the Hangman's Daughter on my mother's recommendation but I haven't been able to get into it yet and I usually dig books with death in them.

  127. Read about 2 pages and put it down. Absolutely some of the worst writing I have ever seen. It reads like an 8th grader wrote it thinking it was really clever.

  128. No way. I'm not into porn and I definitely don't want to read about a woman under the control of some jackass.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. And by 'good books' I mean: The Marriage Plot - Jeffrey Eugenides; The Wettest County in the World - Matt Bondurant; The Sheltering Sky - Paul Bowles; The Unconsoled - Kazuo Ishiguro; A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin; The Sky is Everywhere - Jandi Nelson; and maybe Harry Potter again. By the time I've finished reading all those I bet there will be thousands more quality books out for me to read so I don't think I'll ever have time to read 50 shades of shit.

    Also definitely a no to seeing the movie in the cinema - our local cinema is poorly ventilated and the thought of breathing through my scarf for two hours to block the smell of unwashed and overworked genitals gives me the dry heaves.

    1. Still laughing over your post. 50 shades of shit!! Really hit my funny bone.

  131. @dia damn I missed your comment !! :'(

    Raechel and I met up for ciders.. She's great and we are on for next week too so I'll keep you posted!!

  132. For anyone who likes SOIAF, I recommend The Darkness That Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker.
    He has an awesome way of making his characters multi dimensional. None of his characters are all good or all bad. They are many shades (of grey) :-)

  133. Have not and will not read the book(s), will not see the movie(s) and have not even read the comments here about it. A total PASS for me.

  134. for all non-fans, these reviews made me laugh so hard I was crying.

    this is just for book #1, but it links to #2 and #3. I love the slow, sad death of the review writer's will to continue producing anything related to this series. much like my will to live while I tried to power through book #1.

  135. No to all questions...I could never stomach a book like this. I have a co-worker who just LOVED the books; but, she's not a reader (unless you count O Magazine and the weekly grocery store circular) so I could understand why she went gaga. But, I agree with Diana...I do think the people who went bananas for these books must have a boring sex life.

    My co-worker, while married, hasn't had sex in 10 (!) years. She and her husband have separate bedrooms. More like roomies than spouses. So weird to me. I automatically think 50 Shades lovers must be like her. Sorry for the judgment.

    Re: Stephen King...I am a big King reader, my all-time fave was the unabridged version of The Stand. He had to cut 500 pages from the book for its original publication; the unabridged is phenomenal. I also hate when a book of his disappoints me, but that's usually because it'll have some super weird sci-fi wrap up (Under the Dome). Just finished Bag of Bones, that was a good (but tough) one.

  136. Bronies (the male My Little Pony fans - my son is one), the novel is being called: 50 Grades of Hay

  137. No and No. I admit I get stubborn when it comes to "having" to read books endorsed by the unwashed hordes. I still haven't read any Harry Potter books.

    I did read the Hunger Games series and the Twilight series to see what the fuss was about, and I'm still wondering. People realize those are teen books, right???

    I've heard enough about the drivel-factor for 50 Shades that I don't need to read them. If someone goes so far as to bemoan the time they'll never get back that they spent reading these books, I honor their sacrifice by not making the same mistake. :)

    Ann Rice wrote a BDSM-tinged fantasy series on Sleeping Beauty about 100 years ago (okay, in the 80s), so I don't see why all the deprived mommies of the world don't go read that. It's an actual story series by an actual author.

  138. Nah. Nope!

    There's a lot of great stuff out there. I like a bit of cheese as much as anyone, but I still feel I can afford to be choosy.

  139. NOPE.

  140. The library has it for download on mp3/wma, but the first two parts are signed out, so I've got number 3, (Fifty Shades Darker) and I'm listening to that.


  142. No. Probably not. I do not own an e-reader. A few ladies in my book club mentioned it as a possibility, but it hasn't been listed yet.
