Friday, August 10, 2012

Your Turn

What musical group would you like to see reunite? What movie would you like a sequel or remake of?


  1. *NSYNC.. sorry. I wish they would and go on tour so I can see them.

  2. Woodstock for the music.

  3. Replies
    1. Morresey is coming to our little Podunk town. I about died when I heard.

    2. Ditto on the smiths. But it will never happen. Too much bad blood between drama queen morrissey and guitar god, johnny marr. Smh

  4. I would love to make a really scary version of "A Christmas Carol." With well-done ghosts and a really authentic Victorian flavor.

  5. Reunions are always so awkward, because everyone is past their prime and past their relevancy.

    If I could go back in time I'd see The Velvet Underground, the Sex Pistols, Miles Davis, and Nina Simone.

  6. I saw the Smiths twice in 1985 and 1986. They were SO good.

  7. There was this band called Failure in the 90's....I'd like to see them.

    Most bands I would like to see reunite have either already reunited or involves someone resurrecting from the grave.

    Movies...I think they've already remade them all.

    1. Brenda L. - you are my new favorite person. Besides Richard Ashcroft, Ken Andrews is my favorite male singer. Failure was amazing. Ken toured 6-7 years ago and did some Failure and ON songs live in Chicago. I don't get nervous meeting people but I just about died talking to him like a 14 yr old fangirl!

  8. Musical group? I don't think they qualify, but the members of the Rat Pack.
    As for movie? I'm gonna catch such grief for this one, but "Bewitched"...but this time done right.

  9. Thankfully Spice Girls and the Monkees got back together, so I'd say Nsync. Yeah I went there.
    Movie- sequel to my all time favorite movie ever: Beetlejuice. BUT only if Michael, Tim and Winona are in it. Maybe Alec. Gina can come too. If I can't get that, I'd like the dreadful sequel to my other favorite movie to be erased from history. Teen Wolf TOO? Get outta here!

  10. It will never happen but Pink Floyd.

    Amber - oh boy would I love to have seen Miles live. With Coltraine too.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Fleetwpod Mac and the Eagles.

  13. Guess it's too late for the Beatles :(

  14. Replies
    1. Fuck yes! Can't believe I forgot them! Screw my other two bands! What I would give to see talking heads live!

    2. I second your fuck yes on the talking heads! LOVE them. That's so who I'd wanna see.

  15. I want an updated version of Clue. not a campy, straight to DVD version. Something with cutting comedy like in Bridesmaids, elaborate scheming like Dorm Daze, but suspenseful enough to keep me interested. And under NO circumstances should anyone with the last names Kardashian, Hilton, or Lohan be allowed in movie!

  16. I second the beetlejuice for movie sequel.

  17. I would so very much love Freddie Mercury to rejoin the living and his band.

    I hate remakes, so I've got nothing on that front.

  18. For the movie:
    The Goonies (my G.K. favorite).I was going to say Lion in Winter, but really, nobody can touch that.

  19. YES! Beetlejuice! Absolutely must have Michael Keaton in it though he would still KILL IT! Also, he is THE ONLY great Batman. JS.

  20. Oh, and I'm still hoping they do an Incredibles 2 someday!

  21. I want Zombie Freddie Mercury, or a time machine so I can see Queen live. I also want Steven Page to re-join Barenaked Ladies, but whatever.

    As dumb as it sounds, I really wish for another Sex and the City movie - one that doesn't blow goats. The ladies deserved a better send off than SATC pt 2.

  22. The Labyrinth!! With David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly again!!! Never going to happen...but how rad would that be?!

    1. I would give up my first born child to see this.

  23. I would so very much love Freddie Mercury to rejoin the living and his band.

    This and I'll add Michael Hutchence to the list, circa 1989. Yummy.

  24. The Commitments

    The Commitments

    It's a The

  25. Time machine back to 1987 and the original Guns n Roses. With Steven Adler on drums.

    Would also like to see the Beatles around their Rubber Soul-Revolver period.

  26. THE RACONTEURS. They broke up way too soon.

  27. Not a band, but there's a rumor that Kate Bush is going to perform at the Olympics closing ceremony, and I'm wetting my pants just thinking about it.

  28. @jolene..jack whites other other band?!?! They broke up?! Argh that's sucks. I got to see them a few years ago. They were brilliant.

  29. Labyrinth and Neverending Story both should be remade with new technology.

  30. I agree, a remake of Clue and a Beetlejuice sequel would rock. Back to the Future is too awesome to tamper with, I just wish I could watch the trilogy again for the first time. Also agree with Pink Floyd for the band.

  31. Genesis for the band and West Side Story for the remake. (tho i feel as if I will regret that wish and it will be like one of those step up dance movies UGH) Love the CLUE idea as well. Tho I did love that original movie with all of the different endings

  32. @VargasGirl - I swear I saw that neverending story is getting a remake... SWEAR it... I will try to find it again for you and post the link here

  33. @vargasgirl - here it is -

  34. If people can come back from the dead THE TEMPTATIONS!!!

  35. The Police, but I know I would never be able to afford that concert.

  36. Only because I watched it yesterday, I'd like to see a remake of Brainstorm.

  37. @Stacey, thanks, but 3 years ago, it's gotta be dead by now...ATREYU!!!!!!!!!

    1. He is actually in an upcoming movie called Sushi Girl. I think it's his first movie in almost 10yrs.

  38. Pink Floyd...I watched The Wall a few weeks ago and can't get Hey You outta my head

  39. @Krab, I second the Smiths!!! (I did manage to see Morrissey a few times solo though. :)

  40. Remake - Tommy, the Rock Opera. Though who would be good enough to reprise Elton John and Tina Turner at the height of their powers? Who could be Tommy?

    I saw Floyd live in the early 70's. Awesome,overwhelming, unforgetable experience.

  41. @Jolene, The Raconteurs put on a great show! Wish they had done more than 2 albums. :(

    Pink floyd! and if I could go back in time, Led Zeppelin.

  42. had done? Sorry, put out.

  43. Couple of days ago I would have said the Monkees. Now they are reuniting. What's left of them anyway.

  44. Couldn't think of a film, until I read other comments. Have to agree with "Beetlejuice".

    I adore Michael Keaton, he stole my heart in "Clean and Sober" and "The Dream Team".

  45. Beatles, Queen. Cant happen but id love to see it- well, hear it. Hmmm, remake- gone with the wind mb, with hot sexy leads.

  46. Peter Ceterra back with Chicago and Steve Perry back with Journey.

    If we can bring back the dead, then The Beatles.

  47. Temple of the Dog. They did one album, but what a doozy.

    Cosign remake of the Neverending Story. Seriously. Check out the original book by Michael Ende (and if possible, get it in hardcover, which color-codes the parallel narratives) - they could do some of the visuals now that they could do now that they couldn't do in the 80s. Especially in the book's second half, which isn't in the movie that most people are familiar with. Besides, I'm thinking Rooney Mara w/b a good Xayide.

  48. NSYNC, En Vogue, TLC (I really miss them - RIP Left Eye)

    I would love to see a sequel to The Prestige, with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale.

  49. Not the biggest of bands, but I miss Del Amitri. One of their songs, Be My Downfall, brings back a time and a place so vividly I can almost smell the Paco Rabanne... and, Justin Curry is knickers-droppingly gorgeous.

  50. Ghostbusters 3! It can be like Grumpy Old Men but with ghosts!

  51. Agree with others that I'm not much on reunions. The musicians are old, and usually have issues with each other that they're putting aside because they need the money. But I'd love to see the Grateful Dead or the Clash again.

  52. Music Group: Operation Ivy I also don't want them to reunite because they'd lose their earnest punk cred. Very few things in this world have earnest punk cred anymore.

  53. Rage Against the Machine and Guns 'N Roses for the band(s).

    As far as sequels or remakes - most of the good ones have already been done.

  54. @BlisterPlease-YES!!! totally the Temps with David Ruffin on lead and my other fav Junior Walker and the All Stars oh and the Spencer Davis group!!

  55. I always thought Nick Cage and Ashley Judd would have been great as Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I'd like to see them in a sequel where the assassins have kids now.

  56. It will never happen, but for the reunion I say Steve Perry rejoining Journey.

    For the movie, I want a sequel to "John Carpenter's The Thing" so I can find out if Mac, Childs, or both had been Thingized.

  57. Nsync
    Backstreet Boys
    Fleetwood Mac
    Fall Out Boy

    and I'd love a sequel to A Walk To Remember

  58. Film: I demand a remake of "Less Than Zero". I adored Ellis' novel and then saw the film, which was so SHIT! The film's narrative wasn't even comparatively close to the book's. Apparently Brett Easton Ellis was also very unhappy about the fiasco.

    Band: Oasis

  59. RHCP -WITH Frusciante

  60. I would love to see ABBA reunite and would pay top dollar for that , can't think of a movie but like a lot here would def love to see a beetle juice sequal but only with Michael Keaton :)

  61. I second the Beetlejuice mention. I need some more Beetlejuice & Addams Family in my life. IMDB says a stop motion Addams Family is in the works, I hope it's like Nightmare Before Xmas stop motion. That would be totally rad.

    OT: I'll be doing Sketchfest this weekend with a bunch of other artsy fartsy Faery people. It's open to everyone, even the mythical stick figure connoisseurs , we'd love to have you. We're kinda like one big family (with ego problems lol)....yeah like I said, one big family, lol!

    Wow, my first OT. Kinda feels like a rite of passage, lol. :)

  62. I would love to see ABBA reunite and would pay top dollar for that , can't think of a movie but like a lot here would def love to see a beetle juice sequal but only with Michael Keaton :)

  63. Cheesy as hell but iwould love to see Wham reunite.

  64. Oh, and they need to add Linsner's "Dawn" stuff into the amalgation of comic book stuff that Hollywoodland's been fascinated with lately.

  65. I would like to see a Breakfast Club sequel where the school has a 100th anniversary gathering and we catch up with all of them and where they are now. It couldn't be a reunion as they were in different years.

    1. Yes, feraltart! One of my favorite movies ever!

  66. a remake of The Sound of Music

    cast -baroness shrader -angie jo
    max - billy bob
    maria - juliette lewis
    capt. vt - braddy pitt

  67. iheartjacksparrow, Mac and Childs were not "thingified". They were men. They died as men. That is what made it work. They sacrificed themselves.

    As for music...Led Zeppelin. That would work.

    Movie remake-Enough. No more.

  68. Wish Layne could come back and we could have an Alice in Chains reunion. :(

  69. The Beatles, and A Hard Days' Night. Revolutionary band, and revolutionary movie.

  70. Music reunion? ABBA! But they were offered an absolute shitload of money to re-group about ten years back and every single one of them turned the offer down, so this probably won't be happening.

    Remake or sequel? I want a "Batman" movie with my favorite character, Robin, in it. This probably won't be happening either because Hollywood doesn't want to deal with the bigots who'll have fits and refuse to see the movie because they think Bats and Rob are gay. Sigh.

  71. White Stripes - Shawshank sequel: life on the island.

  72. I totally concur with ABBA and Queen! That would be beyond epic. And if I could have someone back from the dead it would be Warren Zevon. Damn I love his songs and his last appearance on Letterman choked me up.

    As for remakes- Less Than Zero is an excellent call. I would also like to see Snow Flower and the Secret Fan redone to actually match the book. Wtf happened with that adaptation?

  73. I totally concur with ABBA and Queen! That would be beyond epic. And if I could have someone back from the dead it would be Warren Zevon. Damn I love his songs and his last appearance on Letterman choked me up.

    As for remakes- Less Than Zero is an excellent call. I would also like to see Snow Flower and the Secret Fan redone to actually match the book. Wtf happened with that adaptation?

  74. I'd love to see a Reality Bites sequel. Imagine those characters 20 years later? Ben Stiller is doing stupid movies these days. I'm sure his career could use the boost.

  75. OMG @Yawnathon - a kindred spirit! Can't believe you got to meet Ken Andrews, that's pretty awesome. I've seen Autolux but Greg isn't the most approachable guy ever.

    Fantastic Planet is a just classic album. They really do need to reunite.

  76. OT:Monty Python comic Eric Idle is supposed to be conducting a mass
    singalong of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" at the closing Olympic ceremonies.Hope that is a true rumor.I know it by heart.

  77. I second Fall Out Boy, they're a guilty pleasure of mine.

    As far as movies, Pineapple Express! I'd have loved if Drive would have ended without loose ends, but a sequel would ruin it.

    I'm gonna cheat and say two tv shows; Family Matters and Full House!

  78. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
    The Breakfast Club
    Planes, Trains and Automobiles
    I would have loved to be in the audience during The Band's Last Waltz - one of my favorite versions of "The Weight" - I love the Staple Singers - and Woodstock - no brown acid -

  79. I would like an ABBA reunion. Also Depeche Mode bc I never saw them the first go round. And why not throw in The Cure for good measure. What a strange mix!

  80. @Agent**It - Do you know the words to I'm a Lumberjack?...Monty played Winnipeg in their early days Eric Idle said he was terrified they would flop then the curtains went up and to his great delight..the front row was dressed as a caterpillar..

  81. Anonymous6:31 PM

    concrete blonde. party monster

  82. This one is easy. I used to go to pubs from age 17 to watch INXS, even got to kiss Michael a few times on stage. If I could go back and relive one of those gigs, no more than 500 people crammed into a tiny pub. Sit on the edge of the stage waiting for them to come on, no barriers. Michael would always kiss a girl when he sang The Loved One.

    A guy friend and I had gone to see them 3 times in one week, driving all over suburban Sydney. It was a Saturday at Dapto Leagues club. We got there super early so went to eat first at the bistro. They were eating too, so we sat near them they recognized us from the front row all week and asked if we wanted to hang out in their dressing rooms with them. We spent about three hours, not saying much, we didnt need to. They were all above board no sleazy stuff just being nice to hardcore fans. We even had a joint with them.

    It was just before they released Shabooh Shoobah and the first time they sang Don't Change for a live audience. They were discussing the set list and decided to add it as last song. I will always cherish the memories.

  83. Sorry folks, that wasn't a reunion story, I got caught up in nostalgia and got carried away.

  84. @redronnie 'I sleep all night and work all day' That song is hilarious.

    @astrogirl, I remember shedding a tear when Michael Hutchence died. I can understand why you would want to remember that !

  85. I would love to see an awesome remake of Total Recall...uh...wait...never mind.

  86. Journey with Steve Perry and the rumored sequel to The Way We Were with Babs and Robert Redford. Unfortunately, Sydney Pollock is dead, so I don't know who would direct it. Just not Babs to get Robert Redford in it.

  87. I'd love to see a Zoolander 2. ABBA or Journey for a band reunion.

  88. Sublime with Bradley Nowell. They were the soundtrack of my early 20's. RIP Bradley

  89. Journey with Steve Perry and Legends of the Fall - would love a sequel to that!

  90. well sugar magnolia! If we can say bands w/people who've passed away, then obvs I say Bob Marley and the Wailers, and The Wu-Tang Clan.

  91. Okay, we're talking original bands here, with original members, right?

    The Beatles
    The Monkees
    The Doors
    The Allman Brothers
    Jimi Hendrix
    The Talking Heads
    The Smiths
    The Pretenders
    The Clash
    Nina Simone

    I've seen The Talking Heads,
    The Smiths, The B52's, The Pretenders and The Clash live. The B52's were so much fun, even though they were booed off the stage at a Florida stadium by drunken assholes who thought that if they threw shoes and bottles at them it would make The Stones appear faster. Wrong!

  92. I don't need any remakes or sequels.

    @JasonBlueEyes - I'd see that. ;-) I just hope Troy has a job by now.

    I second Nutty Flavor's GNR reunion idea and add The White Stripes.
