Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Was Prince Harry Caught Doing Coke On Video?

If you are asking $1M for a video it must be pretty good. I mean even some random person on the street must know that there have already been photos of Prince Harry naked so how much is video going to really ad to that? Plus, there are not many outlets with cash that can show video who can recoup their $1M investment. It has to be something spectacular. Prince Harry having sex with someone would do that. Prince Harry doing coke would also do that. According to Radar there was lots of coke in the room with Harry that fateful night. I'm sure they would love to connect the dots or have someone state they saw Harry doing coke, but what would be the ultimate get would be seeing Harry doing coke because then they could take the stills from the video and make enough selling them as photos to every outlet in the world. With the exception of The Sun, the British press has been reluctant to publish the naked photos, but they would have no such objections if Harry was caught doing drugs on video because the invasion of privacy charge is trumped by the fact he is a serving military officer doing coke. The photos or video would be worth $1M. I can't see any other way except for sex that anyone would pay $1M for the video.


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