Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Vanessa Marcil Files For Divorce

After just two years of marriage, Vanessa Marcil has had enough of her CSI:NY husband Carmine Giovinazzo. Vanessa filed for divorce and wants her soon to be ex to pay her attorneys fees and also pay her spousal support. During the couple's marriage I know they were trying to have children together and Carmine let it be known at least twice that Vanessa had suffered miscarriages. That is tough for a couple to go through, especially since she has a son from her previous relationship with Brian Austin Green. I have mixed emotions about Vanessa. I have known her for a long time but have not hung out with her since she got married to Carmine. She used to be a lot of fun, but was always kind of standoffish too. If you knew her it was good, but she was never the most warm hearted person towards her fans or people who just came up to her wanting a photo. I do think that BAG messed her up and that she should be grateful she got out of that when she did because Megan Fox is going to be in a lot worse shape when she finally gets out from under his spell. If she ever does.


  1. Loved her on 90210. When she found out her and Donna were sisters? Omgoodness was that dramatic. I love the wicked females on those shows.

  2. She's a lovely woman. I thought they made a nice couple, sad for both of them.

  3. I only know her from General Hospital as Sonny's girl (I think). It's been years since I watched any soap opera. I just got sick of that genre, I guess...need more instant gratification. ;)

  4. This will probably be CSI:NY last season this year.

    So, does this post answer a blind, or maybe even two? And I'm pretty sure it was something that just about everyone pegged BAG for.

  5. I just do not understand how BAG does it. How does he get these beautiful women into his controlling clutches? Is the sex that good?
    "I'm Brian Austin Green, and I have a magic peen."

  6. Some of her General Hospital fans call themselves "Vanesbians."

    She was married to a Cory, too, the one who's still alive.

  7. Between her role as tragic former figure skater Gina on 90210 and her close friendship with Jillian Michaels, I've always liked her. As for fans, can you imagine how annoying some of those General Hospital fans must be?

  8. She'll always be Brenda on GH to me. Those were the days.

  9. Never heard of her BUT Enty puhleeeze more details on BAG!! What is his craziness?

  10. I don't know much about her but I have always thought that she stunningly beautiful.

  11. Enty, I'm curious why you think Brian "messed her up," esp. if you know her from that time period. And I'm assuming you're sober and that's why you haven't hung out with her since she started drinking again, (which, fwiw, was actually pre-Carmine), although JESUS I hope that's not the case because, eesh, if some of this info is coming from meetings, you're going to hell.

  12. I have always thought she is GORGEOUS. When I had super dark hair people would tell me I look like "that girl from General Hospital" and I never knew who they meant. When I realized it was her I was like no f'ing way, she's totally super prettier than me. :/

  13. For figgy - craziness of BAG is apparently that he is SUPER DUPER controlling. Not good for the self-esteem.

  14. As a New Yorker I find it hard to watch actually listen to the NY accents on CSI:NY ...simply the worst.

  15. I loved her on Las Vegas. Dang, I miss that show.

    I'd even consider getting married again to have a husband named Carmine. How cool is that?

  16. I have seen her in person a couple of times (tiny). Her skin is perfect and she really is beautiful. Anyway, she always had big people around her like to form a barrier. I heard she was okay. Very standoffish, but that she was totally in love with BAG and got caught up in him. Supposedly, he dumped her because he wanted younger and prettier. Is this true????

  17. Hunter--so not true. Just isn't. Firsthand info. Trust.

  18. Sue, you seem to have a lot of info. Spill.

  19. Ugh, can't. I love gossip as much as the next girl, but I can't tell first hand stories on a gossip website. I just can't do it. That said, I hate seeing Brian so unfairly maligned. I would caution Enty to check the veracity of his sources.

  20. I met Vanesa once in the early 90's when she was on GH. My roommates and I were INSANE, I MEAN INSANE GH fans. At the time she was dating Tyler Christopher, who was from our town..and he brought her to town for a wedding or something. Anyway, I saw her at a club and flipped out and ran to my best friends to tell them and they ran up to her and were like "BRENDA...we love you!!!!!" and she just looked at us like we shit in her mouth! And said "My NAME is Vanessa...." and looked so completely disgusted with us and walked away. It was pretty disappointing because we all loved her so much on GH. True story, we never watched GH again after that.

  21. She reminds me of Shaniah Twain.

  22. Actually, I have always loved BAG...I watched him grow up on commercials, tv and loved Freddy!! I just heard she was obsessed with him and destroyed when it ended. That's sad.

  23. Wasn't she married to Corey Feldman? And then denied it?

    1. @lawnjart: Wouldn't you deny it too, if you had once been married to Cory Feldman? I know I would, lol.
      Seriously, what's with this chick and her bad taste in men? Gurrl, you can do so much better.

  24. I'm confused why a working actress would need spousal support, especially one who has better name recognition than her soon-to-be ex.

  25. It's hard to believe she is 43 years old. She looks amazing. I think she was Prince's muse for a while too.

    Anyway, I have a few BAG stories from my younger days going to a club called Bar One. Keep in mind this is a long time ago, but I saw him be downright mean to Tiffani Theissen on multiple occasions. One time he had her thrown out of the club (he was hosting the parties on Thursday nights if I remember correctly) and had security make sure she was locked out as she begged to get back in. He just watched and laughed with his friends. He didn't try to hide his behavior. He eventually let her back in and I remember her trying to clean up her crying eyes in the bathroom later that night.

    This was around the time he bought his new Lexus coupe and made a point of showing everyone outside the club (at closing) his new sound system and bragging about spending time making music in the studio. This last anecdote was for Sue, so if you do know him personally, you will know when this occurred and that I'm not making this up. :)

  26. Didn't Prince discover her? Maybe I am getting her mixed up with someone. But she is stunning to look at!

  27. Prince discovered the chick that played Jeny Calendar on Buffy

  28. Wow, you're talking about a time period that pre-dates me. Never met her, don't know anything about their relationship, but I've never ever seen behavior like that in, um, the twenty-first century.

    There was a lot of bad behavior on 90210. They've all widely talked about it. They started out as kids and all grew up together. What you're describing wouldn't surprise me, for that time period. He's an adult and a father now.

  29. @ Amy in MI, I always thought the woman who played Jenny Calendar was so gorgeous. Didn't know she was discovered by Prince. Off to google to see what she is doing now!

  30. Sue...why keep talking? you already outed her at AA meetings and falling off the wagon. classy.

  31. You're kidding, right? Tht's information you can find in a half a dozen interviews she's done in non-tabloid magazines. She's spoken widely about being sober for many years AND about being a huge red wine drinker now. But thanks for the bitchslap for nothing, asshole.

  32. She was/is Brenda on GH & she was Prince's Most Beautiful Girl in the World in the video.

  33. Wow name calling and cussing? Real classy.

  34. "Classy" isn't super-high on my list of desired attributes, Vegan Girl--I prefer honest--but it was obviously intended as a slur and I took in in that spirit and reacted accordingly. You pig-piling onto it? Not helping. Jesus, this is giving me anxiety. Okay, that's my soapbox. I need to stay out of the comments section. FWIW, not maligning any of the women in these BAG stories. None of them.

  35. I met her in her GH days and she was very nice. Calling an actor by their character's name is retarded and you should get shot down if you do that. Makes you look like a loon who thinks the characters are real.

  36. I hate fighting. Can we at least all agree that BAG has been discussed more on this board than in all of America today?

    Now who has a good Shannen Doherty story? :)

  37. I'm with shiny_special_one. How does BAG have so much power over women? Do not get it.

  38. hmmm, one website says she grew up in poverty and her father was an alcoholic and abusive. Marcil herself had problems with alcohol and drugs while she was a teen and went to juvenile hall after being arrested several times. She dropped out of high school briefly, but eventually graduated and moved to Newport Beach, California to live on her own. She struggled financially before deciding to become an actor and taking acting school.

    Her Wikipedia says:

    Marcil, the youngest of four children, was born in Indio, California, the daughter of Patricia Marcil, an herbalist, and Peter Ortiz, a contractor and self-made millionaire. No mention of poverty or an alcoholic father or that she had ever been arrested.

  39. I loved her as Brenda on General Hospital. As a teen, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen...and I still think she's beautiful. I also loved BAG, and hope that these stories about him are blown out of proportion.

    I followed her on Twitter a while back, and got bored, but did find out she was pregnant...sorry to hear she miscarried. Around the time that Jillian Michaels and her partner had their baby, I was wondering what had happened with Vanessa and why nothing had been published. I didn't realize her hubby was off of CSI NY. Kind of an odd coupling in my mind, though I know nothing of the guy all I can associate him to is his wife on the show.

  40. Interesting that Sue knows BAG and says he's not a control freak douchebag. You certainly can't believe everything you read on the internet and I try to take things with a grain of salt.

  41. She always seemed kind of like a "Maneater" to me.

  42. Well. This thread took a turn. The unpleasantness lingers. What a weird day with commenters. ANYWAY, the two stories about BAG at da club? Totally sound like they could've been scenes on 90210. Life imitating art, ha. Art used loosely, of course.

  43. Loved her on GH and Las Vegas and yes she is gorgeous. Also always had a thing for her husband who has now been relegated to a bit player on CSI NY - BUT I do enjoy CSINY...Sela Ward brought a new vibe to the show and it's great IMHO but a friday time slot seemed to hurt it. And ladies... no name calling please, can't we all just get along??

  44. BUT I will add, I had no idea she was in AA or had slipped of the wagon...

  45. Yeah Stacey, me either, first I've heard of it. She looks damn good for having a drinking problem especially red wine which tends to make peoples faces red.

  46. She is sooooooooooo gorgeous. I was a GH fan during the Brenda-Jagger-Sonny days, lol.

  47. I've always thought she is gorgeous! Esp on Las Vegas-- which I don't understand why it was cancelled when CSI and 2&1/2 Men are still alive...(does that even make sense?)

    Anyway, its hard to believe that she married Corey Feldman AND Douche-B.A.G. Considering she could probably attract more than her fair share of certified winners...maybe she & Mena should double-date...

  48. From an interview I gather she and Carmine dated a few years back and then found each other again. I t was a TV interview from around the time she was promoting her return to the soap she was on.

  49. Always thought she was stunning, and surprised she was never a bigger star...and the Buffy/Jenny Calender/Prince info is fascinating!

  50. My favorite role of hers was on Las Vegas. That was a fun show.

  51. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I used to be an extra on LV and yes she is super gorgeous in person and isn't a terrible actress. She was very good about doing her scenes in the least amount of takes possible since she remembered her lines (unlike others on there). However, with that beauty came such negative energy from her she was so standoffish I mean to the point you're uncomfortable. I've stood many times right next to her and not once did she smiled or acknowledged me or anyone else for that matter. Shoot! James Caan who a lot of people thought he was a jerk smiled at me.
    It's basic human decency when you are next to another person is to acknowledge their presence.
    I sure as hell wasn't going to talk to her or approach her mainly because I wasn't about to lose my job over it. After working on that show and seeing how icy she is that beauty became a mirage to an ugly soul for me.
    Josh Duhamel on the other hand was hilarious and friendly and even Molly Simms who wasn't buddy buddy with you but at least she had the courtesy to acknowledge you as a human next to her.

  52. There was a blind called "She used to be fun" and that line is in this story. Does she fit the details? I don't remember the blind, except that someone who "used to be fun" was so scarred by a bad relationship that she barely did anything anymore. Can one of you super-sluths find it?

  53. It's worth mentioning that she met Brian at the height of his 90210 fever, when he had just turned into "hot David" after hitting puberty. Lol.
    That could account for her falling so hard for the hype and maybe him misbehaving.
    I'm a decent person but I'm not sure how I'd respond to the world being in love with me, I might try to see what's out there too (at that age)
