Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Usher Ordered To Reopen Credit Card For Wife

Do you really blame Usher for closing the Saks Fifth Avenue credit card that he was paying for of Tameka Foster? It is not like she was in there buying clothes for the kids or anything. A judge said though that Usher was in contempt of court and ordered the singer to reopen the account and while he was at it to by everyone in the courtroom a pair of Louboutins. Tameka says she needs the card to continue acting as a stylist. Wait, Tameka is a stylist. Seriously? For who? Have you seen Tameka? Have you seen the way she dresses? People pay her to style them? Actual money exchanges hands?

Usher is in court trying to get sole custody of the kids they have together and says Tameka is not a fit parent. I say let them both have shared custody because both of them probably use nannies all the time anyway.


  1. So now we know who dresses Jessica Biel.

  2. Sorry Usher... But this is what happens when we make stupid choices.

  3. lol Vicki!!! Nice.

    Poor Usher - shoulda listened to mama.

  4. Now I ain't sayin she's a gold digger...


  6. I'm sorry but is she buying his kids school clothes at Saks? Why does he need to be paying for HER stuff or her stylist job.

  7. Yeah why does he need to pay for her credit card? You know what she does is buy some shit and then return it asking for the cash back if you can do it. This woman is dispicable!

  8. She was his stylist, and that's how they met.

    @Sherry- I don't know what Saks you're shopping at, but if you made a purchase on your store card, the refund is put ack on the card. Start demanding cash and they will escort your ass out of there....as they should.

  9. I'm sure Usher definitely uses nannies all the time, wink wink. Why can't he just get her a wal-mart or whole foods or a jc Penney charge card?

  10. Usher should call Saks and have them put like a $2k credit limit on it. That said, why would Tameka need a joint personal credit card for business use? Usher needs better lawyers if no one's working on divesting joint holdings.

  11. It is mind-boggling that the judge doesn't see through this BS. She should be told that if she needs a Saks card for her business, she needs to open one on her own. There's no way she uses it solely for business purposes, especially when tax write-offs are involved.

  12. Everyone seems to automatically take Usher's POV, I'm not sure he deserves that. From what I read on this divorce, he has played pretty nasty.
    I don't think she's that bad of a stylist if she styled Usher. Maybe I'm not ready to jump on the hate train since her son died a couple of weeks ago.

  13. Actually, She pays the bill not Usher. She just needs his credentials to have the account since it's some type of vip account that's by invite only. It was part of the divorce settlement.

  14. I wouldn't accept this as the "whole story" on what happens in court, this is just a blurb. The judge has his reasons and some we don't know because we are not there and it is not all public.

    I am on Tameka's side, who cheats on the day of their wedding....Usher...who seems like a self entitled little kid playing grown up. He was with her a long time they had kids and now he needs to pay whatever is fair. The judges these days are so careful to not have "their" cases repealed, or questioned, so most of them are super careful to a fault, imo.

  15. @ whocaresnow12 - Some VIP card holders, like Sharon Stone for instance, get a cash refund if they make a large enough stink in the store. And sometimes the item/s weren't even purchased at that particular store!

  16. i'm not on anyone's side... because we don't know these people.

    Usher wanted to delay the court proceedings and allow Tomeka a chance to grieve....she said no way! She got her eye on her money.

  17. @Mango, Sharon The Screamer Stone !

  18. My understanding is that this is not a credit card at all - rather a VIP discount card and it was a part of the divorce settlement that she retained access to this card... a somewhat different kettle of fish but it's the old story - never let the truth get in the way of a good story :p

  19. He should have listened to his mother and left this trick alone. Is she screwing the judge? If she is a stylist and generating income then she can open her own account. If its not related to the kids he shouldn't have to pay. They weren't married for so many years that he should have to support her like that. Wonder how much support she gets fin her ex who is a tv executive. What a whore.

  20. So after reading all the additional info posted in the comments, if it doesn't cost him anything and all she is getting is access to an additional discount based on both names being on it, I can't see why he cares.

    If all he's doing is lending her some credibility financially so she can get her business running, and it doesn't negatively impact his own credit or anything--then to cut it off seems mean spirited.

    I can understand he's angry and in a fight for custody, but being intentionally mean--if indeed she's followed the settlement guidelines seems to not help his case.

  21. and further to this - they already have a joint custody agreemenet. It was Usher that filed for sole custody. I fail to see how this makes Tameka either a) a gold digger or b) an unfit mother, especially given the fact that Usher's job means that he cannot be home to support the children 100% of the time

  22. I heard what Jaded & Car54 said. It's a discount card, not credit card. It was included in the decree but he cut her off anyway. He filed for sole custody but his job involves extensive touring/traveling. Not sure what kind of mom she is but sounds kind of selfish to either drag those boys around or leave them with nannies.

  23. I find it hard to believe that she's an unfit mother after she had "countless" kids before usher's 2 and they seemed very well balanced. He's just an ego inflated prick IMO, and yes i doubt the judge did this if it was that simple, i believe the discount in the settlement theory more.
