Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tracy Morgan Says Mitt Romney Smokes Pot


  1. Tracy's Mitt is much more interesting than the real one...

  2. I don't really get him.

  3. God I love Tracy. He plays insane so well. Mitt Romney Escobar. Classic.

  4. I despise Tracy.

  5. I love Dave. The funniest thing was during the McCain campaign when McCain canceled Dave's show due to some emergency and Dave caught him giving an interview to someone else. Dave milked that for all it was worth and got some great material out of it for weeks.

  6. I can't help but love Tracy. It's just so easy to pretend that he's Tracy Jordan all the time.

    Now, are we going to have a nice Sunday or are we going to argue about politics? *gently strokes the head of a vicious tiger sitting next to my high-backed velvet chair*

  7. Tracy Morgan: A non-human trying to make a non-human sound human.

  8. ugh, I can't wait until November. I'm so sick of BOTH sides smearing eachother. Why don;t they stop bringing each other down, and actually talk about what they are going to do?

  9., a voice of reason.

    Truthfully I think we have a better change of one of the volcano's either under The Canary islands or Yellowstone blowing before what you stated happens(and it would probably be better for all of us in the long run).

  10. ** A better CHANCE

    //seeing double, pulled an all nighter.

    //mi dispiace

  11. @djphob
    Loved your imagery. And I'll be checking back in later to see if you incited some mudslingin'

  12. I'm just glad that Tracy seems sober enough to make it through the last half-season of 30 Rock. After that he can drop off a cliff for all I care.

  13. The video that's showing here is the one with Jason Alexander with the Nickelback Trying Not to Love You. Nothing about Tracy Morgan & Mitt Romney

  14. Just in general why would anyone listen to anyone in Hollyweird for their political advice?

  15. @YourNameHere - video works fine for me, maybe he fixed it?

    It's just Tracy doing a comedy bit with Dave playing along. He's talking about how Obama called him and was ticked off that he hangs out with Romney. He explained to Obama that he and Romney went to HS together. You have to sit through the whole thing to get the joke

  16. That youtube is painfully unfunny.

    Tracy Morgan must have taken compromising photos of Tina Fey backstage at SNL. That would be the only reasonable explanation for his continued employment.

  17. I'm on board with Maggie. Solutionism!!!!

    Just for a moment, think about all that $$$ spent on political fighting and campaigning. Millions of dollars that could be used to save education jobs, fund mental health programs, build collapsing bridges, frankly anything of value.

    Can't we find a way to work together to make our country better? It's like a constant sibling rivalry without parents to break it up. Grown men acting like perpetual 7 yr olds.

    @djphob - Love the tiger visual!

  18. And I think Tracy is funny. I don't know why, but I do. He's a man child and I want to rub his belly.

    Is that the reason Tina Fey wanted him for 30 Rock?

  19. I can't stand Romney, but anyone who believes anything Tracy Morgan says has a screw loose.

  20. I can't help but love Tracy. It's just so easy to pretend that he's Tracy Jordan all the time.

    Agree, so, so much. I thought he was painfully unfunny...before he essentially started playing himself, and now I adore him/Tracy Jordan.

  21. Historically, candidates who only talk about what they want to do don't do well on Election Day. It's unfortunate, and I hope things do change someday, but still true.

  22. Robert....of course we don't believe Tracy, he makes Romney sound like he has a personality. And we all know that's not true.

  23. With all the money Romney has spent on running for President and trying to get the nomination last time....with all that money he could have done amazing things with what he that would be honorable and truly respectable....

    PS...I felt the same thing when Meg Ryan spent millions and millions of dollars for governor here in California.

    For me it has nothing to do with a political party but what is spent and how much it costs to run and be elected.

    Can you imagine if all that money was spent on inner city education or college tuitions, social programs, or anonymous projects etc..etc...etc? But, then again, it's their money and they can spend it however they wish which is their right of course. I just think of all that money that could have helped people, that's all.

  24. @ABlake it works for me now!

  25. I wish Mitt Romney smoked pot!

  26. Sis, LOL. Obama didn't spend much money in 2008. No, not at all, he only broke his promise to keep to public financing spending limits and relied on a very well-oiled private fundraising machine. And he's only boated of spending a billion for this election. But, oh no, Romney's surging and suddenly Sob Sister is all concerned about the money spent on elections and how it would be better spent on social programs. Transparently partisan.

  27. Romney's surging?

  28. Funny. I will always love Tracy's "Brian Fellow: Safari Planet" from SNL. He does screw-loose, insane but functioning to perfection. Probably too close to home.

  29. OT breaking news: director Tony Scott jumped off a bridge in LA today. WTF.

  30. Thanks Thumb. What a tragedy. Sads :(

    He was such a talented man. I wonder if he was sick?

    RIP Tony. May the angels carry you home.

  31. Terribly sad news, True Romance is one of my all time favorite movies, rip Tony

  32. He directed so many of my favorites - Top Gun, Last Boy Scout, Enemy of the State, Crimson Tide.

    What a tragedy! I can't image how lonely/ desperate he must have been to do this. Dark clouds of the soul.

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I wish he had reached out for help.

  33. Dia, I totally agree, and seeing a picture of his young family makes it so much worse...I will be thinking of his family tonight

  34. I didn't know he had young boys. They look like 11 or 12. Far too young to lose their dad. Really really sad. I want to know what was in his letter (even though I really have no right). What could have been so bad that this was the best course of action?

    True Romance is probably my absolute favorite of his films, but didn't want to repeat.

  35. I don't know if there is ever a good time to lose a parent, but what a crucial age for them to lose their father

  36. E Gee Be - ITA. There is never a good time to lose a parent. My dad died suddenly at 68 too. I didn't get to say goodbye. I'm praying for Tony and his family. He's at peace now. I saw him sitting at the top of a grassy hill looking at the giant old trees below.

  37. Dia thank you for sharing that, I appreciate it

  38. Wow David letterman is still on TV?
