Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tracy Anderson Says Women Who Don't Lose Pregnancy Weight Within Six Weeks Aren't Trying

I can see now why Tracy Anderson and Gwyneth Paltrow are such good friends. They live in world that is totally devoid of any type of reality or sense of the world in which they live. Tracy Anderson, the 27 year old professional trainer gave birth to her daughter Penelope in May and says she lost all the baby weight she had gained during the pregnancy within six weeks of giving birth. In an interview with DuJour Magazine she also says that women who do not lose the weight within six weeks are just using the baby as an excuse and if she can find the time to exercise and lose the weight with just a few nannies, chefs, maids and unlimited funds and time to exercise then so should every other woman out there even if you work two jobs and have three kids at home. Considering she probably gained four pounds during her pregnancy, it was probably not that hard for her to lose the weight. I love when celebrities have the nerve to criticize others but if you put them in the same life situation as those they are critical of they would be no better.


  1. She's 27? I think you mean 37. She is up there in age.

  2. Henriette:
    You read my mind - was just about to the post the same thing. No way does she look 27.

  3. She's a celebrity? Never heard of her.

  4. Her job is to exercise, so she should shut up.

    Many women do use excuses...and years later still haven't lost the weight. Not six weeks later.

  5. @goheels - that was my first thought too.

  6. @Roxx
    It's not just her looks. If she's 27, that would mean she was Vadge's trainer when she was a teenager. She worked for Vadge for about ten years before moving on to GOOP.

  7. How ruuude!! My SIL is obvs a freak of nature, she only has 7lbs to lose and she had the babe 3 weeks ago (and she's already rolling over-hello future gymnast!)

  8. Even Sarah Jessica Parker said when she lost all that weight so fast to start shooing SATC again, she had trainers, nannies and a chef and the time to do it...and she's a skinny girl!! It's also dumb marketing for a gym guru to say this...way to alienate your biggest customer base - Moms. A great example of how out of touch some celebrities are. Geez Gwen Stefani even said it was so hard to lose the baby weight - she's got the staff, she's worth $100 million and she's a workout maniac!!!

  9. This bitch needs to go somewhere and have seat and keep her dumb ass opinions to herself.

  10. Never heard of her. And doubt I ever will again.

  11. This broad is so skeevy though. She's the one got Vadge off yoga because she said it was not helping her.

    Also, her boyfriend/husband had a lot of shady business dealings where the rich and famous were distancing themselves from her.

  12. http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/04/exclusive-trainer-stars-has-shady-past

  13. Oh Good Lord, I'm reading through her methods.

    I'm a fitness/running nut, and my sister is a certified personal trainer.

    Tracy's methods are bat$hit crazy, and could easily injure someone or mess up their nutrition bad.

    Whatever happened to eating clean and working out daily? Why is everyone looking for a quick fix?

    Here's my solution, and everyone can have it for free instead of the thousands she charges: go for a run, and don't eat that cheeseburger.

    You're welcome.

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    She's a crazy C U Next Tuesday. She can STFU.

  15. The woman works out for her job. Of course she can take of her baby weight quickly. Not all mothers are fitness instructors dummy (to her)!
    I've read shady things about her too @Henriette. She ain't right.

  16. I bet she was a "mean girl" in school.

  17. AMEN! Thank you for sticking up for us regular moms, Enty!! I gained 40 lbs while pregnant, and lost 30 within the first 2 months by breastfeeding. The last 10 lbs stayed on, however, because if I cut calories or worked out AT ALL, my milk supply went WAY down. Apparently this woman either didn't breastfeed very long or had unlimited milk supply! The last 10 lbs didn't come off until I gave up breastfeeding at 9 months. Oh, and who has time to workout when you're working full time with 2 dogs, a house and husband to care for, in addition to a baby who (still at 12 months) hasn't slept through a single night? There are a few words I have for this woman, and none of them are nice. At all.

  18. @M, I read the article and it made me dislike GOOP more. "It's not like you're chasing the dream." Umm, my dream, Gwyneth, is not to look like an emaciated praying mantis.

  19. @M--This stupid bitch also says that women should never lift weights heaver than 2 or 3 lbs. Uh huh! Okay, Tracy! F-cking idiot.

  20. Didn't she almost go to jail because of her shady dealings before she became the "trainer to the stars"? I thought I heard that somewhere.

  21. ooo, jolene,dish!!!

  22. This trick needs to come back down to earth where everyone else is at.

  23. Dear Tracy,

    Fuck off.


  24. She's a C U Next Tuesday.

    That is all.

  25. yes, i am just one nanny and housekeeper away from a perfect body

    1. Don't forget the chef - you're still a pleb unless you have all three!

  26. Are you kidding? If you through either one of those women into a "normal" life situation, they'd have a nervous breakdown. They're so used to having everything done for them that they'd snap under the pressure of having to be self-reliant, struggling to stay on a budget, cooking, cleaning, working, doing laundry, getting the oil changed, mowing the lawn, etc.

    Sorry, bitch. But most of us don't fucking EXERCISE FOR A LIVING. Good job on that valuable life skill!!

  27. Threw, not through. Work, brain, work!

  28. Fuck this bitch! If only life were so simple snort. How about the women who develop postpartum, have medical issues, who don't have supportive mates to help out with caring for a newborn and have to do it themselves? How about the women who care for their new born, older children, work, have other responsibilities other than 'workout to be thin' with only three hours sleep everyday??? Fuck you Tracy Anderson and Paltrow! Here's a secret for you: Not everyone give two fucks if they can fit into a size two. It's not the MOST important thing in all the god damn universe. I am so fucking tired of shit like this! Women grow a fucking human withing their bodies for fuck sakes. It's a God Damn miracle bringing life into this world. The size of her thighs is pointless. I wish mags and TV would stop telling women we are failures for not weighing 100lbs. I'm sick of it.

  29. Dearest Tracy,
    Feel free to judge away, I mean-we all want to be just like you. What, with your sculpted calves and man face. Did it hurt giving birth through your dickhole because with the set of balls you just tea bagged my day with, I'd have assumed you were most certainly a dude.
    Furthermore, you spandex clad bag of smegma, quit opening up your mouth about shit and get back to the business of licking lettuce and sniffing Adderall. Us women over here are just fine-and so are our kids.

  30. LOLOL Lauren. Ya know, some men actually like their women with soft curves and with meat on their bodies. I know SHOCK right? *eye roll* Tracy Anderson can go suck her own dick for I care.

  31. I just burned 500 stewing in angst over her fuckery.

  32. Dear Tracy,

    Arrogance makes you ugly regardless of what you look like on the outside.

  33. I live in a building of over 400 condo's, believe me when I say there are at least 30 pregnant women at all times.
    Everyone is different. If you're tall and slender you have an edge ...the trainers in my gym say don't expect miracles give yourself one year with diet and exercise.
    All I can say she's lucky her baby is healthy because she probably didn't eat much for most of her term.

  34. Bwah ha ha. Thanks, bitch, but I'll stick with advice of my Dr. You know, the one who went to medical school? Which one did you go to again?

    This is dangerous advice - I had an emergency C-section & my Dr didn't want me working out for the first 6 weeks. If you aren't careful, you can injure your incision site and it won't heal properly.

  35. My doctors and widwives advised against any real exercise for the first six weeks - so I quite happily took their advice rather than that of some personal trainer who I assume has no formal knowledge in pregnancy or lactation.
    I have been lucky in losing all of my pregnancy weight within a couple of months, but that is because I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mum for now with a lovely partner who will help out when I want to squeeze in 30 minutes of exercise. Not everyone has the right genes or circumstances to fit into that plan. That spare time is so valuable when you have a newborn so I think it should be spent doing whatever will give you some peace of mind!

  36. I gave birth vaginally 3 Weeks ago Friday. Not to sound like a Dick but I've lost 30 pounds, including the 22 I gained during my pregnancy. That being said I have no time to eat and I breastfeed 8 to 9 times a day. I also go for short.walks everyday with my daughter just to gwt out of the house. I have a little loose skin on my belly. I believe its possible to lose the weight but is it really important? Your baby and their well being is more important. This lady is whack.

  37. I was curious about her methods and skimmed through a book in Barnes & Noble one day and was SHOCKED at the nutrition advice she was giving. If you broke down the caloric intake she was recommending based on her "meal plans", it was easily less than 1000 calories a day. Completely heinous that she is making money on books that promote such crap. I made people turn around when I slammed the book down in disgust.

  38. Yeah, as Rangie says.....men want a nice soft cuddly lady to straddle, not some bony, manly precious princess. As the great philosopher Plato said “Fu.kk off, biatchface!”. He did say it....honest!

  39. Blech. She strikes me as the kind of person who'd spew something like this just because she knows it will upset all the "fatties".

  40. Look ahead. I find solace when looking at pics of most older celebrities and see that they're as overweight as the rest of the country, even when they live in LA. She can keep talking.

  41. I don't have much to add. It looks as though everyone else has definitely said it, and, um, more creatively than I ever could. Nice skewering, CDANers! ;-)

  42. Lauren,
    I think I just dropped a size laughing at your description of this trick.

    1. Gurl, I was enraged. She's not of my tribe, that's fo' sho! My vagina was bored.

  43. I want to have a TV show called Rich Bitch Bootcamp where I take people like her, hand them what the average American takes home in 2 weeks and then walk them through how to survive on that amount of money. I would introduce them to new experiences like public transit, taking care of their own children, and having to work all day and then make sure homework is done, lunches are made and laundry is clean. They would die. It would be hysterical!

  44. Oh, wait, I DO want to add something about what this trick said:

    "I was also so nauseous in the beginning."

    No, you weren't nauseous; you were NAUSEATED.

    Ah, wait a second, hold the phone...you were right the first time. Proceed.

  45. "In an interview with DuJour Magazine she also says that women who do not lose the weight within six weeks are just using the baby as an excuse..."

    Actually, you know what? I read the entire article, and I didn't see this anywhere. I take back all I have said (except for her using "nauseous" incorrectly). Perhaps we should all read it before judging:


  46. These comments have officially made my day.

  47. AKM mentioned this above, but the article is completely different than ENTY's review of it. She doesn't put down new moms at all. Here's a quote:
    "New moms should take comfort in the fact that even Anderson, a woman who has made a career out of being fit, found it tough to resume working out again. In fact, she describes her first day in the studio as “an incredibly demoralizing moment in my life.”

    She used to be heavy before becoming a 'trainer', so I would be surprised if she was that harsh towards other women. I'm not trying to be a Tracy Anderson apologist - her meal plans are terrible, she has a questionable past, etc - but her workouts themselves are pretty good.

  48. Regardless of the article and it's content TA and her H are shady ass peeps and she's the last person I'd ever take fitness advice from.

    Want a fitness model? Try someone amazing like Tosca Reno! Eat clean, train mean! ;)

  49. @auntliddy--She DID go to jail for not paying some bill, evidently. She had some serious money issues (still does I think?) for the gyms she had built and basically abandoned in Indiana before she became a celeb trainer. Below is a pretty interesting read.

    Oh! The best part of this profile--Tracy "discourages running for women because she believes it builds up the thighs." HAHAHAHA. This woman is not a certified trainer and has absolutely no idea what she's talking about. Running burns calories, it does not build muscle. Does she have any idea how much weight lifting a female has to do get "bulky"?


  50. AKM is right--she actually didn't say women who don't lose the weight within 6 weeks aren't trying. She did say women use the pregnancy as an excuse to let their bodies go. I agree with that actually. There are exceptions of course and conditions that cause excess weight gain while pregnant, but like we talked about ad nauseum with Jessica Simpson, some women use it as an excuse to eat nothing but shit and end up gaining way more weight than is healthy. I'll give her that.

    I still think the Tracy Anderson "Method" Is a load of crap!

  51. I have been working out using the Zuzana Light workouts (founder of Bodyrock). The workouts are short and intense enough that people will say, "My trainer said no one can get into shape using that method", yet I have not only lost a few dress sizes, but ran further than I ever have before, without exhausting myself. (That without running regularly). The best part is the workouts are bodyweight and don't cost anything. Http://www.youtube.com/ZuzkaLight

  52. She was 33 in 2009 (if she was telling the truth then).


  53. @Ashlea
    You had the same experience as my sister with all 4 of her babies (she had all her kids before me). She kept telling me how the weight would fall off with breastfeeding, but I found I was hungry every damn second of the day while I was nursing. If I tried to ride it out, I'd get light-headed and cranky. Not so good when you're holding your precious bambino :)
    Congrats on your newborn, Lady!

  54. Nah. I'll just stick to making uninformed statements, AKM. It's less work. ;)

  55. Also, thank you for the nauseous/nauseated rant, AKM!!

    That drives me up the wall.

  56. Jolene Jolene made the point that I was going to make, which is that anyone who says women should not lift weights heavier than 3 pounds obviously has no advice worth hearing. Shut it, Tracy Anderson.

    1. Huh! No more than three pounds? I shouldn't have been carrying my 70 some pound son on my back for three and a half blocks. :)

  57. "Rich Bitch Bootcamp" is a reality show I would watch.

  58. I don't know about her most recent pregnancy, but Tracy has said she gained 60 pounds when she was pregnant with her son Sam. And she's only 5' tall.

    I have several of her exercise DVDs and her exercises are great. My only complaint is she gives you almost zero cues, so it's hard to keep up with her.

    She says you shouldn't lift more than 3 pound weights because a higher weight bulks up the muscle and creates space between the muscle and skin. Don't know if it's true, but my arms look much better doing her exercises.

  59. It bugs me that she's not supporting that baby's head.

  60. 27 my ass!

    If your doctor hasn't cleared you to exercise then you should not be exercising. Those early weeks you should be allowing your body to heal from creating a life for 40 weeks and trauma of birth.

  61. @iheartjacksparrow--HAHA wtf is she talking about? That is absolutely false. Lifting ANY weights is better than no weights at all, but TRUST ME, you will achieve greater results and burn more fat by lifting heavier weights, say 6-10lb dumbbells.

  62. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Karen, on the contrary, formerly obese people who lose weight are frequently the meanest of the mean when it comes to other overweight people. Look at Ricky Gervais -- he lost some weight, and now he's a raging dickhead about fat people. He can kiss my fat ass, and so can TA. She's awful. Her nutritional guidelines are crap and her exercise regimen is unsustainable for a normal person. She's a cheat, a liar, and a fraud. She's also ugly and will no doubt cause poor Penelope to develop a thousand body image issues and eating disorders before she's 16. She already looks kind of thin for a baby. No doubt TA has her on a strict lo-cal diet. No chunky monkeys in her house, dammit!

  63. Enty,
    I can't believe you are quoting Du Jour magazine.
    Does this mean youre a social climbing egomaniac?

  64. First, these comments are awesome.

    Next, Tracy Anderson sounds like. a. freakin'. beeyotch.

    She actually uses the term "disaster bodies" for these normal average women who have had kids. No, actually, they're not DISASTERS. Shut the f up. They're normal human bodies.

    Oh, and the part where she fully admits being a bitch to her friends with bigger boobs: how lovely.

    This woman hates other women, and it's obvious. Hag.

  65. Out of curiosity I checked out her website. That heifer's four cd package is $89! Yep, you read it right! Hi Enty...first time poster and now apparently a blogger. LOL

  66. oh stop being so dramatic. She is only 5 feet tall and gained 30 pounds during pregnancy. That sounds normal to me.

  67. Anonymous5:05 PM

    She probably had lipo and a tuck or two.

  68. I don't care how much weight a woman gains while she's pregnant, or how or if she loses it. It's none of my damn business what food another person puts in their face, Jessica Simpson included. We all come in different shapes and sizes. I'm getting really tired of the fat shaming that goes on. It's like the last prejudice that's ok. This trick should shut her pie hole and be glad she HAS damn job when so many people don't. And that she HAS lost weight when so many people can't.

  69. Yeah, I don't know how we've become so obsessed with whether or not someone is fat or not. Who gives a shit? If people want to be fat, it's no skin off my back.

  70. you know, afrer my first baby i had lost all the weight by 6 weeks. zero effort. i gained about 35-40 lbs. but i was rail thin before pregnancy and it just came off w/o effort. not the same with baby #2 and w/ #3 it was HARD. there are people who are naturally thin and its eaiser for them. look at miranda kerr. how many woman could ever look like her, much less after a baby. i always hope that women who say things like tracy have a learning experience that teaches them what's what. if baby number 2 is another story for her, what can she say?

  71. Eat shit & screw off. No way she is 27 if she had a son in 1988. She advocates an 800 a day diet?

  72. Enty either has a reading comprehension of a mean six-year old or is a lying liar who invented the quotes to up his page hit count (most probably both).

  73. @billybob ...and this is why I love Plato, lol. :)
