Monday, August 27, 2012

Tom Cruise Spent Millions On Katie Holmes For Gifts - She Gets To Keep Them

According to Radar, Tom Cruise spent millions of dollar on jewelry and accessories for Katie Holmes and as part of their divorce she gets to keep them all. This was the quietest, non-gaudiest millions of dollars ever. All I remember Katie ever wearing was her fairly simple wedding ring and Tom's jeans. Granted, because they are Tom's jeans they are probably hand made by members of Scientology trapped in some basement somewhere so he considers them to be worth millions. What else did she get? A bunch of shoes and some bags? I have a tough time figuring out what the millions were spent on because she never wore anything. But, hey, if he spent it she got to keep it.


  1. Where's Shelly? Is she stuck making the customized lifts for his shoes somewhere in SeaOrg?

  2. Gifts are gifts. Why shouldn't she keep them?

  3. Unless they're Mapother family heirlooms I agree a gift is a gift. She should keep them.

  4. I wonder what they were too? Enty's right, she never flashed any bling or anything like that.
    But agree, whatever she has is hers to keep.

  5. I don't think us regular folk can even imagine what the uber-wealthy spend their money on. She doesn't seem to flash a lot of jewelry, so who knows? Handmade toilet paper? Sheet sets with gold fibers woven in? I'm so average, I can't even imagine good pretend rich people shit.

    I guess a super-high end bag can run into the tens of thousands?

  6. Are them fancy sunglasses expensive? She wears a lot of those - we call them 'hoot owl glasses' around here, cause we're all classy and stuff.

  7. And there's the multi-million-dollar payoff that was kept out of the official settlement except for a simple phrase like "keeps all gifted property". Most likely, six & seven-figure estate/investment quality pieces from Cartier, Fred, Van Cleef & Arpels, etc. - the kind of pieces that are shown & purchased in private back rooms and then go straight into a vault or safe-deposit box, one of the ultra-wealthy's favorite ways to move huge stores of value around the world under the radar. You really didn't think all those ultra upscale jewelers in Bev Hills & elsewhere stay in business because people actually wear those pieces, did you?

  8. Who knew this girl was so clever. I don't care for either of them but have to hand it to her...she's done EVERYTHING right.

  9. Huh, Rick. That's the kind of intel I was hoping someone would share. A glimpse into the world of the super-wealthy - I love it!

    So you don't think handmade toilet paper was involved AT ALL?

  10. I'm sure the $cilons go around thinking that their OTVII members are the ones who are manipulating MEST (matter, energy, space, time) to keep Isaac away from their precious Clearwater HQ.

  11. Enty, I posted this before ,this is what I think:
    Transfer of titles, deeds (for land and other) and a joint Swiss bank account as well as other off shore accounts for the 2 (Suri and Katie) were likely done "pre" divorce. As well as Suri's trust fund.400k child support because it's practical and most (not all) of the financial transactions will not be legally traceable. Jewelry/art, etc is likely investment pieces that are not worn. Unless she visits the Queen or something:)

  12. Check everything for listening devices! C.O.S. is watching you!

  13. If Judge Judy has taught me anything, it is that gifts remain with the receiver upon the separation of the parties. Thank you Judge Judy!

  14. Agree with Rick - she was probably "gifted" with jewelry, a big cash settlement, perhaps land or buildings, etc. She's not going to have to worry about where her next meal is coming from.

  15. That's what I was thinking Agent.
    investment pieces, and most people don't wear a lot of flashy, spendy jewels unless it is to awards.

  16. Now was the ultrasound he bought when she got pregnant a gift or will Tom get to keep that for his use with his next contract bride? I'm guessing he'll keep that.

  17. Erin, I remember he said they were going to donate that ultrasound after the baby was born.

    I'm embarrassed that I know that.

  18. If those are Tommy girl's jeans, then how is there enough material to roll up cuffs? Jussayin'.

  19. Mooooney mooooney moooney money! Money!

    Agent is correct.

  20. She had the megaBirkin - the one that was big enough to carry Tom around in. $100K? Early in the marriage she had a lot of great bags. Then she fell apart.

  21. Does this seem like a "duh" story to anyone else? They were gifts, ergo, they were her property. Why wouldn't she keep them?

    That ridiculously enormous custom Birkin she has is probably worth $25,000+ alone.

  22. My question is: why only those booties?! (I know she's not wearing 'em in this photo...old photo!)

    Amazing how quickly this divorce went through. That should be everyone's goal...cut those ties ASAP.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Clearly, I need to develop a line of bags and market them to the ridiculously rich. I can't get my head around those numbers for a stinkin purse or tote bag.

  25. This story sounds like it was planted by Tom's PR team.

  26. Reeses...maybe Tom won't let her have any of her other shoes. Maybe that's why she leaked this she can get her other shoes back and STOP WEARING THE BOOTIES.

    On a related note, I have a pair of booties from the 90s that are ridiculously similar to hers...I should dig them out and be all stylin'.

  27. Enty should know better, youre beginning to unnerve me now! You must know that we were not privy to all the divrce details, doubt even the judge was aware of all the "gifts" and yes enty i told you long time that the divorce details were settled long before they announced it to the public, he was not blindsided , how many times will i say it , it was all according to plan!

  28. I'd bet the farm her engagement ring was a hand me down from a Scientology fleecing of a new convert. That ring was pitiful.

  29. Contrary to popular belief, jewelry is not a good investment. The markup is too high, the resale market is too limited. That's why jewelers heavily promote sentiment with their sales - they need to discourage people from casually reselling their jewelry, because if everybody did, the retail values would collapse.

    There are occasional exceptions, such as very high quality gemstones or pieces with a famous history, such as the Duchess of Windsor's jewels, or Liz Taylor's. But in order to acquire that reputation, people have to know that you owned them. Meaning stowing them away out of sight doesn't work.

    The best article on this topic is probably Jay Epstein's "Have You Ever Tried To Sell A Diamond?", which you can find with a google search. If you love jewelry, it is an absolutely fascinating read as to how the international diamond market is essentially based purely on advertising emotions and sentiment.

  30. @Squeezebox
    Totally true! Diamonds are not a girl's best friend. Diamonds are plentiful and De Beers has a cartel for sentiment.

    Wonder if Katie will sell them at auction like Ellen Barken did with her ex's gifts.

  31. Barton, I was just going to quote Judge Judy! I love that old harridan!

  32. @ Squeezebox , Jewelry at her level is not even seen by peons like us.It's a combo platter of estate value which can be used as a tax write off by her down the road (ex if she wanted to donate it to a museum, just like art).She would likely have loose precious stones as well. He would never go to a jeweler,the pieces would be brought to him. These folks aren't just rich, they are stinking wealthy!He probably has investments in mining (not diamonds).

    Agree with you about the sentiment of diamonds and advertising, but that is directed at us po' folks, the masses!

  33. What about the diamond Chanel necklace he showed up at a Katie (sorry... Kate) interview with? I'm sure she made out just fine.

    Still kind of shocked and amazed by the $400k/mth thing. There's NO WAY she didn't make out better than that!

  34. Katie was shopping her ass off at the beginning of their relationship. It's weird to think of it now since she always wears the same dumpy jeans and booties, but I remember at the start when she was very gung-ho about the whole relationship she was constantly getting papped on Rodeo Drive and Fifth Avenue with bags and bags of loot. This happened weekly. The tabloids used to print stories about how Tom was upset that she was spending so much. I can easily buy that she's got millions of dollars worth of clothes, shoes, and jewellery.

  35. On the COS need to find the piece they showed on Extra tonight of John Travolta and Kelly Preston dancing it up at some big Scientology anniversary ball. They did a little dancing then both of them went on and on about the Celebrity center being their "safe" place as artists.
