Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Tom Cruise Has Visit #2 With Suri

Right now there are thousands of broken Scientology families sitting around and wondering how it is that Tom Cruise gets to see his child and none of them get to see theirs. Well, when they start donating a few million bucks the rules will be changed for them too. Tom took Suri to Disney World for his second visit with his daughter since Katie Holmes announced the split on June 28th. He bought Suri an Ariel costume and hopefully kept her away from the Scientology mecca of Clearwater. I'm glad Tom is seeing his daughter, but I would also love for him to sit down and talk to a reporter who is not named Oprah and answer questions about why he gets to see his daughter and other Scientologists don't. When he does press for any movie, that should be the first question to come out of a reporter's mouth. Anything else, then you are not a reporter or a journalist, but just an ass kisser. If he wants his favor of you talking about his movie, then great, but he should also be willing to answer questions. If Scientology is all open and and forthcoming then he should have no issues answering the questions. Oh, and if you are a reporter with any gumption, you will show Tom interviews with 10 or 20 or a 100 Scientologists who all say they were not allowed to see their kids and confront him. Yeah, Tom will hate you forever, but you will have your dignity and probably an award or two.


  1. Disney trip or not, one glance at Suri's getup and I knew her daddy styled her for the day!!

  2. Regardless of all the Co$ bullsh't, I really do believe Tom loves this kid very very much.

    Yes, he will get special treatment because I imagine if Miscavige tells him not to see Suri Tom would just say F-U.

    Then Miscavige would lose his precious Tommy. Curious to see how this will be received on the Co$ boards...

    1. The two part interview by Tony Ortega was fabulous. The guy he interviewed said Tom is as useful to Miscavage as Miscavage needs him to be and if Tom angered him there would no longer be a Princess Tom Hubbard of scientology. I think Tom is just as dependent on Miscavage to make him feel good with Miscavage Tom would be a sheep with no Shepard.

    2. Without not with* on the last part

  3. Blablow! You blew this shit out of the water. There is some anger in this post that I love!

    Those pumps are horrid.

    Suri is not an SP. That is probably David miscabbages and tommies logic. Katie Holmes has been very careful not to talk about the church. But she did do the catholic school thing. So... I'm not sure.

  4. I am so over heeled or wedged sneakers

  5. The important thing is that he is still supporting her, when i heard his son was a DJ, i nearly pissed my pants cause i remember back in the day if i told my rents that i wanted to be a DJ after all those college fees they would disown me

  6. @Nellie, Total agreement.

  7. Little Mermaid Princess Suri! Adorable!

    Maybe daddy dressed his little girl, but it looks like The Beibs dressed him with those stupid shoes. Really McGlib? Are you an 16yo wanna be?

  8. $cientology and Disney all in one state. That might explain a few things.

    She looks adorable as Ariel.

    1. it's the same thing as cali disneyland & scientology :/

  9. hey forever - let's all take note that Connor and Bella were educated at a Co$ school (very little actual info) and will not be attending college.

  10. My question is how long he was with Suri? Was it just a day cause that's just plain ridiculous - picks her up in the morning, flies to Florida, and then drops her off back in NY the same day? Oh wow Daddy is effing with Suri's brain unfortunately, Mom is trying to tone things down and Dad becomes so much fun.

  11. I'm hoping the logic is that a 6 year old can't be a SP. Do you think when she is older she will have to choose to be a Scientologist of be declared a SP. Perhaps he will be allowed to visit with her until that day....not sure why other member's young children would be declared PS though - seems unfair for sure.

  12. This is probably the most normal thing Tom has ever done with her.

  13. There will be attacks against Katie they are coming. I pity Katie dealing with Suri after one of Toms visits, it's not going to be fun.
    Are Connor and sister wondering why they couldn't see their mom ?

  14. @Vicki - I will never look at Disney the same way again! Florida and California! *shivers*

    @hunter - That is so sad. What a waste. So Connor gets to be a douchey DJ. And Bella just follows everyone around carrying stuff. What a waste!

  15. If you're not reading Tony Ortega and the Village Voice, you should be. Free Tom! I have no doubt this man is full on mind controlled at this point.

  16. Enty, what they should also ask:


    Tony Ortega should get a Pulitzer for this one day.

  17. Bang: check it -

  18. You know this will never happen, dude. Studio heads are protecting their investment now, and any interviews Cruise allows (and he probably won't give any for the foreseeable future) will only be given with strictly vetted questions. Cruise is in damage control mode now (hence the high-profile Suri visits) and as he can't think well on his feet in interviews (Oprah, Lauer), no one will ever put him in that vulnerable position again. Except for carefully orchestrated pap pics, he's on lockdown now.

  19. I guess in his insulated world he has not heard the term "Disney Dad".

  20. "Lockdown" unless he leaves Co$. In which case he would not have to do any interview, ever gain.

  21. Suri's going to be taller than her dad soon. He's a munchtard.

  22. you can blame CoS all you want but it really boils down to people choosing a crackpot religion over their family.

    If there is no court barring you from seeing your kids, then leave the cult and see them. Weak willed fucking people who whine about the great atrocities of life that they HAVE control over annoy me.

  23. It is a comfortable 90 or 92 in Jacksonville with a coastal breeze. Inland in Orlando it is hotter and more humid. I cans believe Tom is walking around in jeans and Suri in that hot costume in the peak of the summer! For the love of xenu act normal for once and wear shorts, a tee shirt and some flip flops. Maybe consider some sunglasses or a hat for your kid- not yourself we don't want to mess up a pap shot.

    1. jax has been getting a little rain though, not as much as we were like the first 2 weeks of june but it rained a little yesterday. i can't stand when tourists come to florida & wear jeans & long shirts! you're in florida for crying out loud we only need jeans between late october to early feburary!! flip flops we basically wear year round though lol

  24. Good link, @hunter, thank you.

  25. People who whine annoy me.

  26. @jax - my thoughts exactly.

  27. Dang, Suri is making out like a bandit over this divorce, Mom has her on parade daily for ice cream, the zoo...some outing so they can be seen and photographed and Daddy is trying to out-do with a big something when he comes for his turn.

    Lucky little girl! Love the outfit, lol.

  28. Don't know if this is true, but I read in a tabloid this week that Suri will be attending a Catholic school this fall. Wonder how Tom feels about that?

  29. I thought the problem was that people who left the church were not able to see their kids who were still in - maybe I misunderstood.

  30. Great article/video at Village Voice about Mimi Faust.

    Watch Mimi Faust Talk about Losing Her Mother to Scientology

  31. @Linnea...

    If a parent leaves/escapes COS and takes kids with them, the kids are declared suppressive too and the parent (or other family member, say grandparent) who doesn't leave/escape is forbidden from seeing those kids if they want to stay in COS.

  32. That makes sense. The article I read only talked about how people who leave their kids in the church cannot see them again. But that is not applicable here, obviously.

  33. Actually, if the person leaves but does not "go against" Co$ or make any public comments they supposedly can have a relationship with family members (although obviously strained). EXAMPLE Lisa Marie Presley has removed her links to CO$ but has not spoken publicly about them so she can continue to speak to Mom.

    But it's mostly for wealthy Co$. Read about Placido Domingo's son and former daughter in law who were in Co$.Very interesting (See Village Voice)

  34. A famous (by association) person example is Placido Domingo Jr.. His ex-wife left COS with their kids and he was forbidden from seeing any of them. Even though he was divorced, he eventually left COS because he got angry that they (COS) made him choose.

    Obviously PD Jr. didn't contribute enough money.

  35. Lola, that was a wonderful synchronicity. I have them all the time with "Sunny".

  36. I agree with the other commenters about Tom wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt in Orlando!!! I am in West Palm and with the heat index it feels like 100 degrees out here so I can imagine Orlando is freakin hotter then hell!!! I guess Tom and his CO$ mindset seem to think it's okay to dress like you're going to a premiere when in fact you are going to Disney World where everyone pretty much dresses like they are lounging around with worn out clothes. I'd love to see Tom buy one of those Mickey Ear hats (they make some crazy one) with his name stitched on the back.

    Side note, I love seeing little girls dressed as princesses at Disney. At least Suri is acting like a normal little girl.

  37. @ lalaland923, in Broward (at least for now) !

  38. I applaud the CDAN staff for keeping COS's feet to the fire, but some objectivity is warranted. A professional journalist would no more confront Cruise about COS shunning than they would confront Steven Spielberg about the practice of shunning by Orthodox Jews. There are celebrities who are nominally Christian Scientists; would you confront them about CS parents allowing their children to die for want of medical care?

    We know, of course, that Tommy has publicly advocated the whole of COS theology. So it's fair to ask him if that means he endorses shunning SP's, "fair game", etc. That's a fair question.

  39. Ugh, that outfit on Suri is absolutely not appropriate to wear out in public. Pedo bait. Disgusting.

  40. I know everyone is gonna get all over me, but once again, that little girl is not smiling, looks stressed, and doesnt seem connected to her surrondings.

  41. auntliddy - thought the same thing but was trying to be nice today.

    1. Not trying to be unnice, wld love to see big ol' smile on her cute face! :)

    2. Just saw new pics of them at the POOL. Shirtless Tom and the happiest Suri I've ever seen! Totally adorable :D

  42. leave Tom ALONE, who cares if his religion is whack as hell...lots of bigotry in the world...stop adding to it

  43. They had some great pix out there of her and Pops swimming in a Disney pool- with a smile on her !

  44. For a kid that's papped so much I wouldn't llet her wear a midriff top in public

  45. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I give Tom a pass on this one- no picking his motives apart. As a child of divorce in my childhood, at least, both parents are spending time with her and not allowing her to be victimized by this real or contractual parting.

  46. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I give Tom a pass on this one- no picking his motives apart. As a child of divorce in my childhood, at least, both parents are spending time with her and not allowing her to be victimized by this real or contractual parting.

  47. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I give Tom a pass on this one- no picking his motives apart. As a child of divorce in my childhood, at least, both parents are spending time with her and not allowing her to be victimized by this real or contractual parting.

  48. Nola - MUNCHTARD!!! Love it!

    Jax is correct - no one keeps me from my children. If my kid deceided to join Scientology I think I would have to do an intervention...

    Thanks for the info about Runnin' Scared - I have something new to read!

  49. What's a Disney Dad?

  50. @Sandy
    “he can’t think well on his feet in interviews” Ha! Ya think?

    I’m sorry if you guys have already seen this a million times. It’s too good not to post again:

    Yeah, I don’t understand the faux high-tops either. Maybe McGlib’s peeps told him he was getting too much flak for wearing those ridiculous boots in the summer?

    BTW – No talking during childbirth!

  51. the CO$ freaks are on kneepads every time thre is an article about tom or katie or suri. "katie knew what she was getting into...she broke up the family...katie is a gold digger". the hatred for CO$ is big. every post they make is responde to 10 times with something ugly and mean. regardless of what comeas out on katie, i think people fear CO$ enough that it won't matter.

  52. I read a Voice article where one of the higher-ups who has defected from the CO$ says that the Cruise/Miscavige relationship isn't what people seem to think. Rather than Miscavige worshiping Tom, Miscavige apparently cares about nothing and nobody but himself and it's Tom who worships Miscavige instead.

    Google 'Tom Cruise Worships David Miscavige Like a God' if you're interested in reading more.

    Katie looks very lost without Suri, and Tom can't style her for shit. I'm glad she gets to have both parents even if one is Tom, who desperately needs deprogramming and a psychiatrist.
