Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tom Cruise And Katie Holmes Are Officially Divorced

And just like that it is over. The marriage that Katie Holmes would last 100 lifetimes or as long as the checks kept coming has ended after a New York judge signed off on the final agreement ending the couple's five year marriage. Tom has had some photo ops the past few days and let it be known that he has dropped 14 pounds since Katie abandoned their marriage. That is the word of choice this week. Katie abandoned the marriage. So, how fast does Tom move on to someone new or is this an indication that he is going to play the martyr card for a little bit and just be single? You know what we have never really seen from Tom? Dating. There was that time after he and Nicole Kidman split that he kind of tried but each date was like a tryout for a relationship rather than just dating for dating. What he needs to do to make himself appear human is to go out on some dates and get some stories written about him in the tabloids that make it seem like he is dating lots of women. He won't though because he is socially awkward when it comes to dating women. He does have a very big checkbook though and probably a fleet of willing SeaOrg volunteers who would love to get out of doing whatever it is they are scheduled to do for the next billion years of their contracts.


  1. He absolutely needs to pick a SeaOrg chick from the row of cages---think of how thankful she will be to get sunlight and no more gruel!

  2. This makes me so sad. When I worked with Tom he was always so kind to the other actors and crew. Knowing how Tom is, I'm sure he'll get through this.

  3. Maybe he can date Shelly!

  4. I bet it won't be more than a year. He needs someone to gush over him in public again.

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    @libby "Please, sir, may I have some more paparazzi staged photo ops?"

  6. Lol, kind of love that someone bothered to create a whocaresnow12 parody account.

  7. Thank god Penelope Cruz escaped this fate. She is my gal crush

    Libby (great to see you!) has it right -- he needs to choose a Seaborg chick this time.

  8. I just got back from the drugstore where I saw the cover of US or some other celeb. mag. on the cover was the newly slim Jenny Garth with the headline about how she lost 20 or so pounds in just a few weeks. (paraphrase). and "How I did it!"

    clearly it was the divorce that did it, and most likely finding that her husband was cheating on her. its called suffering. it often makes one stop eating. but someone in the universe of the tabloid/celeb mags, its a good thing.

  9. I was amazed yesterday that Enty went out on a limb to say that Katie was 'not kind' (Or, to quote directly, 'No kindnesses from her, ever.") And today he says she was just looking for a check. Whatever happened to Saint Katie? Is Enty also a Scientology plant?

  10. Anonymous7:13 AM

    @Amber I was really biting my tongue to not say anything about the name dropping. I don't read through all the comments enough to know which users are real and which are parodies, I just know that it looked very familiar by name and content. Now I'm laughing even harder.

  11. Whenever I look at him, I look at the wire cage in his brows that keep his face in place. Most aging men rely on Restylane and Botox, but Cruise has wire knitted through his brows and brow muscles to keep them from sagging, according to an old plastic surgery gossip site I used to read.

  12. @Nutty_Flavor noticed that too. also in the random photos he made a comment about her wearing the same shoes, doesnt seem like his usual tone w/Katie.

  13. Diana--love the Oliver Twist reference.

    But if he wants a no-mess beard, he needs a fellow $ci. They're already under contract!

    (Hi Seachica. Nice to see you too. Thanks!)

  14. Just curious - how is it even legally possible to be divorced in two months (in the U.S.)? Don't you have to get the decree nisi and then the decree absolute, which usually takes about six months?

  15. Anonymous7:25 AM

    @libby Which is why she would want more photo ops otherwise it's a Sea Org's life for she.

    There are so many examples of slavery that still exist in this world that it's really hard to believe. I wonder if we'll ever be rid of it. Probably not. Corrupt religions, corrupt governments, corrupt corporations, corrupt people. Scientology encompasses all four.

  16. surfer - I got divorced in 2012. I filed the papers at the end of June, did all of the paper work myself, and by the end of July we were officially "dissolved". It only cost me $400!

  17. I mean 2010, not 2012 lol

  18. Anonymous7:27 AM

    @surfer I was wondering the same thing. Perhaps they had already started proceedings and she released it to the press earlier than they'd decided or they were never legally married in the first place. Don't know, don't hang out with those people. Scared.

  19. The New York statutes have a 120 days timetable -- I'm not a lawyer, but it seems that in an uncontested divorce, the parties are divorced quite swiftly. Custody arrangements must be something to work out later and elsewhere? Fuzzy on the law here.

  20. Wow, Amber. I thought six months was considered quick. Live and learn, I guess.

  21. @surfer - divorce laws vary from state to state. In Georgia it took me about 3 months.

  22. Diana---you are so right about slavery right under our noses! I was talking with a friend last night, and I was THRILLED that knew about $ci slavery. They have gotten away with it for so long!

    On that note, "The Master" film is coming SOOOOOON! squeeeee! Joaquin looks so good in the trailers!

  23. @Barton - shut up! Implanted wires? That's the craziest shit ever - and I totally believe it.

    Amber - I'm also enjoying our new friend. I tried to have a friendly chat with the original on a thread yesterday, and was shut down immediately, so, rock on, parody person, rock on.

  24. If you have kids in Michogan and want to get divorced there's a mandatory 6 month waiting period plus u have to go through a parenting class. My ex had to do the class even though his ex wife took off for Florida and abandoned the kids

  25. A friend in Chicago saw 'The Master' and said the film is excellent and that Joaquin was magnificent.

    1. @Agent - goody! I'ma finding me a sitter for this one!

    2. @Agent - goody! I'ma finding me a sitter for this one!

  26. @amber and @frufa
    I am enjoying as well. I tried to give girlfriend a chance, but she's so mean for no reason. I subscribe to all the posts at once, and then I can read grouped comments throughout the day on my phone when I have a sec. Whenever I see a bunch from her, i call them her "drive-by kicks in the chiclets". They'll be 8 insults in a row!

  27. The shoes.
    Sorry, but Tom, who is my dad's age, is wearing Justin Bieber's kicks. No.

  28. Diana, Frufra, Sunny - check out the Fringe post comments. LOL I have no idea what's up with the OG one. I would get tired and old being so nasty all the time!

  29. Oh! Agent! I'm so excited for the trailers you can SEE (his character's) thoughts running through his head...the acting is silent, with just his EYES.

    He doesn't have TWO Oscar noms for nothing! So happy he's back!

  30. I'll never forget Bronson Pinchot's stories about Tom Cruise and how crazy and rude he is. I trust Balki.

  31. Me too, Libby. This is one movie that I will actually pay $ for to see.

  32. @amber and @frufa
    I do have to add that I had a nice "chat" with the OG the other day, but I was convinced the sendoff to me was going to be Buuuut, you are an annoying jackass. Luckily I made it out inscathed :)

  33. Personally, I think it's assholy to be a blatant troll. If you have a problem with someone, or want to mock them, don't hide behind a "parody" (we all know it's not really a "parody", it's just being a dick) do it under your screen name. If you're big enough to mock, you should be big enough to take any resulting backlash.

    You all may think whocares is an ass, but I think she's had a lot of interesting insights into the industry.

    I would also point out that you only think it's funny because whocares isn't a "favorite". If this was you, Amber or Frufra who became "onamobile", hell would rain down upon the "parody" and it would be called out for what it is.

    Flame away.

  34. I'm here every day, but not much afternoons.....if someone wishes to explain the whocaresnow drama, I would appreciate it.

    Is whocaresnow normally a troll, and this is a parody troll, or what? I admit I don't check comment threads after 4PM, usually.

  35. Lola - I would be entertained if somebody parodied me; I can laugh at myself. I'm not so self-important as to think someone would waste their time doing such a thing. If this inspires YOU to do so, that's fine.

    That being said, I do agree that whocares has added some interesting things/theories into the mix (which I welcome), though sometimes the delivery/attitude is not very nice. However, I think the parody is funny, and will continue to be entertained.

    1. @ Amber - this. It seems like someone's taking the piss and while clever, is harmless amusement. I'm not seeing a need to jump on some cyber bullying train here.

  36. Whocaresnow is someone who says she works in the industry and often shares her insights. Some people her mock her contention that she is in the industry and call her out as a liar.

    Apparently someone thought it would be funny to ake it a step further and publicly mock/shame another poster perhaps to make them feel so unwelcome as to not return.

    It is mean and uncalled for. Whether you believe her or not is beside the point.

    And did anyone ever think she's not nice because of the reception she got when she first came here?

  37. No way, Lola. I don't want to flame anyone. Seriously. It's just making me giggle is all. I agree that whocares has insight, but you have to admit that person can sometimes take themselves a little too seriously. I think that's why today's new person is cracking me up.

    I am totally against "hell raining down" on anybody. I just do this for fun. My normal occupation is much less interesting, and this site is just loads of fun for me.

    @libby, not a troll, but just sort of a buzz kill sometimes is all. She has her right to say whatever, as do we all. Yay free speech!

  38. Amber, if it wasn't mean spirited and bullying, I would agree with you. This "parody", as you call it, is mean spirited. Nothing more, nothing less.

  39. Sorry, I know I'm new, but I'm going to share a rant with all of you (how lucky you all must be).

    This just enrages me because it's another example of how much easier it is to be a celeb in so many different facets. I live in NYC and just got my divorce finalized after the paperwork sat in a pile for 8 months. If only I was a bagillionaire, perhaps I could have been divorced in a timely manner, too.


  40. Frufra & Lola - I feel like "hell raining down" on anyone in the comments section of a blog would be weird and dramatic. Maybe I just let things go more easily than other people do. And for the record, I don't believe I've ever been mean or not receptive to said party. Feel free to go back through and verify.

  41. @Amber - you are marked down in my book as universally kind to everyone you interact with here. Carry on, funny lady!

  42. @Amy in MI, when my husband and his ex got divorced here in Michigan 7 years ago, it only took 4 months...? And they had 2 young kids and a business, but they agreed to terms and no one contested anything.

  43. Oh come ON, of COURSE Tom dates! He just doesn't do it publicly. Nor with females.

    I too have noticed the odd anti-Katie tone lately. I especially thought the "same shoes for the last 5 days" comment was weird...for one thing, you couldn't even see the shoes in that pic! So it was like Enty/FauxEnty was just making something up. Hmmm.

    Where's Steppy?

  44. Jumping on the mocking bandwagon when the person being mocked is not even around to defend is mean. How would you feel if you came on and saw that and saw that loads of other people mocked you all day? Would it make you feel good...even if you were ultimately able to ignore it?

    It's like in high school when the popular girls mock the unpopular girls...the people who laugh at the meanness (even when they aren't the ones actually saying anything) are as much a part of the problem as the ones actually doing the mocking.

    I can take/ignore shit also. That doesn't mean it's nice or okay.

  45. And Amber, I actually quite like you.

    I just think this is mean.

  46. Fufra, Amber, Sunny: I'm with Libby..Can I get in on the stuff you guys are talking about? I'm not following. I really thought Whocares was legit..see how naive I am?

    Hey didn't I say yesterday that the GMD was looking thin? He must have gone on that new man might see me naked diet I went on before I met the Opster.

    1. I think whocares is legit. But the new whocaresonmobile is a little odd.

  47. I'VE been called out as a liar, by a regular here. Someone who sticks a bit too closely to 'Statement Analysis' (a police lie-detection technique).
    I say 'too closely', because I often drop pronouns in conversation as an AFFECT, not a LIE. Especially when trying to keep my voluminous comments shorter.

    If anyone doesn't understand what I'm talking about, it's cool. But the person who called me out, I normally like. But they are WAY uptight and like to tell everyone that they're wrong about everything. I am empathetic to folks who NEED to be the know-it-all, though, as I have my own problems and prefer to ignore others' issues.

    Thanks for the update on whocaresnow, though. I miss the drama here usually.

  48. Libby, people jump on me too and really, it's others, I can defend myself. If they are responding to me, I have a chance to say, "screw you." it's the reason I have never said this when whocares is directly challenged...she is capable of defending herself (I assume) and it is a direct one-on-one debate.

    That is not what this is imo. This isn't, "you're wrong" or "I don't believe you." This is mocking and mean spirited.

    (and sorry for the typos in these posts, this computer's keyboard has sticky keys)

  49. Lord knows I'm a know-it-all at comes from living your life defending yourself against daily interrogation by lawyers.

    Honestly, if I've called you or anyone else out, it's not personal. Okay, with one or 2 people, it's personal. But generally, I like most people around here just fine.

  50. Abandoned the marriage? She didn't abandon the marriage. Jeebus, any real attorney would tell you that using abandon is inappropriate legalese.

  51. I think it's pretty sad that someone created a parody account. Obviously you're lacking a life.

    1. Thanks for clearing that up. ;)

  52. @Lola
    I am fairly new to posting here, always a lurker previously, but I agree with everything you've said. Generally everyone is nice here, but I have noticed there is a group of "cool kids" who tend to get a little rankled if anyone dares disagree with them. And most jump to the defense of the other immediately. A little Jr High at times.
    No offense. just observation.

  53. Lola--it wasn't you. If you did, I didn't see it. It's cool. Call me out for what I actually say or do---that's fine. But to claim someone is outright lying--someone you don't know, WAY across the country? smh

    It was something that happened during my serving career---Downtown Indianapolis, where all the celebs are 'just' sports related.

    It IS annoying to suddenly have to defend what really happened to you. I'm too lazy to lie (except by omission, out of niceness/peacekeeping)---too much work keeping stories straight. I could never keep track of which lies I told where.

  54. @Amber, Frufra, Sunny & Lola how do any of you know that it is a parody of whocaresnow? I read along everyday just like most of you but I am just not following this? Maybe it's because once I read and possibly respond to comments - that is it for me I don't think about it anymore because in reality it doesn't matter - we are just voices on a computer screen that people either like or don't! What am I missing?

  55. I'm leaving for a few hours, ladies. My boyfriend's awake now.

    See y'all later, or tomorry!

  56. Roman - whocares just confirmed it in this comments - check 8:53. I think the thing can go away now, though. Sometimes a joke gets dragged on too long.

  57. @Amber , you called it correctly.

  58. Well, with that, I'm gonna go take a nap; getting up at 6:30 to take the kid to school is about to kill me.

    I'm not lying...I really am going to take a nap.

  59. Lola - I'm jealous!

    Agent - it was just too over the top :)

  60. I am late to this party. Egads!

    Will just say I have always enjoyed comments from @whocares. I like when she shows up to add her insight. Let her be snarky if she wants too. Damn. She has to work with self involved performers all day.

    I don't want anyone to get beat up on. Just want the true dirty dirt, like a true junkie.

  61. I can't believe he's wearing those shoes! It's like looking at Justin Bieber 20 years from now!

  62. @Dia: I agree although I have never noticed Whocares (the real one) being mean or snarky but I always think people are good until proven otherwise.

  63. I know that I am a newbie but that doesn't make my opinion any less valid. I generally find poking fun at someone funny. People should have a sense of humor about themselves. However, this is clearly going to a level that is beyond funny and people are taking it personal. Can we just give it a rest and get back to gossiping about celebrities and their fucked up lives?

    1. Btw...I enjoy WhoCares. In my short time here I have never found them to be know-it-all, snarky, or exaggerated.

  64. @Lite and @lola, agreed. I also find it distasteful when one poster - or group of posters - goes after another like villagers with pitchforks and torches.

    Anyway, back to Tom and Katie. It is, indeed, interesting that the early prohibition against smack about Katie seems to be melting away.

    Around about July, anyone who disagreed with the Evil Tom and Victim Katie scenario was dismissed as a Scientology troll - myself included, although that was by the angry ladies on Celebitchy, who are on some distant planet when it comes to this case. (They were INFURIATED when Tom took his daughter to Disney World after the divorce. What a horrible father!)

    I sort of believe in the New York Magazine version of the story - - which was basically that they did both have agendas and also both loved each other.

    According to the article, he's a not-very-bright but highly energetic guy looking for a pretty girl who will put up with him, while she was an ambitious actress happy to have a romance with someone she thought would take her to the next career level. Real marriage, real disappointments, real divorce.

  65. It would make my year -- more than seeing a royal Prince's ginger fuzzy ass on the Internet (and the morning tabloids) if Tom cruise AND John travolta came OUT --/ together!

  66. I love everyone here! Want to keep it fun and playful in the sandbox.

    There is too much caca in the world right now.

  67. @Dia, speaking of caca, we are preparing for a possible hurricane. Thanks for the reminder! I must add bleach and instant wipes to "The List":)

  68. Methinks some people are over involved in the comment section. No need to take anything personal or attack. Boo/hiss

  69. Tommy!!! Call me babes!!! Seriously. The weight lose is actually looking good on you. My Pervy brain is ticking away.

  70. @yawnathon - I'm not on the cyber bullying train. I also thought it was entertaining. :)

  71. Wth. All these comments, and nothing yet from Steppy? That's the only reason I even read this post!

  72. I believe 'Steppy' has already spoken, via 'phone'.

    Where's Shelly ?

    1. What what what? Where is steppy. They used to post on Tony Ortega I think.

  73. I kind of agree with Lola, but does that mean I'm now bullying Amber?

    If yes, then apologies Amber, no offence intended.

    @ dia papaya:
    I read about that Graham Norton interview with, Miriam M etc and wanted to see it, it sounded hilarious. The Daily Mail was all over it saying how funny it was and the bits they reported, did sound pretty funny - I must check it out.

    1. Roxxx: It was uncomfortable to watch at times but pure comic genius. I don't want to give anything away. I love Graham, but this one was just brilliant. I think he was even at a loss for words by the interaction btw Miriam and It was crazy. Let me know when u watch it!

  74. whocaresnow12onamobile said...
    This makes me so sad. When I worked with Tom he was always so kind to the other actors and crew...

    @whocaresnow12onamobile - it's called acting!
    Funnily enough, I just watched the latest Mission Impossible movie last night on Dish (mostly just to ogle Vicki's fap candy) and Tom's biggest acting stretch was when he had to kiss Paula Patton. Oh, the horror!

  75. If you don't like the pop of the frying bacon, take thy pan and leave the kitchen.....

    Seriously though, I wish people would post under their one moniker only, not wear different personas to try and sway opinion or to bitch about someone else. It's tiresome and very childish.

  76. Welcome to the hot crazy kitchen Astro. What I going on today? I swear it's solar flares!

    @agent - be careful and don't blow away. I hope it misses you.

  77. *disclaimer*. That didn't apply to the himmmms

    We know you are many, you freely admit to it, that's different.

    dia I am always late to the party. Maybe I need to stay up later, or not sleep at all. :)

    Agent be sure to batten down those hatches. And have a come for me ;)

  78. astrogirl, your typo made me lol.

    During the summer I'm an afternoon only gossiper and always feel late to the party. But since school started, I'm on pretty darn early in the morning.

  79. @astrogirl, thanks and your first comment has me laughing so hard i'm spilling my adult beverage!

  80. Lola my morning is your afternoon, I can get here very early sometimes but that's no good either lol

    Thanks Agent I havent even had a coffee yet ;). Been glued on here chuckling, have to drag myself away.

  81. Hi All,
    Hey Enty, think you should post hot photos of the guys from Magic Mike, just to smooth things over. Objections? None. All in favour - I believe that's a yes.

  82. Have a come for me ;) FTW

    Second the magic mike pics!!!!

    Lastly to astro and feral - How is tomorrow looking? Anything in the future we need to know about? Haha! That always trips me out that you guys are really a whole day away

    Stay safe Agent! Don't go crazy with that bleach!!!

  83. Ok one more thing. I am not going to censor myself to placate people whose feelings get hurt too easily. I try to be completely myself, scars and foibles and all, and that's what I like and look for in return.

    Yes when reading and typing things they can sometimes come out harsher than in a real conversation, it happens to us all.

    Please don't get offended if I call you out on something by name. I am not posting on your real life Facebook page for your friends to mock you, get a grip, it's an anonymous blog.

    That being said, I am looking for fun, spirited debate which I leave at each post. I don't hold grudges or take things personally, and hope for the same.

  84. My future is so bright I gotta wear shades dia.

  85. That was a fast divorce! NY must be way faster than CA. It takes six months in CA for a divorce to become official.

  86. Wear them shades sista! I wanted to say that evening peeps are usually more chill than morning peeps but today everyone is cranky!

    I need a dia papaya cocktail to relax!

  87. That sounds bad too doesn't it? Implying I think you are cranky? I'm feeling very paranoid about this thread today.

  88. dia not cranky, not one iota. :). The opposite actually. I find it highly amusing when people who come here to snark, get snarky when others snark too. (insert any word of choice)

  89. I would tell you to have a cone dia but i know you can't. Have you ever tried eating it? I can make you some yummy biscuits if you're keen to try. It's a lovely warm all over body stone, like after a long meditation, I think you would like it.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Night astro! See ya on the flip side :)

  92. GOD my divorced dragged on forever but, my ex didnt have a mansion full of closets overflowing with skeletons either.

    I think abandoned the marriage is appropriate. When the damn thing died it was time to leave it by the side of the road for the waste management people to haul away.

    Toms shoes are falling off his feet! Oh wait, thats the 4 inch lifts, never mind.

  93. "Whocaresnow is someone who says she works in the industry and often shares her insights. Some people her mock her contention that she is in the industry and call her out as a liar."

    I didn't call her out as a liar right away. I kept shesh when I spotted holes in her claimed industry bio. Then she got bitchy one day and, well, shit happened. You don't wanna get outed, don't claim an industry CV that would shame Darryl Zanuck.

    BTW, nobody fuck with me because now I can nuke your credit rating into the stone age...

  94. @figgy. It changed approx 4-5 years ago. My BFF is doing the same thing and they have to do the class

  95. B.Profane! So that means you can do the reverse? Un-nuke a bad score???

    Do we have to send you coolers of bacon? Inquiring minds...
