Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Real Reason The Band Split

Back in the day not so long ago this band was huge. Bigger than life. Then they split. Broke apart. The band is back together again, but it is not the same as it was. At this point they are just going through the motions for money. When they were at the top and could have stayed on the top, they split. They used the whole creative differences excuses for the reason, but it was way more juicy than that. It always is. The lead singer was the nail that broke everyone. He always stated and acted that he was better than everyone, not just the rest of his band. But, in reality, even though he said he was sober, he drank every night. Even though he said he was faithful, he cheated every night, usually more than once. Often, several times. Even if his wife was on tour with him he would cheat. What he would tell her was quiet reflection time was him getting serviced in the bus or backstage by whatever groupie had caught his interest. The fake pious act was what started it, but what clinched it was when the singer slept with two of the band members then girlfriends. When they found out, they were not as ticked off at their girlfriends as they were at the singer. He said that he was spreading his seed to his flock. Yep, and he was deadly serious when he said it. Despite him having sex with their girlfriends, that is not what broke the band up. It was another chip. One he saved for a flight they were all on to a gig. Private jet. Plane takes off and on the video screen comes a movie with the lead singer having sex with each of the girlfriends. Two separate movies. When the plane landed, the group broke up. Apparently time heals all wounds. That and a diminishing wallet. One of the band members married the girlfriend the singer slept with. I wouldn't be surprised if he had done so again.


  1. Steven Tyler & Aerosmith?

  2. Steven Tyler aerosmith

  3. No clue, but Enty, you need a metaphor intervention. "the nail that broke everyone" ???

  4. Meg, that sounds like a good guess to me. Also, this is sad.

  5. Aerosmith is a good guess but my first thought was Guns n' Roses. Don't know how well it lines up, but I just WANT this to be Axl Rose...*L*

    1. I totally thought this was Axel too!

  6. Has to be kings of Leon- the drinking is why the lead went to rehab & the broke up shortly after. The piety may reference their incredibly strict religious upbringing. Just a guess.

    1. @NapAssasin - I've heard Caleb has some demons for sure but I absolutely cannot see him fucking over his family. They're all really close

  7. Scott Stapp and Creed. The "pious" thing is a dead giveaway. They were huge for a few years.

  8. This sounds like Scott Stapp of Creed. Ugh. They're awful.

  9. I don't know. Aerosmith only broke up for a couple years in the late 70's/early 80's. And that was just Joe Perry and Brad Whitford leaving. They have toured pretty consistently since they got back together for Permanent Vacation.

    It does sound like something Tyler would do, though.

    I thought Guns and Roses but they haven't gotten back together. (as the original band with Axl).

  10. The Jonas Brothers.


  11. Please let this be the Backstreet Boys!

  12. I was going to guess the Ramones but they're all dead. Except for the revolving cast of drummers. Which makes them the anti-Spinal Tap (Spinal Tap drummers kept dying). Johnny stole Joey's girlfriend & married her.

    This has got to be some dimwitted hair metal band.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Creed, definitely. When they first came out, they were almost touted as a Christian Rock mainstream band. I thought all of this came out in the media a while back, so this isn't much of a blind.

  15. I thought Creed also due to the use of the word "pious". I cannot see that word being used for Steven Tyler.

  16. The religious references make me think Brandon Flowers and the Killers.

    1. @ Sari - I promise you it is not him. He doesn't cheat on his wife.

    2. The Killers never broke up.

    3. The Killers never broke up.

  17. Steven Tyler & Aerosmith

  18. Scott Stapp and Creed, definitely.

  19. I like the Creed guess.
    That is despicable!

  20. Steven Tyler does not strike me as a "quiet reflection"-type of guy.

    I feel like it's a band with a somewhat religious vibe because of the wording of the blind.

  21. Take That, Robbie Williams was on the pictures today. He can do that, he is a bit mad. The only bit is that he was married? Well, otherwise would be too obvious.

    OMG Take that!

  22. Definitely Creed especially the religious reference to spreading his seed. Disbanded in 2004 due to tension between the members and reunited in 2009.And Scott Stapp is said to be a top notch asshole.

  23. Backstreet Boys - Bigger than life...their song was larger than life...

  24. Totally Creed. Check out their Twitter...they're back together. And just old time's sake, does anyone remember that story when he showed up out of his mind at a Dennys just to have sex with some girl? Best. Story. Ever.

  25. This must be revealed!

  26. Creed is back together...they get my vote

  27. I like the Creed guess, but I am going to just throw this out there: Steve Perry/Journey. When I read "faithful" I thought "Faithfully"!

  28. Anonymous10:26 AM

    ...98 degrees. haha just kidding.

  29. Gotta be Creed. They're the Nickelback of the US.

  30. Take That is a boy band, no lead singer there, this seems like a traditional band who all play instruments.

    G n R is not reuniting with Axl. Ever.

    Possibly Aerosmith, but is Steven Tyler that big a douche? The Creed/Scott Stapp guess seems more feasible to me. He is a douche and they were huge "not so long ago."

  31. This has to be Creed. I despise Scott Stapp. What a schmuck.

  32. Reading this all I pictured was gene Simmons

  33. I would never consider Creed or Kings of Leon bigger than life. Gross.

    This has Aerosmith written all over it.

    1. Yeah - but what band is "bigger than life"? It's an odd turn of phrase. $1 it's a song lyric.

  34. BTW, just for kicks, Kings of Leon ARE doing a ton of corporate gigs. But again, never is when I'd throw them in the "bigger than life" category. We're talking mega band with that kind of description.

    1. They are a big deal for a long long time in Europe selling out thousands of seats at venues. They were wildly popular before they quit in the middle of their tour, suddenly.

  35. My first thought was Creed-I actually liked them when they came out and though Scott was serious about his faith and his family.

    Then I remember Fred Durst calling him out at a concert as the most self righteous, arrogant jackass or something to that effect. (I took it with a grain of salt because I hate Fred Durst, but whatever.)

    Then I remember hearing about the whole Scott Stapp/Kid Rock tour bus video fiasco and him supposedly saying something to effect of him being a god or something while being serviced by some slut.

    Then there was also the drunk honeymoon arrest or whatever. (Not sure when that came up.)

    So I do think they are back together and have a new song out, right?

    If that's the case, his band mates are really stupid, but I guess need the cash-whatever. The whole thing grosses me out and angers me to see someone tout themselves as a Christian-giving fuel to people who want to lump them in with the rest of Christians.

    I may not be a perfect Christian, but at least I don't go around acting holier than though while cheating, drugging, etc...

  36. I'm with Stapp and Creed as well. The recent news of him penning his tell-all memoir and that "fake pious" act gives it away.

  37. Creed was the shit in the late 90s. I would say back then they were "bigger than life".

    I saw them in Little Rock when I was in college. My friends and I got a contact high from all the people around us. We stayed up until 3am pigging out and giggling like idiots. I overslept and missed chapel and missed my Romans class the next day. Good times.

  38. Creed WAS huge for a bit around 2001-02.

  39. In what world was Creed "bigger than life"?

    I agree with @yawnathon. It's probably a lyric. Only a select few bands fall into that category.

  40. @ Ice Angel, yes they are back together.

    Steven Tyler never really left Aerosmith recently. Even when he briefly "quit" a few years back, he was still gigging with Joe Perry's side project.

  41. I completely forgot about Creed. That was a nice period in my life. THANKS GUYS. :P

  42. Can Steven Tyler get it up?

  43. Also, like 5 or 6 years ago Nickelback did a show here and they had some after party thing at my ex's bar. The singer guy had girls up on the little stage and he was putting digits places that are inappropriate for public. I wasn't a fan before that, but I've been totally skeezed out ever since.

  44. My first thought was Steven Tyler and Aerosmith. While Creed was "big" I don't really view them as "huge"

  45. Wow...looks like Im way off. I was thinking NKOTB while I was reading this - keeping in mind I can barely remember anything about the band...thought maybe Donnie Wahlberg & the Catholic association.

  46. This is absolutely Aerosmith. They did an interview for there new record and tour and Tyler is nuts. The whole band hates him. He is an egomaniac ..I could see him doing the movie thing. He said in the interview that he is aerosmith and the band is nothing without him.

  47. @yawnathon - It's Backstreet Boys...they just got back together (including Kevin) who never said he would. And they are "larger than life" or how Enty puts it "bigger than life." BOOOOMMM!!!!

    1. @ Jessica - I would never know that in a million years. :) They did that Burger King jingle, right?

  48. I was totally thinking Creed the whole time I was reading this. The pieus remark sealed it for me

  49. Creed - they are the most likely to need the money. Aerosmith - they all have enough money.

  50. It can be Blur (song Parklife and The Universal) that played again at the Olympic Games, The lead singer is Damon ALbarn (later on Gorillaz) but he seems nice.

    Then The Police (with Sting as the singer) broke in 1983 and in 2007 reunited: See the list of 9 reunited bands that hate each other :

    I can picture Sting being drunk really and cheating his perfect wife.

  51. The Backstreet Boys had the "Larger than Life" song.

  52. Found it...Scott Stapp said "It's good to be king" in his video.

  53. Don't care which band it is, that's messed up on so many levels...

  54. I vote Creed, if this is not him, it could still be very much like him. A
    bogus piety wrapped in a used condom. If he bothered.

  55. "Back in the day" Creed was huge. Couldn't turn the dial without hitting one of their songs. Backstreet Boys - lead singer is? And someone pointed out that Aerosmith doesn't need the money. And they've always been huge, no?

  56. Plus I don't think any of the Backstreet Boys, Stephen Tyler or Nickelback ever seemed to proclaim to be pious.

    Scott Stapp, however, quite the pious proclaimer.

  57. The Backstreet Boys don't have a lead singer (they all sing lead at various parts) and never broke up or stopped touring. One person (Kevin Richardson) left the band for a few years, and in his absence they went on. He has since returned.

  58. It's Creed. Did Backstreet ever officially break up? I know Kev left, but they have been out albums here and there over the years.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. I thought of Van Halen but obviously I know nothing about today's music.

  61. I kept thinking Oasis for this. They broke up, but seem to have made some amends, and it seems like there was talk of them touring again.

    I know that Noel Gallagher has stated that he let his wife believe Wonderwall was about her, when it was actually about his teddy bear.

    He is also now involved in a project called High Flying Birds, maybe "spreading his seed to his flock" is a reference to that?


    1. I don't remember which one it was, but one of the Brothers stated that he will never tour with his brother again. Plus, they are a duo not really considered a band I think.

  62. @Crysee - no. And Kevin left in 2005 - well past BSB being "top of the world"

  63. Definitely Creed. Scott was known for that pose where he spreads his arms out like he's Jesus on the cross. And there was his honeymoon incident.

  64. Ok. It is Creed. Makes sense.

    Never heard of them before, but Scott was married, drunk and divorced. He will publish his memories in October 2012 (probably Enty had a view at them) in his family there was a pentecostal priest -so the seed and all, also he used to have this hair like jesus, seemed mental. Must be him, totally.

    What a weird thing to discover this band, I guess it was only known in the US? If he tell us all that in his book they will finally be known abroad too :)

  65. According to Wiki (yeah, I know) Littrell was lead singer of the Backstreet Boys. He is a born-again Christian who released a Christian album. Kevin Richardson married his girlfriend in 2000 and they're still together, apparently.
    But I admittedly suck at blinds. Creed sounds like a good guess, too.

  66. It's not KISS. They fired Peter and Ace quit, both because of drugs and/or booze. Gene and Paul have been together since before they were KISS in Wicked Lester and have seemingly never had a falling out since they have released albums continuously since 1974.

    I was thinking Poison for a bit but then I remembered it was just Ritchie Kotzen who was banging Rikki Rocket's wife/girlfriend.

    Nah, it's Creed. Only Scott Stapp would call his fans his Flock (except maybe Raven, but that's wrestling) since he thinks he's Jesus.

  67. I'm down with the Scott Stapp guess. There was the incident in Chicago where he forgot all the lyrics, rolled around on the stage, and disappeared from stage for long periods of time. He was so drunk that fans wanted their money back.

  68. It is Creed. None of these other lead singers of bands/boybands had a "fake pious act" like Scott Stapp.

  69. sounds like creed, but it was well known that the lead singer was addicted to alcohol, percocet, xanax, etc. enty makes it sound as though that the substance abuse was a big secret.

  70. I'll go with Creed on this one. I remember back in the day when they were HUGE and then they self imploded in a big way. Scott went from next big thing to sorely hated pretty damn quickly.

    Was it Jon Stewart or Jimmy Kimmel who made the joke at the Grammy awards years ago, something like "Wasn't it great to see the people of Iraq listening to rock music after Saddam Hussein was toppled, after three days they were sick of Creed too."

  71. Yeah, when I was in college (98-02), Creed was HUGE. My college boyfriend raved about them all the time, they were his favorite band, etc. I now giggle ever time I think about him saying that.

  72. @FS remember when concert fans filed a class action against the band because Stapl was so out of it at a concert he couldn't perform?

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  74. @yawnathon-glad to know Brandon Flowers doesnt cheat, I love The Killers!

    My guess was Aerosmith when I was reading, but Creed makes sense too. Ugh.

  75. I don't think that this is Steven Tyler, I read this as Bon Jovi. The married band member's girlfriend being Heather Locklear.

  76. I can see this as Aerosmith. Several years ago my husband's old boss was flying first class to Hawaii and sitting next to their mgr. Steven Tyler was there as well, but the rest of the band was not. They offered him passes to their concert, so he took his disabled son (an adult). They went to the parties before the concert in some sort of tent setup where Steven was separate from the band. Apparently, according to the mgr, Steven and the rest of the band do not speak and hadn't for years. However, they all were very gracious to their guests and he had nothing but nice things to say about all of them.

  77. @Jodie I thought Oasis too! Band broke up and back together but not the same.

    Beady Eye is Oasis without Noel. And Liam is just plain batsh!t crazy.

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  79. I don't know who this is, but Guns n Roses will be back together in the fall, WITH Axl Rose, for a Las Vegas residency:

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  81. @Ewam Aaron Carter is not a Backstreet Boy and never has been. His brother is. And is not pious.

  82. Ewam - Aaron Carter was solo. His brother Nick was in BSB. (I'm so ashamed right now.)

  83. What about Motley Crue? Vince Neil slept with Pam Anderson before she got with TOmmy and married him

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  85. I thought possibly Duran Duran, but Simon LeBon and John Taylor don't need the money. Simon's got Duran Duran songwriting $, and Taylor's wife is Juicy Couture.

    I'm on board with thinking this is that Eddie Vedder wannabe Scott Stapp.

  86. Creed. "Bigger then life" is warranted, they sold like 40 million albums in a few years.

  87. This can't be Steven Tyler or Aerosmith because of the line "even if his WIFE was on tour with him...." Although Steven is engaged, he hasn't been married for years.

    I also think this is Creed. As Ice Angel touched on, a couple of years ago there were pictures on line of Scott Stapp and Kid Rock standing next to each other, being "serviced" on a tour bus.

  88. i think this paragraph (from wiki, i know) seals the deal on it being creed. the rest of the band members formed a band...? yeah, definitely creed.

    "After remaining inactive for over a year, it was announced in June 2004 that Creed had disbanded. Tremonti cited tensions between Stapp and the rest of the band as the reasoning. He said that the relationship with Stapp had become so strained that the creative juices were no longer flowing.[28] Almost simultaneous with the announcement of Creed's break-up, Stapp opted for a solo career. On November 22, 2004, Wind-up Records released Creed's Greatest Hits, after which Stapp released his debut solo album The Great Divide in 2005 with Roadrunner Records recording artist Goneblind. Meanwhile, Tremonti and Phillips had reunited with Marshall to form a new band, called Alter Bridge"

  89. Ohmigod, January Girl, that was amazing!

  90. I'm on board with Creed... solidly.

    Having been way into the indie labels of the late 80s/early 90s, I still don't understand why Creed EVER became popular. They were fake grunge. Total crap. A absolute disgrace to music.

    But I suppose they were "huge" because they did sell records and were all over the friggin radio, so knowing what a total douchebag Scott Stapp is, it's him.

    Examples of his douchebaggery (culled in 5 minutes of googling):
    1. The guy considered killing himself to get "Kurt Cobain martyr" credibility...
    2. Aforementioned shitty music
    3. All of those other reasons Ice Angel said.
    4. (Clincher) FILMED AND KEPT A TAPE OF himself and Kid Rock having sex with groupies around 1999. Ended up having to apologize to Kid Rock for the tape being leaked which had been in Stapp's posession (he didn't know why he didn't destroy it).

    So sad, the two guys never made up. Boo hoo.

  91. Anonymous11:43 AM

    btw...every time I see the words "The Band," it makes me go to youtube and search up that one D12 and Eminem song "Name of my band"

  92. Gene Simmons & Kiss. Plus, his wife, Shannon, is just stupid enough (or in denial enough) to believe that "quiet time" B.S. and Simmons is delusional enough to think that spreading his "seed" is some kind of benefit to all mankind. Plus, they are touring again this summer.

  93. @January Girl -- that link makes me happy.

  94. Creed. Stapp as the everyone-fucker.

    But I was liking Axl/GnR for this too! (even though that split was more about Slash leaving than women).

    Am I the only person who ever liked Creed? I don't know any of their recent stuff, but back in the day I think I bought their music.

  95. It's clearly not Creed. The band went on to form Alter Bridge sans Stapp and have been reasonably successful. If it was Stapp that did these things then there's no way that they would've reformed with Alter Bridge doing as well as they are. They're no Creed success-wise, but they're certainly no slouches.

  96. Creed or the Killers. Read the blind again: "not so long ago" (Aerosmith has been around since the 70s), "quiet reflection," "pious," "spreading his seed to his flock." These terms do not describe Tyler or anyone else in Aerosmith, who have celebrated rock and roll hedonism for years (as have KISS).

    This lead singer has to be the "pious" Scott Stapp or the Mormon Brandon Flowers. My vote is with Stapp and Creed (bleh, what a bunch of hypocritical wankers)

  97. This is definitely Scott Stapp and Creed. Billboard did an article about him and the quote was "bigger than life, rock star image." Regardless, he's disgusting and the band's music is awful.

  98. I'm going to be a crazy person and guess fall out boy.... not sure if they are together again, but I think they were pretty big not so long ago, and picturing the lead singer boinking Ashlee Simpson gives me the giggles!

  99. It most definitely is Creed. My first thought was BSB, but after a thorough reading of the wiki pages for Creed and Scott Stapp (never thought I'd do that!) everything fits. It sure as hell explains why a band would break up at the height of their success. Also explains why they might forgive him too, considering the substance abuse.
    BTW, what an awkward plane ride!?

  100. I don't think Gene Simmon's ego would allow him to lie to anyone. I vote for Creed. They were HUGE. That doesn't mean we all liked them, but I clearly remember not being able to turn on the radio without hearing them.

    But "just to be different" I'll say No Doubt. (My new hated phrase)

  101. OK, I liked my own guess, but after reading your comments, I agree that this is Scott Stapp/ Creed.

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  103. Creed yes the pious and the flock makes it sound like them

  104. I agree with Creed. They just had some shows in Canada.

  105. Wilson Phillips/ done.

  106. Definitely Scott Stapp and Creed. That guy has/had a major Jesus fixation....not in fixated on Jesus, fixated on thinking he's Jesus.

  107. It sounds like Brandon Flowers. But I would have to throw away my "I love Brandon Forever" badge. Please be Creed.

  108. Replies
    1. YES! This was my first thought, too.

  109. Creed. They were most definitely huge in the late 90's/early 00's. I loved them.

  110. Ugh, what a megalomaniacal asshole.

  111. My first thought was Creed, Scott Stapp made a huge deal about his religion...but it was clear he was just a giant bag of douche. In the late 90s/early 2000s you couldn't go anywhere without hearing them. I really hope they aren't back together; however:,,20274934,00.html

  112. Not Take That, they explained all of their reasoning for breaking up and getting back together in the documentary and coverage of their successful reunion. Robbie still comes off as unstable, but he's bighearted, and they have each owned up to being immature/dicks to each other in various ways back in the day, they're brothers now - such a great story, and the reason I lurve them. Plus, they were never pious...their 90s era gay-bait photo spreads are a RIOT (and embarrassing).

    This has Stapp/Creed written ALL OVER it. What a true tool. Yuck.

  113. I say it was the Police. Sting has always thought himself of somesort of Zen God, the broke up very suddenly, the reunited to make a boat load of money and Sting huge ego. Love him but he is an egomaniac.

  114. Creed, Scott Stapp - known alcohol issues. Was married. Band is back together. He had a whole fake born again thing going for a while as a solo act then fell off the wagon (if he was ever on) after that.

  115. Axl Rose for sure.

    Creed was just at our local fair...and they have never been "bigger than life". ever.

  116. Yeah Creed. All the Christian/religious metaphors in the blind...I think the "nail that broke everyone" is indeed an awkward metaphor but I think another Christian reference.

  117. Isn't this the Rolling Stones? Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Anita Pallenberg. There was an article about it in the Daily Mail( which I no longer read because of all of the "female teacher seduces twelve-year-old boy" stories that pop up every day,

  118. The only thing about Creed is that Enty is either fudging or wrong about something: they split following Stapp's on-stage drunken failures that cost them thousands. Twice he went on stage stumbling-down drunk and they had to cancel the show and issue tons of money in refunds. If a sex tape screening happened after, fine, but things were already on their way out when he started ruining shows and causing them to cancel tours.

  119. Love Mr. Brightside.

    If I ever hear With Arms Wide Open again it'll be too soon.

    This totally sounds like Scott Stapp - God complex, violent drunk, likes to tape himself having sex - but why is that a blind???

    Alter Bridge is still performing but Creed is also back together and performing since 2009.

  120. I don't really follow popular music anymore- haven't for years. But in the day, even I knew about Creed, and saw interviews with douchenozzle, who talked about his christianity.

    I'd call them "huge" back then, and even I guessed Creed. And I'm the world's worst guesser!

  121. Steven Tyler has never behaved in a pious manner; anything but. While I can imagine him screwing anything that moves, I can't imagine him showing a movie of him sleeping with his bandmates' girlfriends to those bandmates while on a private plane. That's just plain mean; cruel. Steven Tyler has never come across as cruel to me.

  122. "...the singer slept with two of the band members then girlfriends."

    *cocked brow*

    "...the singer slept with two of the band member's then-girlfriends."

    Ahhhhh :)

  123. Nope this is Creed or Nickelback.

  124. Soundgarden....aren't they back together

  125. I liked the "Should have been there on a Sunday Morning" Creed song, and I believed in their religosity at the time. I was VERY DISAPPOINTED in them. (As if they need to answer to me! But still, I HATE hypocrites, and I had believed their image.)

    Anyway, I was at a store sometime after the breakup but before I heard the Kid Rock story, and they had Scott Stapp's solo album in a clearance bin for a buck or two. I bought it. BUT I HAVE NEVER EVEN OPENED IT! Sometime around then I heard the rumors and was upset that I even spent a buck or two on them. I wonder how long I have to keep it until it's a collector's item? (Hey, it's ONE OF A KIND! The ONLY ONE OUT THERE!)
    I'd be on board with the Scott Stapp/Creed guess, but every friend I have in a band has that one dysfunctional bandmate who drinks too much/blows off practice/has girlfriend drama/whatever, so that I do not think this is a unique situation at ALL. So to all those who guessed above, "You're probably right!"

  126. "Creed was just at our local fair...and they have never been "bigger than life". ever." Agreed. The Police was bigger than life when they broke up.

  127. @krk67 et al., I ALWAYS thought Creed sucked. From the very beginning. Anyone going on TV talking about how religious they are ends up being a fucked up person. Every. Single. Time. I can't wait until we learn the goods on Tim Tebow.

  128. Sounds like Creed, but I like the Steven Tyler guess too.

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  130. My first thought was Blink 182... Mark Hoppus Does seem like a pretty straight edge guy, but maybe he has a dark side to him. On wiki it does mention that he did meet his wife on the set of "All the Small Things" Where Tom presented her to him.

  131. Sounds like Scott Stapp, but did Creed ever officially break up?

  132. Not Journey - Steve Perry is not back with the band.
    The Van Halen guess is interesting. I could see DLR showing a movie like that.

  133. It seems like Enty is suggesting that the reconstituted band has a slightly different lineup... Does that apply to Creed? I wouldn't know, proudly.

  134. What about Soundgarden?

  135. I fucking hate Creed.

    I hate Creed so much that I hate Pearl Jam because if it wasn't for them Creed wouldn't exist. Or Nickleback, for that matter, who I also hate.

    And in my experience (which isn't with famous bands, but a lot of bands over a long period of time) singers are ALWAYS bitches, be they men or women. The glory goes to their head somehow. Drummers are generally alcoholics (at least) and/or perverts, and bassists are normally weird as hell. Can't comment on guitarists really cos I'm married to one and he's great :)

  136. I don't think it's creed. Alter bridge has been pretty big in the rock community, and Mark tremonti was still bringing in decent $$ because of residuals. Miles Kennedy sung lead for the GNR induction at the hall of fame. I love alter bridge because I despise Scott stapp

  137. Creed is a good guess. I was also thinking Smashing Pumkins.

  138. @Newborn - Keith Richards has a whole chapter in his book "Life" on how devastated he was imagining Jagger and Pallenberg sleeping together while they were filming "Performance". He still isn't sure it happened but he rants & raves & curses Jagger for it. Then he sits down & writes "Gimme Shelter" (which makes it a good thing in my book). Anyway after all the wailing & gnashing of teeth about Jagger's betrayal of their friendship Richards describes the preemptive sex he had with Jagger's girlfriend Marianne Faithful. What a hypocrite.

  139. Didn't Mark from Blink 182 go to rehab for drinking problems? They've reunited and are touring this year.

  140. I agree this is the story of about half the bands out there. Bon Jovi hated each other for a while - in the Behind the Music segment a clip of a band member at the time of the breakup seems angry, and if Jon was so faithful to his high school girlfriend, ask yourself why "Shot from the Heart" was written for Diane Lane. Van Halen always battles and hates each other, although David Lee Roth wasn't a married lead singer.

  141. That livejournal link is PRICELESS. This one is a good follow-up:

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  143. Pearl Jam is responsible for Creed AND Nickelback????

    I don't think this is Aerosmith based on the wording. Would anyone in Aerosmith really NEED the money?
    And while I agree that it seems crazy to think that Creed was that big, does anyone remember how much Top 40 stations played their shit on what seemed like a non-stop loop for YEARS???
