Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today's Blind Items - A List Racists

Apparently when organizations that are tied to Neo-Nazi causes need money you would think they would be out of luck with what is considered a very liberal Hollywood. Not so. There are at least two A list movie actors who are huge contributors to several of these organizations and who would cease to exist f not for the generosity of these A listers. Each of them has given well over $2M to the organizations. One of the organizations is basically a front for the KKK but just have a more politically correct name. Others are more of a para-military save yourself from the onslaught of minorities type organizations. One of the actors is A+ list. Only movies now, but not so back in the day. Whenever he has been forced to work with anyone of color he makes it clear there needs to be some distance between himself and that person. He has turned down several great roles simply because they would have required him to work more with people of color. He likes his projects to be lily white. He has even told his wife and kids that he will never speak to them again if they bring home anyone who is of color.

The other actor used to be A+ but has dropped to A-. Barely hanging on to A-, but he has that name recognition which keeps him artificially inflated. This actor has always said that some of his closest friends are black people, but in reality, no people of any color are friends with him. None. After they have known him for a bit, his true colors come out and they want nothing to do with him or his politics. He tries to hide it, but has trouble. The first actor is a huge donor to the para-military organizations while the A- list actor prefers the KKK type organizations that are doing everything in their power to make life miserable for what our actor calls the lower races. He also only dates people who can provide a trace of their ancestry so he knows they are "clean." Apparently about a year ago he dated someone without checking until later and found out she had some African-American blood in her. Our actor went on a three day bender.


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