Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Duggars Still Want Baby #20

Even after the issues they have had in recent pregnancies, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar say they’re still trying to make baby number 20. They were on The Today Show which is why I didn't see them talking about it on Friday. The Today Show audience can now be counted on one hand. Why would they go for baby #20? Pretty soon they will have hundreds of grandchildren. Are they that desperate to have another round of non-stop feedings and crying or do they just have enough built in help that all Michelle has to do is give birth and then pass every duty off? At some point I think you just need to stop. The last two pregnancies have shown that maybe having another baby is not the best idea.


  1. Do not even get me started on these fools.

  2. FFS! Someone sew that cavern shut!

  3. That dad gives me the creeps. There's something off about him..And she seems not that smart

  4. I really really dislike this couple and their insatiable need to keep breeding. The next one will probably kill her.

    Enjoy being grandparents! Enjoy raising the babies you have now. Focus on what you do have right NOW!

    I'm being a Judgy Pants about this. I fully acknowledge that. But when some families can't even have 1 precious baby and they go complaining bc they can't have 20!! I get a bit angry inside and a bit stabby.

  5. I'm from Arkansas. They are made fun of so bad around here. I wish they'd just go away.

  6. She wants more kids because she isn't raising them, her older kids are. These people are sick.

    1. Totally agree to me they are just as bad as octomom. What is wrong with those idiots i feel so bad for the older kids having to raise the lil ones N new babies she keeps having. That guy is creepy i wont be surprised if he starts knocking up his daugthers as well bcs God told him too n TLC gives them another reality show.

  7. I believe that these people are suffering from serious mental illness. So sad.

  8. She'll stop when she's dead, because that's what will happen if she keeps this insanity up.
    And then he can marry a younger woman who is also crazy and start all over again.

  9. To each his own, but there is a point when God even says stop (i.e., health/pregnancy issues). The first time I heard of the Duggars, I wanted to cry. Here they are with a load of kids and they can keep things organized. I have only five and have to fret and scream to get them to clean the flippin' kitchen.

  10. I love these people, as a single person with no kids, everytime someone questions my decision not to have kids I can just give them as an example of overbreeding and my not having a quota fill.

    To say these folks suffer from a mental illness is an understatement. I don't watch this show but aren't these people overreligious-types?

  11. They don't want more children, they want more attention! How else to keep the public's interest that have yet another child? Well, I guess they could go on the Today show to talk about all the sex they are having trying to make another baby...oh right, they did. Attention whores.

  12. @hothotheat it's a whole religious movement. Look up Quiverfull.

  13. I honestly think that they are selfish and have no love, respect, or care for their existing 19 shouldn't be the older kids' responsibility to raise their young sibling when both parents are there. They had the kids so they need to raise them and stop passing them off on their older children, I feel bad of the older ones! I'm sure they didn't grow up to have a normal childhood, they had to grow up and play parents...sorry, it just that stuff like this hits close to home...

  14. I've always been kind of reserved about them, but at this point I have to think it might be a case of attention-whorism. Most women have a built-in THAT'S ENOUGH CHILDREN mechanism, and hers is just not functioning.

  15. It's one thing for it to just happen naturally and, as they say, have as many as God wants them to have. But it's another to be TRYING. I think it's definatley about the publicity now, not their religious beliefs. There's another show on TLC with a family of 20. Theyre in competition now.

  16. It's not attention whoring when they got their show after, what, SEVENTEEN kids? This is a thing people without reality shows are doing--it's an Evanjelical Movement. Honestly, I'd find it less sick if they were just attention whoring.

  17. why haven't her reproductive parts fallen out yet? i feel bad for the older kids;o(

  18. I am so glad the general consensus is these people are fools. Enough is enough. I will never again click a link with them and I already don't watch tv so there is no worry of seeing them there.

  19. These people disgust me. I have friends that like the show. When asked why I dislike them so, I find it hard to find an answer, other than they disgust me. Their children raise each other. I dislike the Duggars for numerous reasons. I find it easier to keep it short, than to get into reason upon reason for my disdain.

  20. well, the duggars hv nice children that are nice looking, speak well, play violin and piano, love to help others, and tend to their brothers and sisters. Having said that, they have made a very insulated world for the kids. I doubt they will ever have loads of grandchildren because they either wont let the other older kids go, or they dont want to because they are so comfy in their tiny world. Its a shame either way, and not sucessful child rearing , to me anyway.

  21. If their children have turned out well and they are not relying on the government or family to support them, what's the harm? And no, I have never watched it.

    I can only imagine their grocery bill though. Yikes!! I grew up with friends whom had 12 siblings. 14 kids in all. We literally played ping pong on their kitchen table, which was 2 picnic tables. And one of my friends room was off the kitchen and guess what? It used to be the freaking pantry. He only had room for his twin bed and a night stand.

  22. I wonder if she can remember all of their names. My dad came from a family of 12 kids, and I remember my grandmother had to go through like 3 or 4 names sometimes before she actually got his right.and don't get me started on the grandkids. I dint think she ever got my name on the first try, bless her.

    Ger kids are all probably going to be just like the parents. Maybe they're trying to strata new race. I would LOVE IT if one of the younger kids rebels and becomes like a goth or something extreme. They'd try to kill him/her with their bibles.

  23. Statistics show that gays re about 1 in 10 in our species. Also, interesting research showed that the more older brothers a male has, the more likely he is to be gay.

    I can't wait til the statistically TWO gay Duggars come out! i would love to know how this family would handle it. Since their religion is all about breeding and all.

    And to whomever asked---Her 'private parts' have fallen out 2 or 3 times that I heard...uterine prolapse. i would NOT google image that search, just in case.

  24. @auntliddy their oldest have already married and begun their own "Quiverfulls".

    1. But he's the only one. There are abot 4 of them like 23, 22, 20. They dont seem to be going anywhere.

  25. Is it a religious thing with them, like they can't use birth control? If they can't use bc and they have sex, she's going to get pregnant.

    I have no interest in having kids, but if they can afford them and aren't abusing them, what's the big deal? Her body, her choice.

    1. When they were younger they did use birth control. Michelle was on the pill and they lost their second baby to a miscarriage which freaked them out they joined quiverful and they don't use bc anymore. At least, that's the explanation they give.

      I'm in agreeable with others, it's one thing to be religious and love any child god blesses you with if that's what you believe, but it's another thing to be avidly trying, considering shes had horrible pregnancies lately that put her own life at risk.

    2. Typos are due to autocorrect and laziness. Sorry!

  26. These people have a serious psychological disease beyond their arrogance to believe that anyone has the right to add 20 of their progeny to this planet.

    I'm willing to bet when she can no longer give birth, he'll be spewing into a cup with a turkey baster ready in his left hand.

  27. I would imagine that not only does she drag that ute along the ground.....but that it’s covered in scabs and bugs. I haven’t got children, in fact my doctor told me that I don’t have an automatic right to have one(!!!!!). I wonder what Mrs Duggar would say to that? Pummel the doctor with half a dozen Old Testaments? Their home seems to replicate a sweat shop, the kids do all the work while the creepy-looking parents practise baby-making. YUK!

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I think your doctor is wrong.Everyone has a right to the choice of procreation. My body won't allow me to have kids; however, I am in the process of fostering children for those who exercised that right but abused it. I don't like it that they abused that right but I wouldn't take the right away from others because of that poor judgment.

  28. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I am with Bobbi 1025. They seem like a happy, productive, well-adjusted family. Let them be. The crazies are people like Suleman who can't afford their offspring and don't raise them. The Duggars don't live off of welfare, don't prostitute themselves, etc.Just because their lifestyle doesn't appeal to the masses doesn't make it wrong or bad.

    1. The kids have to schedule one on one time with the parents. The one on one time also is up after a certain amount of time (forgot how long). Watching the show, the kids do more parenting for their younger siblings, than the patents do. They seem sweet and well adjusted, but I think it is terrible that that they will never experience a "normal" parent/child relationship.

    2. Parents, not patents. My autocorrect enjoys making me look like an idiot!

  29. They need to tour a Vietnamese orphanage.

  30. Agree wIth serious mental issues. They've put enough genetic trash into the gene pool. They need to be called out, not celebrated. Hopefully the only humans who will breed with their progeny are Gosselins or Octotrash. Run away!!!!

  31. The last time they announced a pregnancy, some of their kids started crying--the ones who will be responsible for caring for the baby. It is extremely selfish of these two nympho kooks to place such responsibility on their teens and very sad for the children who don't get to grow up and be facking kids for chrissakes.

  32. I find it sickening how women screech that their uterus is nobody's business and then refuse another woman the right to do as she pleases with hers. You cannot have it both ways. Either opinions on what women do with their wombs is fair for all or we all owe Michell Duggar an apology. Her body. Her choice.

    1. Disagree. NOT having babies is nobodies business. HAVING babies IS bc unwanted, uncared for babies become the worlds problem to take care of.

    2. kats - From what I gather, their kids aren't unwanted or neglected.

      I don't get all the hate for these people. It is not the life I would choose, but I don't have to pay for their kids and they seem like a loving family. Let her prolapse her uterus all she wants.

  33. @notfamousamos opinions =\= laws

  34. I hadn't heard of Quiverfull until it was mentioned here, and I had time to look it up. The Duggars are a part of an evangelical cult, Quiverfull. It's doctrine is to be fruitful and multiply, use homeschooling, homesteading, and, in reality, remove all outside influences from the children, so they are fully indoctinated into the cult. Then the childrens' children will be taught the same thing by their parents.

    The result? Increasingly more adherents to the cult, and therefore, more money into it's coffers.

    It uses women as broodmares for money. Michelle Duggar is setting women back 100 years! But somehow, I don't think she has much say in the matter. She, through her cult, and her husband, is brainwashed into believing that the more children she has, the better she is doing for her "church". SMH

    Oh, and maybe a tv show.

  35. Selfish fringe cultists from the Quiverfull movement, get air time and prove to ALL of us, and TLC that the suffering and compromise of the last child, and the dead child mean nothing when it gets in the way of what would be grace, humanity, goodness and kindness to what would be a suffering baby that these to selfish idiots who have more children than they can raise themselves. They turned other children into surrogate parents, that a 3 times a charm attitude is not only hypocritical as a Christian due to the suffering of those infants until they hit a certain number of kids? They don't care as parents, it's a numbers game to them, and apparently their equally creepy neighbors, who make their children wear 1930's swimwear, lest the brothers start raping their sisters I guess. Everyone else can buy off the shelf and act normally and socially appropriate in swimwear but these people where da old fashioned jazz age swim wear keeps the rapin' to a minimum. This is nothing but a cult of child abuse. FDLE like, with ego maniac males who wants to spread their seed. It's obscene. Also, for those of you who think they don't get government help, you are delusional, just the tax relief from the IRS nets them huge money BACK from the rest of us. There is more. Selfish loathsome people.

    If the people aren't watched they will go away.

    1. The swim wear thing isn't creepy to me. I would love to have old fashioned swimwear. That is just a modesty thing.

    2. C'mon, those bathing suits are like swim burkas!! How can u hv fun like that?? Im not saying wear a bikini, but there is a happy medium in there somewhere.

  36. Well said, Unknown! :)

  37. Michelle is addicted to babies. She will keep trying until she either has a stroke while pregnant from high blood pressure or til she can't anymore.

    She hands off the little ones once they aren't infants to the older kids--and tries again. It is not my business--they aren't on public assistance, but her last viable pregnancy gave them Josie who was so premature her care cost their insurance over a million dollars and it's a miracle she hasn't ended up with life-long special needs.

    They do it to publicize their religion and to make money--their property and businesses are not enough in this economy to keep them at the same lifestyle --they need the TV show.

    I feel saddest for the older girls. Kept at home with a minimal education and used to support this operation. They are doomed to be like their mother.

  38. My sister has 8 kids with her happily married husband. They are fine financially bc he is in the army and both of them are baby nurses so they love babies. She says it gets easier as the kids get older because each one has to take care of the younger ones! I stopped visiting years ago bc the whole thing makes me sick. All I can think about are the unwanted kids in horrible orphanages with nobody to love them. My sister is one (and she loves the Dugar's) who thinks unwanted babies are not their problem. I understand having a few with a spouse you love but it gets to a point where it's just completely selfish. It's hard to give them all presents at Xmas time and my other siblings kids suffer bc of it. TLC IS RUINING AMERICA! (they are on TLC right?)

  39. The thought of Jim Bob and Michelle having sex makes me want to stick an ice pick in my brain and hack away.

  40. Maybe he just has a really serious pregnancy fetish

  41. My ladybits hurt just thinking about this.

  42. It's like tossing a hotdog down a hallway. U know the carnival game where everyone aims their water gun into the clowns mouth and whoever has the steadiest hand makes their bell ring and wins the prize? What I'm saying is, at this point Mr Dugar doesn't have to even be in the same room as Lady Dugar to impregnate her.

  43. Lady, it isn't a clown car. You should stop before you can hear the wind whistling when you undress.

  44. How does the baby not fall out early?

  45. The Duggars remind me of that lifetime movie with Rob Lowe, where he was obsessed with getting blonde women pregnant with his "seed" or some crap....and yes, their financial stability should be praised BUT when it comes to overall health and happiness, these kids are gonna have a TON of issues.

  46. everyone here should google 'free jinger' its pretty much a movement guys :)

  47. and their 'financial stability' will be unstable once the TLC gravy train runs out.
    These people pimp out their lives for $$ and produce children for reasons that have nothing to do with love. They're phonies.

  48. Anonymous3:58 PM

    You know what, if you want to use religion as a reason for having a billion kids because they come naturally and it's in the bible to go forth and prosper that's fine, moronic and irresponsible in my personal opinion but fine, it's your right. However, when you're purposely going out of your way to create children when there's a very high chance that both the child and mother's health will be at great jeopardy and you have a history of exploiting those consequences then you're just a bunch of publicity whore assholes who use religion as cover up for what are ego maniacal behaviors that you would otherwise accuse and condemn people in Hollywood, those evil liberal elitists, of having. They better hope for menopause instead of more kids. I'm so sick of these stupid TLC people and shows.

  49. Quiverfull, non?

  50. The kids aren't unwanted or neglected but are paid for by a TV show and all the females are absolutely and completely subservient to the males. And all the siblings spend their childhoods taking care of the next batch of babies instead of being educated or playing or being parented by the parents.

    Let's not whitewash this by just saying this is about family planning or not - because it's not. It's a neo-Christian cult and all that's missing is the prairie dresses and the marriages at age 14 to the 40 year old creeper dudes.

  51. "There was an old lady who lived in a shoe. She had so many children her uterus fell out! OUOUHHH!-

    Andrew Dice Clay.

    That being said, I think Michelle is addicted to the hormone surge of being pregnant/ breast feeding. I don't think she can deal with the post partum crash.

    Also who's with me that they turn out 2 gay children and one Playboy centerfold?

  52. I watch the show. Dont judge me! Jimbob has said many times its all up to michelke, all he wanted was her, and whenever she says enough they are done. I think she feels so guilty about hvng the miscarriage, shes trying to make up for it. I know someone else like that. Anyway, of course she can do whatever she wants. I dont subscribe to their religious beliefs because, well, i hv none, lol. What i do find creePy and totally inappropiate is the girls keeping track of their mothers cycle, jim bob and michele practically saying we going off to make another baby. I mean, jeez. Keep some stuff private!!! Would u want your children tracking your cycle to figure out if you're pregnant???? Totally creepy!! And watching the show, it is easy for her to hv kids because she diesnt rake care of them. The older girls do it all. And the younger children who cried when she announced kast oregnancy were afraid she wld die. They shkdnt hv to worry about that. So thats screwy.

  53. What I find annoying and sickening is that everyone is hating on them for having so many kids but yet they have raised all of them without public assistance and they don't rely on electronic crap to keep them entertained. Some parents can't even raise one kid without keeping them occupied with tv and junk food. I love the duggers and while I will never have that many kids I applaud them for how they raised those kids

  54. these people are freaks. they are addicted to having children. its not possible to meet the emotional needs of 19 children. she had a baby 3 months early because of her age and worn out womb. then she got pregnant again and lost the baby. but, they used the pregnancy loss to draw attention to themseles and (actually went public with that, even passing out pictures of the dead baby.) they make me sick. she cannot carry another child w/o extreme risk to the child, but that's okay! they just throw in "its god's will!" when you have to bring in god to justify what you are DOING i think you know you are wrong. just because you can afford something does not mean you are entilted to have it. they have too many children. the end.

  55. Don't they have their home recognized as a church for tax break/ relief purposes? Isn't some or all healthcare covered by govmt bec Jimnob held some public office previously? They are not doing this without sone assistance n those older girls are like free live in help. They don't even edit it to make it seem as if Michelle does much more than direct the work. And they do seem to love the spotlight.

  56. For the record, they stated in their second book that they are not part of Quiverfull. I mean, yeah, I still think they're nuts, but there you have it.

    The new show with another family of 20...if it's the Bates family, they are not in competition. They are best friends with them.

  57. AKM- no they definitely are. TLC is having them distance/hide that fact about them cuz its bad PR. But trust and beleive they are. They attend all the big sandy ATI (advanced training institute) and all these crazy conferences.
    Dont let their manipulation of media make you think that this is one big happy family. Everything that glitters is not gold.
    Quiverful/IBLP/ATI is a cult and Bill Gothard is a manupulative cult leader
    Check out the website
    its FULL of stories about people who have been abused by the religion/its leaders/its programs
    Google To Train Up A Child, the Duggars used to promote this book, and have publically said they used to blanket train.
    wake the f*** up people.

    Just because you see a bunch of smiling kids on some stupid TV show doesnt mean theyre as happy as they seem.

    The whole point of the IBLP/ATI/Quiverful movement is to 'keep sweet' never let em see you anything other than a bright shining smiling person, no matter what at ALL costs.

    seriously. do the reaserch like I did. Its a sick fucked up religion

  58. I've done some research on it all, thanks. I think they're crazy, but I don't think they're liars. Sorry.
