Friday, August 24, 2012

Teenage Girl Escapes After Two Years Of Torture From Man And His Mother

A 17 year old girl from Illinois escaped this week from a house where she had been held the past two years by a man and his mother. The girl was kidnapped when she was 15 and during her two year ordeal was repeatedly raped by her captor and also gave birth to his child. She escaped and told the police her baby was still in the house. A SWAT team raided the house and rescued the baby and arrested a 24 year old man. Police also arrested his mother who police say assisted in the crime and was fully aware at all times of what was going on. The girl said she was beaten and raped almost everyday and had escaped several times over the years but was always caught before she could ask for help. Can you imagine how hard it must have been each time to try to keep escaping knowing you were going to get beaten if you were caught, but then again, she probably felt if she was going to get beaten she might as well try to break free.

Neighbors reported they always saw the teen but had no idea she was being held against her will. I bet they feel pretty crappy about now.


  1. Horrible. I hope that awful excuse for a man and his mother spend the rest of their lives being beaten and raped in jail.
    It's so sad to think of that baby and when they get older they will have to wrap their heads around where they came from.

  2. Hopefully the girl can go on and lead a some what normal life

  3. That is so awful. There are some sick fucks out there.

  4. This sounds like a real life version of the book "Room".

    This girl is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Lots of love and peace to her and her child.

  5. Sickening. That poor, poor little girl.

  6. @Frufra That was my first thought, too! Loved that book, even though it was beyond disturbing.

  7. I just hope she can get on with her life healthily from now on. Thank god she was able to get out and the baby was able to be spared the same life she's been living the past 2 years. Could you imagine what they might have done to the baby if she wouldn't have escaped again?

  8. Room was based on the real-life case of Elizabeth Fritzl, and in both the book and the Fritzl case, the victims were locked away from the world and never seen by anybody.

    In this case, the poor girl was seen out and about and had her baby in hospital. I don't understand why she didn't alert someone that she was being held against her will.

    It sounds a bit like the Elizabeth Smart case, where the victim was "brainwashed". I can see it happening, especially to a 15-y-o who has been severely traumatized.

    I hope she recovers.

    I note her body mysteriously did not shut down when she was raped...

    (Sorry, probably should not bring politics onto this board. )

    1. It might not be legitimate rape then :P

  9. I had no idea "Room" was based on real events!? Off to Wikipedia...

  10. Jamie 2 --it's not 'politics' when it's scary-laughable junk biology that exposed the kinds of undereducated idiots who are making decisions FOR half the nation based upon it.

    I think we can ALL at least laugh together at how idiotic that was.

    1. It's funny yet scary! They really believe this! And I say they because he just said out loud what most of them believe!

  11. I suspect they told her something like they would kill her family if she said anything. I'm sure at 15, she readily believed it.

    Poor girl.

  12. @Lelaina Price: Take an anti-nausea pill before you read about the Fritzl case. Seriously.

  13. *Pierce, not Price. Bring me some caffeine.

  14. @Libby - you'd be surprised. Head on over to free republic and you'll find no shortage of Akin supporters.

  15. Ha ha Jamie, yeah her body didn't shut down the baby so she obviously enjoyed it. Sick fucks indeed. Poor girl. :(

  16. Lelaina
    Room and the Fritzl case are similar in that both women were held captive in a secret room, never seen in public, and bore children, but that's about where the similarities end. Room is no way "based" on that case, which you will find once you read about the case.
    Fritzl was held prisoner by her father.

  17. This stuff makes me sick. I hope that girl can get the therapy she needs.

  18. Never underestimate the will to survive

  19. More victims in the war on women. Very sad. Hope that guy and his mom are warehoused.

  20. never understand how a woman cld do this to another woman or child.

  21. @goesincircles:

    "Inspired by" might be a better description.

    But a lot of the details that I thought very imaginative in Room were actually straight from the Fritzl case. The difficulty Jack has with sunlight, steps, fear of cars, etc - many of those were the exact problems the Fritzl kids had when they were first freed. I loved Room and wish it had won a Booker; I'm not taking anything away from the author.

  22. Wow....G-d bless that girl. I am so glad she did not give up trying to escape. She has guts!

    That fucker, I hope he is raped and beaten every day he is in prison.

  23. I had no idea what you guys were talking about with the 'shut-down' and 'Akin' commentary - Googled - oh my goodness! Way to bring back the middle ages science, douchetard!
    I'm not American - I knew there was a kerfuffle in Rep politics over the weekend but didn't know what it was .. Assuming that's it .. Unbelievable!

  24. Give me 24hrs with these two sick monsters while they are chained to metal chairs in a sound-proof bunker filled with rusty tools.

  25. I think we all should feel pretty crappy b/c there are countlesss kids who g missing each year that we (society) chalk up to the parent just murdering them....and stop looking. There (just off the top of my head) those two little girls from MO, the girl taken from her bed in WV (that I never even read about in the US media, only UK) the little boy from MD (that was from a few years ago...they never found him, walking from his bus stop to his house, he'd be 14 now), an the list goes on and on. Whatever your worst nightmare is about what had happened to these kids, are real and the reality is probably far worse.

    So just keep this child in your mind next time you hear of a missing child, white black, brown yellow or red. They all feel exactly as we do, as do their parents. And they all need and deserve our help.

  26. People really fvcking disgust me sometimes. It just makes me want to hold my three babies (not babies but still little) and never let go..

  27. i cannot imagine. horrible. she prob gave birth in their dungeon house. she is lucky she lived through the birth... being so young. My father would murder them.

  28. When all the prisoners find out what he was in jail for...he is seriously not going to live very long. I think they hate child molesters and people like that..thats what I heard. I wish she was on that show "disappeared" i love it.

  29. @Jamie
    thanks for the link.
    And yes, great book. I have not been so moved by a book.

    iirc she actually gave birth in the hospital.

  30. Yes, she had been taken to a hospital to give birth. This happened just down the road from me, AAMOF. We're all horrified in STL right now.

  31. It appears the sociopathy conversation from a previous thread was timely.

    Sick f*cks. How one woman can knowingly allow another to be raped is beyond me. This is why we need to look at removing children from unsuitable homes. Break the cycle.

    The relief the young ladies family must be feeling at the moment and the overwhelming urge to do physical damage to these things. I hope she ends up like Elizabeth Smart or Jayce Dugard, they seem incredibly strong and healthy.

  32. Token female torturer.

    Yes, another victim in the male war on women.

    Cam Colty: NOBODY deserves to be raped. NOBODY.

  33. I've been told that for years it was standard ER practice when someone came in for rape that they were given something to calm them down and a double birth-control dose, which is essentially what Plan B is now---so all those people who say "But there are so few pregnancies caused by rape!" don't realize that "fact" is precisely BECAUSE of the "intervention" that they are campaigning against.

  34. ^^Oh, and I was told that in the late 1980s or early 1990s, so it was before there was a Plan B in the US to even compare it to. I remember being SHOCKED to find out that a double/triple dose of birth control could (sometimes) prevent pregnancy after the fact, and doubted it. Then I heard it from multiple sources....
    Around then Rush Limbaugh was tirading about "the rape exception," saying, "Juices don't flow, pregnancy doesn't happen..." No. Pregnancy doesn't happen when people report the rape/seek treatment in the available timeframe.

  35. Ha! Rush Limbaugh! There's another human being I would love to kick in the testicles with my pointy boots!! I love how all these men with no vagina, ovaries or uterus who have never known what it's like to be molested or raped or have ever been pregnant want to tell us women what to do!!! I was molested and almost raped when I was young and to me it seems like they're trying to rape you again by trying to take control of your life with these crazy legislations they want to pass.

  36. I don't see that poor girl getting any kind of help in that Hell hole where this happened. Washington Park Ill. is hell on earth. That place is nothing but murderers drug dealers and strip clubs. You take your life in your hands just driving past there.
