Thursday, August 02, 2012

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham Wanted To Kill Herself

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham has a book out. I am not usually a big fan of reality stars getting to have books published because they don't usually sell that great, the publishers pay a lot of money for them and it takes away from writers who have some great books. However, in this case, I don't think it was that bad of an idea. Farrah wrote a book about her life and she always had a pretty interesting story which was really tough to get in 30 second bits on Teen Mom, and no tabloids really do long pieces anymore, so a book is probably the only option.

In the book, Farrah says that after the birth of her daughter she was on a downward spiral of coke, pot and booze which turned out to be from depression and having to raise the baby alone after the father was killed in a car accident. Farrah said the peak was about two years after her daughter was born and that she even decided how she was going to kill herself. She said that drowning in a bathtub seemed the easiest way to go. Farrah says she has been in therapy for awhile now and is on the road to recovery.

Farrah says she was diagnosed with clinical depression. It seems like Post Partum depression. Can it last two years?


seaward said...

It'll last forever if you don't do anything about it. PPD is a BITCH.

Barton Fink said...

Ugh. With that mother of hers, she's doomed. Plus her own issues. I watched two episodes, so I'm no expert on her, but she seems to throw herself at every passing penis that seems likely to interact with her, and her life is lived under intense verbal assault from that hideous mother-creature of hers. I see bad things here, people.

Frufra said...

I say yes. Those hormones can be a nightmare. I personally never recovered (emotionally, hormonally) from my first before I had my second.

Of course, this poor girl had to deal with multiple major stressors. I hope her story can help other women. I know I practically shout my story from the rooftops in the hopes that I can help someone else.

katsm0711 said...

Yeah @barton she does seem to never say no. It was last week when she talked about how she kissed her date on the horseback ride too soon she was like well it was romantic and even though I knew it was too soon I was just in the moment. And she had a baby in her teens so that's enough to show she has no will power and goes with the addictive personality. Her mom is a nightmare though. Maybe if she was allowed to openly deal with her feelings instead of her mom telling her to forget about him, she could have dealt with it healthily.

evergrey said...

I'm with @frufra & @seaward - yes it can last that long and start later.

With my first, PPD started right away (mostly brought on by anxiety and no sleep for DAYS - my body would not fall asleep).

With my second, it started close to 9/10 months after baby was born. My hormones took over 2 years to go back to normal.

Groovy said...

I thought Farrahs "modeling" career was a joke and I'm glad she back home to her daughter. That little girl is super adorable.

katsm0711 said...

Yeah.... She's no model she's just a pretty girl as Tyra would say.

Kewi said...

Having to raise the baby alone? her parents have done all the fucking work so this bitch could party her face off. Depression my ass, if she would've told her ex she was having his kid he might still be alive. She's spoiled and deserves what she gets, I pity her daughter.

ZORBITOR said...

When i did coke, pot & booze, i didnt want to kill myself. I wanted to do more. It was fun....😃
Kids these days. bah. Buncha cub scouts.

yawnathon said...

I guess the drugs explain a lot of her awful attitude. Being in recovery doesn't automatically make you nice. She has a lot of demons to live with.

Amber said...

Can we talk about how much she looks like Tori Spelling with brown hair? Hopefully she doesn't have an abyss between her tits like, Tor-Tor, though.

HannahPalindrome said...

Who the fuck cares about this girl...

a non a miss said...

Holy cow amber! She really does! I'll never un see her as a brunette tori!

car54 said...

I hope she's getting the right treatment now. She was very young to have everything hit her that she's lived through.

SaintsFan said...

Her mother may not have helped her deal with the baby daddy's death very well but I do not get the hatred of that woman other than her baby talking and annoying personality. The way Farrah talks to her mom deserves a slap across the face. I don't think Farrah's mom is a terrible person from what I have seen on Teem Mom (and I do not miss a single episode..some people do drugs, some people drink, I do Teen Mom, don't judge) but Farrah and her sister threw out some nasty accusations on one of the latest episodes but nothing was resolved with that on camera. I don't know if they are heartless, spoiled bitches or if the mom has a serious dark side.

cece said...

Tori could only hope to look that good...

deree said...

I had postpartum with my first and my third. I was afraid to tell anyone with my first baby. It was awful. I should have been on meds. My second pregnancy straightened it out. I felt great,was loving mommyhood.Then with the third I had two very naughty toddlers. I just figured hiding in the closet and nursing the new baby crying my eyes out because the other two had done something diabolical while I was in the bathroom was normal. ;) I didn't get much outside help,my husband work odd shifts. It never occured to me this wasn't a case of just not enough of me to go around.

It took me a very long time to even start feeling like myself again.

it took forever said...

Wonder if MTV knew she was a druggie? did they do anything to help? i couldnt tell from watching the show, but now it seems these chicks have many other issues than the baby drama

Rose said...

Books like these and Fifty Shades don't take away from other great novels. People can read all types of books or skip this crap. Book lovers don't stop reading great books in favor of only reading shit.

MissCrop609 said...

@SaintsFan, I totally agree. Farrah treats her parents with disdain but yet they've taken care of Sophia & Farrah from day one. The mom Debrah may have her issues but she loves and cares for her granddaughter. I think that Farrah's parents showered Farrah with things when she was a child and spoiled her to the point where it's come back to bite them in the a$$.

ms snarky said...

Definitely can last two years. Or more. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

PPD can go on indefinitely if you don't get treatment, just like any other mental/psychological condition.

She seriously thought drowning in the bath would be the easiest way to go?! What an idiot. You can't purposely drown yourself in a bathtub. You'll always panic and come up for air, because it's so easy to do so. If she were serious about dying easily, she'd slice her wrists (down the block, not across the street!), take too many pills, or sit in the garage with the car running. Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy.

auntliddy said...

Lol at " throwing herself on every penis"

auntliddy said...

That mom has " alkie" written all over her.

auntliddy said...

I know there were counceling sessions on the show, where mother had to accept how devastated farrah was to lose babys father.

katsm0711 said...

I get the feeling the mom is overly prescription medicated. She seems a bit sedated to me and her eyes look sleepy. That is me giving her the benefit of the doubt!

whocaresnow12 said...

PPD can last months and up to a year. After a year is clinical depression.

Della said...

You are so right

MAC said...

Farrah is a major bitch on the show and the Mom's baby talking annoys the living S(&^ out of me. I always feel like there is so much more to their story than what we see. Is Farrah a rude, spoiled, bitch because her Mom is crazy or is her Mom crazy because her daughters are ungrateful twats? The story about the drugs and booze though makes me see why her Mom was always bitching at her and felt like she had to step in to care for the daughter. It's a weird cycle that we've been through with my sister-in-law who had a baby young. We all stepped in to help and bonded more with my nephew than she did, but as she gets older and more maternal she gets annoyed that we feel like parents to him. She even says that she sees a little Farrah in herself, but now that my oldest nephew is 14 we are all just trying to band together and get him through the teenage years unscathed.

B said...

PPT?Don't think so.Dead baby daddy,psycho abusive mother,loser father,teen pregnancy?Yes!!!


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