Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Taylor Swift Sent Private Jet To Fetch Conor Kennedy

Apparently one week apart was much too long for Taylor Swift to be apart from her new boyfriend, Conor Kennedy. So, instead of just talking to him on Skype like most 22 year olds would do when across the country from their 18 year old boyfriend, Taylor Swift sent her private jet to go get the freshmen college student. Yeah, no bus tickets or flying coach for this guy. Straight up private jet time. That is what? $50K? According to The NY Post, the family is actually expecting a call from Conor saying that the couple decided to get married. Wow. You know what kind of platinum selling album Taylor could get out of that one? A broken marriage? So far she has done pretty well for herself just writing about guys she has dated for a few weeks or months. I wonder why she decided to make the switch from older guys back to younger guys.


  1. I'm getting tired of hearing about her.

  2. I think this is her longest real relationship. Good for her. It must have been exhausting always having to beard for people.

  3. What is in a name? Would a rose smell as sweet...?

  4. I still want to know how tall Conor is - must be like 7 feet!

  5. WTF does she have on her head??

  6. If I were 5'10 and finally found a guy who was taller than me (even in heels), I'd do all I could to hold on to him too!

    But in all seriousness, this whole thing weirds me out.

  7. God she is daft.
    I'm glad I didn't have millions to fund my young love. Who knows what dumb ass shit I'd have pulled.

  8. This whole summer she has dressed like she was in a Seventeen magazine photo spread.

  9. Stupid, stupid girl..

  10. The age difference doesn't bother me...

    It's the desperation I can't stand.

  11. Oh girl. As someone who was homeschooled for only 2 years I can tell you. It fucks with your perception of relationships. She has found someone she really like who really likes her. And he is a Kennedy no less! She must be twitterpatted. :)

  12. I am with Sarah. and honestly in proportion to my income at the time I spent far more to see my girlfriend from home when I was at college and the gigantic long distance phone bills. I'll give her a break on this.

  13. Is that last sentence a hint about the blind for the girl who doesn't have sex?

  14. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Who knows, maybe he's nice to her and treats her with respect. And remember, 18 yr old boys are sex machines.

  15. I am not opposed to this union. If she marries a Kennedy, she might become a full-time socialite/ alcoholic and we won't have to hear her singing about "kissin' boys in the rain!(tee hee!)" when she's 35.

  16. Fake romances make me sick. Lately they all seem bogus.

  17. She may be Taylor Swift, but that's not going to protect her from the Kennedy women curse. Run, Taylor, run.

  18. She's horny!

    Men peak at 18!

  19. That girl does not own her own plane. There's a huge difference between calling NetJets and owning a $65M jet.

  20. What are you talking about, Enty? Age is just a number. Their hearts are endless and their souls infinite....their ages are mere reminders of the hours logged on this earth and the precious time remaining...To be continued...

  21. her behavior creeps me out just as it would if the sexes were reversed, ie if she were the older man and she the younger female.

    she is so wealthy - she is the biggest selling recording artist and makes more money than any other u.s. artists - that money to her must be like monopoly money to the rest of us.

    lets not forget, he just lost his mother two months or so ago. he's still in shock. she seems to be holding all of the cards in this one, which is never a good thing.

  22. Okay. Taylor Swift is officially creepy and Level 10 Needy.

    If he really wanted to see you, he's a Kennedy. He'd swing it.

  23. This relationship needs an intervention, preferably involving Kanye.

  24. I think she wants to hold all the cards for a change, but he is a Kennedy. Manipulation is the male birthright in that clan.
    I hope they're not dumb enough to get married, but she's a country girl. Two syllables, Taylor! PRE-NUP.
    Two more for the road: CONDOM!

  25. @Sarah...awesome.

  26. I got on a plane to be with a boy. More than once. (pre 9/11 things were different then) If my income had been like hers, I would have sent a jet instead, in a heart beat.

  27. If they have kids and have a girl, I hope it doesn't get the Rose/Ethel Kennedy/Maria Shriver "face wrinkles to death" gene.

  28. Haha. Reminds me of Cameron Diaz saying she's gotten on a plane for the "cock".

  29. Strongly agree with NaNa LaLa that it's the desperation and not the age difference that is squicky here.

  30. I'm with Team Sarah. This may be the first time Swift has been able to call the shots in the relationship. And the "private plane" is almost certainly a timeshare owned by her record label; she'll have to pay the usage fee back along with the rest of her production advances. The PR she and her father have bought with this stunt (rather than buying Conor a RT business class ticket online)is priceless. He's due back at school next week, isn't he? Well, this'll give him a lot of material for locker room talk.

  31. How do we know she isn't bearding for him? This does reek of desperation, but it would be a win-win for both the Kennedys and Taylor. They get "America's sweetheart" in the family, which need a positive boost after such recent bad press. She gets the Kennedy name and more press, negative or not.

    They're sending out trial ballons to see how people react to this. I

    I can just hear it:

    "Sorry, my husband isn't available right now. He's in boarding school"!

  32. Follow the money trail about the house she bought in Hyannis:


  33. If she marries this kid, will she finally finally go away? Hey give her a break. Taylor is in luuuuvvvv. She's finally dating someone who want to have sex with her and isn't gay. This must be her first real boyfriend. Besides, Taylor comes off as having the mentality of a 16 yr.old and he's 18 yrs old - they are on the same mental level. But I agree with discoflux, she must be Level 10 Needy and Clingy.

  34. This chick cray. So within a few months she bought a home and rented a jet to be with a HIGH SCHOOL BOY! I call perv. I don't care if she's famous and sold millions of records, she's just not right in the head.

  35. Anonymous12:31 PM

    She can't fly him away every weekend, so I give it a couple months till he dips into the coed pool at college.

  36. First, there isn't much difference between 22 and 18. It wouldn't even be mentioned if he were the older party.

    Second, given the uber-priveledged status of them both, a private jet isn't nearly as big a deal for them as it would be for the rest of us. I also agree with whomever it was above that said the jet was probably her record label's jet. Her record label was probably more than happy to accomodate Taylor in this as it gives her (and her new album) more free press.

    Third, do you think the Kennedy name carries much cache with girls Taylor's age? I'm mean when I was in my late teens and early 20s, John Jr. was THE bachelor! But now? These Kennedys? I'm not feeling the Camelot.

  37. She is really playing with fire, this girl. Conor's mom had mental issues and his family was more than happy to let the public know her shortcomings even in death.

  38. Good for her and this Kennedy boy- I'm glad they found love in this cruel, unfair world of ours. Hopefully being in love will cause some sort of career ending, long lasting writers block and she will just become Swift-Kennedy instead.

    I recently had to listen to her music and it was awful. Then I was forced to listen to her live video chat on youtube, I never heard some many 'likes' or 'ums' in my freaking life. Oy vey!

  39. I think it's really weird that she can date men who are in their thirties and then begin a relationship with someone who's 19/20. There's a huge gap in maturity/goals/wisdom there. It just makes me wonder about her 'wholesomeness'. Doesn't seem right.

  40. Freshman in college? I read that he's still in high school. In fact, I think he is repeating his Junior year right now.

  41. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Alert! We have a Stage 5 Clinger!

  42. Long time reader...first time poster!

    Yes - read the same. Conor's still in high school!!! He's a Junior at Deerfield Academy a boarding school in MA. Here's a link to the Vanity Fair article on his schooling:


    I can't even imagine the uproar a male celebrity of the same age would be going through if he hooked up with a HS kid & did the same. Granted, Conor's 18 - but still in HIGH SCHOOL!!

    Incredible how Taylor can go through a string of men & still come out of each relationship looking squeaky clean. She even makes big bucks off of each guy with her music! The only reason people consider her to be a "role model" is because of the way she dresses & presents herself - all sweet & innocent. Think about it people, if she dressed like Rihanna or Katy Perry, she would be seen for what she really is.

  43. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Why did she switch back to younger guys? Because the older guy tried to shit on her! Ba-dum-bum.

    So, is no one else going to bring up how stupid it is that his parents spelled his name that way? Because it's dumb. Almost as dumb as him, if he's 18 and only a junior in high school. Reminds me of Cam Gigandet in "Easy A."

  44. Anonymous1:32 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Given what happens to women associated with the Kennedys: Run, Taylor, run!

  46. @rejected - I just had to laugh at your comment, because my middle-schooler would come home disgusted on a daily basis due to his art teacher (a man!) playing Swifty non-stop, endless loop style, during every class.

    So, for my son's sake, I hope she gets love-induced writer's block. That way, everyone wins!

  47. @Tex - I am also opposed to changing up name spellings. One of my secret pet peeves. Please, give your kid a break and just spell their name in the standard fashion. Please.

  48. Taylor seems very loving and sweet, but dumb as a sack of nails. She doesn't seem to possess any sort of intellect - She acts like a character in a romance novel and is basically riding her heart full speed ahead.

    Conor is an 18 year old orphan. His mom didn't just die - She was a suicide. That fucks with you and it makes you want a woman in your life. Plus, given that she's all "no sex before marriage" and he's a Kennedy, I have no doubt they will marry before the year is out.

    I also have no doubt that the marriage won't last. I also lost my parents at a young age and I can tell you after the grief and the need to cling to whoever is willing to be around you, there's a lot of rage and loneliness.

    Taylor seems to love romantic tragedy and I'm sure her big blue eyes get all wet with tears at the thought of healing her poor injured bird - But she doesn't seem like she has the spine to actually deal with the trauma of grief. I'm saying that as someone who's chased off women alot tougher than T-Swift before I learned to cope (such as it is).

  49. He's not a college freshman, he's a junior in high school - Deerfield is a prep school.

    Also, she dated Joe Jonas over a summer and behaved precisely like this - was at every concert (they were popular and touring then), jetting hither and thither to be together constantly. This seems not to be new, but her MO with everyone she dates...

  50. I know manys a guy from my school, county and province whose name is spelt 'Conor' - nothing weird or stupid there. It's an Irish thing.

  51. Also, I think it's disturbing to target a kid at an emotional low point. TBQH, the same could be said for wanting to date sexually questionable men - is it naïveté or something else?

  52. Sexually questionable = men of questionable sexuality, I mean.

  53. He just turned 18, and she will be 23 by the end of the year, I think.

    She's beautiful, but I definitely think she's been emotionally stunted or damaged in some way.

    She has always creeped me out.

    Oh, and fuck all these celebrities with their waste and their monstrous carbon footprints. I'll go hug my tree now.

  54. Anonymous4:07 PM

    If you say so, Wee S. But I've never seen it spelled that way. I've always seen it as either "Connor" or, more frequently, "Conner."

  55. Texshan, the Kennedys milk that traditional Irish stuff like nobody's business. It's mostly 'Conor' over here, 'O'Connor' in the surname variation.

  56. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Oh, I didn't realize he was still in high school. Crazy. At his age, I was going into my sophomore year in college.

  57. Haha! So this Taylor Swift is not as sweet and innocent as she looks. She's managed to get her hooks into a Kennedy, and she caught him right before he hit manhood, where all would be lost. Seems he's not an honor student, either, so there's another plus for her. Way to go, cougar!

  58. Outside Ireland the name is often spelled Connor, Conner and sometimes Konnor. Inside Ireland, it's Conor, as Wee said.

    According to Wiki it means (are you ready...) "lover of hounds".

  59. Jake G flew her in his private jet to see him when they were dating, so why is it surprising that she flies another boyfriend to see her? It's what wealthy people do in a long-distance relationship.

  60. He just lost his mother to suicide and ends up in a relationship with the neediest, clingiest female (who is also older) on the face of the earth? Classic codependency

  61. well, her buying the property next to grandma's ended up not being true, so who knows if this is true? and i keep reading that he is still in high school. anyone know for sure? i tried to find out online, but didn't see anything.

  62. okay, read the comments above mine. thanks for the link on his school situation. "So should the Kennedys decide they would like Conor to marry, they could take him out for the day", lol. good to know.

  63. What. Is. With. The. Polka. Dots? Every pic of her lately has her wearing them.

  64. I have no love for this girl but shes only 22 and even if its just an act so be it, thats all that matters to the tweens who worship her.

  65. As posted above, he's a junior in high school. How is this relationship OK but not when it's a man with a high school girl?

  66. @Megerz
    My theory is she is trying to copy Jackie Kennedy with John. Jackie had a fondness for polka dots too.

  67. @Renoblondee said...
    Haha. Reminds me of Cameron Diaz saying she's gotten on a plane for the "cock".

    I doubt it very much she actually said that.

    And the whole "Texshan" pontificating about "standard" spelling of names to an audience that knows much better than her, priceless ;) Especially the advocating a patently wrong "Conner".

  68. Wow! Stage 5 clinger. Poor guy, he'll never get away from her easily.

  69. @Tatyana , yes she did. In a Playboy magazine interview.

  70. @Tatyana, yes Cam said that
    I LOVE Cameron Diaz and that quote :D
    at that time I was on a long distance relationship and I felt identified :D jaja

  71. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Tatyana, what the fark is wrong with you? I said I've never seen it spelled that way, and an Irish person said it's a common way to spell it in Ireland. Other people said that the ways I've always seen it spelled are the ways it's normally spelled in the USA. So no one disagreed with each other. I wasn't pontificating, nor was anyone else claiming that they knew "much better" than I. You are just being a bitch.

  72. Hey, I will admit it I am totally checking out all the new freshman on campus at my college this year. And I am a senior. For the second time...
    No matter how many different ways I imagine fun penetration scenarios, it is always in the back of my mind that my brother is the same age and I immediately want to turn myself into the police for being a perve.

  73. @henriette, thanks for splainin', that's a great theory. I didn't know that. How strange is that!

  74. I don't even know what man (in this case boy) would let themselves be photographed with that bag of crazy let alone be in a legitimate relationship with her. I used to love her but shes gone off the deepest of ends lately. I am never ever ever ever ever going to like her like I used to. She seems like shes genuinely shocked that she is even alive sometimes so being in a "serious relationship" is probably a whole new world for little Taylor.

  75. I think those Kennedys should stay off of planes. It isn't healthy for them.
