Monday, August 13, 2012

Taylor Swift Is A Bit Of A Creeper

Taylor Swift has bought a house directly across the street from her boyfriend Conor's house. Umm, they have been dating for like a week and a half. She does know Conor is 18 and headed to college right? Dorms? Frat parties? Drunken bashes and waking up in the middle of a field and wondering how he got there? OK, that last one could have been me, but still. What is the deal with Taylor Swift buying a house right across the street from his parent's house? Is anyone else just a little creeped out? The house was on the market for two to four years. What does that mean? Was it two? Four? Three? Well, apparently all the seller needed was for Taylor to get a crush on Conor and then no price would be high enough. The house, which was originally listed for over $14M was bought by Taylor for about $5M. And if this whole relationship does not work out she can stare out the curtains at who Conor brings home next to meet his parents.


  1. She sounds like a clingy,controlling, needy obsessive stalker type to me...

  2. It's not going to work. They're 18 and he's dating her, because he's a nobody and he loves dating a celeb. He can brag to all his friends in college.

    1. He's 18; she's 22 (23 in December). Makes it even creepier to me. That's a huge difference at that age.

  3. On the bright side, her skirt is really pretty. ;D

  4. A 14M home for 5M seems like a decent investment. Doesn't she own a lot of real estate? Could be mixing her up with someone else, but I thought she spent her money on R.E.

  5. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to ride her bike
    Up and down the street ala Stacy "psycho hose beast" from Wayne's World?

  6. This story sounds too crazy to be accurate. At least, I hope that's the case. Yikes.

  7. She really wasn't made for a public life.

  8. It's Nantucket, right? I can imagine a scenario in which she has only now seen the area, and wanted to live there---who wouldn't?
    But actually buying the house across the street? Does she think this will HELP her keep that guy? It looks sad & mental. One or two weird things like this would be understandable--but at her age, she's already been 'head over heels' multiple times every year! So many bitter break-up songs for super-short-term BF's! SMH. She'll RUIN her career with more & more of this creepster crap.

  9. Her somewhat amusing habit of writing songs about exes is one thing, but this looks like she's desperate in so many ways.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Damn good deal in Cape Cod.Not sure it's true but here is a pix of the house:

  12. The bigger issue is, it is a "Kennedy"! RUN TAYLOR!

  13. Eh. I think it's over the top, but I also don't think that she'll continue to stay in that house if/when they break up. Looks like she got a good deal on it and she'll probably sell it for a profit when she no longer needs it.

    It would be a lot weirder if she wasn't a millionaire--most girls wouldn't be able to afford to move if they bought a house across the street from their boyfriend. TS can easily remove herself from Nantucket.

  14. @The Dude, I know!! If she gets mixed up with that family, he's going to cheat on her and she's going to have a lot of personal tragedy.

    Maybe she wants that for her song-writing.

  15. One thing I don't get about this girl is the way she dresses. Don't get me wrong, she's a breath of fresh air in that she has all of her major body parts covered, unlike so many other youngsters.

    But isn't there a happy medium between skank and Sunday School teacher? She always looks like she's headed out to teach kindergarten. Actually, most kinder teachers I know are more stylish than Taylor!

    Her wardrobe has always struck me as very odd for a kid her age. Hell, in the pics with this Kennedy lad, he's in tees and sweats, and she's all buttoned up. It's weird.

  16. Based on her song lyrics, it seems she has a habit of taking things more seriously than any of the guys she's with. Reminds me of the Ginnifer Goodwin character in He's Just Not That Into You.

  17. She makes Jennifer Aniston seem like a devil-may-care free-love free spirit...

  18. If I had the money to buy a house in Nantucket I would do it. Maybe she has never been there, after my first day there I was already talking of buying a house there. I will, at some point, it's one of my most favorite places in the world!

  19. $5m for a $14m home in prime real estate location is a great investment. Now, I'm not thinking that was her primary motive, but she may end up making out for the better in the end.
    Wasn't there a story about her not being allowed into the Kennedy Compound? Maybe it was her Fyou to the Kennedy's?
    Either way, she needs to learn to pull back a little, but let's all be honest, when you were that young weren't you prone to falling a bit too fast and hard for a boy? Hopefully she will grow out of it.

  20. Granted, it's a little creepy that is is across the street, Nantucket is not THAT small!
    I do love TS though...

  21. well, no matter what, at least we know there will be a song about it.

    also, his mother just committed suicide. which is so sad and doesn't necessarily mean he's in the best head space now.

    like many of the kennedy's he is gorgeous.

  22. Wait. Is she a high school teacher now?

  23. if you have the $$$ now's a great time for real estate investment
    so good for swifty :)
    id love to see the pictures of the home! Im hooked on real estate porn jeje

  24. But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
    What the hell am I doing here?
    I don't belong here

    This popped into my head as soon as Enty called her a creep. She seems like she has a stunted emotional age of 12, but she just happens to be rich.

  25. I like her, but she's just not right. All of her boyfriends have been fishy.

  26. It's Cape Cod, not Nantucket and the pix was previously noted :

    If you look at the house, take a peep at the comments and you'll see how some Bostonians feel about the Kennedy clan.

  27. I'm still lol-ing "creeper".

    Spot on Enty, spot on.

  28. That's an AWESOME house! I don't think she's being a stalker at all. Considering the size of the properties, "across the street" is really about a mile away, isn't it?

  29. Oh give me a break. She's only 22. It's not like she's had a normal teenage life where she's learned what's creepy or not in the dating world.

  30. *sigh*

    Sorry but the whisperings about this girl's mental state are only going to get louder; she's playing everyone with this little act but her relationships (and how she responds) shows the real picture. Her mother sees the slippery slope and keeps pushing her daughter because the living's good.

  31. I agree with Rose, she's emotionally stunted. That's why a younger guy would appeal to her, she feels like they have more to connect over. She may feel more in control than she would, with say, John Mayer. Lol.
    I like her clothes, but think she is weird. Even for a great deal, buying the house is a total creeper move.

  32. Not to split hairs here (or to do exactly that) the Kennedy compound is in Hyannis not on Nantucket.

    Also, it's kind of a smart move (ignoring whatever relationship she may be in) because it is private and not easy to get to if you are a "normal" person. Not to mention the price is amazing considering.

    She is really young (and probably even less mature) so maybe we should give her a break. Doesn't being foolishly in love make being young awesome? She just has the money to do it big.

    She is gonna be the new Aniston, the one that everyone loves to hate. Hopefully when they break up and she flips this house for a serious profit she will laugh all the way to the bank.

  33. Some people should stick with what they best, in her case it is make bubbly pop songs.

    Yes she is creepy for doing this, this is robbing the cradle. Not to mention this kid is emotionally vulnerable due to the death of his mother.

    Will she sell the house when they break up next month?

  34. I don't care who you are or how much money you have, that's just crazy.

    No one just casually buys a $5 million house. Stalker vibes all the way.

  35. A male Kennedy + college - what could possibly happen?

    Yeah, I like that skirt also. A little frumpy for a young girl but for someone like me, it'd be perfect. yeah, I'm frumpy.

  36. Okay, everyone----I've unfortunately never been to MA, and I get the chi-chi locales there mixed up! Please forgive.

    I've been accused very often of being an 'East-coaster', in the most pejorative sense imaginable in my Bible Belt state, so I DREAM of New England, to be with 'my people'. haha

  37. I would have loved to hear Taylor's internal monologue were she rationalized that this was a good idea.

  38. if she wasn't so empty headed she would be enrolled in his college.

    (and just becuase you are rich it doesn't mean you are smart)

  39. I don't care much about the creepiness value. Seems like a good investment to me. My question is this:

    How tall is this kid? Isn't Taylor Swift really tall? It looks like he has a good 10 inches on her (*Ba-Dum Tssh*) But seriously, he looks very tall.

  40. Yeah this kid has to be super tall because she's like 5'10".

    She made a great investment in real estate I can say that. And just because she got a house there doesn't mean she'll always be there. If she likes having homes around the country and she can afford it then maybe that was her motivation. Him being on the island also added to it. But yeah, kinda looks bad.

  41. I have heard this about her. It's why so many of her romances go south...she's cute and talented and makes her own money but I think she's just major cling.

    On the other hand, that is a screaming deal on the house. Maybe she's smarter than anyone realizes.

  42. She's dated quite a few men who are rumored to be gay. Maybe she's just blown away by the sex with this kid.

  43. I *thought* the house in that photo looked like it belonged on the mainland (Hyannisport)

    It's really fun/comical to read the comments section of the Boston Herald article while listening to the B-52's Love Shack ("Keep the shades drawn on the windows facing Ethel's")

  44. @Trey - my exact argument here! I got all weird and ranty about grief sex the last time she and the Kennedy kid were mentioned, so I'll refrain, but yes, ITA. And she's being a creeper with real estate savvy, too.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. ^I read those comments, they WERE funny (and sad).

    She'll make some money when she flips it - "own Taylor Swift's house"!

  47. I just think she's a young, die hard romantic. She's in love with love. Nothing mentally ill about it.

  48. Consider his creeper factor a multimillion dollar A list celebrity has to feel good to his 18 year old ego, and the poor boy just lost his mother and is watching his father not give a shit...for him maybe it's his way of escaping the clutches of that dysfunctional group...that family is so messed up, I have no idea why they are revered so much. I'd rather see her dating a Hatfield or a McCoy. But if every dumb thing I did as a teenager/young 20s adult were on the internet I'd look like a fool too.

  49. It's August, and I doubt he'll be there after the end of the month--isn't he just out of high school? And I would imagine after his mother's death he would be going to live with his father--not at the cape. He will most likely be starting college soon so she'll be on the cape by herself most of the time.

    The real estate investment is a good one and she could probably rent it or sell it off pretty easily if it doesn't work out.

    At that age, I feel like there is a big difference between 18 and 22--and the kid has been through hell this year with the divorce and his mom's suicide. He is ripe for someone latching onto him.

  50. I think it is a bit weird, I admit. There is just something off about it that cannot quite be explained by the "good investment" and "she's young" arguments.

  51. She's probably hopelessly in love because she finally has a real boyfriend. Instead of bearding for gay guys like she has in the past, she's with a boy who wants to have sex with a girl! Taylor must be planning her perfect princess wedding and practicing her hand figured heart shapes as she walks down the aisle. All the girls in school must be soooo jealous of prom queen Taylor. But, she did get a deal on the house and Cape Cod is beautiful.

  52. Hey, Libby--we'd love to have you out here in Boston/on the East Coast, so come on down sometime! (BTW, where are you now?)

  53. @Frufra with you all the way on the grief sex too.

    Taylor gets a lot of flack for clinging too hard to men, but she seems to move on just as quickly.

  54. OK, I went over to the Herald site (as a local, I should point out that the Herald is the much more conservative paper in town, and nobody reading it would ever say anything nice about any member of the Kennedy family, even if the latter did something worthy of praise), and I do have to say that's a gorgeous house--I'd love to live in that kind of big old rambling place.

    Whatever happens w/the romance (and leaving the Kennedy factor out of it, the odds still don't bode well for an 18-year-old boy & a 22-year-old young woman), at least she's got a lovely piece of property; she could always rent it out to her celebrity friends by the week, set up a home recording studio (you KNOW people would pay to record their albums on the Cape), turn it into a B&B, set up a compound for her & all her eccentric artsy friends...OK, the latter two are the kind of thing I might do, but still, that's a good price for a prime piece of real estate and a smart investment IMNSHO. As for whether or not she's a crazy stalker type, well...we shall see, won't we?

  55. Taylor averaged $45 ++ mil per year over the last 4 years. Maybe her earnings gave Ethel the nudge to ' let' her purchase the home so near to the compound. While a new influx of blood err money may seem like just the ticket..
    But it's not. The boy just lost his Mother.. Daddy is absent playing ass tag with Cheryl Hines. Is Conor for sale too? He's just a kid.. This isn't going to end well for any of them. Taylor.. Put on a big girl dress.. Take your toys..and go home.. Just not across the street Chris Hansons truck just pulled up and Dateline is waiting for you in the kitchen::::

  56. What in the world makes any sane woman want to get involved with a Kennedy? Do they every take a look at how Kennedy women end up?

    Ok, I answered my own question with the first one.

  57. The age difference comments crack me up. Most people wouldn't bat an eye at a 22 year old man dating an 18 year old woman.

  58. Anonymous10:21 AM

    This is really sad. She is so naive about life and relationships. And he's a Kennedy. Not good any way you look at it.

  59. She's creepy. And immature. She gives me the willies.

  60. 14 mil to 5 mil in that area? Sounds like a freeking awesome investment, and yeah Taylor does invest in real estate, shes got afew houses IIRC. Besides with her busy life and multiple houses I dont see her spending many months beyond the summer ones there

  61. she seems to just be one of those girls who thinks every single guy is "the one!" - its not that steange at her age, trust me if my friends could sing worth a damn theyd be just like her. somehow a break up after 2 weeks is completely earth shattering.

    and just to give my 2 cents, their isnt such a huge diffrence between 18 and 22, my fiancee and i were the same exact ages when we met.

  62. Actually, Enty, I've read that Conor had to repeat a couple grades and is now entering his JUNIOR YEAR of High school. Creepier, right?

  63. Ho boy. The girl has a lot to learn.

  64. Joseph P. Kennedy II was a drunk driver of a car that crashed. His passenger, girlfriend to David Kennedy (who later OD'd) was also there. Pam was permanently paralyzed.Joe's driving license was suspended and the Kennedy's paid medical bills.

    The only good Kennedy was JFK.

    You can read the Boston Globe, Herald, whatever,it does not matter.As the population ages in MA the Kennedy mystique dies. As it should.

    I know that house, she got a great deal, if indeed, she bought it.

  65. Anonymous11:08 AM

    1. Frufra, I actually like the way Taylor dresses. I love that you don't see her walking around looking like a homeless person, the way 90% of all of the other celebs dress. It's also why I love Dita Von Teese.

    2. Sounds like a great investment to me. If I had the means, I would definitely buy real estate right now, when it's in the tank.

    3. I think she's one of those girls who loves being in love and can't function without a guy. A good friend of mine was like that when we were younger, and it drove me crazy. She contantly went from "I met the perfect guy last night" to "We're going to get married and be happy forever" to "He's horrible and shouldn't be allowed to live" in about 10 minutes. She needs to be happy being alone before she can be happy with someone else.

    4. No, Enty, it wasn't just you. I woke up clueless in the middle of fields a couple of times in college, too.

  66. Wasn't this blind item about her about a chick who would constantly text/call her boyfriends? Like, 24/7? And then get dumped?
    I'm too lazy to look it up but I think the general consensus was that it was about TS.

  67. She is a whole lotta clingy but anyone who has seen that area knows how beautiful it is. I would love a house there. I used to spend my summers down at Craigsville Beach, which is just down the street from the compound, when I was in college.

    The Kennedy men are huge assholes so this won't last long. At least she'll have a beautiful house near the ocean to remember him by.

  68. @NYCgirl--I love that skirt!

    Now, it's entirely possible that she went to this place and really liked it. I tend to fall in love with quaint places I visit--I'm sure if I had her millions I would be buying houses all over.

    otoh, given we're talking about Taylor Swift, it's just as likely that she's doing something kinda weird.

  69. @ Inger that's what I was thinking too. It was soon after the Gwenyth Paltrow reveal and Enty said she made GOOP look sane. Everyone thought it was Taylor.

  70. @Agent*It - I disagree - JFK was not the only good Kennedy. He was addicted to drugs (perhaps not by choice) when President and screwed around more than Bill Clinton. I was reading just last night when the Bay of Pigs invasion started he was being injected with penicillin for an STD. The only possible "good" Kennedy was Bobby.

  71. @SusanB, I meant in terms of some of his political ideas, not behavior. He was known as a cad at the time but we did not have 24/7 media but we did have "The good old boys" network. I never bought that "Camelot" crap :)

    double tap.

  72. @Agent*It - OT but I know you have a Kindle Fire - there's a big sale on right now on books:

    I got "The Secret Lives of American Presidents" among others - that's where I read that.

    Double tap right back at ya!

  73. I saw the pics, very WASP'y, which let's not lie, is nice, but my question, what is she going to do if they don't work out???

    OR, did she pick him young so she can mold him.....but then again, he will grow up and probably want to taste different types of fruit if you know what I mean...

    It's odd.

  74. Thanks, Susan B. Wow, great sale !

    Omama, it's a great house with a lot of beachfront. She can make money when she sells it. But I do think this is a very odd relationship.

  75. "A bit of a creeper?" How about a total creeper? Who the hell does this other than rich stalkers? Oh, yeah - it's a "good real estate investment." Probably, but there are plenty of them around in places not across the street from her current barely legal crush.

  76. Jeez. I feel like she needs Cher to slap her and say, "Snap out of it!!"

    Grow UP, Taylor, and stop being so clingy. Guys don't respond to that shit.

  77. If I had 5 mill I might have bought it too, it's an investment.

  78. is that a flattering crease in his shorts, or the explanation for Taylor's infatuation?? :p

  79. guys ...idk if we can call it an investment if it was originally listed at $14mil and sold for $5.

    She's probs gonna take a loss on it when she sells.

    BUT -it must be love, or at least, lust.

  80. Good real estate investment; maybe she's planning to use it as a summer rental. I hope so. Dating a Kennedy, even casually, is a very bad idea.

    The comments in the Boston Herald were rather spot-on. As I recall, one of the areas of MA that voted most heavily for Scott Brown was the Cape.

  81. @hairydawg LMAO! There's even a slight tip shadow. Giggle giggle giggle.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. The reason a 22 y.o guy dating an 18 y.o girl is because their mental ages aren't so disparate. I couldn't connect with 18 y.o boys when I was 18 and I sure can't at 22.

    The way Enty has presented this story is creepy. But really, this isn't Taylor's only house. I hope she's just savvy and not stalky.

  84. They're not 18. He's 18. She's 23.

    This fucking girl. Don't get me wrong, I think she's hot and I'd hit it, but ffs, everything I read about her makes it sound like she thinks she's living in a novel about high school.

    Jesus, by the time you're 23, you should have, you know, graduated college, travelled Europe, and started thinking about settling done.

    This fool's staring out the window and sighing hopelessly.

  85. does anyone know when she put the offer in? Does anyone know how or when she met Conor K? There's always the chance that she met him because she was already house-shopping there.

  86. @Reece,When JFK ran for president, he did not win his own district on the Cape.

  87. The house is beautiful and looks like a good investment, however, it is still creepy to purchase across the street from the boyfriend. Too much, too soon..

  88. There's something wrong with this girl. And now we will all have to suffer songs about Conor Kennedy when he dumps her obsessive ass.

  89. Someone needs to write a song about HER: "She's a Creeper, not a Keeper" or "I'm a Talker, She's a Stalker" or "She Wants to be my Wife so I Ran for my Life" ...

  90. I want the house in Nantucket! It's one of my favorite places on Earth.

  91. I think the age difference would be a problem. An 18 year old boy with a twentysomething is a major difference. If he was 41 and she was 44, no biggy, but not at these ages. He will outgrow her.

  92. I was wondering how the two kids could get together, when she's so famous....she couldn't get an apartment, she would just get followed everywhere. At least with a house she could hire security for some privacy...BUT...she should have bought something FURTHER AWAY. Life 15 miles or so. It is too close for comfort, and it's going to be very awkward if and when they break up (I actually hope they don't). I think Taylor Swift is better off with someone younger. Boys that age spend a lot of time with their friends, though, so he needs room to be normal.

  93. There once was a girl from Nantucket..........
