Thursday, August 09, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Is Hosting A Cruise

At some point in time, celebrities decided they could host their own cruises and make money. If you are a musician, this works out really well because you combine forces and everyone has a great time. Music, sun and booze and concerts all the time from a bunch of mainly washed up singers who you loved when you were younger. You love them most when you are on drunk and on vacation so it works out well. It does not always work out so well for just a regular run of the mill celebrity or especially a D lister. Kate Gosselin tried and failed and now Taylor Armstrong is giving it a shot. She is calling it the watch me get drunk and listen to me whine about everything while I try and convince you to invest with me cruise. Think I am kidding about her selling you more stuff while you are there? She told wetpaint that she is bringing Dr. Sophy and they will be leading some workshops which means they have something to sell. Would you spend a week with Taylor?


  1. Am I the only one who doesn't think the "reality stars" are worth of print space? Ugh. I'm sick of ALL of them.

  2. I would only go if I'm allowed to heckle and throw sun-rotted tomatoes at her.

  3. Like a floating time share or pyramid scheme? Sounds like a fate worse than death. And I get seasick on the bay when the water's glass, so I would literally rather be six feet under than go on that cruise.

  4. Id rather watch grass grow then be within a 5 mile radius of that train wreck.

  5. Many, many things I'd rather do than be near her. She hurts my head when she talks or is visible in any way. Like now.

  6. Oh Enty and my fellow commentors...

    You really need to watch what you say or she may go all Oklahoma on your asses!

    Fair warning, LOL!

  7. After one day of looking at that mouth all she could sell me is a life preserver and a stocked life raft!

  8. It's 'The Grifter Cruise' to the Mexican Riviera, where she will likely try to sell her husband's ashes.

  9. Don't worry, Patty. I live in Oklahoma - I can take her :-)!

  10. I would only buy this "vacation" as a gift for someone I really really really don't like.

  11. @Agent - good burn!

    @Patty or anyone - do y'all know whereabouts in OK she's from? Just curious. I've never seen any of these housewife shows, so I'm clueless. But, knowing where she's from exactly may give us some real insight. Oklahoma is an interesting place. Don't get me wrong, we love it here. Truly. But this state is host to some interesting characters for sure.

  12. Yeah, where in Oklahoma was she pooped on a fencepost and hatched by the sun?

  13. 'Shana' Hughes grew up in Oklahoma.
    Her names:

    She used to claim she was related to 'The Fords'.She lived in FL for a bit and was a con.When contacted to provide financial documents she would answer "Howdy" and then pretend to not speak English. When offered a Spanish translator she would hang up. I about died when I saw her associated with RHOBH.

  14. I had to check and see if it was April 1

  15. I think it would be more successful if they sold it like they sold it to Taylor, "Hey, wanna take a booze cruise to Baja?"

  16. A fool and their money are easily parted.

  17. @timebob, but it's never actually her money:)

  18. I bought my last car from Taylor Ford in Taylor, Mi. * shrug*

  19. What sort of individual would want to part with actual money to go on a cruise with this train-wreck. You can watch her for free---I can't imagine anyone who would want an up close and personal experience. This is as f---- up an idea as the Kate Gosselin cruise. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?

  20. We should all go! Come on, we can get wrecked then go all mean girls on her and tell TA what a digusting (semi) human being she is!

  21. Ew. No. If I ever attended a cruise hosted by a housewife it'd have to be Carole Radziwill (sp?) that girl seems like she knows how to have a good time.

    Also - RuPaul's Drag Race at Sea cruise. I'm going! Anyone else?

  22. Does it stop in Aruba?

    1. The island of missing blond Americans?

  23. ^^^ If we command the ship we can make that happen!

  24. Gah! When I read the title of the post I was hoping for something fuck like Taylor Armstrong was fucking Tom or Connor, or had adopted Suri.

    Imagine my disappointment when I found out it was just another desperate housewives get rich quick scheme.

  25. What's the workshop on - how to falsley accuse your husband of abuse until he kills himself, then act the victim and cash in on his death for all it's worth? Must be, because I can't imagine she's ever had any success doing anything other than that...

  26. Shana's yearbook photo if anyone is curious about how she looked before going under the multiple blades:

  27. Taylor Armstrong looks and behaves like someone wracked with guilt. She was on Dr. Phil one day.
