Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tameka Foster Loses Primary Custody To Usher

Tameka Foster lost primary custody of the two boys she has with Usher. After what seemed like week after week of argument between the pair which saw them both seeking primary custody, a judge in Atlanta awarded primary custody to Usher. I was shocked the judge did this. I really thought it would be kept at 50/50 and some kind of review after a year. To actually take it away from one parent without her doing anything seems wrong. It is wrong. Apparently the judge did not believe Tameka when she said that Usher takes drugs and did not care that Usher is not with the children for long periods of time because of work. Usher claimed that Tameka was never there and passed off parenting to nannies and that Tameka is Tameka.


  1. One only has to look at his mini-me, Bieber, to see how he really conducts himself around kids.

  2. How did these two ever get along well enough to actually conceive those babies?

    I don't like Usher at all. Those poor babies :(

  3. Enty why are you shocked! Its not as if you didnt know why she married usher! Of course she is never around them kids , remember she is a "stylist" so she has to run to her celeb clients as soon as they call.

  4. No matter what you feel about Usher, when it comes to his ffamily he always goes all out to care for them, he raised his brother and up til now you havent heard his bro in any MESS like these hollywood kids

  5. Unless the judge was paid off, which is not beyond the realm of possibility, you have to assume he/she weighed the evidence and arguments and came to the best decision for the kids. Neither you nor I has seen that evidence.

    I tend to give judges and members of the jury the benefit of the doubt unless there's a clear reason not to, since they have gone much more deeply into the case than outsiders like us can every hope to.

  6. I don't know about/care about either of them, but isn't this the woman who lost her son in an accident recently? If so, the poor woman is probably in a lot of pain right now.

  7. I guess Usher wishes he had listened to his mother when she objected to the marriage.

  8. It's sad that these two adults had to go to court and drag out all sorts of dirty laundry rather than just shut up and parent their children together. It makes me angry when grown ups use children as pawns in their divorce and even angrier that they lose sight of what is important to play the blame game and finger point.

    However the judge must have really been put off by Tameka, or something she said or did to sway the decision in Usher's favor.

  9. Didn't Tameka also lost custody of the children of her previous relationships? If so, then there is probably something wrong with her parenting...

  10. to say that the judge made a wrong decision when you didn't hear any of the evidence is, I think, misguided.

    usher fought for those kids. there are alot of men who abandon their children and who wouldn't have bothered to fight for them in court.

    give the guy a break.

  11. She must be really short to be in herald and still shorter than Usher. Or he has Tom Cruise's shoemaker on speed dial.

  12. I just love bitches who slag off their partners for "never being there because of work" etc, and at the same time hold out their hands for the cash. Not to mention the ones who like to wreck a reputation by calling their SOs druggies, just to get what they want (money).

  13. While working in Vegas I had a chance to meet Usher and he was very polite and respectful. He had no entourage with him which suprised me. On the other hand Kanya was there as well and he was a big douche.

  14. They don't do 50/50 in Georgia. It's 51/49. Even if time etc is evenly divided there's someone who has final decision power. Saves the courts from having to litigate every parenting disagrement

  15. Enty, as a "lawyer," it always surprises me when you give off-kilter legal review. You ought to know as well as anyone that there is plenty of information to which the public is not privy in a custody dispute. Given how long this has been going on, the evidence involved must be staggering and would include plenty of professional evaluations / psychological submissions protected by confidentiality regarding the children and each parent. What we do know, though, is Tameka lost custody of her first two children, as well. She has also displayed irrational, violent and unpredictable behavior in the form of attacking Usher's friends and him. She has a pattern of dishonesty and disinvolvement. She wasn't in the state when her son was killed. I wish that on no one, and plenty of parents have to travel for work and deserve to travel for vacation. But, Tameka, apparently, is never home. Given how unusual it is for a court to award primary to the father, I'd say there's plenty more we don't know, as well. I don't think courts are star struck in custody matters. If anything, the Hollywood lifestyle is NOT a favorable card in family court. I can't imagine Tameka's pain, but that doesn't mean she's the fit parent here, and the decision was coming long before her child died.

  16. HELLO? SHE HAD A CHILD DIE BECAUSE OF HER STUPIDITY. SHE LET A CHILD BE DRAGGED ON A TUBE ON LAKE LANIER AND THE CHILD WAS RUN OVER BY A JET SKI. Have you ever been to Lake Lanier? It's a freakin' interstate. The judge probably feared for the lives of the two boys.

    I can't figure out why Usher has to fund her Saks card. Who ever heard of that?

  17. HELLO? SHE HAD A CHILD DIE BECAUSE OF HER STUPIDITY. SHE LET A CHILD BE DRAGGED ON A TUBE ON LAKE LANIER AND THE CHILD WAS RUN OVER BY A JET SKI. Have you ever been to Lake Lanier? It's a freakin' interstate. The judge probably feared for the lives of the two boys.

    I can't figure out why Usher has to fund her Saks card. Who ever heard of that?

  18. Some of you must not be aware of Tameka's history. She doesn't even have custody of her oldest kids from her 1st marriage, & left them when she got with Usher. She tried to keep the 2 kids she has with him away from Usher as part of her bitter tirade against him. She has also been violent & has bashed him non-stop on Twitter and elsewhere. Please check her history before automatically assuming the judge was paid off or that Usher is a bad parent.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are you serious with this comment? Tell that to my brother who had to fight his psycho ex girlfriend in the court so he could get joint custody of their daughter. She tried to stonewall him out of her life but wanted to make sure she got his child support monies. This comment is an insult to any man who wants to play an active role in their child's life.

  20. It's too bad that mothers are losing their kids to fathers just because they are rich,powerful, and famous and can afford better lawyers.Kids belong with their mothers.The poor woman already lost a child that recently died and now lost custody of the others,too.Kick her while she's down? How heartless and cruel.

    1. Kids do not belong with their mothers. They belong with the parent that is going to give them the safer and saner life. My father raised my brother and me, and thank Buddha he did because the life my mother ended up living was no life for two kids to be raised in.

  21. He has a weird shaped head.

    Mary Jones, whatever kind of mother she may be, or whatever you may think of her, her son was with (in the custody of) his father when the lake accident happened she had nothing to do with it.

    Also, the card is not just a regular Saks card. It's a card some client get when they spend over $100,000/year. It gives special discounts and access. She has to pay the bill.

    I'm inclined to think that if the judge awarded sole custody to Usher, she must have known something which would make Tameka an unfit mother. Much like Nutty, I assume a judge and/or jury is privy to much that the public is not.

  22. Obviously she is a whack job; the courts almost always favor the mom or at least 50/50. Something off about this woman's parenting skills. And yes, its awful she lost her son, but that dies not elevate her to saint. Just once when someone dies- not a child obviously- i'd like someone to say," yeah, sorry he/ she dead, but they were real pain in the ass." i know its ot, sorry!

  23. i met usher once during his "truth tour" my mom worked for the arena he was performing at and i got backstage passes, he was really nice. like others have said the judge would not have given him primary custody if she didn't feel like he was the right choice. his ex-wife seems a little bat shit crazy to me

  24. @Unknown - Thanks for getting the truth out there. I was not in the least bit surprised Tameka lost custody of her kids with Usher. She lost custody of her kids with her ex-husband and that included Kyle who passed away recently. Obviously she has a pattern of neglect or something when it comes to her kids. I also heard that Tameka got on Twitter after the judged ruled on the custody case. What mother would be tweeting about losing custody? I would be too devastated to tweeting anything. Tameka does not have her priorities straight at all.

  25. The card is because she is a "stylist" and when they "borrow" clothes for a client they wear them 1x, and if not returned on the same credit card , they will not credit.they used to do them on a "loan" arrangement and Saks would get credit but too many dishonest folks kept them. So a system was formed for them to "borrow" and return. If he is paying per legal reasons that means that it is likely a set date for his liability to end unless he is the cosignor of her business.

  26. Tameka should have taken Usher's offer to postpone the hearing because of the recent death of her son.

  27. As Maggie pointed out, Georgia can't order 50/50 custody. In a custody fight, one will "win" and the other will "lose" because I judge can't order a compromise.

    When "Enty" makes idiotic comments, I'm just reminded that this is the third or fourth version of Enty that I can remember. We'll probably get a new one in 2013 which this contract is up. This one is both mean and dumb.

  28. The kids are most probably better off...this is the woman who went to South America for total plastic surgery on Ushers dine and left her kids and almost died due to her own vanity...

  29. Wait...enty isn't who he is but if we all look we'll know who he is?

    I think he's a group of monkeys on a typewriter at a zoo in Kazakhstan. (It's not Shakespeare that they'll finally write...)

    Just because someone's a lawyer doesn't mean they know child custody law in each of the 50 states(or even in their own). Get a clue.

  30. based on what i have heard about usher, i am shocked that he got primary custody as well. how much to do you have to suck, to lose custody to him??? visitation hasn't been decided, so maybe it will end up being closer to 50/50. primary is sometimes a fancy way of saying "congrats! you won! okay atually, you share them pretty much equally." this together with hr son dying might send her over the edge. guessing one of the reasons she wanted to go forward so quickly after the death of her older son is the sympathy factor.

  31. *sigh* Folks, he said he's an entertainment lawyer. His background is not in family law. For all the attorneys on here, you know there are many specializations in law. You can specialize in environmental law, real estate, patents, business, etc. Each one is different. Quit bashing his intelligence.

  32. Or him getting primary custody could have to do with the connection his attorney has with the judge. Do your homework people!

  33. Bubbles - Tameka's legal team would've had the opportunity to have the judge step down if there was a conflict of interest. My dad did during my parents' custody battle.

  34. Apparently, she's pretty unstable and lost custody of her children from her first marriage for the same reason. While its sad this happened so spoon after her son died, if she truly is unstable then she more likely to be even more unhinged after a tragedy of a patent losing a child. When my sister passed away my mother wasn't the most stable of people either, and that lost just permanently made her spiral downward. It's heartbreaking to have to witness.

  35. She doesn't have custody of her other children either. Apparently, there is some mental issue and it's not for public fodder. Think of Britney and you'll all fully understand and give them all a break. K-fed is a better parent, and Usher isn't?

  36. Usher frequently visits the grocery store where my mentally handicpped brother works. He's kind, gracious and understated and never fails to make a fuss over my brother. Usher is ok in my book

  37. Eileenie Mcmeanie - your story is nice. It's really sweet that Usher goes out of his way to make your bro feel good.

  38. If she was already such a piss poor mom, why marry her n make two kids with her? To b blamed for an accident that occurred while the child was in his dad's care is harsh n unfair.I find it odd that the other dad has never bashed her or her parenting skills. This much talked about credit card is a discount card that was part of divorce decree, he violated the decree.She seemed a bit greedy n caught up in celwb lifestyle but that in itself does not mean poor parent. They both seem a bit petty n vindictive. The kids are being pulled out of their home-which he wanted to sell anyway. Hope the kids get counseling n things work out for them. I am not a Tameka fan but Usher does not seem without other motives as well!
