Some Guy Wants To Kill Ellen Page
I always worry about the stalkers who go for lesser known actresses. Yes, you kind of know Ellen Page, but she is not a huge star or anything. These are the celebrities that end up getting killed or threatened by extremists. Plus, these celebrities cannot always afford to take every precaution someone else can and don't have corporations buying homes for them so they are easier to find. The LAPD is currently searching for a man who has been sending death threats to her Twitter account. They started two months ago and most of them seem to be because of her dating Alexander Skarsgard. One says I will K-1-L-L you in public next year if you continue dating Alexander. Do you think they used the 1 instead of the I for any particular reason? The Tweets were deleted which makes it harder to find the person. They went on to say that they would kill Ellen in public while she was eating or signing autographs. So, this is more of an Alexander fan rather than an Ellen hater. Still very scary though.