I always worry about the stalkers who go for lesser known actresses. Yes, you kind of know Ellen Page, but she is not a huge star or anything. These are the celebrities that end up getting killed or threatened by extremists. Plus, these celebrities cannot always afford to take every precaution someone else can and don't have corporations buying homes for them so they are easier to find. The LAPD is currently searching for a man who has been sending death threats to her Twitter account. They started two months ago and most of them seem to be because of her dating Alexander Skarsgard. One says I will K-1-L-L you in public next year if you continue dating Alexander. Do you think they used the 1 instead of the I for any particular reason? The Tweets were deleted which makes it harder to find the person. They went on to say that they would kill Ellen in public while she was eating or signing autographs. So, this is more of an Alexander fan rather than an Ellen hater. Still very scary though.
I had no idea she was dating him; I thought she was a lesbian who didn't play the beard game.
ReplyDeleteScary. Gotta agree with your lesser celebrity danger assessment, Enty. Reminds me of that poor My Sister Sam girl :-(.
ReplyDeleteVery scary! I agree, if you're not a huge star, how are you going to get good protection?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Ellen is dating ASkars. I don't think she plays for his team.
This sucks. I love Ellen Page...but let me be clear, NOT in a stalker way.
ReplyDeleteThat sucks. I always thought Ellen liked the ladies too so that's why this seems so odd.
ReplyDeleteThey can still trace those tweets. There are security firms out there that do that. Can you imagine being stalked and having zero fame? Scary.
ReplyDeleteAgreed w/ everyone, I suspect she & Skarsgard are just friends and she's into the ladies right?
ReplyDeleteThe Internet is a scary place. I google myself somewhat regularly to make sure I can take down any info that's out there about me on sites like Spokeo and MyLife. People have no boundaries.
ReplyDeleteLast week, I received a letter from an a high security inmate in FL. I've never heard of him, and have no idea how he would've gotten my name and address. I called down to the prison and ended up talking to their investigator, and he said basically what the guy is trying to do is gain sympathy so I'll send him money! Oy.
I thought he was gay also...so many I'm confused
ReplyDelete@Amber, a letter in the mail or an EM?
ReplyDelete@Amber, that's so scary! The fact that an inmate was able to get your address is beyond crazy and acceptable.Hope you stay safe.
ReplyDeleteDamn Amber, that's fucked up!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit Amber! That is some crazy shit! Stay safe girl
ReplyDeletei consider ellen to be a pretty big star. she's been in hit movies the last few years, and she has a pretty recognizable name now...but either way, i couldn't imagine someone being obessed with me to the point of threats and whatnot. thats completely scary, and i hope this gets resolved. i do agree this could go too far if it isn't handled properly. smh.
ReplyDeleteStalkers will not stop until someone (preferably the police) stop them. My sister (who is a singer) still has a guy show up to her performances. He makes sure to sit just far enough away to not violate the restraining order, but the last time he even brought his wife. My sister said she was just up there singing away and glanced down and saw him. He was giving her that "you are mine" look and his wife was shooting daggers at her. A friend of hers later said that she overheard the wife tell someone after the performance that my sister was an evil bitch who kept trying to steal her husband. What nut jobs!
ReplyDeleteA physical letter! I scanned it (though it's kind of small, so you may have to squint). He included pictures, but I didn't want to post those online JIC.
I thought she was dating Clea Duvall?
ReplyDeleteMy oldest daughter has had a stalker since she was in 7th grade (fellow student with major crush on her.) The kid physically assaulted her twice on school property (he's about a foot taller and 100 lbs. heavier than my daughter.) He stalked her around campus. The stress of not knowing if/when he'd show up, having to go to court and testify so we could get a restraining order, the overwhelming anxiety, etc. nearly killed her. Thankfully his family quit appealing the restraining orders (seriously, it went as far as our state's court of appeals) and she's just starting to come back out of her "shell."
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't wish this kind of hell on anyone. Hopefully the LAPD will be able to do something for Ellen and this will end on a positive note.
Amber, that letter is hilarious and scary at the same time.
ReplyDelete@Mary-Stewart I am so sorry your family had to go through it. I hope she is able to have a normal life after all of that.
ReplyDeleteFSP - I've alternated between thinking it's funny and being majorly creeped out. But every time I get to the part where he says, "The sky's the limit!!!!" I die. It's too hysterical.
ReplyDeleteMary Stewart-McGovern - that's so awful. Why the hell would his family appeal the ROs and not see their kid needs mental help?!
Holy Crap Amber, that is some scary stuff right there.
ReplyDeleteI thought ASkars was dating Queen Djoubi.
ReplyDeleteThanks, BigMama. My daughter is getting ready to start her senior year of high school and when we started looking at colleges earlier this summer, her requirements were that either (1) it had to be out of state or (2) it had to be a women's only college. Breaks my heart that she feels she still needs to go out of her way to keep from seeing him (it's bad enough she still sees him around school occasionally - don't get me started on how useless our school system and the local police dept. have been regarding this whole mess *grrr*.)
ReplyDeleteAmber, his parents claim that he has "issue" (no shit!) and that my daughter has to learn to live with it. Seriously. They said that in court. It was one of the biggest WTF?!? moments of my life.
ReplyDeleteShe's dating A Scars? Huh?
ReplyDeleteHope she stays safe, that, is scary stuff.
You don't even have to be slightly famous to get a stalker. I had more than one in my life, and I only worked retail. Some guys don't understand that I was treating them nice because it was my JOB to treat them nice. And I was only ringing up their purchases and answering their questions about products, and yet I still got anonymous notes left on my car, followed home at night, hang-up phone calls, mysterious gifts left on my doorstep, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I'm not young anymore.
@Amber, there's something off with that letter - it almost seems like a form letter - weird to have the line to sign. Hmmm.
ReplyDeleteEmEyeKay - it is. I called down to the prison and spoke with the investigator. He said it's a template that they send out hoping to gain sympathy so women will send them money. He told me they'd be handling it, and if anything else comes up not to hesitate to call down there and talk to him.
ReplyDeleteIt still bothers me to not know from where "Tonio" got my information, though.
@Amber - that would bother me too, a lot! Be safe.
ReplyDelete@Amber, thanks for the detail. Interesting article I located.
Working on the how he got your address. What state was it mailed from? (Unless you don't want to).
ReplyDeleteTopper, that is why most retail stores don't put the employee's last name on their name badges anymore--many don't put any name--just some badge or apron or shirt that shows the person is an employee. I work in retail and most of our employees are female and it has been quite common for our girls to have people try to approach them after work--to the point where we have rules about people leaving in groups not alone.
ReplyDeleteVery sad
@amber - Stay safe, girl! Glad you are being proactive on this!
ReplyDeleteAgent - he mailed it from Coleman, FL. When I called down there, the guy was definitely there. My BFs mom works in the courts (in a diff state), and she pulled his case. He's in for felony weapons possession on parole violation. Not sure what he was previously convicted of, but he got a felony with that one.
ReplyDeleteI refused to use my "real name" when speaking over the phone or corresponding via electronic or certified mail at my job.I had to bring up the security issue and an exception was quickly made.It then became policy for my group.
ReplyDelete@Amber WOW
ReplyDeleteMatthew Cox - look him up, wiki will do
He was one of my cases, and is imprisoned there. Small, small criminal world !
The inmates would have access to mailing lists,and how to get them.
I wouldn't worry. Glad you reported it.
I think by the body language it's safe to say this wasn't a date, this was more like two buddies at a game.
ReplyDeleteI had a stalker once, it was terrifying. I think he came close to killing or raping me at least once, he kicked in my back door and was on his way up the staircase (where I was upstairs with my baby). I was lnevertheless when I called 911 that the cops happened to be on my block.
I never even knew who it was, which was even scarier.
It's one thing to have a name and a face, my stalker was faceless, anonymous. For months after the attempted attack I found evidence tat I was being watched.
I lived in a duplex, when my neighbors moved out, he broke into their side of the house and attempted entry through the attic (leading into my bedroom).
At that point I paid out the remainder of my lease and moved in with my boyfriend at the time, who was built like a bear. It stopped the stalking but embarked a bad marriage. At least I shook the stalker and can tell the tale I suppose.
Agent - Holy crap. I'm always amazed at how people think of that stuff! You have to know you're going to get caught eventually, so why not just make things easy for yourself and WORK?
ReplyDelete@agent - What do you do again? Save us from the money stealers? Glad you're on our side! I'd hate to see what you could do if you went to the dark side... You are ass!
ReplyDeleteAgent - That was supposed to be BAD ass! Sheesh! Can't even make a compliment today without botching it. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Cox was crazy brilliant in the beginning. Speaking to him over the phone was chilling , he always had an answer ready, and would scream "I'm recording you , too".What a really odd coincidence that they are both in same prison.
ReplyDeleteEllen Page dating a man?
ReplyDeleteA kooky alex fan. They want him not her. I hope she stays safe. It was a little surprising her dating a guy cuz i thought she was gay. Good for her. Hopefully nothing will come of it.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, given how alot of the girls on CDAN feel about Vampire Eric, I'm pretty sure Ellen's stalker is reading this article and blushing. :)
ReplyDelete@Mary Stewart -
ReplyDeleteI went back to school and transferred to Wellesley College (a women's school and one of the original "seven sisters"). Very good school, has very good security only has ~2300 students (so class sizes are small). One thing us older students noticed right away, was that the freshwomen students would hardly ever speak up. By the time they were upperclasswomen though - hear them roar! LOL!
@Mary Stewart - also check out Converse College. It's not exclusively all girl like it used to be but it is in a lovely small town and very well protected. Still a majority female. I don't even think they have a mens dorm.
ReplyDeleteHazel, Wellesley is in my daughter's top 3! I have a ton of friends from high school that went there and said wonderful things about it. She's looking for a good architecture and/or interior design school, so it's NYSID, Parsons, and Wellesley.
ReplyDeleteBigMama, thanks for the heads-up on Converse. Hadn't heard of it before but I just forwarded their web address to my daughter, to check out.
ReplyDeleteI love Skars, and think Ellen is a good actress and she seems like a nice person. However, I don't like Skars that much to the point I would kill for him hahahaha!
ReplyDeletePretty creepy though, some people attract crazy fans, not just in this case, but also the Twilight-stuff; some people are truly delusional (sp?) and act like they know actors personally. Pretty weird.
In the early '90s I acquired a stalker. It was 9 months of living hell.
ReplyDeleteOne afternoon, after sailing with friends, we went to a bar for drinks and snacks. Some guy sent over a beer via a waitress. I refused it. He came over and started screaming at me. He was escorted out of the building but was waiting for me outside, where he screamed at me again. My friends followed me home to make sure I was ok. I shrugged it off as some weird dude with anger issues and everything seemed fine -- for about a week. I started getting weird calls at all hours. First, he'd say nothing and hang up but then I'd get things like "you're dead" or "I'm going to rape your f'ing corpse".
The police didn't take it seriously AT ALL. One cop even commented that I "probably should've had that beer. Ha ha ha."
This went on for *9 months*. I lived in constant fear and paranoia, nearly dropped out of university because of the stress, had my boyfriend leave because he couldn't handle the turmoil (or the threat).
It ended after the bastard sent dead cat parts to me in the mail and, then, the next day broke into my apartment. Thanks to a nosy neighbor who called the cops, he was caught. He had a knife on him when he was arrested. Through a plea deal he got jail time for animal cruelty and breaking and entering. Nothing for actually putting me through hell.
The stalker laws and attitudes have changed a lot since then, granted, but it's still a horrifying thing to go through even when the law is on your side.
I hope they quickly get the guy who's sending threats to Ellen. No one should have to go through that. Ever.
It's John Hinkley Jr and Jodie Foster all over again. As if being romantically obsessed with an actress you've never met isn't loserish enough, this loser falls for a lesbian. Find him & lock him up.
ReplyDeleteI actually had a female stalker who I was originally friends with. I found out she had been telling her friends the same stories I was telling her except making them "her" stories (that they happened to her). When I was in college sophomore year I had cut off contact with her during the summer before that. She called my parents and pretended that she went to school with me freshman year and wanted my phone number. Of course my mom gave it to her not knowing who it was (and this was before every phone had caller ID). She also used to sit in front of my parents house in her car even though I was living at school. She was one crazy whackadoodle.
ReplyDelete@KZoeT, that is so awful. I think I just got a rage headache.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was 16 I had a phone you needed to top-up.So one Sarurday, off I went to Woolies for my £10 topup. Got it,thought nothing more of it until the text messages started. Turns out the guy who'd processed my transaction had taken the part of the receipt with my mobile number on it and just handed me the normal part of the receipt! Needless to say a complaint was made and he got the sack. Also there is a weirdo creep with OCD who loiters at my bus stop and occasionally follows me on the bus. Creeps me out.
ReplyDeleteAct crazier than them if you are in public.. I used to whirl around and scream DO YOU HAVE ANY GREY POUPON? That sent the crazies running.
ReplyDeleteIn most prisons they have access to the internet and phone books. When I worked there some would want to be my boyfriend so I would just act crazy. I was working a housing unit and I cussed them all out and said I was putting a spell on them. The next day 40 of them (out of 500) got moved to the hole (solitary) so after that they all left me alone. They did not know as a supv. I knew about the move ahead of time. Sometimes crazy works. Now I keep a loaded shotgun next to my bed.
ReplyDeleteEllen is actually a pretty big star. Oscar nominee, starred in several big moneymaking movies. I met her in the Halifax airport once. She was quiet but extremely nice. I'll never never have an unkind word to say about her.
ReplyDelete@ old ;ady , How are you doing, OK?
ReplyDeleteI didn't know she was dating Alexander. They seem like an odd paired couple. Also...I thought she liked girls, not boys. Maybe he's pursing and she's bearding.
ReplyDelete@ old ;ady I am glad to see you.
ReplyDeleteI didn't read the post from last week until yesterday but I wanted you to know that I have been thinking of you and your daughter and hope that with time you are able to heal from your tragedy.
As an aside, grandparents have rights in many states. My father sued to see my daughter after my divorce (he is an alcoholic and I didn't want him to be with her except under supervision) and he won (supervised) visitation. I'm not AT ALL implying that you have done anything wrong just saying that if a grandparent with problems can get visitation, perhaps you can as well. Good luck.
Wow Amber..Just wow for everyone who has had a stalker. I could not imagine living in fear every day.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnd another thing. I worked with Pam Dawber and she was just torn up about Rebecca Shaeffer who worked she with on My Sister Sam. She just loved her and was heartbroken and quite angry that something like that could happen.I believe that was when they started getting much stricter with stalker laws.
ReplyDelete@KZoeT and @Mary Stewart-McGovern I had a stalker my freshman year of college. This was 1989, 1990, no caller ID. He knew whenever I came home from college. He never called while I was at school, but the MINUTE that I walked into my home, the phone would start to ring. At first it was just heavy breathing and a hang up. It progressed into some very graphic sexual threats. If my mom, dad, or brother called, he would hang up. We contacted the sheriff's dept and the phone company and had a trace put on our line. (Which was a huge deal to do. We had to keep a log for almost a month on paper and have it notarized and submit it to the phone company along with a police report before they would trace the calls. I could have been murdered a hundred times before they finally helped.) Long story short, the police and phone company contacted my stalker, but no arrest was made. They told me and my family that the stalker was a minor and prosecution would never lead to jail time and as a minor, they couldn't tell me who he was!!! He had more rights than I did! To this day, I don't know who he was. The calls did stop then so I guess the authorities did at least scare him away. Be grateful that you and your daughter at least know who your stalkers are. I will go the rest of my life a little worried that he will one day take an interest in me again. Especially with the advent of FB. I'm probably FB friends with him for all I know!!
ReplyDeleteWow didn't know they were dating! I'm a mad trubie, I love Eric and Alcide of course ;) so Ellen and Alex, isn't she short? Oh please give me a pap pic of them side by side standing :D oh was that it? I thought she was sitting lol...I've only been stalked by jealous bitches and scandalous ho's, sorry to everyone who's had stalkers, thanx for sharing your stories :)
ReplyDeleteCreepy. I hope they catch whoever said that. I can't imagine how frightening that could be.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling sick and sad reading these stories.
ReplyDeleteNo one should have to go through this because some asshole has rage issues or social disease.
I was stalked briefly 23 years ago, by some drunk I briefly dated and dumped after he tried to break into my parents' beach house when drunk and high.
He phone stalked me for a couple of months, but since I'd gone back to college (and thankfully, he had no idea where I was), he kept getting my dad, and he eventually gave up.
Lock this guy up for a long time if he's caught.
They aren't dating. They were in a movie together, and were just hanging out as friends. The guy is nutso.