Monday, August 27, 2012

Snooki Pulls A Beyonce

Apparently when you are on a reality show or two all of a sudden you think you are Beyonce. Either that or the hospital does. When Snooki arrived at the maternity ward to give birth to her baby, the hospital staff pushed every other expectant mother to a different floor of the hospital because Snooki needed privacy. Ummm. With the exception of two high risk patients, everyone else had to move. Granted, who knows how many people were delivering right then, but it is a very busy hospital so probably at least 10 expectant mothers were there. Who gave Snooki this kind of clout? If she needs privacy, just put someone outside her door. Why all the drama? This is a cartoon character who got lucky in a casting. What actual talent does she have? If the show went off the air, how long would it take Snooki to go through her all her money?


  1. The Antichrist has arrived.

  2. Did she make the request/decision or did some overzealous hospital administrator who was starstruck make it? There is a difference.

  3. Could it have been to make sure the paparazzi didn't disturb the other mothers? Seems they were hot for pictures of this person and maybe they cleared the floor to make it easier to spot someone who didn't belong who might sneak in to take a pic..?

  4. If I was one of those other women, I'd be livid.

  5. Since when does Snooki need or want privacy? Christ most of New Jersey and the viewing public has seen her cooter. Why get shy all of a sudden?

    Oh I know why, so they could film it for a TV show...

  6. @N9NA - if the paparazzi were really a concern, then she shouldn't have notified the media that she was in labor. TMZ had it up on their website, and even CNN kept talking about how she was in labor.

    If security was truly a concern (in her mind), she could have entered the hospital quietly, without issuing a press release.

  7. The chosen one was born with "sign" of the devil... It will be giving a speech at the Republican convention on Tuesday. BE WARNED!!!

  8. Anonymous6:59 AM

    When was the last time you heard of a celebrity (whether quasi or full blown) delivering her baby at St. Barnabas hospital in West Orange/Livingston, NJ? Can you ever recall that happening? I would bet money that the last time St. Barn treated anyone close to famous, was when Jay-Z's nephew busted his head in his high school gym class, and had to be rushed to the nearest ER.

    So yeah - a small time hospital like St. Barnabas (which is juxtaposed between two quiet suburban towns) is going to consider Snooki a major celebrity, and they are going to try and give Snooki that celebrity treatment. When else is this hospital going to get this kind of publicity?

    I grew up within 10 minutes of St. Barnabas, and it is an AMAZING hospital, but it is no Cedars-Sinai or Lenox Hill . . . soccer moms and Jewish American Princesses are more the speed of this hospital - not Beyonce.

  9. I bet they closed it up for filming...pre-planned. You don't think they'd have a Snookie reality show where so much talk has gone on about her pregnancy and not film the chaos of the arrival? no way.

  10. And they did it for her....idiots

  11. in a word, snooki personifies all that is wrong with our culture.

  12. The saddest part of the entire saga is that that creature was ever permitted to reproduce in the first place.

  13. Its going to be hard for her in a few years, when no one even takes her picture anymore, lol

  14. Hey Kathryn - I was thinking the same thing. Not the most likely hospital for a NJ celeb to use for delivery.

    Isn't St. Barn the go to burn unit?

  15. Can you imagine being kicked out of your room for Snooki?

    I hope she overcomes the odds and ends up being a good mom.

  16. Maybe they had to keep all the other patients away because they would be at risk for exposure to infectious diseases with Snooki's vagina being open and all.

    Co-sign with what Annabella^^ said.

  17. I bet they did it to protect the other families from the chaos of Snooki giving birth and all the attention it would bring rather than to protect Snooki from the other families.

    To be honest, I just can't picture her throwing her weight around demanding something like this. Sounds more like the hospital trying to cope with a lot of press.

  18. Anonymous8:40 AM

    As much as I love to make fun of her and snark at her, she seems down to earth when the cameras aren't around. I don't think I've ever heard of her throw around the 'don't you know who I am?' card.
    So maybe she did or maybe she didn't.. The thing is, the hospital did the right thing. Imagine trying to go see your new niece or nephew only to be greeted by a hoard of paparazzi blocking your way of the entrance to the floor.

  19. The devil is already ruling, knock it off.

    @FSP , hilarious:)

  20. @Mikey

    You are correct it is the regional Burn Center for North Jersey. UMDNJ does not have one to the best of my knowledge. I want to say the only other one in the state is in Camden.

  21. I just don't understand all the snooki hate ? People act like she was caught drinking, smoking and doing drugs during her pregnancy.I'm not a fan of hers i just don't get it.

  22. Maybe they didn't want all the other new mother disturbed by all the commotion.

  23. "Snooki Pulls A Beyonce"

    What, did she actually gain some talent?

  24. And fyi, snookie and beyonce, new moms dont give a rats ass about your baby when they've just had their own. Get off yourself for a while, jeez

  25. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Was it privacy or space for the crew and camera equipment that they needed?

  26. I grew up in Livingston so am quite familiar w/the hospital as are a few others. My mom volunteers there on Mondays so I called her last night to have her try to scope it out. Funny she is in her 80's yet she knew Snooki's real/last name and I couldn't remember it! At any rate she said a lot of the volunteers were asking and no one would say anything citing HIPAA laws (valid point). She did not hear anything about floors being cleared etc.
