Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ryan Lochte's Sister Is A Racist

Jezebel has unearthed a video of Megan Lochte from an appearance on a television show in 2008, right after the Beijing Olympics. Apparently Megan is trying to be funny because it is a comedy show, but all she does is come across as offensive and rude, and I'm pretty sure that if she had a comedy career it is confined to playing KKK meetings and Jesse James house parties.


  1. I think Paris just found her new BFF!!

  2. If you have to use racial slurs to try and be funny then just stop! Seriously what a bitch! And what is that hat?

  3. Hard to believe that anyone, ANYONE, could say the things she said - and in a televised interview, no less. Holy Hell! Is she incredibly stupid?

  4. It's the rocks she has in her head in lieu of brains that caused her to speak that way. She is incredibly fucking stupid. It's a struggle for me just to watch her try to form a sentence.

  5. I would not describe the Lochtes as an intelligent people.

  6. The worst thing is, it seemed entirely appropriate to the venue she was in. Weird.

  7. Even the host is surprised by her comment. She's a sow.

  8. Em - I think you got that right. She is incredibly stupid! I guess the Lochte family should have spent a little bit more on education. There's a few words I'd like to call her!!! Couldnt watch more than a minute.

  9. And apparently, her Facebook page states she majored in 'Multicultural Marketing'.


  10. Cue the non-apology: "I'm sorry you were offended!" IF she even addresses it.

  11. I can't get past her wearing flip-flops to a television interview. Seriously I couldn't take my eyes off her pale ugly feet.

    Is it wrong that I'd love to hear her stupid take on England? "The people there ... they're just not American!"

  12. @dia - I think you've got the right idea. I wish I hadn't watched it. I don't want to believe anyone is that stupid/ignorant.

    Trust me, she just got more and more offensive.

  13. Sorry Em. Thanks for taking one for Team CDaN! Don't watch the video unless you want to be very offended.

    I am continually amazed by the ridiculous ideas coming out of a few politicians these days. Unfortunately, there's a lot of ignorance out there. Especially before election time! I can always count on Stewart and Colbert to make it less painful.

    Have a great Saturday!!!

  14. That was meant to be an alert for CDaN readers as a whole (don't watch...) not you Em. Just want to clear that up in case not clear. I am clearly not clear today :)

    1. Perfectly clear. I won't be watching :)

  15. Her official comments:

    I would like to apologize for the video that is circulating... This was not a real interview, and it in no way reflects my true feelings or persona whatsoever. [Closing Time] was a show with different comedy skits, fake news skits and staged interviews. The video in question reflects a skit from the show in which I acted as an ignorant guest on a talk show that made ignorant comments.

    The intent was to make fun of the ignorance of people who actually do not have an understanding of other cultures and speak in racist ways. The skit and my character were supposed to be making fun of ignorance.

    (Happy Saturday back atcha, @dia!)

  16. @em guess I spoke too soon! That's sort of a non-apology though. Meh.

  17. ^I don't buy it, either.

  18. Just as had as asshat Kutcher and his popchip add. Making funny of racism while being racist. Is still racist.

    I can think of non racist funny comments she could have said. The great wall bit wasn't to bad "giant fucking OCD fence" . As someone who grew up with OCD it made me laugh.

  19. Dumb runs deep in this family.

  20. It's clearly is a performance. Nothing to see here. Move on.

  21. Is she honestly trying to pass this thing off as an educational video?? That's a new one. She seemed awfully comfortable in that environment, flip flops and all. Those words rolled off her tongue with a lot of ease.

  22. What @Del said!!!

    WOW. What a total idiot.

    It was kind of amazing to see the host, who seems like he'd be the loudmouth, un-PC type, trying desperately to make her BS come off more appropriate.

    "The video in question reflects a skit from the show in which I acted as an ignorant guest on a talk show that made ignorant comments."

    LOL...I am going to try to use this excuse some day. "It was a skit..."

  23. So obviously trying to be SS.

  24. So dumb. Not even a little but funny. I just wasted about 12 seconds and put myself in a bad mood. It's a good thing I save the reveals for last.

  25. He's pretty and dumb, she's just dumb.

  26. Is this supposed to be the "ironic" hipster racism I hear so much about?

  27. Anonymous3:03 PM

    @XCentric: I would say so, yes...

  28. Anonymous6:04 PM

    if she is playing a character why did the host call her by her real name? she is pretending to be sorry cause she got caught being racist not funny.

  29. There is no way this was a skit.

    That's just a pathetic excuse for having been caught with her pants down.

    She's so desperate to get noticed that she takes a chance and starts cracking jokes about Chinese people and Chinese culture. She probably thought it was such an obscure show that no one would see it.

    That was a totally racist rant from a spoiled, entitled, ignorant little bitch.

    On a brighter note, she can probably kiss her "multicultural marketing" career goodbye, which she had no doubt hoped to jumpstart off the back of her famous brother.

  30. How could anybody see that and think it was serious? first time I have seen it after hearing about it for a few days.. Is it well done? NO but obviously a skit. It the show had actually made it and been on the air I think it would be nothing.. but because someone unearthed 4 year old material and broadcast it out of context it seems like a huge bigot has been exposed.

    The fact that the interviewer introduces her as someone EVERYONE knows should be your first clue its satire.

  31. Even if it was a skit, (which I don't believe it was), it's still a racist rant!

    When will comedians get it? If you aren't a member of that race, you can't joke about it. Humour comes from a SHARED experience of something. If you aren't Asian, don't make jokes about Asians. Only Asians can do that. Otherwise, it's not cool, and you end up looking like a bigoted ass.

  32. Wow. HORRID.

    Bu hao le.

  33. "They had dog on the menu"? I call BS. She is LYING.

  34. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek after about 40 seconds I had to stop watching that. this is not fake... that chick is fully racist. what a bitch!

  35. She sounds like she's drunk or something.

  36. She looks like her brother with a wig. ech.
