Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rihanna Says Chris Brown Just Made A Mistake

Another portion of the Oprah/Rihanna interview was released and in it, Rihanna says that what Chris Brown did to her was just a mistake and that at the time he needed some help. You know what that says to me? Yeah, they are together and it is not a mistake when a guy beats you that badly. It is not a mistake when it is not the first time he has done that. He didn't just need help then, he still needs help. Have you seen the crap he says? The guy has no respect for any human being out there. Everyone is fair game to him and he is never going to grow up or change because people see how many records he sells and forgive him and make excuses for him. I'm actually surprised Chris didn't show up in Barbados during the interview and sit on the couch with Rihanna and announce they are getting married or something.


  1. Fivehead and Black Dina!

  2. WHY do we still give her airplay? Why do we still listen to her horrific music?

  3. sad that people will forever make excuses for beaters.
    It's not about the beating, it's about CONTROL.

  4. She's stupid stupid stupid. Is this the interview where she smoked weed and did shots the whole time?

  5. I hope this girl finds her way soon. She's so young.

  6. i believe they are together as well. She makes too many excuses for him. If indeed they are, then something tragic will happen to the both of them. Rihanna needs as much help as Chris does, if not more. Both have violent tempers.

  7. Fivehead has the glossiest eyes in the promos i saw for this interview. She looked like a stoner who just stumbled out of a Snoop concert.

  8. stupid stupid stupid. Won't feel sorry for her when it happens again.

  9. Ima gonna hurl. That woman is in total denial. I refuse to listen to CB's music. He's a lizard in a human body. And shame on Oprah for giving Rihanna a platform so other abused women will justify theri abusers' evil behavior.

  10. Seeing her weepy face on the teasers, I don't want to know any more about her emotional life or her pain or her struggles. All of her problems stem from her personality, and therefore she will never see her part in what has happened to her in life. When she gets all weepy, you can see her victimhood and her feelings of inferiority, that she deserved to be hit for what she did, etc., etc. She is the perfect victim, masochistic and deep in denial. The strange thing about people with such denial is that they will step up to take responsibility for being worthless and causing the violence against them, but they refuse to take responsibility for getting into the situations of abuse in the first place. Ugh. Sad stuff.

  11. They may very well be together, and I believe that, but he is also still with his live in girlfriend.
    Chris Brown must have the most magical peen in the world.

    1. Probably just the opposite. I think he seeks out vulnerable women with low self esteem.

    2. His live in "girlfriend" Karrueche is actually bisexual and being paid as a cover for Chris and Rihanna's relationship. Free trips,drugs,tattoos, clothes, access to beautiful women and VIP status in clubs who wouldn't want that job. This is why Rihanna didn't destroy whats left of Chris's career they are both playing the media. A public reunion of these two is in the works. They don't give a flying care and Oprah is stupid wasting her time with this hot head pot head.

  12. @Barton - I had no idea you knew my mother!

  13. I guess she's another Hayden P. she likes the abuse, lets worry about ourselves instead of ungrateful bitches.

  14. Fuck all three of these people. Can't care less about them.
    Oprah is sellin' out.

  15. Has this interview aired? I'm really interested to see it, if it hasn't. This is why: Aren't there all kinds of reports about Rhianna's drug use and drinking derailing appearances and concerts and the like? I'm really curious to see if Oprah asks her about those things. Does she call Rhi on making excuses for her abuser? Oprah has certainly done enough shows about this topic — how does she handle it here? The old Oprah would have called Rhi on her denial.

  16. I wonder if this crap will save the network?

  17. Yes, no oprah Fan here but wtf? You parading abused woman who makes excuse for her sub human boyfriend? Wheres the good in that?? This girl is indeed in denial, and may not wake up til its too late. Sad and annoying.

  18. Stupid is as stupid does.

    He must be her sexual napalm.

  19. So so sad. So many young girls think Rhi deserved it or that it shows love if he beats you. I despair.

  20. LOL, is Oprah's show filmed in Hawaii or something?

    How irrlevant has she become?

    Chris Brown is going to end up shot or in jail.

  21. Gawd I'm so sick of this woman. Clearly Chris Brown has anger management issues, ignoring it, doesn't help him or her. Has he offered to pay the nightclub he helped shut down, any reimbursement? Had actually ever apologized for his "mistake?"
    She is turning bat crap crazy, and I'm about up to here with her incessant twitter picture obsession.

  22. hot head pot head - hahaha

  23. Eh, they're two immature, self-destructive idiots who seem desperate to throw away the incredible blessings they've been handed.

    In short--they deserve each other.

  24. The only one here that deserves our anger (besides Chris Brown obviously) is Oprah for cashing in on this nightmare for the ratings. Rihanna is an abused woman and is totally in denial about the situation with Chris Brown - she has my pity and I hope someday she wakes up and smells the coffee before he kills her.

    Any woman deserves better and it's sad and frustrating when they don't see it. But I reserve my anger for the abuser, the victims get enough of the "they deserve it" bullshit.

  25. If she's like she is now in 5 years and still alive, I'm going to be shocked.

  26. That's all fine and dandy for her - it's her choice if she wants to be with a woman beater, you know? EXCEPT, millions of young women look up to her for some reason, and she's sending the message that it's okay for a guy to beat the crap out of them. He simply "made a mistake" and is deserving of her sympathy tears. Not cool! UGH.

  27. I think he seeks out vulnerable women with low self esteem.

    Yep. Abusers, both emotional and physical, almost always do, whether they do it consciously or not.

    Think of those pictures you've seen of people who've been beaten by their SOs and try to imagine that the physical damage is roughly analogous to the damage that has been done to their self-esteem, often since they were little children. When you're THAT messed up emotionally, it doesn't matter how smart or rich you may be (though God knows it doesn't help to be poor and stupid.) You have to battle your own demons to get out and there's nothing harder in the world.

  28. This say she desperately needs counseling, and is also downplaying the situation probably because her handlers have instructed her to not reveal that she too was abusive in the relationship.

  29. LOL @ black Dina.

  30. I'm not going to bash her because its clear she needs help that shes not getting. She probably doesn't realize how bad this relationship is for her because most battered women don't . I hope she gets so help and soon!

  31. my issues with Rihanna are exactly what you said, Enty. It's pretty much saying they're back together and saying it's okay to be beaten because he just needs help.

    ALSO, for what Godly reason is she FINALLY coming out and being emotional about this, after all the nasty comments and attitude shes been giving people about this whole situation? Is it cause it's on TV and it's Oprah? What is she getting paid to have this so-called 'breakdown'?

  32. Will Enty ever move on from this story?

  33. Rhianna has moved on why won't Enty?

  34. Uhh...Enty won't move on b/c the interview is going to air imminently on TV.

  35. She had my sympathy the first time, but she won't the next time. She got out once and had the money and friends to stay out and get whatever help she needed. That's way more than most abused women have. When you go back to him and excuse his abuse, you're making a conscious choice to let it happen again. Sometimes one's purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.

  36. The thing that upsets me the most about this and other stories like its that so many people think that it's perfectly OK to be beaten and abused by your girlfriend/boyfriend if they're a celebrity. Have you seen some of the articles on Team Breezy's tweets? That shit is insane. And it's not just "kids" saying this depraved crap, I've seen tweets from grown women saying they'd feel lucky if CB abused them.

    If that's not a blatant cry on the state of mental health in this country, I don't know what is. The sad thing is, it's ppl like this who point fingers at outcasts for being insane. Y'all can look perfectly cookie cutter symmetrical on the outside, made up to look like demented little dolls, but that doesn't for a second change all the rot & decay you hide inside yourself. I'd rather be an outcast, thank you very much.

  37. Someone please tell Ri that her father is NOT a case of personality diversity.

  38. I won't/didn't watch this. If Oprah doesn't or didn't call her on her denial and the bad example she is setting for young girls I will never watch another Oprah anything.

    I don't care for Rhi, but she needs help, and Chris needs to pick on the wrong person and get the beatdown he deserves just to get a taste of what he dishes out.

  39. Just watched the clip from the show. It's not like she is shrugging it off saying everyone should get over it because it was just a little mistake. She is crying when she talks about it and she says her whole life was turned upside down that night and she lost her best friend. She says she found herself feeling protective towards CB afterwards because of all the hate towards him, and she didn't, and still doesn't fully understand why she felt that way. I think she is still dealing with it, but I also kind of think that this is her way of moving on. I get the feeling that she is terrified of the idea of people feeling sorry for her or thinking she is weak.

  40. I cannot understand what is going on in this child's head.

    For all she's accomplished, she must have terrible self-esteem.

  41. Anonymous2:42 PM

    When you grow up in an abusive household with no sense of what a healthy relationship looks like you're going to make lots of mistakes, especially when you're young, in trying to find someone who deserves and treats you right and that's if you even believe you're worth having someone that respects and loves you. Sometimes you're wise enough to notice that there's a problem or something is off and can end it before something bad happens, other times you're in too deep at every level and can't let go and just give in. It's sad b/c I have a feeling that more people are doomed to repeat the cycle of abuse than escape it.

  42. so many ignorant posters on here.. an abusive partner CAN change if given the right help. my mom works in this field and has witnessed grown men who have been so abusive they have killed their partners, being rehabilitated and helped and now campaign for anti-violence. so i see what rih is saying.

    also there is no way she is high in the interview, it would be obvious from the promos if so. god some people will believe anything.. SMH.

  43. In any domestic violence situation, you will end up in one of two places-the jail or the morgue. Out of these two, who will end up where is anyone's guess.

  44. This chick is talented and fucked up. I have a friend who was beaten to hell by her now husband and made the same excuses. Desperate women. Rhianna family sees her as a cash cow and doesn't give a shit as long as they can get paid. Sad. Too much fame and money for these young celebs. What a great role model ...

  45. What do you tell a women with two black eyes? Nothing... I already told her twice. Chris Brown.
