Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reese Witherspoon In The Hospital - Doctors Fighting To Keep Her From Going Into Labor

Reese Witherspoon has been in the hospital since yesterday morning, with doctors trying to keep Reese from heading into early labor. Tuesday night Reese went to the hospital, but was released. She then returned the next morning and, according to Radar have her sedated to keep her from going into early labor. Doctors say she will spend the next few days and nights at the hospital so that the baby can try and make it to full term. Does anyone even know how far along she is? It has to be getting close to 37 weeks. I guess if they inject her with steroids that could help the baby's lungs develop faster, but you still are going to have a tough time anywhere much before 36 weeks aren't you?


  1. Reese seems like a great mom. I really hope she and the baby will have a safe and healthy delivery.

  2. I had my first son at 37 weeks. He was completely fine, and about 6 pounds.

    Don't care for her one iota, but I do hope mom and baby will be okay.

  3. My son came at exactly 37 weeks and he was a healthy 7lbs 5 oz !

  4. Yes, they don't like to take the baby earlier then 38 weeks really in my experience with my two. But anything under 36 is a lot harder.
    I wish her luck and good health.

  5. I can sympathize. My first was born at 35 weeks, and bed rest from 31 weeks with the second to keep him cooking for as long as possible.

    Yes, there are tons of things they can do to help preemies, and my 35 weeker didn't have breathing issues. Feeding issues, yes. Jaundice, yes (because he couldn't nipple), reflux, hell to the yes. Asthma and pneumonia twice before age two, yup.

    But he is an awesome almost 14 year old who's closing in on 6 feet tall and 200 pounds, so he's definitely overcome his slow start :-). Hang in there Reese and baby Reese. Lots of good vibes your way.

  6. Daily Mail says they are fine. Just a precaution.

    She's gotta be pretty close. Why don't those pesky stars tell us their due dates? I wanna be at the hospital (with my camera) to help out ;)

  7. OMG Frufra! That must have been really scary. But you must have done something right! What are you feeding that boy?!?

  8. Todd Akin Republican U.S. Senate candidate would say she suffered a "legitimate rape" and her body was rejecting the baby.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      @strongerthancoffee I'm conflicted b/c I want everything to be alright with Reese and the baby but your comment is so on point.

  9. My son was 8 weeks early, spent 2 weeks in NICU with apnea, jaundice, and feeding tube in his nose. He's happy healthy 11 yr old now . Was 5 lbs when born and they drove me by ambulance 2 cities away to get me to a hospital equipped to deal with preemies that early. Reese will be fine, she's far enough along i think

  10. My son was 8 weeks early, spent 2 weeks in NICU with apnea, jaundice, and feeding tube in his nose. He's happy healthy 11 yr old now . Was 5 lbs when born and they drove me by ambulance 2 cities away to get me to a hospital equipped to deal with preemies that early. Reese will be fine, she's far enough along i think

  11. I love enty's estimates of how far along pregnant women are... I have no idea what formula he uses to guess, but he is always so far off. More proof that Enty is a man.

  12. God Bless her and her baby.

  13. Good wishes to Reese and baby!

  14. My son was born at 27 weeks, he'll be 9 next week. He has cerebral palsy but he's healthy and happy most of the time I say most cause he's still recovering from surgery. I hope Reese is close to full term and that her and bub are totally ok.

  15. I used to nanny for a little boy who was born at 6 months. He's my mom's friend's son, and it was pretty scary. :( Has developmental issues, but is a sweet boy.

  16. I was born three months early and weighed a little over a pound. I'm completely fine and this was in the 80s. I'm sure her baby will be fine.

  17. A friend of mine gave birth to twins about 3 months early; they were in the NIC-U for almost all of those three months after. They were both under 3lbs; one had to have several surgeries for a cleft lip and a couple other issues, but they just turned two and they're both happy healthy babies.

    It's dangerous at any point, but if she's past 36 weeks, the baby should be fine.

  18. I had pre-term labor at 33 weeks and had to go into the hospital for injections to stop the contractions, followed by weeks of strict bed rest until 37 weeks when the baby was considered "fully cooked." The injections are awful and give you the shakes, but they worked for me. The bed rest is NOTHING like what they show in sitcoms -- I had to lie down on my side, and was allowed up only to use the bathroom and shower every 3rd day. My son was born the day I was allowed up out of bed at 37 weeks, and was healthy and has grown up big and strong. I know how terrifying it was, and I hope all goes smoothly for Reese.

  19. My cousin was born around 2.5 months early (don't know the precise week count) back in 1970, and made it just fine after a month extra or so in the hospital. Tiny then, but only had eye problems that remained past infancy. I'm sure Reese and baby will be perfectly fine.

  20. Just imagine a control-freak like Reese (bless her heart, I don't hate her for it) trying to keep from going crazy, stuck in the hospital in the ONE situation she can't control.
    I hope the baby is okay.

  21. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I don't think anyone in my family was born early...

    My brother was actually born LATE. Like almost a week late. Since he was the last child, my mom wanted to have him via natural birth, not c-section or whatever it's called, like me and my other brother. The doctor told her it was fine and my mom, being very stubborn, did not allow the doctors to MAKE her have contractions. So, by the 6th day, my dad had to practically tie her up and drive her to the hospital because she wanted to wait for the contractions. If it weren't for my dad finally growing a pair, my brother would have died.

    Unfortunately, my mom had a c-section and then they fried her tubes. I always wanted a younger sister and my mom always felt guilty for not going into induced labor.

  22. @kelgela

    Why would your brother have died if they hadn't induced labor? I was born two weeks late and it was a natural birth, not induced. They just waited til I was ready to come out. My mom ate a bunch of burgers and ten minutes later she went into labor.

  23. @kelgela

    Why would your brother have died if they hadn't induced labor? I was born two weeks late and it was a natural birth, not induced. They just waited til I was ready to come out. My mom ate a bunch of burgers and ten minutes later she went into labor.

    1. @ Mitten - I'm no expert, but I think the amneotic fluid can become toxic or infected. There are definite health risks in going too far past term.

  24. Anonymous8:33 AM

    @Mitten Fluffy I don't know why because my mom never told me why. She only told me that he would have died and she would have too because she was already taking so much risk just by being pregnant with him.
    After the second child, my brother, the doctors told her that if she got pregnant again, she would not only risk the baby, but herself also.
    The important thing is that they are both alive and healthy (although he is a bit of a douche because he is the baby of the family)

  25. @ Frufra, I read 14 MONTHS and 200 lbs *LOL*. I thought "holy crap! that baby needs to lay off the french fries!!!"

  26. My first one was born at 31 weeks, my water broke and I was in the hospital on complete bed (no getting up at all, even to go to the bathroom) rest for a week, they gave me steroids and tried to stop my labor but that boy was determined to come. He weighed barely four pounds and stayed in the hospital for a month but he's doing great now, will be starting kindergarten next month.

  27. Yes it's chancy but necessary sometimes...but for anyone who's going through this, and being told that their Preemie will take 18 months to catch up..the doctors try to prepare you for the worst case scenario. My Preemie (6 wks early and 7 lbs) was carrying a 20 lb bag of potatoes around at 18 months and was well in line with schoolmates from day 1. Another Preemie I know (baptized the same day) was 2 lbs something and was kept in the hospital for weeks is now the star pitcher of a baseball team. He's still small, but so are his parents.

    1. @Tuxedo - I just laughed thinking about your baby hoisting the potatoes! They are so funny - they work SO HARD at their baby feats of strength :-). Adorable!

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  28. Not a big fan of hers (although I think I watch "Legally Blonde" every time it airs on cable) but I hope her baby is born healthy and without her chin/jawline.

  29. Yep, prior to 37 weeks, the chance of complications for the baby are greater. (We just had friends whose twins were born right at 37 weeks, but they're completely fine now at 6 months). The mom had to be put on bed rest because she kept going into labour early, so I'm guessing she'll be put on bed rest now.

    Poor thing - she's probably stressed out trying to keep that baby in there.

  30. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Frufra, that's the first I've heard about the sac getting infected. I was very, very late -- mom's due date was May 23, my birthday is July 8 -- and I don't think the amniotic fluid getting infected was ever mentioned to my mom as an issue.

  31. An rn friend of mine has actually witnessed babies who were stillborn because they went so far past the due date. I think it has to do with the placenta breaking down and being unable to sustain baby anymore. It can also (I think) be due to baby ingesting the meconium.
    Of course, I'm not a Dr. and have just heard this.

  32. @Tex - I'm definitely no doctor. Just repeating what I've heard my mom say, which can in fact be a very foolish thing to do :-). CanadianMiss sounds more plausible in her explanation.

  33. My brother and I were both over. I was two weeks over and breach, they gave mum a full internal and tried to turn me but I wouldn't budge. They prepped her for a Caesarian and I turned around and came out naturally. My brother was three weeks over and his skin peeled off after he was born. The doctors told my mum not to have anymore children, she just didn't seem to want to go into labour.

  34. We've had both early & late babies in my family; my mom was a preemie (we're not sure by how much; supposedly she didn't have any fingernails, but I find that hard to believe because IIRC those come along pretty early in the game, and if she was THAT early I don't see how she could have survived being born at home during the Depression), for one, probably due to Rh factor issues. My older sister Bridget was born at 27 weeks in 1956, and was a real mess, poor kid--blind, significant developmental issues (as far as they could tell), and with severe cerebral palsy and very spastic; she went even further downhill after having meningitis at 3--the family doctor suggested then that the kindest thing might be to not treat the meningitis aggressively and just let her go, but they insisted and she pulled through, but in even worse shape.

    It took my parents 5 years to get up the nerve to try again, but fortunately, I turned out to be just perfect. ;-) I was, however, at least 2 weeks late; the doctor had decided that if I wasn't born by Sunday he'd induce labor, and I came along just in time for Saturday lunch, fighting fit and at a perfectly healthy weight (7 lbs. 5 1/4 oz.). My mom thinks now that I may have been delayed due to her having problems w/toxemia towards the end, as supposedly babies take longer to develop under those conditions. The things you learn watching soaps, eh?...

    (As for Bridget, she really started falling apart after I was born--apparently it was as if she knew they had another baby and she didn't have to stick around--and died shortly after turning 8, having been cared for by our mom up until the last couple of months, when she was sent to a state hospital for 24/7 nursing care. The doctors all agreed that she never would have survived as long as she had if she hadn't been so well cared for...but considering her condition, I have to wonder if that was a good thing. Whatever bad karma she had from another life, she sure as hell burned it off this time out...*sigh* I don't remember her consciously, as I was only 2 1/2 when she died, but I'm sure she's lurking back there in my subconscious; apparently we would have looked a great deal alike.)

    As for Reese, while she's not my favorite person, I'm still sending good thoughts her way and hoping everything turns out just fine for her and the baby.

  35. I had my twins at 32 weeks and they were both fine and both over 5 pounds! They spent about a month in the NICU eating via feeding tubes, but otherwise they were, and still are, perfectly healthy. I am still keeping Reese in my thoughts - it's very nerve-racking even when they are fine!

  36. I had my son at 35 weeks at 6.1 and perfectly healthy. Usually after 35 weeks they let it go. She has got to be 34 or before, which is dangerous
