Monday, August 06, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Miley Cyrus getting her hair colored by the guy who invented The Rachel.
Marie Claire put Miley Cyrus on the cover.
Melanie Griffith came back from Spain without Antonio Banderas. The two had been there supporting their daughter. She seems happier though.
Here they are in Spain over the weekend.
Prince Harry playing ping pong in his Angry Birds hat.
Anna Kendrick at the ParaNorman premiere with
a very sweaty Tom Sizemore. Hey, at least he is alive.
Reese Witherspoon making a coffee run for the family.
Snooki showing off her baby bump.
The only celebrity reporter/talk show host/interviewer worth a damn. Wendy Williams.


  1. Tom Sizemore - I hear he is doing well. He look really good, all things considered.

  2. I saw the after pictures of Miley and her haircut is super cute! My hair is so long and hers looked young, hip and fresh. I am an idiot for saying that but so be it.

    Melanie looks happy in the first one. Not so happy in the second one standing next to him.

    Prince Harry is a cuttie and looks like he is having fun!

    Those kids look terrified to be touched by Tom Sizemore. I had a soft spot for him on celeb rehab.

    Reese looks cute.

    Cute picture Nicole Pilozzi took.

    I love that Wendy embraces her inner drag queen 100%.

  3. I love Wendy!! That's my girl. How you doin'?

  4. Is Wendy still married?

  5. OT I ran into Danny Bonaduce. He was very nice and took a picture with me. I told him I loved him on celebrity rehab. Buhahaha.

    My bf's mom took the picture and I had my eyes closed.

    The valet pulled both our cars up at the same time and he had a little fiat while I got into my giant suv.

    He laughed. End of story. :)

  6. @Agent - Yes, she is.

  7. Miley's Marie Claire shoot is great. Girl gives good face, IMO. And as much as me from 5 years ago would kick my ass for saying this - I'm interested in hearing her new album.

  8. Why all the Miley press lateley?

    Did a snake eat Snooki? Haha. That's the first thing that popped in my head when I saw that photo.

  9. wow, miley looks fantastic in the editorial spread! (and i don't think i've ever said the words 'miley' and 'fantastic' in the same sentence).

    reese makes a gorgeous pregnant girl!

    hee. i love WW too. i met her on the one day i cheated on my heels and opted for flat sandals...and i came up to boob level...she's a serious glamazon...'twas quite awkward, to say the least. but she's a very nice lady.

  10. I agree, Miley looks great! Love her lighter blonde too. It's a fun change.
    Reese looks good too.

  11. Could this mean that the A+ celeb interviewer mentioned in the Blind is Wendy Williams?

  12. Meant to say Anna Kendrick kind of bugs me. I could never understand why she was nominated for an Oscar for In The Air. She's very blah to me.

  13. I could see the celeb interviewer being WW. Good call uberbaldy.

    Hope Tom makes it. Never realized how many movies he has been in. He was destined for A+++ before the drugs. Always remember him in Point Break.

    And that is why we LOVE Prince Hot Ginge!!

  14. Kendrick is a very talented actress. But I'm hoping that someone will print sleazy gossip about her because she seems so chaste and demure.

  15. Sooo jealous I've wanted The Rachel for years

  16. Miley looks like an Olsen twin in that Marie Claire photo.

  17. I love WW and her giant boobs lol!

  18. Wendy is the best! Love her!!!

  19. Damn Wendy, you look great and so does Miley!!!

  20. I don't get Anna Kendrick's appeal, either.

    Tom Sizemore makes me sad. He was a pretty decent actor and was actually pretty good looking in that gangster-y way. I watched Reservoir Dogs the other day, I would have hit it. Or he would have, lol, he was always intimidating.

  21. That's a weird pic of Snooki. She looks like part of the sofa.

    Why don't celebs have their own fancy coffee makers? Are they that desperate to go out in public for it? Damn, if I were famous I would even own a slurpee machine that dispenses margaritas....but I digress.

    Yeah, Melanie looks "happy" in the first pic.

  22. It's good to see a Sizemore mention that doesn't include a mugshot or quote from Dr. Drew.

  23. Anna Kendrick was born middle aged. When I saw her 1st in "Up in the Air" I had no idea she was supposed to be a young intern. I had her pegged at least 30. Maybe she'll have a Meryl Streep career where she skips the ingenue stage & only starts playing romantic leads when she turns 60.

  24. Still don't like Miley.

    I thought Melanie was divorcing Bandera??

    Wendy looks like she is sucking it in LOL.

  25. don't judge, but hsn/qvc is my cure all for insomnia and i saw wendy and she was fun! i've seen the k klan and they were irritating as all get out. pissed me off, so i was up most of the night. isaac mizrahi was enjoyable also

  26. Wendy looks good.Love her.

  27. Miley does look great, but the way she holds her mouth just irks me a tad...the same way teenagers who take those "duck lips" photos and post them on Facebook do. I have blocked many of the girls I used to babysit years ago, for that very reason.

    @Patty - DID A SNAKE EAT SNOOKI?! Bahaha...we couldn't get that lucky, but that is EXACTLY what it looks like.

    @Megerz - Preach. My hubby has a friend who owned a catering company years back, and he kept the frozen drink/Icee machine. They drink Dr. Beam (it's just Dr. Pepper and Jim Beam) so he decided to to frozen Dr. Beams...holy cow. Dr. Beams all day long if I had that kind of money.

  28. Dr. Beam, now that's a new one on me.

  29. Wow. After all the photos of scary skinny Miley, I'm not about to say "you go girl" for Marie Clair. I just feel it's encouraging to whatever issue she has going on.

  30. @Cornbread, frozen Dr. Beams! Must try that. I think I have Dr. Pepper in the house but will Crown Royal work?

  31. That was my thought with Snooki! Lol my fave pics out of these, Miley, Reese and Prince Harry, mmm now that's a hot ranga!!!

  32. Miley looks great and seems super happy. I think she is over the hump.

  33. @Megerz, I would give it a try! It's the Dr. Pepper that makes the can't even taste the booze. Let me know how the Dr. Crown goes!

  34. Who is letting children near Tom Sizemore? He can rot in hell for all I care.

  35. Enty, you've posted photos of Usain Bolt (who isn't even American) and Gabby Douglas and NONE of the AMAZING USA Swim team! They were undoubtedly the stars of this Olympics. What gives???

  36. I love Tom Sizemore and root for him too. Ever since seeing "Being Sizemore". Is he in a new movie?

  37. @Brooke, Enty's jealous of their abs.

  38. Anna Kendrick has a bitchy face
