Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

For the first time in history, a subject of a cover photo is wearing less makeup than they wear in daily life. Thank you Christina Aguilera for this moment.
Isabella Cruise gets a new car and her brother looks a little jealous.
Faith Hill and Tim McGraw will be spending some weekends in Vegas performing together.
This kid had that Lego in his nose for three years. Doctors never noticed even though the child was complaining about sinus problems.
Jennifer Aniston asks if that bra makes her look fat.
Jennifer Garner and Samuel.
Jennifer Lawrence is smiling. I would be too if someone gave me $10M.
Jennifer Love Hewitt and her boyfriend.


  1. What kind of wizardry did Aguilera employ to look like that? Not even Photoshop can rid her of all the skank and alcohol bloat she's developed over the years.

  2. Seems like some kind of reveal about Faith Hill and Tim McGraw...

  3. And I just saw A Jennie Garth article on knee pads website

  4. Samuel's cute, nice little feet.

  5. Jennifer Anistons body is sickening! I hope to look 1/4 that good at her age. That is coming from someone who doesn't care for her. But her ass looks phenomenal in that picture!

  6. That kid's face holding that toy is priceless! What a stinker.
    When the doctor asked if he put anything in his nose, the kid replied that he'd shoved some spaghetti up there, but it had been a few weeks. LOL.

  7. Christana still has a ton of makeup on, it's just the black and white picture, ha.

  8. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Is JLH's boyfriend 13-years old, or does he just dress like it?

  9. Don't worry Connor, daddy will get a damage control car also...
    Jennifer Garner looks great...cute little boy.

  10. So, what's the deal with Faith and Tim???

    That is a nice pic of Christina. Hiding the peroxided matted mess really helps.

    Remember George's pretentious gf on Seinfeld? I'm going to think SamuELLE everytime I see Ben & Jen's baby.

    1. I professionally make pape mâché hats!

  11. @smashbash - agreed. She may not be the most telented actress in the world (although I like her - she seems to know what she is good at now and sticks with it), but her body is incredible! She looks really healthy, not skinny and waifish like so many other celebrities.

  12. Is that why we haven't been seeing JLH because she has a boyfriend? lol

    I LOVE love Samuel's little baby fat feet:-) so cute!!!

  13. I thought JLH's mom just died, may be a month or two ago? Or did I imagine that?

    1. No you aren't. Her mom passed away recently of cancer.

  14. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Are those Isabella's real parents? Or, just the ones that take care of her when Tom's not around - like always.

  15. Is no one going to say something about the Jen A. bra comment?!?! Possible hint for yesterday's blind item??? Or, am I just reading too much into this?

  16. Lady_Whitehall, Jen has appeared naked quite often, and constant bikini shots, not her

  17. It is so sad that I'm excited to finally see a pic of Jen & Ben's newest baby. He is a cutie! :)

  18. Little Sam is such a sweetie! JG is such a great momma.

  19. Christina Aguilera: photoshop of the year award.

    I just want Isabella Cruise's doggie!

    I can't believe JLH is wearing a backpack purse. And what's more that it's so long it's slapping her ass.

  20. Christina looks nice even if it's photoshop. She lost tons of weight.

    Aren't Connor and Isabella living with Gay Cruise sister?

    Wasn't their gossip about Faith and Tim having an open marriage??

    I still can't stand Aniston..

    Garner's baby looks a lot like her just like her little girls.

  21. There were a lot of pix on the net of Isabella and Connor and he was smiling in all of them except for the one Entwood picked. Dad probably gave Isabella a new car because Suri went to Disney and got to sleep in the Princess Suite. Maybe Dad will send Isabella to a real college. Sigh.

  22. Anonymous3:09 PM

    That thing the boy had up his nose doesn't look like any Lego I ever saw. Definitely not Lego.

  23. Christina hasn't lost any weight I saw her about a month ago and she's pretty hefty especially in the face....although she was drunk so a lot f it may of been bloat. I can tell you one thing for sure she didn't look anything like that! And her behavior matched Enty's blind reveal about her to a "T"

  24. Ooooh, juicy stuff Aussiekate.

  25. Wish Cristina would be more original. That is a copy of an old Billie Holliday album. She copied Marilyn Monroe--even Barbra Feldman with her Genie in a bottle thing. The Dirrty stage she went thru was modernized Madonna.

    Photoshop is amazing huh?

    She used to sing but now she just does that 'go to church' thing in a bad way with screeching and loud screaming. Talent wasted.

  26. re:JLH's backpack purse (@figgy)
    "How can a knapsack so tiny hold all my dreams"
    -Karen from Will and Grace :)

  27. Agent*It, I think LRC promised Isabella a new car if she would shower, put on a dress and some "lady" shoes. Tom and the sci$ got tired of reading online how Isabella lives on skid row. Not a very successful sci$ model that way are they?

  28. Totally Off Topic:

    My BFF in NoLa said she was at a fundraiser last night and saw Cuba. Everyone was giving him a wide berth.

    Then today she saw Michael Fassbender walking around the Quarter with an African American woman, maybe his GF Nicole.

    I love NoLa. It's so tiny you run into everyone at some point.

  29. My youngest son shoved a dried bean in his ear once. I still have it, the doctor gave it to me once it was removed!
    Baby Samuel is adorbs.

  30. I believe that's a Lego steering wheel, Molls. The pieces are very specialized nowadays.

  31. Califblondy, it was pretty interesting she was at an after hours party at a wine bar in CA we were there on holiday ( I live in Texas) she was there with her assistant and her boyfriend who might as well been her assistant too the way she ordered him around. She was drunk dancing grinding up against me it was not my thing then she acted very diva like to my husband and he treated her like any other "normal" patron, she got pissed it was pretty funny....I love my take no shit Texas man really put her in her place!

  32. Every picture from Aniston's new movie shoot screams face filler. I really hope she hasn't gone that route. It's always a mistake, but nowadays more.

    The latest fillers last 2-3 years. When they first arrived, they lasted six months. It's not just a 3-month jab like Botox. You might as well think of it as permanent plastic surgery, because two or three years is a lifetime for an actress, particularly one of Aniston's age.

    I hope that I am misreading the situation.

  33. My milk money, and my milk!

  34. Soul to Soul? Bitch, please. More like Coke to Nose.

  35. And again Jennifer Lawrence looks different. She looks different in every photo I ever see of her it's so weird.

  36. I don't think you are, Jamie 2. She's been puffy in the face for awhile.

  37. I like Tim & Faith...

  38. I didn't even recognize Christina!

  39. I can't help remembering that Aguilera once asked for a cup of coffee that she didn't finish, and that makes her a totally horrid person. Or whatever that blind/reveal was about.

  40. Please tell me JLH and her flavor of the month are not wearing the same shoes!! It's the next Aniston/Theroux.

  41. I hope JLH is just walking down the street with a neighbor kid, and carrying his backpack for him.
