Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Britney Spears got all dressed up so she could wish happy birthday to her uncle via Twitter. She could have just called.
Bobbi Kristina and her brother/boyfriend show off their new bodywork.
Betty White gets loved on by Mario Lopez.
Elisabeth Moss shows off the new haircut and color. Guess she is big fan of Miley Cyrus.
George Clooney in Corsica.
Gretchen Mol and her director husband take the kids out for some fun.
Looking good Harrison Ford.
Jessica Alba hangs out with Nas and a very plastered looking Nicole Richie.
January Jones and her very cute baby.


  1. So she's a directors wife, is she? Her character on boardwalk empire is disturbing.

  2. Brit looks good again! However, doesn't it kind of look like one of those posed pics people do for prom? Glad to know I can just tweet a picture of myself to people instead of buying bday gifts - my wallet approves.

  3. Umm, is there any doubt that Gretchen Mol is "The Director's Wife"??

  4. Every day is a good day when Betty White's around. But why does she have to be a posin' with Mario Slut-pez??? Almost ruins it for me and then I cover him with my thumb.

    Georgie on a big moto :) :) :D

  5. lol Director's Wife.

    Also, if that is true about BitBit, that's kinda creepy. Happy Birthday Uncle! Wanting you to have some new jerkin' material!

  6. Mol was the best guess for that blind

  7. I only vaguely remember that blind. Was it awhile ago? She sleeps around to get her acting jobs?

    Can anyone help me out here?

  8. The Brit Brit picture is way creeping me out.

  9. Did January Jones dye her hair red because her son has red(dish) hair and she wants people to think he got it from her and not the baby's real father? Just a thought.

  10. I realize that could be ALL the blinds! Haha! But seriously Director's Wife? Anyone?

  11. Your a brother lover, lovin your kinda brother, it's kinda siiiick.

    For every kinda brother, there's a kinda lover, lovin your kinda broooo.

    Sung to the tune of mother lover by lonely island featuring Justin Timberlake.

  12. That baby sure looks like Jason sudeikis!

  13. I bet January Jones' baby CAN say "da-da"

  14. heheheh The Director's Wife.

    JJ's baby is just waiting for those cheeks to be pinched!

  15. those are Bobby Flay's ears!

  16. George Clooney and Harrison Ford are the definition of aging gracefully. Or just having good plastic surgery.

    Nicole Richie looks waaaaaaasted.

    That baby is Jason Sanduski's or I am the pope! January Jones isnt fooling anybody with the fake red hair.

    1. I think you mean Sudeikis.
      Sandusky is the pedophile :/

  17. I think re: the directors wife, she was sleeping around to get him jobs, right?

  18. Brit hair is looking kind of whack still, how long could it possibly take since shaving her head to possibly grow her own hair or get a descent weave?!

    1. I was just thinkin the same thing. Brit's hair is AWFUL 90% of the time. Between her and Chelsea Handler I just can't with their hair.

  19. This is mean: Everytime I see Bobby Kristina I can't help but think how unfortunate it is that she's the spitting image of her dad and not her mom. Her mom, at her age, was stunningly beautiful. I hope she lives a better life than her mother did tho =/
    My goodness, Gretchen's little boys sure are precious!

  20. That's it, rejectedcarebear.

  21. I hope I look as good as Harrison Ford does when I'm his age.

  22. WTH is Elizabeth Moss thinking?! She is never going to have ingenue looks, so she needs to embrace her average girl next door type of look. Not platinum hair better done by Miley or Michele Williams!

  23. How happy does Britney want her uncle's birthday to be? That outfit is a bit much for family.

  24. January's little one is so cute.

    Well, at least Elizabeth covered her forehead.

  25. I think I saw Brit's dress on the sale rack at Forever 21 last weekend.

  26. Does anyone know who the girl is to the right of Nas? She's breathtaking. At first I thought it was Jamie King, but then this girl looks a little younger.

    January Jones' son is so darn cute. I thought my little baby was fat, but this little guy out-Sumo's mine for sure. @Jax - The Flay ears made me laugh

    1. I thought it looked like Kate Bosworth...

  27. Nice try, January!
    I personally think Elizabeth looks good, or better. A tad less boring than usual. Lol. I loved her until I found out she's Co$

  28. @Sunny - that kind of looks like Kate Bosworth.

  29. Hmmm...can we get some names
    Of Clooneys 90's girlfriends? He could be the big star our blin item 90' star dated

  30. @surfer
    Hey lady! Did you see my "review" of that other coffee eye cream? It's okay, but I don't think I would recommend it. When I used the Mac eye cream over a decade ago, I was still boozin and staying out late so I loved the little help it gave me with puffy eyes. Now that I'm a tragically boring stay-at-home Mom, I need more help with the crow's feet. Have a good one :)

  31. Hi Sunny! No - I missed it, and was wondering if you ever ended up trying that cream you were talking about. The MAC cream is magic!

  32. Oooo Betty White in Random Photos she must be an answer to a blind! ;-)

    Britney reminds me of a barbie doll

  33. @Sunny and @Surfer - I thought the same thing, on both counts. My exact thought was "That Kate Bosworth look-alike is gorgeous."

  34. I saw Elizabeth Moss in Brooklyn four or so weeks ago and her hair was like that then. Just saying, I think she was rocking this look before the Cyrus.

  35. And also, does anyone else think of Arrested Development every time Bobbi Kristina and the brother boyfriend show up?

  36. Elizabeth was raised as scientologist, so I give her a pass.

  37. I have to say for Jessica Alba - Good choice upgrading from 50 to Nas. Nas True King, yo!

  38. Elizabeth Moss forgot her dress. It looks like she has a slip on but no dress. I like her hair though.

  39. What's with the "smell my finger" thing in the Nas photo?

  40. Ms. Moss has shed a lot of weight! Looking goooood!

  41. January's baby...There's an actor out there with that exact expression, and a bit chubby in the cheek area too. I know he's dark-haired, but I can't remember the name for the life of me. I think he does comedy. Someone help me out?

  42. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Nicole gives good "drunk face"........LOL!

  43. I don't mind the cut on Moss, but shit, WHY is she blond? It looks horrendous.

    Britney has lost her looks. She is just not pretty anymore.

    Nicole Richie does look smashed...haha

  44. @Sunny, According to Daily Mail, the blonde is Kelly Sawyer, a model and Alba's best friend.

  45. @MM
    Thanks MM! She's quite the knockout

  46. There's something about Nicole Ritchie-she just gets better with age. Even with drunkface she looks great.

  47. Brit, I am glad that you feel attractive enough to post photos on twitter, BUT, a more appropriate happy Bday tweet would have been casual, with you and the boys and a big sign wishing him a happy birthday.

  48. That baby is a miniature Jason Sudekis. While we are on the topic of illegitimate celeb babies has anyone checked out Jamie Lynn Spears baby lately? Poor girl looks just like Dan Schnieder, same with Suri Cruise and William Mapother. The resemblance is uncanny

  49. I'm not getting the problem with Britney's dress. I wouldn't wear it but it looks similar in style to the kind of dresses she always wears. I wouldn't wear it, but that's because it's not my style; otherwise it seems fine to me.

    I just think it's nice that in her recent pics she seems happy. Good for her and especially good for her boys.

  50. That Betty White, what a slut.

  51. I think that baby -- cute as a button though he may be -- looks more like John Corbett than Jason Sudaikis, but that's just me.

  52. I think that baby -- cute as a button though he may be -- looks more like John Corbett than Jason Sudaikis, but that's just me.

  53. LOL at Clooney's grandpa bike. Britney needs to ditch those extensions, they're just too much work for her and they'll never look right. Just get them taken off and have a good stylist cut her natural hair in a way that will look good in a low-maintenance sort of way.

  54. @hazel. I thought the same thing! But I still love him. I think he rides that bike bc he hurt his back and needs the support. Old movie stunt injury.

  55. As a person who uses Photoshop for a living, I'm just not getting the convenient blurriness in Britney's recent pictures. And yes, she looks like she steals extensions from Sally's Beauty Supply the say someone's great aunt Helga might rip off ketchup packets, for the cheap thrill of pinching a few bucks.

    1. That picture is so aweful. Her whole face is blurred more so then the rest, but everything else is also blurred. iPhones take better pictures, something fishy is going on.

  56. That pic of Britney creeps me out, if it's really a "happy birthday" to her uncle, ew! Otherwise, typical BritBrit.

    Like the new 'do on Elizabeth, but NOT the color. I wish people with darker hair would appreciate it! Being blonde is not all it's cracked up to be. If I don't get highlights, my hair looks like dirty dishwater.

    George looks good on that bike!

  57. Or is Harrison Ford the bf in the blind? He was in pics a few days ago too.

  58. Love Nas so Jessica gets cool points for hanging out with him. Britney looks nice but yeah the hair's gotta go!

  59. Brit still looks cray-cray to me. Just NOT a natural pose...I mean, why not snap a casual pic w/the kids to send to family/uncle? She's still not right, I'm afraid. And I just can't with her circa 1995 prom dress...

    And Bobbi K -- you in danger, girl! She unfortunately seems to be heading down Brit's path...reckless, self-destructive...but maybe I'm wrong & she's found true love w/her brother...

  60. Too lazy to google but didn't Gretchen Mol used to be with Vincent D'Onofrio (the guy who played Detective Goren on Law & Order CI)? I swear I read that he dated or was married to her at one point.

  61. I like Moss's hair. I wonder if it's for her in real life or a new "mod" look for Peggy Olson. When does MadMen start filming again?

  62. Love the director and his wife! Lol

  63. So now we say happy birthday to our relatives on Twitter instead of making a damn phone call directly to them? WTF? I agree, Britney's hair is a mess, it has been for years, just like Christina's. Both of them need to lose the bad extensions, lose the bottle blond color that doesn't look natural and go for softer, more honey caramel colors with a functional, low maintenance cut that makes their real hair look good. Then get some argan oil for those fried ends.

  64. John Corbett is the father of my babies in my dreams. Jason Sudeikis is the father of JJs real baby.

    1. @anotheramy
      oh Lord have mercy. How could I have forgotten about John Corbett. That man is so damn sexy, and I love his voice and personality. Perfection

  65. Sunny!!! I keep missing you. Was in the wrong place all night! Hugs to you if you're still up :)

    1. Hi Dia!
      I have threatened to go to bed 4 times now. Every time I put my phone down my Words With Friends nemesis makes a play. Go to sleep, Nemesis!

  66. Poor Bobbi Kristina, and I mean that sincerely. It's just a shame when the children of celebrities think they too need to try to be a performer or at least live in the limelight. Especially when they just did not inherit their parents' (good) looks or talent. She's an averagely pretty girl and has a cute figure, but Whitney was off the charts beautiful...hard to be compared to that.

    Bobbi K, honey, take your inheritance, invest it with a very conservative management group, and live a quiet, privileged life somewhere far from from LA.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Betty White shows her usual class by being polite and resisting the urge to shove Mario Blopez away and brush the cooties off.

  69. I'm sticking with Matthew Vaughn for JJ's baby daddy. When everyone was asking Matthew if he was the father around the time of the movie's release, she stayed unusually quiet. No major press release to plead Matthew innocent or to apologize for causing him inconvenience. You wouldn't do that to a friend with a wife and kids let alone your director for fear of studio backlash.

  70. I sincerely hope Jason Sudeikis is not the father of JJones' baby. He had his father's family history traced on Who Do You Think You Are, and there is a sad history of fathers leaving the family in his history. To be locked out of his own son's life would be a tragic irony and all kinds of torture for him.

  71. I think Elisabeth looks fabulous! The dress, the hair (cut AND color), everything! Girlfriend definitely needs bangs...AHEM. Well-played, Peggy!

    I think that's a Sudeikis baby, although...wait! Are y'all saying JJ was with Corbett?! MY "Chris-In-The-Morning" Corbett?! Does Bo know?! I don't remember hearing this anywhere. Spill, someone!

  72. The Jessica Alba photo is a couple weeks old.

  73. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Elisabeth Moss is so very, very unfortunate looking. She has a potato face. If she weren't one of those CO$ freaks, I'd feel sorry for her.

  74. Matthew Vaughn is the father. Look at those droopy eyes, small nose, head shape. That is all Vaughn.

  75. I had no idea Harrison Ford had such a receding hairline. Wow.

  76. And AlexT is right. That Britney picture is got a gaussian blur on it, it's photoshopped. I'm sure of it.

    She also posted a picture of herself fromm 5 years ago. Something fishy is going on with her.
