Friday, August 17, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

If you Google hot mess, this photo of Amanda Bynes is what you should see.
Brandi Glanville goes on a date with a guy who works for Mauricio. Interesting.
Isabella and Conner Cruise showing some sibling love.
A San Francisco coffee shop sets a few rules.
Gabby Douglas returns home for the first time in two years.
An actual real smile from Jessica Alba. If her hair was really that short and with those glasses, and dressed in blue, who sees Will Ferrell dressed as Janet Reno?
Jessica Biel almost goes full swan.
Jordin Sparks at the LA premiere of her new movie which is not very good.
Bobbi Kristina was there with her brother/lover.


  1. Those rules need to be posted on about 40 different coffee shops/bars around my town.

  2. Hate Biel's hair. Hate it hate it hate it.

    Isabel looks good in that picture. Too bad it's that crappy-looking Instagram style. Why are we accepting pictures that look like they were taken with 1971 Instamatics?

  3. I was wondering if we'd see a photo of Bynes today...

  4. Biel was cute in Total Recall. She's hideous in all the publicity for it, though. As someone said yesterday or the day before, what did she do to her stylist to make her or him hate her so much?

  5. I like Bynes use of a 3 year old's terry cloth bathrobe as fashion accessory.

    Isabella Cruise reminds me a bit of Olivia Williams.

    Aww, Gabby Douglas - HERO'S RETURN!

  6. I didnt' even recognize Amanda Bynes. So sad.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This does not surprise me coming from San Francisco which is very into the Big Brother mentality. I'm not eating anywhere there is a sign telling me what I can and can't talk about. Then again I probably wouldn't hang out anywhere loitering hipster litterbugs like to go any way.

  9. Sadly, 4 Barrel may have a hard time with annoying hipster topics as that place epitomizes it. Love the coffee, nice baristas, but can't stand the place.

  10. Also, Amanda Byne's boobs are confusing to me in this photo and that's one of the best pics I've seen of Isabella Cruise. She usually looks so sloppy.

  11. Bynes for the win! She officially looks worse then LILO.

  12. And Jessica Biel-the over the shoulder pageant princess look makes me think you are no less of a tomboy. Just stop trying to be something your not.

  13. knew Bynes was the answer for that BI guess this is confermation?

  14. Gotta say it: Gabby Douglas is just a beautiful girl, in so many ways.

  15. @Patty - My husband loathes Instagram with a passion. It's hilarious to hear him rant on about how it's ridiculous to think that the 70s style of photos looks good.

    Oh Amanda - I really really hope she pulls a RDJ and gets her crap back together. Back in the day she had great comedic timing.

    I'm guessing Enty's alluding to the fact that Brandi's been banging Mauricio? Wasn't there a blind about that and she was the popular guess for the woman?

    Have to say, Alba's growing on me with her seemingly wide-embrace of Mommyhood and her venture in the Honest Company. Damn!

  16. Jessica-
    Please hire a stylist. Are you going to join the Ice Capades? In every picture lately you are dressed like an old lady or a ice skater. You are young and in great shape - show it off.

  17. Isabella looks great here!

  18. Welcome home Gabby!! Looks like AB bought her boobs at the same place as Lilo.

  19. I would have never known who AB was without the caption.

    Isabella Cruise is a very pretty girl.

    Jessica Biel not a good look...

  20. Bobbi Kristina is so unattractive. Her Mom was so beautoful, and she got Bobby's looks. Poor thing.

    Love Gabby.

    Amanda must really be trying to beat Lohan for "Most fucked UP "Actress" in their 20's....

  21. Gabby is gorgeous. How much do I love her?!

    I think I'm on the Conner-is-his-bio-son train. My GOODNESS, he looks like TC in that pic!

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      I was just thinking the same thing, re: connor cruise.

  22. I give Bynes a year until she poses for Playboy. It must kill her to see Jenni Garth get the sweetheart edit from the tabloids, given their history together.

  23. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Is it interesting to anyone that Conor and Bella are posing at the building next door to the Scientology Celebrity Centre in Hwood? No? Oh, ok... haha

  24. You never go full swan.

  25. In no universe does Alba remotely resemble Ferrell.

    Weird, dude.

  26. Those awful bangs on Biel. Eek!

  27. LadyLagerfeld, Playboy? I see a future for Bynes in Hustler. Live video at hustler dot com for five bucks a minute.

  28. Isabella looks good today

  29. Brandi / Mauricio - pretty sure that was a Blind from a little while back.

  30. Isabella and Conner look adorable. Best picture I've ever seen of either of them.

    Biel looks worse than usual. I agree with y'all sentiments - her stylist is punishing her. I'd like to take some scissors to those bangs. Scissors or some clips to pull them back or something!

    Other Jessica can practically do no wrong fashion-wise - they're the yin and the yang of Jessicas!

    Amanda Bynes is a heartbreak. She was soooo good on her shows, and now it's down to this :-(. Pathetic.

  31. Omg. Had to come back and WTF BK's shoes. Ugh.

  32. I think by now most of you know how I feel about those god forsaken bangs...just, ugh.

    Bobbi looks so much like her father; even so, she looks quite good here.

    Pure Sunshine!

    She was so cute on Colbert the other night.

  34. Agree, Biel's bangs are tragic.
    Jordin looks beautiful.

  35. Not So Secret Hipsters Hater Society! Loving that sign!!!

    The Cruise kids look great together! And finally Isabella is showing us her pretty side. I knew it was in there. She was hiding it from us. She looks fabulous!!!

  36. I used to think Biel was pretty (when she was first starting out) but not so much anymore.

    I think that is the happiest I have ever seen Isabella look. Cute girl.

  37. Anonymous2:51 PM

    According to Lainey Gossip, Biel's hair has extensions...her hairdresser must hate her too.

  38. Speaking of throwbacks. Can I say that I hate those red RayBan Wayfarers that Alba is wearing. Seriously they dont look good on that many people and especially not so in Red. Who told anyone that these look good or are cool anymore?

  39. Raechel and Alicia: Anti-hipster Party still happening?

  40. re: Amanda Bynes
    Oh my goodness. I just saw side by side photos of Amanda Bynes on Yahoo and she is even more unrecognizable than she is here (except she's wearing those same weirdo shorts circa Wet Seal 1991. I had every pair) I don't understand how drugs or booze can do that in such a short amount of time. Thank you sweet Jesus that didn't happen to me
    Someone help Amanda!!

  41. Does anyone else see a nip slip on Amanda? Or is it my tired Friday eyes?

  42. Jedward! Amanda Bynes needs your services when u finish with Tara!!!

    *Sunny. Help is on the way!*

    1. I saw a picture of her the other day and she was looking much better since Jedward came. :)

  43. Aww I wish I had been there to welcome Gabby when she returned. I live in Virginia Beach. My fiancee works with her aunt. She was overjoyed and in tears when she won.

  44. Go Gabby!
    Connor does look like Tom's bio kid indeed. Isabella looks lovely!
    AB is a train wreck waiting to happen...

  45. Lord help me, I think Bynes looks kind of hot.

  46. I'm with you childeroland. I actually like the hair color too.

  47. Isabella looks like a beauty!! Wouldnt it be great if she turned out to be a knockout?! Conor is good looking and does look like his dad. And i really just cant with biel.

  48. I think Conor kinda looks like Tom C too. Scandal!

    Maybe that's why they seem closer. Tom treats him better?

  49. Isabella looks pretty in a "your mum is pretty" kind of way. Like a 5 year old saying it, not in a "yo mama" way.

  50. Smash! Let's start the Jedward Protection and Rehabilitation Clinic. We will manage the clinic and procure the neediest celebrities for the "Jedward Heals" therapy!

    1. Love it! Tots joining them on twitter now! :)

  51. Urgh although I agree with the things the bar poster is saying I just think posting stuff like that is SO patronising and gives off a real superiority vibe. Everybody is different, you don't have to make people feel like being different is wrong. People can talk about whatever they want, if people don't want to hear it they don't need to eavesdrop!!

  52. Jessica Biels hair looks like a bad wig.

  53. Connor Cruise looks like he's had a stroke. Probably ecstasy and amphetamines and cocaine. Call Miscavage!

  54. @lostathome
    Tropic Thunder reference? Love it ;)

  55. Bobbi Kris looks really good here.

    Amanda, the Betty Ford Center has a bed waiting for you, please hurry.

  56. Jessica's inner horse is shining through day by day.

  57. Timberlake needs to dump Biel already. I don't know what he's getting out of their deal, but whatever it is, it's not worth it. He needs to not go down with her sinking ship. I thought she was awful in Total Recall. Block of wood acting.

  58. I don't mind the Biel fringe, her hair colouring is beautiful. Unfortunately she is as boring as rice cakes (sorry, I'm on a diet and I'm eating a lot of them).

  59. Yeah, I forgot to say that Izzy C -- that's what I've decided to call her today -- looks lovely. I hate to sound un-feminist or catty, but I think she's like me...she just NEEDS a bit of makeup. Some of us are not natural beauties and we DO just need a bit to be our prettiest. Not that we're not worthy or special without, y'all know what I mean.

    At any rate, she looks like she's happy having a nice night out with her brother; that makes a difference, too.

  60. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Did anyone catch the TMZ clip the other day where they are trying to talk to Bobbi Kristina and "her man" in her car, and they ask if there are going to be wedding bells? Her brother-lover replies, "Wedding bells? No, we're brother and sister!" ???? What. The. Fuck.

  61. When I saw the top pic, I thought it was Miley Cyrus at first not Amanda.

  62. Ima, that is just plain disturbing!!

  63. Is it just me, or does Isabella Cruise actually resemble Nicole here?? I know we talk all the time about how Conor looks just like Tom, but this is the first time I have ever noticed the other resemblance.

  64. Hmm, you MIGHT have something there, Heather. Perhaps in the eyes, and the way her lips are pursed? Could it be that they ARE actually T & N's biological children?!

    I suppose it doesn't matter. What matters is that they have good parents and they've had good lives...and that they can someday escape CoS, if you ask me.

  65. So is she dating her brother or not?

  66. Amanda Bynes makes me so very sad. How did this happen to that cute girl? And Jessica Biel, every pic I have seen of her in the last couple of weeks just seem off? What is it? Is she unhappy? Something just seems off to me.

  67. Amanda Bynes makes me soooo verrry sad. How did this happen to that cute girl?
