Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

No photoshopping here, just photo bombing by these pets.

Seeing those pets led me to the latest craze which is shaming your pets.

Ryan Gosling has a pet. Not sure if he has photo bombed or done something shame worthy. Ryan is having to re-shoot scenes.
Alicia Silverstone hugs Alanis Morissette at a Guitar Center event yesterday.
Tyra Banks getting ready to head into Jimmy Fallon.


  1. Love the 2nd photo! And I feel like taking a shame photo of my dog, he humps my cats and he's fixed. Shame gatsby shaaame!

    Reveal on Alanis?

  2. In case you're interested, those pictures are from

  3. uhh that first cat photobomb pic is CLEARLY photoshopped lol

  4. LOL@cats & dogs

    I really can't stand Tyra.

  5. Ha! I need one for my German Shepherd Dog that says, "I chase the water as the sprinkler cycles and bite at the water. Yes, I'm slightly retarded."

  6. Wow. The doorbell one literally just freaked me out. I thought it was my dog, and KNEW I never took a picture like that.

  7. Thanks for the doggies and kitties Enty! Was hoping these would be here today. My Germsn Shepard bites to the water too. It's a fun game we play for hours.

    Enty apparently you should wear an Alicia mask next time. Maybe Alanis will hug and talk to you then...

  8. No more phone typing! My German Shepherd also likes to bite water. He loves to water and does this cute scoopy thing with his mouth. Dogs bring joy!!!

  9. Cute dia! My Doberman girl does the same thing, it's so cute on a hot sunny day (unlike today)

    I think Tyra looks good.

    Possible Alanis reveal?

    Those pictures are so cute!

  10. Holy cow! I'm surprised that there are so many dogs out there that bite at water. I thought mine was the only one and, therefore, mentally challenged. I guess not. I shall immediately go give her a hug and apologize. :-)

  11. omg I am laughing SOOO hard at the pet shaming!

    My dogs used to go bonkers over doorbells on the tv--got to the point where we could not watch Frasier, which had a LOT of doorbells, in the interest of our sanity.

  12. My dog - a big hound dog - fake limps when she thinks she is in trouble.

  13. Alicia: "Alanis why don't you go say hi to that fan who's been waiting all day to talk to you?"

    Alanis: "As if!"

  14. My dog humps our cat. I call it "Interspecies Love". She rolls over until the dog gets it out of his system and then walks away. Which, come to think of it, is a lot like my marriage.

    1. Thank you for that @chopchop! My family is wondering what I'm laughing at!

  15. Well...I guess we have our answer to the BV. I love Alannis too. I'm still going to keep on loving her.

  16. LOL @Chopchop, that's hilarious.

    Tianna, I thought I had the only water chaser/biter dog! I have a big back yard and had to water it with one of those huge sprinkers that shoots really far and rotates. That damn dog complete tromped up my grass. He was a black Lab so his paws made big holes.

  17. @Carolyn- I have a shIh tzu that does that too! She also tries to get as low to the ground as possible and won't make eye contact.

  18. If I was in the same room as Alanis and Alicia Silverstone I'd have to check the calender to make sure I wasn't back in the summer of 1995.

  19. Hi everyone! Seaward-i saw the update you gave us on your friend. I'm glad she's doing a bit better. And I'm still gonna send my warm vibes to you and her. But I'm gonna need some back. Uncle aunt jess had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix yesterday. He's doin good but I'm stressed to the max. I KNEW something bad was coming down the pike for us:(

  20. Tianna, my GS does exactly the same thing. He's obsessed with water.

  21. I just discovered DogShaming yesterday! My dumb dogs bark at TV doorbells, too and every time we say "It's on TV!" like that makes a difference to them.

  22. @AuntJess - oh my gosh - sending out only the best vibes to you guys - take care of Uncle Aunt Jess, and take care of yourself, too. So glad they got that sucker out of there! My sister went through the same thing, and bounced back pretty quickly, so take heart.

  23. @ Lelaina - we do the same thing - all four of us yell "tv!" every time, like that's going to slow down our crazy dogs! It just turns into them barking and us yelling.

  24. I've never had a dog and I don't understand the doorbell thing. Can someone please explain bc I feel really stupid that I can't figure it out!

  25. Sending you some good vibes Aunt Jess! To you and your man!!! Hugs :D

  26. I've seen other dogs chase water as well. It's hilarious!
    We had a friend whose dogs barked at the opening music of Law & Order.

  27. Oh and I love the kitteh in the car! Excellent.

  28. @AuntJess, all will be well;)

  29. I just discovered the dog shaming website yesterday too & I laughed til I almost cried :) so many of 'em reminded me of my chi's!

  30. @Frufra - I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that does that. It's the same as us telling them the UPS/USPS aren't terrorists. It falls on deaf ears. ;-)

  31. califblondy and Kerri,

    I've never seen a dog do that until this one. She runs back and forth with the sprinkler, chasing and jumping up to bite at the water as it sweeps back and forth. We have her on video. We couldn't resist since it's hilarious. :-)

  32. OMG, that 1st picture is hilarious.

  33. katsm0, they think doorbells (or knocks) on TV are doorbells at their front door and go insane.

    I need to put one of my dogs who adored wearing his cone of shame (the collars they wear when you want to keep them from licking/chewing an injury) and thinks his pee panties are the bomb on that site. Yes, he is mental.

  34. Lola, that just cracks me up! I have had some weird dogs, but never one who embraced the cone. My dearly departed first dog had to wear diapers to cope with an unfortunate spell of diarrhea, and he was beyond humiliated.

  35. Frufra, I left it on him a few weeks after he needed it because he would get so upset when I took it of of him. He wears t-shirts too and I guess he thought he was quite tricked out in his collar, tee and panties.

    I think he has doggie bi-polar disorder.

  36. *Not that being bi-polar necessarily makes you mental.

    LOL. I've made myself all jumpy and pc.

  37. Sending positive vibrations to Uncle Aunt Jess...and these pets and your guys stories are exactly what I needed tonight, Carolyn the fake limp still has me going!

  38. Yyyyyeah that first one is photoshopped. It's also the stuff that nightmares are made of. Yikes! :(

  39. Doorbells used to send my pug into a manic frenzy, racing around the living room and barking her head off. Halloween was not pretty.

  40. Gosling's re-shoots are the ones because of the theater shooting, right? It's nice of them to spend a small fortune out of respect for the victims. (I don't think it's just a pr stunt - most films would've just delayed the release instead of reworking the film.)

  41. Thank you everyone:) He's doing good, just really sore and the infection got him pretty good. It didn't rupture, they told me, but it perforated and was leaking. Yuck, right? I just feel bad because the office is making me come in today and I'm afraid he'll need me. Thank Xenu (hehe) for my brother in law, he's been so nice and is really helping out.

  42. I hate that your job is making you go in! You won't concentrate anyway. You'll be worried all day!!! Why are boss people so mean? ;)

    But don't worry BIL is there to take care of him! So happy they caught it before the rupture. He's gonna be fine!

    Happy thoughts to you and Uncle!

  43. Anonymous12:36 PM

    My dogs go crazy at the sound of doorbells and knocking, too. Whenever I watch House Hunters I have to mute the opening because of the doorbell noise, or it's pompompalooza for the next 5 minutes, no matter how many times I yell, "It's on TV!" at them.

    I discovered the dog shaming site a couple of days ago, and LOVE it. I want to take a photo of my poms with a sign that reads, "We chase the cats even though we are afraid of them and don't know what to do when they won't run away from us." Either that or, "We are both gay and stupid -- we hump each other's heads."
