Monday, August 20, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Natalie Portman ventured out in the heat to spend some time with her son.
Didn't Neve Campbell just have a baby like a month ago? How do people lose weight so fast?
Nicole Richie asks Jen Meyer about whether Tobey Maguire has an extra Spiderman costume sitting around the house. You know, to make the weekends a little spicier at her house.
Give Oprah credit. She is going back to her initial days on television and finding anything compelling or anyone famous to get on her show to give her ratings.
Were you in Vegas this weekend? MGM Grand? See Prince Harry partying without his shirt on all weekend?
Not partying, and presumably having her shirt on most of the weekend, was Pippa Middleton in London.
Also in Vegas, and also without a shirt, Ryan Lochte who was joined by
Conor Dwyer and Cullen Jones.
Tom Cruise last night after dinner.
Just so you know Conor, Taylor is taking notes and unless you stay with her forever, you will have song(s) written about you.


  1. Please stop showing photos of nicole icky

    1. Is anyone else fed up with oprah's desperate attempt to get ratings. I was never a fan of hers but now she just disgusts me with her phoniness

    2. Believe me, i am not an oprah fan, but she is just doing what it takes to get her business going.

  2. Tom Cruise is not impressed.

    1. Yeah, jeez, how bad was the meal? Lol

  3. Aww, Gabby Douglas looks so pretty there, with Black Dina.

    Tom Cruise looks a bit urpy.

  4. OMG! Prince Harry is drinking the Dia Papaya - an exotic and thirstquenching blend of deliciousness!

    And Enty. People lose weight quickly bc they don't eat bacon all day.

  5. I'm more concerned with the child behind that a ghost trying to eat her face?

    1. @rejected
      That's awesome. I keep going back to that photo and laughing

  6. Just read on twitter that Phyllis Diller died. RIP

  7. carebear - You could be right! Ghostbusters stat! Or maybe that's just me. I came back to say Baby Aleph is sooo cute. I want to eat his chubby chub cheeks!

    1. Its either a ghost or the smoke monster from Lost! Either way- its bad news bears.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 4-6 liters of water a day. That's how stars lose weight so fast.

    Wow. Conor is like a foot taller than Taylor is. I'd like to see him stand next to Tom Cruise.

  10. carebear - Crap! RIP Phyllis. You were the original funny lady. Cheers to you and all the times you made me laugh!

  11. Because unlike Jessica, Nieve may not have made the slutty brownie her 3-squares a day. Yes it is possible to not eat like an asshole when pregnant.

  12. Some people just lose the weight. Thats their metabolism. Naturally, we hate them, lol

  13. Black Dina...hahahaha

    Are we still questioning the paternity of Natalie's baby? There was rumor when she was preggo.

    cosign NapAssasin

    I will cut Taylor Swift some slack, until her next album. Songwriters typically write about what they know. She knows douches treating her douchey. Hopefully as she matures as a person she will also mature as a songwriter.

  14. I'd imagine that Gaby was probably very happy to meet Oprah. Anyway, I think this is the sort of program Oprah SHOULD be doing. Positive, life affirming, yada, yada, yada.

    Gaby, as usual, looks great in the picture - what a telegenic girl. Maybe she'd like to take over Oprah's empire when Oprah retires.

  15. Did somebody say bacon?

  16. Phyllis Diller? :P So sad! I hope Enty gives her a full post with a video of highlights.

    Ryan Lochte's looks are so generic jock. He just doesn't stand out to me at all.

  17. Maybe Connor Kennedy's only claim to fame in old age will be the break-up song Taylor Swift wrote about him. I read the Patti Boyd biography & her greatest accomplishment besides having slept with half the British Invasion was that she had the Beatles song "Something" and the Clapton songs "Layla" and "Wonderful Tonight" written about her. I don't know but being a muse seems like a pretty passive accomplishment in life.

    1. Layla was not written for her. Proven fact it was written for George Harrison's then wife of the time.

  18. @carebear...Nooo! I loved Phyllis Diller. Man, she was a trailblazer. Without her there'd be no Roseanne Barr or Joan Rivers. And she was hilarious on the Bugaloos, not to date myself.

    RIP Phyllis.

  19. Bad New Bears indeed.

    I'm going to my happy place to eat bacon and drink my drink :-(

  20. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Ladies, it's a flower bush in the foreground, not a ghost eating the child's face.

    I think Neve looks great -- but I also don't think she looks all that skinny. She def still has some baby weight. I'm not criticizing at all, just stating a fact. If she never wants to lose it or she takes a while to lose it, that's her biz.

    I don't care for Oprah, and I haven't for years.

    I wonder if the annoyed look on TG's face is because he has yet to find someone to be wife #4?

    Yeah, Taylor is nearly six feet tall. Junior there must be at least four inches taller than that.

  21. Nicole Richie's boobs look good.

  22. The Bugaloos! Talk about getting in my way back machine. I loved that show and I still remember the words too.

    The Bugaloos
    The Bugaloos
    We're in the air and everywhere
    Flyin' high
    Flyin' loose
    Flyin' free as a summer breeze
    Happy as a summer breeze

    Thank you Lady Phyllis!

    1. Ha, I love that you know this.

    2. Ha, I love that you know this.

  23. ^ Awesome. Dia, you are not alone on knowing this song.

  24. Neve Campell actually looks really normal for having just had a baby..

    I just showed pictures of Ryan Lochte to my bf yesterday because he had no idea who he was.. He was cracking up at " jeahhh " . Now apparently MC Eiht is trying to put a cease and desist order on RL claiming he coined the phrase " jeah ".. Too funny.. Personally I believe the credit goes to Flavor Flave.. " jeahhh boyyyy"

  25. I was wrong. Martha Raye was on Bugaloos, not Phyllis. Talk about a gaffe.

  26. Wait was that her on the Bugaloos? I was really little. I just remember bugs flying around and the mean lady.

  27. They look kinda similar (at least in character). Only a minor gaffe, Comma.

  28. Where does Pippa find those ugly dresses ?

  29. Gabby & Opie, ok Oprah, look like they could be related.

  30. Anybody else see the pics of Lochte in a pink speedo with stars on it? Sorry but Phelps looked hotter in his IMO. Then again, I'm a FSU girl so anybody associated with the gators gets a side eye/slow clap.

  31. The GMD does not look happy there and he looks exceptionally thin.

  32. Prince Harry is very popular here.

    Ryan, Conor, and Cullen held court all weekend at the pool. I'm sure there were myriad athlete fu**ers there to compete for their favors.

    Ahhh, did Tommy have to eat alone?

  33. Looks like Tom Cruise had a bad scallop.

  34. I'm really old, I think I still know the words to H.R. Puff N Stuff and Lidsville.

    Tom Cruise...if looks could kill.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Bob Dylan wrote tons of songs about past lovers. Don't see anything wrong with Taylor doing it. As long as she never writes one about me. But I never met her so that shouldn't be a problem.

  37. Texshan - to be fair it's kind of entertaining to imagine it as one of the super mario ghosts trying to eat her face.

    califblondy - I know the H.R. Pufnstuf song! "H.R. Pufnstuf, who's your friend when things get rough? H.R. Pufnstuf - can't do a little cuz he can't do enough." It was a little before my time, but I watched it after the fact :) I loved Sigmund & the Sea Monsters, and Electra Woman & Dyna Girl too!

  38. @califblondy...

    ...he can't do a little cause he can't do enough...

  39. My mom had Taylor Swift's entire outfit.... 1991

  40. Taylor looks leechy, just from the way she's kissing him. Stage 5 clinger.

  41. Thanks Amber! Ghosties are everywhere. Just kidding ;)

    I LOVED Krofft Superstars! Great childhood memories. I need to break out the songs.

  42. @ButterKwup - high five, and p.s., I'm old enough to be your mother :-).

    Saw some other photos of Swifty and the boy, in their swim garb, and I think we can surmise that he's got her dickmatized. Which freaks me out to say, because I'm, again,old enough to be his mother. But them photos don't lie. I don't get a 22 year old woman with a high school senior, but that's their business. Grief sex. That is all.

  43. @frufa
    You and @sherry are the weiner watchers today! Hee hee

  44. @Sunny - wait - whose weiner is Sherry watching?? I need to know. And, truth time, I just posted something about Colin F.'s weiner area on that set of pics - I AM weiner watching!!

  45. @fru
    I cannot stop laughing! Sherry announced that Colin was going commando and explained her deductive reasoning as such. Am i failing at trying to sound smart? I'm trying to draw attention away from the topic at hand

  46. Sun, you sound like a dang genius!

    I gotta go and get dinner started. Open House at school tonight, so I've got to cook early. I'll catch up later, gator!

  47. @fru
    See ya! And I think Mr. Frufa is in for some fun tonight. Bowm chica bowm bowm :)

  48. sorry but i'm embarrassed for Taylor.

    i think there is someone wrong with a woman willing to be with a high schooler.

    who does that???

  49. Sunny..I'm always checking it out. Now I need to find that picture that Frufra is talking about with the Kennedy boy, Bowm chica bowm bowm :) indeed!

    I was once called "Witchy Poo" from HR Puff N Stuff due to a huge zip on my nose. I still have a scar from it (literally and emotionally).

  50. Oprah looks like Gabby Douglas' mum! Quite a resemblance.

  51. I think Neve looks great, too. Not too skinny, not carrying too much post-baby weight.

    Never mind Aleph's paternity...I have ALWAYS thought that James Hewitt was Harry's pop, but he looks an awful lot like Charles in that photo. (Plus, didn't they actualy do a paternity test at one point for proof?) Guess I'm finally off that train.

    All of the Kroft crap scared me shitless. Still does. Except for the Kroft Puppets on the Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters show. They were okay.

  52. LOL @ MM. I want a meme with that.

  53. jax - ITA. Maybe she thinks because he's young he won't play her - who knows. It's creepy. I'm sure she says he's mature for his age. Puke.

  54. Tom Cruise looks like a child on Christmas who just found out that Xenu is actually David Miscaviage in a weird suit.

  55. Sorry Neve, I thought you were Octomom.

  56. Alright, I'm going to retract my post above and be somewhat ashamed of myself. According to another site, when this picture was taken he had just found out that his friend, Tony Scott, had committed suicide.

    Team Tom Cruise or not (and all CoS stuff aside), he deserves to grieve privately and without mockery.

  57. I'm quite certain that Harry is really Chuck's kid--the person in the family whom he looks the most like is his uncle, Earl Spencer (aka "Diana's brother who gave the eulogy ripping the Royal Family a new one at his sister's funeral"). My sister doesn't look at all like our dad, but she's the spitting image of my mother's late brother Donnie, who died in Korea as a young man, and I'm quite certain. It happens, and it doesn't necessarily mean anything. (I'm practically my dad's clone, but when people see pictures of my mother as a younger woman, they all say I look like her, go figure...)

  58. I meant to say I'm quite certain that my sister and I have the same set of parents--didn't mean to leave a sentence fragment in there.

  59. I bought the Bugaloos on DVD...that and:
    Sigmund and the Seamonsters,
    ElectraWoman and Dynagirl
    Shazaam and the other one with the buggy on the beach (forgot the name)...
    Fabulous World of Sid & Marty Kroftt.

  60. Anonymous4:48 PM

    My father was Dutch, but he had to have been some kind of throwback to an unknown Spanish ancestor, because he had a dark complexion, very dark eyes, and black hair. Very un-Dutch looking. Meanwhile, my brother and I are both very fair, with light green eyes and light brown hair (I dye mine red). Neither one of us look anything like my dad, but we look a lot like his mom. Just saying, kids can look nothing at all like their parent(s) without there being anything hinky going on.

  61. Awwww Gabby and Oprah look like they could be mother/daughter ♥

  62. Seriously I can't be the only one to think Lochte looks weird? He has a big nose and why in hell does he have that crease in his stomach?!?!?!

  63. @UPL
    You're not alone! I had a 3 second crush on Loche, and then, well, he got out of the pool. I was thinking he must've dropped a couple of beers, because now he's got a 4-pack instead of a 6-pack. Zing!

  64. McGlib looks pissed. Now, if he would just pay for real bodyguards instead of using Sea Org $5.00 per hr employees, then the paps would not have gotten that pix.

    Tom: Where's Shelly"

    Hi Sunny, hehehe.. we were apparently very naughty for talking to you know who...

  65. @Agent
    But I wasn't really talking TO him, I was talking about him and got busted writing my thesis :) I still laugh about Dia missing it by seconds

  66. Yes, Gabby does indeed look like a very young Oprah. I thought that the first time I saw her little face.

  67. I heard you talking about me Sunny. I'm still traumatized by that day. How did that happen? It is so bizarro. Does this mean @himmm is going to show up as soon as I turn off my computer to make dinner. Hahaha!

  68. I was talking directly to himmmm. Is that bad? He's just a man. A very handsome man with dreamy brown eyes. But still just a man. Was it me? Was I the troublemaker? I am know for being a bit of a rabble rouser. I was in doctor mode that day though. A kind compassionate rabble rouser. Oopsie.

    Cocktails anyone?


  69. Oh, Dia, of course he is!! You know his Dia google alert is going off as we speak :)
    P.S. I liked the article you linked to that day, and I've been meaning to ask you this: My acupuncturist is amazing, and she gave me Women's eight treasure teapills to try and see if I liked them. Do you take them? Do they do anything for you?

  70. I was sad to hear about Tony Scott. It's a real bummer to hear about someone taking their own life like that. It makes you wonder if just one more personal interaction at the right time or place would have stopped it. Now we'll never know. I hope his family will be okay.

  71. Slightly more topical: I thought Ryan Lochte was cute, until he opened his mouth. I can't stand stupid men. That himbo probably writes his own name phonetically on the inside of his hand so he gets the pronunciation right.

  72. Tom Cruise looks great.

  73. @AlexT
    I think about things like that all the time, but I also read a lot of Chicken Soup for the Soul books when I was younger. I used to think my Mom was a lunatic for doing this, but now I say hi and genuinely smile at anyone I pass. Depressed people often feel invisible, so you never know if a warm interaction can stop someone who just feels like no one notices them. It's definitely worth trying

  74. @Sunny - ITA. Both of my in-laws are crisis counselors. They say that a not-insignificant percentage of suicides are "impulse suicides," meaning that the situation, the thoughts, and the means all come together by happenstance and cause a person to take drastic action. But if the timing or placement had been off, the person wouldn't have otherwise planned to take that final step.

    Freaky, huh.

  75. @Sunny, your mom sounds awesome! And you are totally right. You never know how one smile or kind word will affect someone. I always try to be nice bc you never know (try is the optimal word here).

    Yes I do take Eight Treasures (Ba Zhen Wan). It's a Qi and Blood Tonic. I have more stagnation and dampness (gross!) living in the Pac NW so I usually take a different formula. Free and Easy Wanderer - can't remember the pin yin right now. And Er Chen Tang for dampness.


  76. I always smile at strangers, especially if they look sad. 9 times out of 10 I get one back.

  77. @Dia
    It's been over a year, but I'm wondering if she gave it to me originally because I've tested positive for anemia before?

    That's a good plan :) I've been snapped out of a funk before when a stranger has said hi or paid me a compliment

    @Alex T
    Thanks for confirming that. On a completely lighter note, you said on a thread yesterday you were moving to So Cal within the year. San Diego or L.A?

  78. I remembered! The other one is Xiao Yao San (Free and Easy Wanderer) which I affectionately call Bitch Be Gone. It tonifies Qi and Blood and move Qi stagnation. So perfect for PMS or general stressed out irritability.

    @astro - I knew you were good people too!

  79. Nice, Dia. Thank you! And now I'm moving along because we're hogging the thread again. Wasn't one of us knuckleheads supposed to ask Enty for an Open Forum post every day?

  80. You folks need to start a health blog ! I'm looking up magnesium research which was a great tip.

  81. dia, birds of a feather should go diving together. My dad used to say a smile is free but can change a persons life, I enjoy smiling. I also had braces as a teen, so as soon as they came off and I saw I had a nice smile, I was beaming all day, every day.

  82. @Sunny - San Diego, hopefully, pending adequate employment! In MN, I've been spoiled because my field only has a 4-5% unemployment rate, but I can't expect that everywhere. Is that your neighborhood?

  83. @Alex
    Yes ma'am! What field are you in? I'm now a stay at home Mom, but I was a travel agent for years and then my husband and I owned a furniture boutique in Solana Beach for about 7 years until just recently.
    Regarding your post yesterday: I'm 39 also, btw, and refuse to mess with my face. I had a few friends who were using Botox in their late 20's!! Coincidentally, it was when they moved to L.A. I refuse to Botox, but I will shamefully ask for good eye cream recommendations to anyone who will listen! (Don't know if you saw this old post, but my sis-in-law who owns a day spa in Little Italy swears by this new stuff called Nerium. I am going to try and report back)

  84. Sunny, don't worry Enty could care less about us hijacking threads. Every time we click back to respond or to read more opinions he gets a hit, which equates to more advertising dollars for him as well as interesting stuff we all learn. Keep up the discourse I say.

  85. @astro - Yes! Yes! Can't wait to go diving. Now if only I knew a travel agent you could find me cheaper tickets to Australia. And a route that isn't 26hrs long...

    @Sunny - Now I have that muppets song playing in my head...

    Movin' right along in search of good times and good news,
    With good friends you can't lose,
    This could become a habit!
    Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it (yeah!),
    Together we'll nab it,
    We'll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it!

  86. @ Sunny - waiting patiently for results on the eye cream experiment. The whole CDaN universe is waiting...

    PS - Every time I say the word hijack I'm afraid some alarm bell is going off in Homeland Security. Gotta be on the look out for that Dia Papaya cocktail drink. Derher. LOL!

  87. dia fares from US to Aus are heaps cheaper than from me to you. Just avoid peak times like XMas. We will be diving around the Tropics so it's warm any time of year. Just google one of those fare compare companies

  88. @dia
    I was talking to Surfer and Frufa about the 100% Pure Cosmetics Organic Coffee eye cream versus the Mac eye cream with caffeine. I bought it and it's just okay. Not very emollient, and I didn't realize it's targeted to treat dark circles and puffiness. That would've been super in my party days, but now I just want help with the crow's feet (I'm a smilin' fool and I smoked during my wild child days).
    I promise I will order the Nerium within the next week and be the official guinea pig. The before and after pictures I have seen are pretty insane

  89. Sunny, if you start selling Nerium, give me a holler.I'm a Perricone gal but the price is getting too high.Hi astrogirl, no concern re Enty. We were given time outs for conversing with "himmm". LOL.

  90. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Dont let the feigned innocence fool u. Taylor is a user. Mark my words........

  91. @Sunny - I'm in web design/analytics/content strategy. People like me make sure all the websites you visit creepily show you shoe ads after you google "black shoes" one day. *holds pinky to pursed lips while stroking hairless cat*

    Have you ever checked out Serious alchemy available on that site.

  92. If you girl's find a miracle eye cream, hit me up!

  93. @agent - When did that happen? Are we in trouble again.

    *little girl looks up with big eyes*

  94. dia, had a quick look Expedia has flights on Qantas return from LA to Syd for USD1,400 including taxes if you went in September, for an idea of price. Is this the kind of figure you had in mind?

    Agent**It. Lol, time outs. I enjoyed the banter you guys had going on

  95. @Alex
    Very cool. My husband's a CTO and has done web design/SEO stuff for over a decade. How he married a computer illiterate woman is still TBA.
    Thanks for the link - You're my kind of girl

    The closest thing to a great eye cream I have used is the Rodan and Fields Anti age eye cream. It feels luxurious, but it's non-greasy. My neighbor sells it, but I only bought it once because I'm always searching for the next best thing (This only happens to me with eye cream, so please don't read into this!)

    I will let you know about the Nerium. I asked my sissy about the "family discount", and she said she couldn't offer one but the program has a "refer 3 people and get yours free" program. We will see! Maybe we can start a domino affect on CDaN if it's everything they promise :)

  96. Lochte's stomach reminds me of bilal from basket case

  97. dia, I just read that V Australia (Virgin) and Qantas do sales in the US where they offer $678 round trip (before taxes)

  98. Thanks astro! I'll be on the lookout for fare sales. Is it cheaper to Sydney or Brisbane? I'm saving my nickels. Praying my practice gets really busy and my BF doesn't get laid off again. He just started working again after a year of no job - second lay off in 3 yrs. Things have been challenging financially for awhile. It will happen though!

  99. @dia and @astrogirl
    I have a very dear friend who is still a travel agent in Sacramento. If you know approx dates, I can ask her to keep an eye out for sales and she will e-mail me with the info. Someone needs to figure out a clever way to exchange info (proper names, email addresses etc) discreetly :)

    1. Or now that I think about it, I think my Australian friend (who lives in S.D) signs up for sale alerts on Qantas and Air New Zealand. I'm sure you can do that with most the airlines, but my travel agent friend also has access to student fares and consolidator fares. I've been out of the biz for a while, so not sure what kind of deals are out there

  100. Sunny, open up a blog that is restricted by invitation only, get your exchange contact info and then close the blog? Hey, I'm the old one. You young whoopersnappers should be able to figure it out:)

    I just want to see 'the dive' pictures.( From somebody that can only do the dog paddle and won't swim over her expanding waistline:)

  101. @Agent
    Dumb it down for this "youngster" (oh, I wish!). Start a blog, and invite pees by their Blogger nickname? Seriously, I am so slow when It comes to this stuff :)

  102. oh Jesus, invite PEEPS! I'm not KK! (I can be snarky after 2 glasses of wine and 4 toddler tantrums!)

  103. dia I think same price. They often go via Bris to Syd anyway so you can jump off there.

    Sunny that would be fantastic. We should set up an email account that we can post on here and through that we can exchange our real info.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. There you go, astro - do a one time EM thing and then close it down. Much simpler !!

  106. Thanks Agent - Good night!
    My husband missed his train, and the last train of the night is delayed so I'm goofing here probably way more than I should. I have 40 pages to go on a library book that should be back tomorrow, so I'll sign off now too.
    Read Gone Girl - I love it!

  107. Agent, dive pics for sure, the beauty of that is there is always some dude (liveaboards I have been on are generally all male) with an expensive camera, lights and housing who spends the whole trip behind the camera and happy to run off a copy of his pics for little ole me.

  108. *Calling Team WW. Calling Team WW*
    I saw the pic you were talking about, Frufa. Whoa! Dickmatized, for shizzle

  109. @sunny. Pretty awesome, right! Team WW! Haha!

  110. I can get a blog going for you - even pretty it up for you ;)

  111. Ok sunny, you put me over the gonna buy the ebook version of gone girl ;)

  112. @dia :)

    @domestic design chicky
    Speaking for myself, I only have enough info in my brain to chime in. Do we have a guru in the house to run point? (I think that phrase was a nod to my '24' addiction

    It's definitely a book you don't put down

    1. That would be me! My email is in my profile - I'm in socal too :)

    2. Done! Email and I will invite :)

  113. Nite ladies of CDaN. Off to fairy land :)

    I can't believe no one liked my Muppet song. It ain't easy being Green :)

  114. Dia I checked in late tonight, but I LOVED your song, one of my favorites!

  115. @Blaze818, Pattie Boyd IS George Harrison's ex-wife. Same person.

  116. That gymnast is soooooo pretty!

    That kiss between Taylor and Conor is so ridiculously awkward and teen-y.

  117. @Dia Papaya and @Astrogirl
    I am not sure if you ladies are still subscribed to this thread, but our fellow reader Domestic (design) Chicky has graciously created a private blog so we can exchange our contact information. That way you two travel buddies can be in touch, and I can see if my friend Kara can keep an eye on good fares to Australia if you give me a window of dates/how long you want to stay/from where to where.
    Domestic Chicky's email address is Let me know if you got this :)

  118. @Sunny - I want in on that private blog!! Do I just email domesticchicky? Awesome!

  119. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The Taylor/Kennedy kiss is so inapropriate for public, what the hell is she doing with someone so young? I guess she is pretty immature based on her songwriting/lyrics. Tom Cruise is not amused, that is his real personality showing through in that pic.

  120. I want in on the private blog
    :) I would love to share some pictures of my animals if we could get that going. I will email Domesticchica. ;)

  121. @Frufa and @smashbash
    Yes! Email her at that g-mail account. By no means do I want to start my own regular blog or make anyone feel excluded. I just know a few times we have needed each others personal information and we have all felt too weird announcing our info over CDaN. (Astro and Dia with their travel plans and their shared gift, and I know sometimes we go a little crazy with the health info that probably not everyone wants to see it). Domestic chicky saw this and offered to start a blog (she's a very talented web designer who has been reading the site from the beginning but rarely comments) so I couldn't say no :)

    1. Sweeeeet! I will email her.

  122. DomesticChicky designs this blog, no? Please ask her to do something with the black background here LOL!

    1. Goodness I wish I could. From your lips to enty's ears ;)

  123. @Agent
    I didn't even realize that! No wonder the name sounded so familiar. Duh! I like the black - does it hurt your eyes?

  124. So should I email her too?

  125. @frufa
    I made a little note to you above, but to repeat the e-mail address is
    Don't laugh but I was thinking one day if the planets aligned, your family would be welcome to use our house for your California vacation if we timed it with our family vacation. Of course you'd have to feed my dogs though :) And we'd have to have a big family dinner all together before we took off

  126. @dia
    Yes! And astrogirl because I want you guys to be able to be in touch outside of CDaN because of your unique gift and also so you can plan this scuba trip!!

  127. @agent
    I don't know if Design Chicky offered so that we could exchange contact info (using your idea) or so that maybe we could offshoot our health blog you keep joking about but e-mail her too in case we do start sharing our homeopathic tips. I love them (as you can tell !)

  128. Thanks Sunny! You da best!

  129. Yay, I will send her my deeds now.

  130. Tots just saw the Conor Kennedy pictures.

    DAYUM DAyum dayam.

    You know he will just get better with age!
    I say go for it swiftly Swifty.

  131. @Domestic (design) Chicky , now your site is puuurrrdy !!!!!!

  132. Ok, Sunny, I got the memo - thanks!

  133. dia and sunny, could you not find your way back , LOL ?
