Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pimpa Joe Simpson & Tina Simpson Split Again

Joe Simpson and his wife Tina are on again off again more than Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Yeah, he is off everytime he meets someone and back on again when he sees Selena. Anyway, The Enquirer says that Tina is considering a legal separation. Blah Blah. I hate when the word consider is used. You know that. Just make the statement they are splitting. They have before. How often do you think he goes around to clubs and puts his arm around a woman and tells them he can make them a star? Tina is living in Malibu and Joe is living mostly in Encino but when he wants to get away and not be spotted he hides out in Santa Barbara. Joe also learned he is going to be charged with DUI after he blew a .12.


  1. I have got to say you did a real good of connecting their relationship to Selena and Justin's lol. I wonder what it will take for both of these ladies to kick both of these douchebags to the curb where they belong.

  2. He is everything wrong with organized religion. Leave Tina.

  3. Tina is a little cutie. Let her back on the market to find happiness. Even if it's new happinesses every month for a while. :)

  4. Has he ever justified abandoning his pastoral calling to become a cheatin' pimp?

  5. A pastoral calling is a very personal choice. L. Ron Hubbard abandoned his Science Fiction writing for his pastoral calling.

  6. B. Profane, I'm sure it was God's will.

  7. I didn't know he was married. Run, Tina, run!

  8. That, my friends, is undergrad drunk.

  9. Wow I thought they were splitsville years ago. I still remember watching that newlywed show w/ Nick n Jess. PimpaJoe and Tina were living what seemed like seperate lives way back then.

  10. He's a douche, and she seems very down to earth. Im sure they've lived sep lives for years.

  11. I guess I missed the memo saying they got back together, in the first place.

  12. I believe people can be both too young and too old to wear cut-outs in their dresses.
