Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Phyllis Diller Has Died

Phyllis Diller, the pioneering comedian whose jokes about her looks and whose crazy laugh was identifiable to millions, died Monday in Los Angeles. She was 95.


  1. She was a grand dame with a wicked sense of humour RIP

  2. RIP Ms. Diller

  3. She was an incredible talent. I'm happy she lived a long and happy life.

    Thanks Ms. Diller for many years of fun.

  4. Sad. She was a trailblazer. Even the great Joan Rivers can trace her success to Ms. Diller kicking open the door for her.

    I loved her honesty and self-deprecating humor. In the 70's you couldn't get away from Phyllis Diller on television---she was so loved by her peers and the public.
    RIP, lady. I hope she is buried with her wig collection---she wouldn't be Phyllis without them!

  5. My first vivid memory of Phyllis is as The White Queen from Alice Through the Looking Glass. It's how I always have, and always will picture her. Great lady.

  6. Yep, agree about her being everywhere in the seventies. I think as soon as I was able to process what was going on on the tv screen, I knew who she was. She was always fun to watch and will be impossible to forget.

  7. anongkhla---can't you just hear her infamous LAUGH just looking at this pic? Good memories.

  8. She was wonderful...95 thats a good run. RIP funny lady..

  9. RIP Phyllis Diller. You are a legend.

  10. Libby, I definitely can!

  11. I always thought she was so beautiful.

  12. Actor Dylan McDermott via Twitter: “One time (Diller) came over with a 70-year-old guy. Told me she was ‘robbing the cradle.’” RIP:)

  13. “I was the world’s ugliest baby. When I was born, the doctor slapped everybody.”

  14. Great lady, super talented. She even cracked up my husband, and hes a hard sell! Rest in peace.

  15. @agent*it - I never heard that one! She was so funny!

  16. What a great pic of her! Thanks Enty!! She was truly one of the great ones and will be missed. Hope Fang is well provided for! Loved her style, like nobody else in her time. That looks like a pheasant-chicken. RIP Phyllis.

  17. "Happiness is a habit - cultivate it!"

    "The best contraceptive for old people is nudity".

    Rest in Peace, Madame!

  18. She did a small appearance on Rosanne's reality show --went out with Rosanne and Sandra Bernhardt I think--she was still pretty sharp for 95 and you could tell she got a big kick out of having a night out with the girls and still being funny.

  19. I can only be happy seeing such a long, successful and happy life. Well done, Phyllis!

    NPR had an interesting piece on her this morning: she had a wastrel husband, and started stand-up at 37 cuz she needed the money for her 5 kids! Amazing.

  20. I remember seeing her on tv when I was a kid and she seemed old then!

    I was always fascinated by the outfits she used to wear when doing stand up. The hair, the shoes, the long cigarette holder.

  21. RIP funny lady. A true visionary and trailblazer. Thanks for all your hard work! You made it easier for the rest of us to be strong women in a male dominated world.

  22. So so sad. She was Hilarious. I Gasped when I read the headline. :(

  23. We saw her farewell show in 2002, she was 85 then, and still hilarious!

    A fabulous concert pianist as well.
    RIP Ms. Diller.

  24. This is very sad news. As a future comedienne, I REALLY wanted to meet her. Alas, maybe one day. She was hysterical.

  25. Did anyone watch the Family Film Festival on Sundays hosted by Tom Hatten? Oh I used to love those movies, and my favorite (besides the Ghost and Mr. Chicken of course) was Boy, Did I Get the Wrong Number. Such a funny movie, and Ms. Diller was a RIOT in it. RIP to a seriously funny broad :)

  26. @DelRiser, I completely forgot about her piano talent, and her art.
