This Penn State scandal just does not go away and it keeps getting more sordid and messy and makes me wonder if every person of influence in that football program was involved in the molesting of boys or covering it up. Radar actually broke the story that there is a new criminal probe looking into a Penn State booster who gave money to the school and the football program and in return was allowed to join Jerry Sandusky as they molested boys together. First of all, how does this discussion come up. Does he bring up the fact that he sees Jerry hanging out with a bunch of kids and needs some to massage his back? How do you find someone and tell them you molest boys and would love to hang out together and do it sometime. Other than at a Catholic priest convention. Anyway, this is horrible and if it involved more than one or two people then, everyone must have known and I feel like the whole town was using the boys for sexual toys and in return got access to the football program and nice tickets on Saturday afternoons.
Seems to me, I remember something about this coming out early in the investigation and it was pushed aside to focus on Sandusky and getting him convicted.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised that boosters gave money in return for sexual favors. There are sickos everywhere and they all seem to find one another in their own way.
Seriously, what the hell?
ReplyDeleteThe sports blog Sports By Brooks alluded to the kiddy sharing when the Sandusky trial first broke but never followed up on the story.
ReplyDeletesorry, I meant "when the Sandusky story first broke".
ReplyDeleteAs for how these pieces of trash find each other - NAMBLA is one example. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they have molester-dar, sort of like gays know other gays by instinct. Not meant to in any way put them in the same category!
ReplyDeletein a way they kind of do, i believe that pedos can tell when someone else is a pedo. i was molested by my father & my cousin was molested by hers we lived in different states when we were kids so we didn't see each other that much but God knows what they would have done to us together. we're patiently waiting for them to die so we can dance on their graves but like linday lohan & charlie sheen it will be a long wait
DeleteGOOD LORD! That is so fucked up if it's true. Mind. Blown.
ReplyDelete@SportsByBrooks is a great resource for this story.
Read months ago during the investigation that no only the booster but board members, donors and many others were paying to molest. It is definitely a reminder to not only watch who is around your children but to keep the lines of communication open with them to make sure they aren't being molested. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteDoes NAMBLA have a hackable membership database? Seriously, I'd start there.
no surprise here.
ReplyDeletePenn State wanted this all to go away quickly, taking the most severe punishment ever given out to a College or University. I think they knew there was a pedophile ring all along. Sickening story, I also believe the reason it didn't come out at the time of Sandusky's trial is that the victims didn't want to have to go to trial but the sickos are going to be exposed. I don't think it's going to be just one other person by a long shot either. Penn State will never recover and for ignoring what was happening they shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteFor the past few months you've posted blinds about men raping and passing around young and underage actresses so I find your faux outrage very hypocritical.
ReplyDeletewell you had to know that Sandusky wasn't the only one ... but geez. i work at a preschool in Denver and the Penn State thing is having repercussions all over the US. we are re-evaluating our child abuse reporting policy. nothing like this has happened where i work but the failure of the higher ups to address the Sandusky issue is far-reaching.
ReplyDeletemy heart goes out to the victims and i sincerely and truly hope that anyone else who was involved in the Penn State scandal spends a long time in prison and gets ass raped on a daily basis.
I never quite understand why people wish rape upon rapists. Currently my.rapist is sitting in jail on 750k bail (happy to share a link if you think I'm talking out of my behind) and I am astounded how so many people tell me they hope he gets raped while in there. I'd never wish what happened to me on ANYone, even him.
DeleteDifferent folks, different strokes I guess.
I thought so many monhs ago but was hoping I was wrong but the # of kids and the length of time pointed to this. I hope the pedo ring is blown sky fricking high and everyone involved is jailed forever! Sadly, there are more incidents like this that have yet to come to light. Pedophilia is, sadly, big business.
ReplyDeleteLong ago, the "Boys of Boise" scandal showed how a group of middle-aged men would be drawn to football for sexual reasons. I tend to think that a lot of the intense passionate emotion behind football fandom is a sublimated sexual urge anyway, but if y'all are interested, google "the boys of boise" and read about a gang of businessmen and football boosters who all got their own little wide receiver in Boise in the 50s.
ReplyDeleteI want names! Publish names! Put this shit on the front page. These assholes should have "I f*ck boys/I am a pervert" tattooed on their foreheads, arms, hands and cheeks. Then let them walk around in public like that.
ReplyDeleteI hope all responsible for harming these children will be prosecuted. But it's irresponsible to broad-brush everyone who worked with, or closely supported, the football program as a molester or as someone who knowingly covered it up. I'm not a Penn State or sports fan. This is a reminder to not become a monster when fighting monsters.
ReplyDelete@anita_mark-totally agree!
ReplyDeleteand there should be no rights for pedos and a very long, slow, excruciatingly painful death.
@raven, I live in Denver, did you hear about that pediphile preschool teacher? So disgusting, I guess he had a journal that talked about the kids
ReplyDeleteWarehouse all pedophiles. They cannot be cured. They should never be allowed to breed. Never. The cost of this is minimal compared to damage done to society and the future. Beware of any judges giving light sentences to pedophiles. This must end.
ReplyDeleteAmen!!! Thats what I think too; they just CANNOT mix with regular people. Ever.
DeleteJennifer, I'm so sorry about your father being a molester. It'a awful what people can do to children.
ReplyDeletePut me in the pile of people who wish horrible things on child rapists. Skinning them alive wouldn't bother me. And I would be happy to inject them with the poison that kills them and not lose a second of sleep. In fact, the sooner they are in hell the better I will sleep. If their hell starts before they leave this earth so much the better.
This rumor about Sandusky's "charity" being a front for child molesters is actually quite old. It surfaced back in 1998 under the now missing DA.
ReplyDeleteI also wondered if the scandal might extend to employees or boosters of other NCAA schools. Sandusky traveled a lot,( and sometimes brought a kid along.) You have to wonder if he found friends with similar interests outside Happy Valley. Two points : Now that he's in prison the prosecutors can trade him perks and favors for helping them; and not every single victim was part of the trial, nor do we know everything that they revealed in interviews.
ReplyDeleteIn light of how far this scandal goes, I personally feel the fines posed against Penn State are nothing but a slap in the face to the kids whose lives were destroyed.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada our court system seems to treat crimes against women and children rather lightly. It seems if you have 75 charges of child molestation against you when you go to court, it would seem only fair that the perpetrator never see freedom again...but somehow he got less that five years. That isn't a lot of time for someone who stole childhood away from so many.
Audrey- you got that right. Its taking sooooo long to revamp ancient attitudes.
DeleteJennifer, I'm sorry you and your cousin went through that. I have to say tho--death does not end it. Believe me. Sometimes I have more questions than ever now. But at the same time I know that the evil is gone from life. Hang tough.
ReplyDeletejuicy, WOOP WOOP girl! I hope they keep that POS locked up good!
As for the this new "development", this rumor has been going on since November and its been pushed, shoved and trapped under the rug. Time to come to light. As I said then, Follow the $money$!!!
Yes! Always follow the money.
ReplyDelete@Audrey, that is sad.
ugh, ewwwww, gross, yuck may they all burn in hell.
ReplyDelete@bookjacket - I have no doubt other schools have other things going on too. Maybe not pedophilia but prostitution, that kind of of thing.
ReplyDelete@ :| raven |:
ReplyDeleteI am in academia and one good thing about this case is college attitudes are changing! It use to be a lot of casual stuff was swept under the rug, but not anymore. If there is a whisper of impropriety, then there will be some investigation.
Jennifer & auntjess, so sorry for what you went through. I believe all pedophiles should be locked up. There is no rehabilitation & people are too precious to be exposed to their evil.
ReplyDelete@juicy: You are a good example of compassion and I support you---and admire you for telling your story to us. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAs for the molesting ring, ugh. I pray this is just a rumor and doesn't have any foundation in fact. To be treated like apiece of property as one molester's victim is one thing--unimaginable. To be passed around and shared is worse, if that's even possible. The whole thing makes me feel ill.
@juicy, hugs to you, and so very glad he's locked up. I do agree with your thoughts on this one...I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But, I do pray that men like this receive a just punishment, fitting of the crime.
ReplyDeleteSad, on so very many levels. Also concur with the poster who suggested warehousing the pedos...I really don't think there's a "cure" for them.
Wow, I felt that Penn State settled quickly. It is a tragedy that these institutions, like the Catholic church too, turn a blind eye for decades, then are allowed a slap on the wrist. Only when the Vatican sells a few Michalenglo's will we truly see they are sorry! For Penn, it has gotta be more then a few bucks and a few titles, big whoop, who cares about yesterdays games anyway?!
ReplyDeleteThis I have never understood, how do child rapers find each other? Do they have a secret handshake? A code word that if the other one gets it they are on your team? Or is it just so common to hurt children apparently nowadays that you have more of a chance of being right when you drop your hints to your new 'friends'.
ReplyDeletesomeone stop the Earth I would like to get off of it now
ReplyDeleteIt's nieve to think this is/has only happened at Penn state. I think there should be investigations at ALL the colleges with sports ties & heavy booster support.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the results will horrify everyone.
Juicy, I agree with you 100%, and I think you are a remarkable person for wanting justice instead of revenge. I've been unhappy with the content of the comments lately, but you just reminded me why I keep coming back - there are still some real jewels here. ♥
ReplyDeletejuicy, thank you for that rare showing of courage and compassion. I believe a true test of one's character is whether you remain true to your loftiest of values even when rage, pain, and grief are overwhelming you. I don't know you at all, but I can tell you that plenty of people feel the same way you do, and I admire the hell out of you for expressing those feelings.
ReplyDeleteSupport Protect.Org. The key to getting these predators is, as an above poster said, long (lifelong) prison sentences, never let them out. Arrest anyone with child porn on their computers - more of this is being done lately but police need more funding in order to arrest ALL of these people. www.protect.org.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I don't think the surface has been scratched on this. We will be hearing more stories trickle out over the next 2-3 years. There are lots of panicked pedophiles out there trying to cover their tracks right now who were "donors" to Sandusky's charity as well as to Penn State.
ReplyDeleteI hope they all are caught and prosecuted.... or just go ahead and kill themselves and save the State the trouble.
" How do you find someone and tell them you molest boys and would love to hang out together and do it sometime. Other than at a Catholic priest convention."
ReplyDeleteBecause ONLY Catholic priests are pedophiles, right, Enty? And of course it's 100% of the priests who are/were pedophiles; there couldn't POSSIBLY be any good ones, working to help others and do what they're supposed to do.
Totally unnecessary, asshole.
juicy, you are a remarkably strong person, and good for you not letting what happened to you turn your heart.
ReplyDeleteAnna is right, we can't let ourselves become monsters to fight monsters. In fits of justifiable anger, disgust and rage, it is important to still remember that.
blankprincess, has it been awhile, or did I just miss it when you posted? You were one of the ones I was starting to wonder 'whatever happened to...?' If you were "away" or "quiet" for awhile, welcome back, I missed you. If you were always still here and I just missed it, never mind me and carry on. :)
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ReplyDeleteJuicy- you probably dont need me telling you this but you sound like an amazingly courageous woman with a big heart and a fantastic head on her shoulders.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for sharing a bit of your story and reminding us all that hate begets hate begets hate. I am in awe of your strength.
Thank you GP, you beat me to it. Gratuitous shout outs about Catholic priests and pedophilia damage the estimated 96% of priests who are not molesters. Hmmmmm, I wonder what percentage of fathers are not molesters? Do you think that is as high as 96%?
ReplyDeleteThank you gladys k, mooshki, et al. I'm not that strong and wonderful though. It has been an extremely rough ride and there had been plenty of times when I have near given up. However, because of that person, I have gone back to get my BA in criminal justice, become a guardian ad litem, and now advocate for abused and neglected children in dependancy court. I ask myself, "Would I be here without that experience?" Answer is no, probably not, likely slaving away at a bank or accounting firm.
ReplyDeleteI also have been unhappy w the general tone of things here lately (though I rarely post, I read nearly everyday x 5 yrs) and a few of you reminded me why I come back. Thank you.
I do wholeheartedly agree w the poster above that suggested warehousing these sick SOB's because even me, Ms. Compassion 2012, does not abide.
Penn State didn't settle anything quickly, the media did.
ReplyDeleteI receive multiple emails a week from the higher ups at PSU with updates on everything, and encouraging us to donate to RAIIN.
These people suck.
ReplyDeleteProtect.org reports they arrested a boy scout leader and a day care worker in PA. Somebody is going to spill. Thanks for the link to that site! Keep the children, and everyone, safe.
ReplyDeleteJen H, Juicy and Aunt Jesse, Bless you all. Compassion with wisdom is forgiveness. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the criminal but everything to do with how you crawl out of that horrible abyss you experienced and make meaning out of your own precious life.
ReplyDeleteThis is disgusting. If I had a child at this school they would be transferring to someplace else. This place is ridden with corruption.
ReplyDeleteThe more I hear about this school/story, the more I am disgusted.