Monday, August 20, 2012

NY Post Blind Items

Which Hollywood wife isn’t as long-suffering as she appears? While everyone gossips about her philandering husband, she is secretly seeing a handsome Australian .

Which partner of a “Real Housewife” is doing a terrible job of keeping his affair secret? The Housewife, who appears to be the only person not to know, even underwent a recent cosmetic procedure to spice up their sex life .

Which perky national TV anchor is having an affair with a very married local TV anchor?

Which publicist is sleeping with famous clients, regardless of whether they are married?

Which New York scenester has an exotic pet that keeps biting guests who come back to his pad to party late at night?


  1. Bloody hell, I live in NYC and don't know any of these answers, lol

  2. Well, at least the TV anchor isn't having an affair with Matt Lauer...

  3. Me either...
    or thought I think Matt Lauer is the answer to one

  4. My brain is exploding. This is too much for a Monday morning.

  5. #1 Jennifer Garner

    1. that's a good guess joel edgerton is australian & they're in that timothy green movie

  6. I am bad at these, "perky tv anchor" makes me think of Katie Couric, can't stand her but I thought she gave up anchoring and was doing a talk show.

    Wonder if the first one, is Kelly Preston? but hell, it could be anyone.

  7. The last one about the nipping exotic pet has me giggling out loud. And I'm saying it's Anderson Cooper. tee hee

  8. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Ooh, Kelly Preston is a really good guess. I can't think of any woman in Hollywood who is longer-suffering.

  9. For the Real Housewife, I'm going with either Kyle or Ramona. Though I think Ramona knows and is in total denial.

    1. I think this is just New York. I would say Ramona and a vag reguvination.

  10. I just like the word "scenester".

  11. Does someone have a pot-bellied pig? A friend of mine had one and that little fucker used to bite me every time I visited.

    1. @Jen14221
      Your post made me laugh out loud. It also reminds me of my favorite scene in Old School :)

  12. Perky is how Katie Couric was always described on Today.

  13. The Housewife is definitely Ramona. She's in the DailyMail having a butt lift.

  14. Kelly Ripa for the perky host...

  15. Keep in mind that since this is the NY Post, all the blinds are NY-based, so I think that rules out Kelly Preston.

  16. Ohhh...I like Jennifer for #1.

  17. What about Hugh Jackman's wife for #1?

  18. @Cathy the first blind specifically states "Hollywood wife" so it could be anyone. But I love the Kelly Preston guess.

    I'm going with Ramona Singer b/c it's NY for the housewife. She seems to live in a state of denial.

    I'm leaning toward large lizard for exotic pet. Iguanas can be mean.

    1. I think it might be Luann since it says "partner" and not spouse.

    2. I think it might be Luann since it says "partner" and not spouse.

  19. I was thinking Teresa for the Housewife. Her husband is terrible at hiding it on camera and I'm guessing even worse off camera.

    I thought maybe #1 was Liberty Ross.

  20. Definitely an iguana, pot bellied pigs don't usually bite much.

    That's all I got - a whole blind and I'm serving up an iguana.

  21. I also like the Kelly guess.

  22. @Just another Girl
    Good guess for #1 being Liberty Ross. I totally forgot about her (and I read this site every day!)

    The perky anchor could only be Katie Couric. As much as she'd like to shake it, that adjective follows her everywhere

    I don't know any publicists names, but wasn't the first big crack in the Depp "scandal" that he was sleeping with his publicist? The Amber Herd thing came right after that

  23. I think #2 is Theresa from NJ. "Juicy" Joe is too dumb to keep a secret and in last night's episode, she tried to have sex with him in the vineyard, to no avail.

  24. How about a monkey? I know my grandmother had one and the bastard would chase you around the house and if you sat on the couch he would bite your ear.

  25. What about Liberty Ross and the Helmsworth Bros from Snow white? Im just sayin'

  26. I like Jennifer Garner for #1 as well.

    I know nothing about any of the Real Housewives (other than none of them are real OR housewives...) but that sounds like she had her lady bits spruced up, right? Re-hymenization or something? If the nonni-tightening makes it into an episode, I'll watch it.

    Katie Couric is single, right? That would make sense...I don't see her as the cheating type, but not necessarily caring if her bonk buddy is attached.

    Exotic pet: PARROT. My husband has a parrot named Kiwi, and that thing effing hates my guts. I personally don't even think of him as a pet, I think of him as the Spawn of Satan, here to usher in the apocalypse with his hurricane of squawking and flapping and shrieking and pooping and seed-flinging. Ugh.

  27. @ at the "nonni tightening", I will use that if you don't mind...thanks for the laugh!!

    I think Kelly Preston is a great guess, rumors of an open marriage and all and I do not "see" Jennifer Garner cheating at all.

    The Housewife description says partner, not wife so I am thinking it is a boyfriend, ahaha "nonni tightening" that truly is a good one Cornbread!

    And yes, I have a warped sense of humor!

  28. Naomi Watts for 1

  29. Ryan Gosling. He has a baboon. It was Chris Penn's originally but he gave it to him when he died and it bit Sandra Bullock once.

  30. Wow, I just learned that Liberty Ross lives in HellLa...Didn't know that.
    #1- Liberty Ross
    #2- Joe the Gorilla Guidice
    #3- Katie Couric (don't know who the guy is)
    #4- Robin Baum

  31. Joel Edgerton is hot. If you haven't seen Warrior, it's on Netflix. The Fighter is somewhat similarly themed, with a great performance from Christian Bale (and a shirtless Mark Wahlberg for most of the film). Also on Netflix.
    Sorry for the plugs, I just saw them both and loved them!

  32. LOL - I found the biting pet one funny. Call me weird.

    The only one I could even try to gues was Jennifer Garner for #1.

  33. For some reason I can totally see Anderson Cooper owning some type of lizard. I like the guy but I think a biting lizard would strike him as funny.

  34. Publicist sleeping with clients: Robin Baum. Girlfriend has got a lot of hot guys on her list and she is pretty touchey feeley with them.

  35. Anyone think LuAnn for the housewife? It says partner not husband, although not sure that the wording matters that much.

  36. I liked the hugh jackman guess

  37. Macaulay culling for the scenester with the pet that bites.

  38. He used to be besties with MJ who kept all kinds of exotic animals. Not to mention the rumors about the late night partying.

  39. Cornbread you made me laugh out loud with the spawn of Satan, pooping seed flinging comment. I have 5 adopted "rescue" budgies and although not as big as parrots, I spend my life cleaning up after them. I was bitten by a parrot once, and yes, they can be vicious.

  40. There was a shot of Ramona's ass & it looks frikkin amazing! Like a 15-yr old, so I vote her for butt lift, AND Mario has been awfully, suspiciously, attentive to Ramona this season, which leads me to think he's covering his assets!

    And I want a nonnie-tightening! Where do I get one? TMI????

  41. @Sis, steal away..."nonni" has always sounded nicer to me than lots of the other nicknames out there for lady bits. :)

    @Lynette, I knew there had to be at least one bird owner here who could sympathize! We don't have Kiwi's wings clipped (hubby thinks it's mean) so there are days when the beast is literally flying around our house, attacking my cats and leering at me from atop the china hutch. And the bird was a "gift" from my lovely mother-in-law.

    @Joann, I like the Mac guess! Definitely more scenester than actor nowadays.

  42. I'm cracking up bc instead of guessing the celeb people are guessing the 'exotic animal' lol! Exotic pet always makes me think of a lizard I think bc of the kimodo dragon in The Freshman. I think it's time to see that one again...

  43. by saying "partner" I'm thinking the Real Housewife isn't married. I like the Ramona guess but if this source is a stickler for details like saying the person is actually married or not, I would look at the unmarried ones. Like Kim in Beverly Hills had her nose done a few months ago I think and she's not married.

  44. The New York Scenester with the exotic pet is Stefon.

  45. Savannah Guthrie and Michel Gargiulo

  46. @ Ingrid Superstar -- best comment of the thread. LOL

  47. No to Jennifer Garner as the Hollywood wife, unless she's doing Australian guys in the kiddie park in Boston with her kids and the paparazzi watching her, or in the delivery room while in labor with another one of Ben's babies. Is she ever anywhere else? I'm surprised they can catch her un-pregnant long enough to film her in an occasional movie.

  48. "partner of a “Real Housewife”" is not a husband. My money is on Jacques and the Countless.

  49. Agreed, Lu Ann and Jacques.

  50. Same here, Montana. :)
