Thursday, August 23, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH early ’90s badboy reality star, who’s now married with children, has found love away from his manipulative and cheating wife...with another MAN? The hard-partying personality, whose cast mates once referred to as “homophobic,” is this close to coming out as gay! Who is he?


  1. i'm going with puck as well

  2. Vanilla Ice. Or Danny Bonaduce. Not sure how to spell his last name and too lazy to google.

    1. Not Danny. I can tell you for a fact he is happily married. He hosts a radio show here and I have run into him, he was very polite as was his wife who was also there.

  3. Puck was my first guess too

  4. pedro is laughing up in heaven

  5. If this is Puck, I bet it's for the attention and not that he is legit gay.

  6. My first thought was 90s reality TV. I don't remember any. Then slowly recall MTV Real World and Road Rules!

    Yes this sounds like Puck!

    ITA timebob... Pedro was so sweet! God bless him for putting up with all of it including that a**hat Puck.

  7. Puck! Holy crap I never would've guessed!!

  8. Every time I see a jar of peanut butter I think of Puck and then I don't want peanut butter.

  9. Dear MTV,
    I would totally watch a marathon of Real World 1 and 2. Maybe 3.

    "ima slave ima slave ima slave to ur lovin"
    "the WAY it should be done. The way it SHOULD be done. The way it should BE done?"

  10. I never saw any 'Real World', but I'm just chiming in here to say that I'm so glad that rampant homophobia is finally so obvious, EVERYONE knows what it really means.

  11. I should have said 'raging homophobia', NOT 'rampant'.

    Picked the wrong week to cut down on coffee.

  12. Puck... though I worry he's doing it for the attention

  13. Yep, got to be Jiffy lovin' Puck. No doubt in my mind. I wonder if he picks up his boy toys on his bicycle...

  14. I thought Bonaduce, too. It didn't specify if they had/had not acted before.

  15. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Definitely Puck. I loved the real world, well, up until Miami was over.

  16. Wow, Puck. I bet Pedro is getting a BIG chuckle out of this up in heaven.

    I wish they would do a marathon of the early seasons too. My fiance actually asked me what The Real Word is not too long ago. I just looked at him in shock.

  17. @katsm0711 YES!!!

  18. @Katsm0711: Yes! And what about David from New Orleans' song...."come on be my baby tonight" it still makes me laugh.

  19. "swee da bu de da bu dee" LOL. Don't know if that's right but that's what it sounded like David was singing.

    1. After 3 years of reading this site, I cannot believe his is what gets me joining in all the commenting fun. I just spit peach oolong tea all over my phone. David singing was by far one of the funniest moments. "I've seen the way you treat other thugs youve been with. Come on be my baby tonight."

  20. I have a Puck story but it is an embarrassing one. Right after college (early 90s) my friends and I drove from San Franciso to LA. It was our first time in Hollywood and we were star stalkers. The first person we ran into was Puck and we asked to take a photo with him. He said that he would for a dollar. At first we said "forget that" but then, relented, worried that he would be the only "celebrity" we came across.

    Happily, later in our trip we ran into such luminaries as Jeff Conaway (singing scales at a 4 way stoplight), Tyne Daly and the guy from Newhart who said "I'm Larry and this is my brother Darryl...."

  21. Ass, Ass, Baby. Vanilla Ice

  22. David aka Puck for sure.

  23. Libby--you beat me to it, re: what homophobia REALLY means... :D

  24. Season 2 all the way.


  25. Totally Puck! Remember how he would snot rocket in the house?!

    My favorite season was London, season 4, because I heart Lars and the way Jacinda would say "Legend" (the name of her dog)

  26. @Trixie, I love Tyne Daly!

  27. Bonaduce isn't married anymore.

    This has to be Puck.

    I loved the first two seasons of Real World and the one in London but I blame that show for the influx of reality TV (and thereby the Kuntrashians). And don't get me started on MUSIC TELEVISION not playing music videos anymore.

  28. I don't think it's Puck. If anybody is manipulative and abusive, it's him not his wife. He has been arrested a number of times for domestic violence.

    I personally like the Vanilla Ice guess.

  29. Tek, The Miz? Who would want to do Puck and his nasty ways and unwashed body? Just too gross.

    The guy who slapped Irene?

  30. @VIPBlonde yes! i too loved the way she said "Legend!" ... usually after he pooped on the floor.

    if we're going to re-live memorable RW about David from Seattle cry-fighting with his producer-girlfriend in the car?

  31. I thought Eric Nies...but I have no idea what he is up to these days.

  32. Puck which would explain his raging alcohol addiction

  33. Agree with timebob...first and only thought was of Puck and know Pedro is laughing away up in heaven.

  34. @JanuaryGirl OMG that cry fighting Seattle scene was cray cray. Thanks for that. :-)
