Thursday, August 16, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

What Emmy-winning TV star has implemented a strict “no booze or drugs” policy on the set of his new sitcom? The actor is constantly reminding everyone on the set what’s NOT appropriate in the workplace – and he’s offering counseling to any co-stars or crew members who may be in need of a little 12-step work!


Kewi said...

high five to whoever this is

Amber said...

Jon Cryer?

Amber said...

Oh wait NEW sitcom. Crap. Isn't Matthew Perry on a new one?

Dianne P said...

I'd guess Matthew Perry, too.

Sarah said...

Kelsey Grammer? He seems like he enjoys telling other people what's appropriate or not.

FSP said...

I watched his pilot, I thought it was pretty damn funny.

Danielle said...

Charlie Sheen? lol...

Cleodacat said...

This has got to be Charlie Sheen in all irony.

libby said...

Good guess, Amber.

Those promos for M Perry's new show look stupid. It's like a group therapy thing, and the crazies are REALLY 'hilariously' CRAZY?

They should show what group therapy actually looks like, with people crying about the abuses they have suffered, their suicide attempts, their food issues....Hilarious, right?

Patty said...

Matthew Perry, FTW
He looks pretty healthy in the commercials.

libby said...

FSP---Tell me it's not making fun of people in group therapy.

Bob Newhart's old show had 'group', but the people were portrayed as sympathetic human beings. Remember Mr. Carlin? I think he's still alive! He's got a gray toupee now, but he's alive & acting!

a non a miss said...

Chandler Bing!

Cathy said...

Matthew Perry never won an Emmy...

Amber said...

libby - I've never been to a group therapy session, but yeah, I imagine it to be a little more like the ones we see in Fight Club. However, this is making me think of the movie The Dream Team, and THAT'S hysterical.

Aimée said...

I honestly read this as being Charlie Sheen o_O

libby said...

I haven't seen The Dream Team, sorry I don't get the reference.

If Matthew Perry can get totally clean though, there's hope for many people. If this is him, I hope he goes public.

Amber said...

Cathy - Matthew Perry didn't individually, but FRIENDS did. I just assumed he had. I'm sticking with my guess! :)

FSP said...

@Libby - No, I don't believe it was.

dia papaya said...

Did Charlie Sheen win an Emmy? My guess is for Perry or Sheen. But think it sounds more like Perry.

I'm out for the day. Gotta a full day of patients. And I just KNOW that Himmmm is gonna show up and I'll miss him. Drat!

Amber said...

Have a good day, dia :) unicorns and blue!

hunter said...

Matthew Perry

libby said...

Thanks, FSP, I hope not. I've seen a few promos though, with people acting nuts, and Matthew mugging for the camera, shrugging his shoulders like--'these wacky crazies, whaddaya gonna do'?

Frufra said...

@dia - we'll put up the Himmmm signal for you if it happens!

I think this is Perry, and good for him . However, I watched about five minutes of the pilot, because that's all I could take. It was beyond bad. NBC looks like they're really going to stinkit up this season.

Frufra said...

*stink it up* - how does autocorrect allow that to happen?

Amber said...

Frufra - because autocorrect is evil. I was trying to text my friend to tell him we were walking into a place called Cafeteria, and I mistakenly typed Vageteria and it DIDN'T correct it. How does autocorrect think "Vageteria" is a word? Not that it shouldn't be...

Frufra said...

Amber - I know - it's eeeevilll! But why, then, can't I just quit it? Mr. Frufra turned his off, but I don't have the huevos to do that - I've apparently developed an unhealthy relationship with autocorrect!

libby said...


God, who can we describe with that word? Lilo? Tara Reid?

libby said...

I guess that teacher 'Brittni' worked as a Vageteria, for one...

SusanB said...

I LOVED The Dream Team. And whoever this actor is, good for him!

Amber said...

Maybe "Vageteria" can be a new term instead of calling someone a whore or a slut. I personally hate those words, more than the C-word (which I won't type because I know it really offends people).

The Vageteria - a revolving door for diners who love fish sticks.

Matt said...

Tim Allen

Rickatoo said...

Charlie would be a TV/Movie star, no?

auntliddy said...

Yup, and the woman who knitted wallets for the group? They were nuts but treated with dignity. Matthew perry is turning out to be an angel in disguise.

auntliddy said...

Ive noticed promos sometimes hv little to do with shiw; they just want to tittilate you into watching. Thats right. I saud 'tittalte''. Deal with it!

Patty said...

Ooo, I can see Tim Allen being bossy.

And Vageteria is now our new term here. Love it!

Wendy Webb said...

I watched the premier of Matthew Perry's new sitcom and it's different than you think it's going to be. They're not "crazy," they're all surviving loss. I was expecting a funny show because I really like Matthew Perry's style, and it was funny, but it also had a depth that I didn't expect.

Chrissy Buns said...

I doubt it's Charlie Sheen...he loves drugs and booze and Vageteria to much...

Carolyn said...

Matthew P. would be a good guess if he had an Emmy. He has been nominated, maybe the writer misled us or remembered wrong?

BTW, I have been to group therapy and let me tell you, I can easily see how a sitcom could be made out of it. I know group can do a lot of good, but it can also be a hotbed of insanity.

After a hospitalization for depression, it was recommended I go to this one group. We were all crazy, including the psychiatrist running it.

On my first visit, this one woman had on a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt and the doctor was like, "Oh Betty, you are wearing a cartoon today, what did I tell you that means?? Yow know it means you feel vulnerable today, so tell us why you feel vulnerable today." WTF? Maybe she just likes Mickey Mouse!

The second visit I forgot to bring with me some signed paperwork for his records. No big deal, right? I could bring it next time or drop it off later, right? Wrong. He made me confess my sin to the group and asked them what a suitable punishment for me was. The glee with which these women came up with my punishment was scary! Then he told me I couldn't return to group until I completed the terms of my punishment!

I didn't go back. :p

lostathome said...

Dammit, I was going to say Chevy Chase, but this is a new show.

Beth said...

I don't think this is Matthew Perry. No Emmy.

I watched his new show when it was on after the Olympics. Good not great, but it has potential. If I recall correctly, there was really only one "zany" person in the group.

tealily said...

Michael J. Fox? (Based on the story that follows.)

Chrissy Buns said...

@Tealily, I was thinking the same thing...

JoElla said...

Vageteria bwahaaaaahahahhahaha!

Carolyn OMG!

I don't know which one is worse, auto correct or voice chat. I always ask my husband when he is coming out and he always answers new york! When I use voice chat I entertain my frineds!

I did see Go On during the Olympics and I really liked it. I don't think it is making fun of people in group therapy, it is focusing on him and him thinking he is 'fine' when he isn't and watching it happen. I read somewhere that it was comparied to Community, I can see that type of vibe but totally different.

whocaresnow12 said...

Matt Perry. Back inthe 90's he was really messed up a lot of the time, but always made it to work. By Friday night, as soon as he was done taping, he'd come to the bar and maybe half of the time we could hold a conversation. The day he got out of rehab (the first visit) he went home to change and he and his best friend went straight to the bar. Watching him hit on women was painful. The guy had zero game.

Sunny said...

That's so funny you said Matthew didn't have game. Even though I've always thought he was cute, I would cringe every time I'd see him kiss another actress on Friends. He always looked so awkward like he was kissing a lemon!
(Sorry if that reminded anyone of the Lemon Party convo from yesterday)

Hendrix said...

Perry never won an Emmy, but he definitely had a problem way back and looks great now.
Did Charlie Sheen win an Emmy?
Michael J Fox is also in recovery for ages and ages...could be him.

Moonmaid said...

@Carolyn - lol - sounds like a parody, only the unfunny part was it was real.

I once went to a therapist in NYC - she was a total cold fish and I found it very hard to relate to her. I told her at the end of the first session, "I'm sorry this isn't going to work at all for me, I just don't feel a good rapport here." She said, woodenly, "Well maybe we could explore those feelings." I said, "I don't think so," got up and left.

The bummer was that the therapist who did my evaluation was wonderful - really warm, hit the nail on the head about what I needed to work on within 5 minutes - but she was full up so I got assigned to Wooden Wendy. :(

Coriander Shea said...

What @Kewi said. I don't know how ppl can manage to get up to all these antics on set. I'd be too paranoid about learning my lines and giving 113% to my performance. I would think it'd be embarrassing to get caught doing those things in a professional workplace.

GP said...

"Watching him hit on women was painful. The guy had zero game."

Matthew Perry can hit on me as awkwardly as he'd like. I've had a crush on that guy ever since he was "That Guy Who Was Sandy On 'Growing Pains' Whose Name I Can Never Remember." Loved him on "Sydney" -- anyone remember that, with Valerie BertandErnie? -- and "Second Chance." I once made out with a guy at a party just because he KINDA looked like Matthew Perry. I am THE original fan of his. Matthew, call me!

All that said, I'm not sure I like him for this BI. Constantly badgering the rest of the cast and crew about their personal usage doesn't seem like his style. Nor do I think MJF would do this. I'm sure whoever is doing this has his heart in the right place, but he's kind of being a pretentious douche about it.

Tru Leigh said...

agcwebpages says is Kelsey Grammer.

Sherry said...

Carolyn: OMG..I have noticed that people who treat people typically started out being treated. I cannot tell you how many people I know that went to therapy and proclaimed they wanted to "help others" after their experience. And they really weren't cured at all.

whocaresnow12 said...

Sunny & GP - don't get me wrong, he's one of the nicest and wonderful people I've had the pleasure of being around in this business, but he's definitely the sweet and good guy type. If he'd managed to clean up and stay sober I totally would have set him up, but at times he couldn't recall the next day he'd even been out the night before.

Unknown said...

i did the whole group therapy thing when my family made me go to rehab 2 years ago i checked myself out after 3 days b/c even the doctors felt i didn't need to be there. anyway it was basically like Go On we sat there talked about our feelings, i didn't share shit though because i knew my stay wasn't long term. i watched Go On after the olympics but i was so tired i'm not sure i even understood what the hell i was watchjng lol so i need to watch it again when it comes back next month & i love matthew perry

Sunny said...

@whocaresnow12 and @GP
I was the lovable functional screw-up for half my adult life, and I finally got it together. I totally have faith in our Matthew :) Thanks for the info, whocares12! I hope you have a cool friend for him

Basil said...

I think this might be Michael J Fox too. I don't know if he has ever had a substance abuse problem, but if he is taking meds for Parkinsons, he would be strongly advised not to mix them with any alcohol, and certainly no other drugs. He may not be able to control what happens and what is available on the outside, but on set he can certainly make that demand.

Besides, unless you work in a bar, there shouldn't be alocohol or drugs in the workplace anyway.

crapbag said...

It's my beloved Chinandler Bong!! Hope this goes well for him. He deserves a good show.

Stacey Charter said...

loved the Matthew Perry show - and i think it has heart - it's a life transition group where the members are suffering some sort of loss (family death, pet death, eyesight loss) Other than one guy they really aren't making "fun" of the people. It was touching in parts. As for Vageteria?? Fabulous - hmmm Paris Hiltons vageteria should be closed down by the Health dept. LOVE IT

ABBA girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ABBA girl said...

Didn't Chandler's character on Friends always emphasize the word "not" when he spoke? "That is so NOT true!"

First time poster, loooong time lurker!

Snakeoiler said...

I don't know who this is, but it reminds me of a Ethel Merman story.

GP said...

@whocaresnow12 and Sunny - Oh, I totally believe that M. Perry is a complete sweetheart. Some of the kindest, most creative, most talented, and most brilliant people out there have mental health and substance abuse issues, clearly. I hope he's living clean and happy as we speak and that his new show is a hit. I am ALWAYS rooting for him. :-)

And whocaresnow12, if you ever run into him again, and he's looking for a sweet, smart, selfless Midwestern girl who's not a celebrity hanger-on, pass along my info. ;-)

Basil, if I understand it correctly, MJF was more of a substance abuser than a serious addict, but yes, he's been living clean for many, many years. Even quit smoking once his kids were born, I believe. I don't think he had to take the rehab route ever, but he did live a bit fast and hard when he first tasted stardom from what I recall from interviews and his books and such.

Yes, ABBA girl -- love them! -- Chandler's classic trademark was emphasizing odd words in a sentence. One of the greatest TV characters EVER, and my personal favorite Friend. (I found my old "Friends" T-shirt that I bought in CA in 1995 the other day. Gonna start wearing it again...I think it can be considered okay and slightly ironic now, right? Hee hee.)

WUWT? said...

I think ABBA girl was not just asking a question, but pointing out a clue. In the blind, the person in question tells people "on the set what's NOT appropriate." NOT quite the same way Chandler said NOT, but still a potentially solid clue. Good job ABBA girl!

Steppy said...

"Chinandler Bong!" Awesome!

I watched the new show - liked it. It was funny and surprisingly touching.

GP said...

That's MS. Chanandler Bong.

"I think ABBA girl was not just asking a question, but pointing out a clue. In the blind, the person in question tells people "on the set what's NOT appropriate." NOT quite the same way Chandler said NOT, but still a potentially solid clue. Good job ABBA girl!"

Huh. I missed that. That could definitely sum it up. If it IS MP, I'm glad he's so committed to staying clean, but again, I think it's tacky to tell others how to live and what to do. But that's just me. And I still love him, no matter what. It could still happen with us...*SIGH*. To quote "Friends," all that's keeping us apart is geography.

Basil said...

@GP Whomever this is, they aren't telling anyone how to live their lives. He just doesn't want booze or drugs on the set which is a workplace. And hey, if he has that much clout to make sure that sort of stuff doesn't, and it keeps him sobor (if indeed that is what this is about) they he should use it. If I was working on the show I would be pissed, but then I remember I can't drink and smoke at work.

Sunny said...

@abba girl
My phone's about to die, but I had to say Nice Catch! And welcome! :)

orpheus12 said...

This is Matthew Perry

NYCGirl said...

Matthew Perry is one of the very few celebs I actually care about (as in, wish the best for). Hope his troubled days are over.


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