Wednesday, August 01, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

Which handsome, married star of a successful movie franchise was thisclose to sleeping with his sexy, engaged co-star? At times, the chemistry between the two A-listers was so intense during filming that they actually told producers that they shouldn’t be left alone together!


  1. I have no idea, but I applaude their self control.

  2. Christian Bale/Anne Hathaway?

  3. I want to know what movie this is so I can plan to watch it. Good chemistry between the opposite sex is a bit rare in movies these days. Good for both of them for showing restraint.

  4. I think deepsouth got it. And don't y'all think this one sounds a little made up? But I still believe it enough to want to see the movie and watch for sparks :-)!

  5. Bale & Hathaway.

    I think Enty posts the NE blinds for us 'special needs blind solvers'. They're always pretty obvious.

    1. Whar kind of "special needs" do you keep referring to?

    2. Whar kind of "special needs" do you keep referring to?

  6. I think deepsouthrunner hit the nail on the head -- though it's a bit hard to miss. Guessing it's Christian Bale/Anne Hathaway. It's nice to see some stars show restraint, even if it's imposed by others.

  7. For a while there Bale rubbed me the wrong way. Lately though, I'd let that man rub me any way he wanted.

  8. @libby - you just mad me laugh, and man, did I need it. I've been sick all week and it is really getting old.

    And yes, I realize I'm very spoiled by the general good health I normally enjoy.

    Thanks, lib!

  9. I mentally solved this one, in true NE blind item fashion. "Let's's NE, so it must be obvious. What franchise movie just came out? Batman. Is CB married? I don't know, but he must be. Who is his co-star...hmmm, can't remember. It's NE, so it's obvious. I'm sure whoever it is, she is engaged."

    NE blinds are definitely for us special needs solvers! (great line, libby)

  10. Lainey claims they did have an affair, hmm who to believe

  11. @O'Really - his bulging teeth freak me out. Watched Batman Begins with the kids the other day, and couldn't stop staring at his mouth full of teeth.

    That's the downside to having worked in the dental/orthodontic field for a few years. Bad teeth bug the shit out of me!

    Don't even get me started on Michael Phelps's orthodontic shortcomings!!

    1. How are you feeling girl? If I don't catch you on this threa I will try on a newer one.

      Teath are huge for me. I loved 24 years with gaps in between all top front 6. I got veneers and have never felt more comftorable talking and laughing with people. I just hope they don't look super fake and everyone thinks it's weird :)

  12. Chris Helmsworth + Natalie Portman maybe? Wasnt she engaged during filming of the irst one?

  13. Interesting. Bale/Hathaway were a popular guess for a blind item about co-stars that had a brief affair that ended with with the married actor later behaving like it had never happened, crushing the actress.

    1. I think that was Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig.

  14. Ha ha Libby - 'special needs blind solvers' indeed!

    Party of one here...

  15. For the peeps who have seen TDKR, was Hathaway sexy in the movie? Just curious, because I probably won't see it

    1. that's what i was about to say, her sexy? not really she's pretty yes but sexy mmm plain jane's more like it

    2. I can't ever see her as sexy. The movie tried, but the whole time i was like "awww, look how sexy she's trying to be!" it was part of why i didn't like the movie. Every time she was onscreen I was hyper-aware that I was watching Anne Hathaway try her best to be a sexy bad girl. And she just....isn't.

  16. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I thought the same thing, @Karen. Weird, though, because Anne Hathaway has the least sexual chemistry of anyone I've ever seen ...haven't seen TDKR yet, though.

  17. @Libby
    'special needs blind solvers'.

  18. @Ima
    That's what I was really thinking!! Love and other Drugs, Valentine's Day etc. I just don't see it!

  19. I saw the movie and didn't think they had much chemistry at all, so i'd be surprized if this was them..maybe the camera just didn't capture it?

  20. I grew to like AH in the movie which surprised me because I find her rather bland. I like the Anne/Christian guess for this, but it feels a little fabricated.

    @Libby "special needs" LOL

  21. Anne and Christian did have a thing...and I'm guessing his wife is aware and looks the other way.

  22. @Frufra,
    I think Phelps had braces back in his teens (read that somewhere). I agree, his upper arch is way too narrow for my liking. It detracts from the rest of his hotness.

    1. I would just love to get a hug from him, he has the longest arms ever!

  23. Actually Anne was fantastic in the movie, really surprised me! And yes, she was pretty sexy without ever trying to be sexy - she was a tough, smart girl. The only real sexuality between them was at the end when she grabbed him to kiss him on the mouth before he goes off to do his Batman thing. But there wasn't supposed to be - so I could see them as the blind. Besides, how many married and engaged costars are there in a franchise?

  24. I thought that Anne had one of the better performances in the movie in that she played a much different role than she normally does and she did it WELL. People were going apeshit when they heard that she was playing Catwoman because they couldn't picture her being a badass--but I think that she exceeded everyone's expectations.

    It helped that her version of Catwoman wasn't a creepy cat-obsessed sociopath.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The really shocking part is that they're trying to tell us, Hollywood stars wanted to sleep together on set and didnt!

  27. @Frufa
    Off topic alert! Off topic alert!
    Do you remember that one thread where we were talking about eye cream with @Surfer? I am ordering this instead of the Mac Fast Response eye cream because it's organic and half the price for double the size. Will report back with results :)
    100% Pure Organics Organic Coffee Bean eye cream

  28. i thought anne was great as catwoman too, to my surprise. she wouldn't have been my first thought if i was casting the role but she was one of the best things about TDKR, IMHO. tough and sexy with great red lipstick!

  29. Anne has all the appeal of hand cream on flannel. This reeks though. Help us, we can't control ourselves. We are so hot, so sexy, we need a chaperone. Look at us smolder. Somebody, quick, do something. *urp*

    You know RDJ ooked at it this morning and was like, OMG please don't let people think this is me!! (Sorry, I just love to slam Gwynnie.)

  30. Great hilarious-yet-meandering comment thread today . . . thank you all for entertaining me on my favorite just-for-entertainment-wink-wink site

  31. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I find it hard to believe that the sex-appeal-deprived Anne could have that effect on anyone, let alone Christian Bale, who always struck me as someone who didn't put up with pretentious spazzes like her. Plus, his wife is hella gorgeous and he still seems pretty handsy with her after years of marriage.

    Bale had all of his teeth capped before he did "American Psycho." He said that he had really bad "Welsh teeth," and they didn't fit in with Patrick's persona.

  32. "Special needs blind solvers", heh. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure I fall into this category. Still, this one seems pointless. They ALMOST had an affair, but didn't? What does almost mean? And how would anyone know how close they did or didn't come to it? Basically, this blind is saying that two movie co-stars had really explosive chemistry together. But don't worry, they didn't ACTUALLY sleep together! Sounds like a plant from the PR department of whatever movie it's supposed to be.

  33. Wow, restraint actually exists in Hollywood? #MindfuckoftheDay

    If this is Bale, he just keeps raking In those brownie points with me. I think I've officially got blinders on at this point, lol. :)

    Now watch Sir Entward III post a less than savory blind about him and it'll be my turn to go "Noooooooooo, noooooot Chriiiistiiiaaaannnn, Whyyyyyyy???"

    Ok, I'd never leave a comment like that. I might think it though for a split second or two. ;)

  34. I'm planning to see the movie this weekend, but every ad makes me think that AH is trying too hard to be sexy.

    I'm almost inclined to think that this is a studio-generated blind. Something to detract from the tragedy that surrounded the opening.

  35. If I would've been in Anne's shoes in TDKR, I would've made sure I ended up in a Christian Bale/Tom Hardy sammich...those two boys are fucking beautiful...

  36. Exactly, sbalb, they DID have the affair--this is just PR trying to throw us off.

    Thanks to Frufra and all the others for laughing at my joke--it's what I'm usually thinking while reading a NE blind.
    With Enty's, I usually have to see some guesses before I can put my own guess together (probably because I don't see many blockbusters, nor ANY Twi-shite).

    Hope you feel better, Frufra!

  37. I didn't think that the two of them (Christian/Anne) had all that many scenes together in the movie. It almost seems more likely to be Marion Colltiard (but I think she's married) that Anne H.

    Maybe it's with Christian and Natalie in the upcoming Terrence Mallick film. Because I don't disagree that he is sexy and the star of a popular franchise. And married.

  38. Beth---Anne in TDKR doesn't really 'try' to be sexy at all. They put her in well-tailored outfits and she just becomes sexy.
    It seems most of you don't like Anne, but I like her and think she's talented. Even I had my doubts about her as Catwoman, but she really pulled off 'bad-ass'. Seriously. It was super-hot.

    (I loved the scene when they're walking her into the men's prison, because the women's prison can't keep her from escaping----and she breaks that jerk's arms with a flip! Awesome.)

  39. Anne reminds me of Julia Roberts too much, a less annoying version.

  40. Special Needs indeed!

    Was there a sex since in the last Batman? If not, I'm thinking this has to be someone else. Serious chemistry is something I'd like to see too @MadLyb.

  41. @Frufra - Sorry you still have the summer sickies. Colds in the summer are the worst! Feel better! You're making us all laugh if that makes you feel any better :D

  42. dia--Bale & Marion get it on in the movie, but share maybe half as many scenes as he and Anne.

  43. Anne H always bugged me because she's such an actressy actress, but in TDKR, I don't know what she did or what Chris Nolan did, but she's incredible, perfect, tough, sexy, low-key. It's like a 180 turnaround.

    Agree with everybody that this is CB and AH. I tend to think Lainey's wrong about them actually sleeping together. Having seen CB and Sibi out and about together, their bond and affection w/each other seems pretty strong, at least when witnessed by a bystander.

  44. Micky Rooney and Judy Garland (Andy Hardy series).

  45. Just because Lainey claims they slept together doesn't mean they did. She reminds me of the popular girl in HS with her gaggle of followers lapping up all her "inside info."

    1. kind of like everyone here with enty's "blind items" pot meet kettle

  46. what about bale & marion cotillard idk if she is married

  47. So maybe Bale and Marion?

  48. It doesn't really specify gender of the co-star... I'm thinking Christian Bale and Tom Hardy :P

  49. No one was more skeptical of the AH casting choice than me, but I must say that one scene in I already knew I owed her an apology.

  50. Call me crazy, but what about Tom Hanks and Halle Berry? Both A's, one married, one engaged, and they just co-starred in Cloud Atlas.

    I know. Insane.

  51. She was totally sexy. Spot on casting.

  52. My husband thought Anne was so hot in TDKR that he put her on his freebie five. Thought she was great.

  53. Bale and Hathaway slept together. That's been revealed elsewhere. I think this is a different couple.

  54. Sunny - let me know how it works out.

  55. @surfer
    I will definitely let you know. I was just about to get the Mac stuff today, and a friend of mine was raving about this coffee stuff on Facebook. I'm a sucker for products, so I have to see for myself (but I have used Fast Response before and it's a miracle worker)

  56. My husband said Anne Hathaway is not sexy at all. He will tell me when he thinks someone is sexy. He was like why was she cast in the movie, she's girl next door. I thought she was more sexy in TDKR than she has and ever will be, but I guess I am not so good at gauging girl sexy.

  57. I know A list is a stretch, but we are talking about NE here. Could this be Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough, and it happens to overlap with Enty's recent blind? Josh was in the Transformers franchise and is Julianne engaged to Seacrest? Just a thought....

  58. Matt Damon & Michael Douglas

  59. I don't think this is planted if it is Bale and AH. The movie doesn't need the extra PR, they're doing very good already.

  60. i'm w/ Ima. anne is like a smurf; happy and cute. but annoying in large amouts and NOT sexy.

  61. Sunny, I own it and know you will be happy. The caffeine reduces puffiness and helps with under eye circles, can't wait to hear how it works for you!

  62. I'm throwing in Daniel Craig and one of his co-stars of the new Bond film.
    (Mara Rooney can't stand him, after he slept with her, told her she was all that, and got married)

    Dame Judi Dench

  63. I thought Lainey revealed AH and CB had slept together?

  64. @Sian: it's not because Lainey said it that it's true (she talked on a 3 weeks affair in june)
    Bale & Hathaway spent many time together (Bale says that it's with Hathaway,he's worked the more) and if they asked not to stay alone together to the producers,it probably sets people talking

    on SHH,some TDK'stalkers wrote their families came to the different sets and they spent times together (there are even some pics)
