Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Miranda Kerr Nude Photos Are All Over The Internet

I just assumed that someone who had been modeling as long as Miranda Kerr would have countless nude photos on the internet. Apparently not because the French photographer Laurent Darmon decided to release a bunch that he took and it has already crashed the website several times. Miranda is pleasant to look at and everything, but the first thing I noticed when I clicked over purely for research mind you is that my first thought is that she is so skinny. Like not an ounce of fat anywhere on her body skinny. Like when she bends over there is not even any loose skin. Nothing is out of place. The photos were taken long before she became a Victoria's Secret model. I didn't even recognize her. You probably could have shown me the photos and I could have stared all day and I would not have a clue they were Miranda unless you told me. If you want to see the NSFW photos, then click here.


  1. She's already posed naked a bzillion times. As long as she was legal when the pictures were taken, I'm failing to see how this is a big deal.

  2. Enty, "I could have stared all day"... states a lot about you:)

  3. @Amber, still kind of startled about the synchronicity of your 'adventure' yesterday and my previous work connection:)

  4. Agent, it's super weird! My Tonio is in the high security part, though. Not to brag, but he's WAY more dangerouser than your guy. ;P My BF's mom looked up his case for me - June 2014 can't get here soon enough!

  5. Wow!!!! She is beautiful! If I was about 3 feet taller that is exactly what I would look like;P

  6. She's just gorgeous with such a cute face.

  7. Amber, LOL. Mine is just a huge fraudster and money launderer who has a LONG time to go. Glad you feel more secure, nothing to worry about, I'm sure.

  8. @Agent - just looking at catalogs with my son - saw a bottle opener made of an authentic reindeer horn. Only $20 - could be your gateway antler art :-).

  9. Agent- I read about that guy you mentioned yesterday..scary stuff!!

  10. I'm in the minority. I have never understood her or Bloom's appeal. They both look like little elves to me. Cute baby tho.

  11. ON Topic, Kerr is a adorbs. She looks like a glamorous cabbage patch doll.

    Agent - I figure I'll worry if I get another letter. I'm sure I'm just crossed off on a list, though. It was tough not being anxious about it the first few days, but I've rationalized it away now. :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. She is gorgeous.

  14. I wouldn't even call her skinny--that implies anorexic or something, with bones sticking out all over. I'd just say she's very slender.

    And her breasts, wow. What I would give to have her breasts. And stomach. And butt. Okay, she's pretty much perfect.

  15. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Wow. Those photos are beautiful ! She truly looks gorgeous ! Too skinny ? Maybe. But not in those photos !

  16. @Tinsel - she must have mad farts.

  17. I miss having great boobs. Such is life.

  18. Yeah I love how "fat" is taboo but it's totally fine to call people "skinny" in a deragatory way. Skinny is not a flattering word. Or like people will throw out "real girls have curves" like women who are naturally thin are not real women. That double standard always bothers me. Miranda looks amazing FYI!

  19. Funny hunter! I know I would!!

  20. She looks fabulous. It's nice to see real boobs on a model/celebrity.

  21. They look very "arty." Not salacious or anything. Nothing like those hairy pics of Vadge from the 1970s.

  22. She looks fantastic. I'd post them myself if I were her!!

  23. Off to the farmer's market to buy shitloads (literally!) of broccoli

  24. She does a great body, but I've always been baffled by her appeal, her face is weird to me. Her eyes are so far apart it's like she has adult fetal alcohol syndrome. And I do not find dimples on an adult attractive. They make so many weird lines in the face, its just not attractive. A 3-year-old with dimples, adorable. A 30-year-old... not so much. She has an awesome body, but so do a lot of people. Anyone see the pics of Gwen Stefani in a bikini on TMZ this morning? Friggin incredible.

  25. I love Miranda Kerr's face.

  26. So i looked (after everyone had left the office) and besides being insanely jealous of her amazing bewbs, i think the photos were very nice. She has a great smile!

  27. She's thin, but not anorexic...as someone else said, 'nothing sticking out'.

    I was that thin when I was in my 20's, but it's genetic. I was more skinny/fat, because I didn't work out. I have known many young women with that type body, and they are simply (legitimate) dancers and/or normal,regular exercisers. She looks really really fit is all.

    I think most of the ladies here can agree, it's not that hard to stay thin at that age, and before having kids!

  28. I think she has a beautiful body. Her face holds zero appeal for me, but WOW what a bod! And I am totally sick of people thinking it's cool to toss around the word 'skinny' as well, or this real women have curves bullshit. Real women are women regardless of size. And one last thing: fat is not the same as curvy. There is a huge difference between a curvy woman and a fat woman. I know from experience: have been slender, curvy, and fat.

  29. I have seen her in person, and she is cute. But I do not think she is beautiful.

    That being said, she has a great little tush. I like this pics, they are gorgeous.

  30. I wish my small boobies looked like hers. Looks like she is au naturale.

  31. @Sunny - ha! That was my first thought also. Lovely broccoli eater must spend a lot of time in the potty!

    @libby - totally agree about the young/pre baby body deal. I had it going on at that age with absolutely no effort. I seriously regret that my photographer boyfriend at the time never did any nudes of me. I'd honestly love to have them now. He all "found the Lord" and wouldn't take them. Jackass. (not because of the Lord, just a general jackass. But a good photographer.)

  32. As a note, a lot of models have faces that look odd in real life - usually because the eyes are too far apart. Christine Brinkley has this.

    Real life is not the camera. A camera lies all the time. There are faces that, when put through the filter that is a camera, look really great. Miranda has one of them - a certain something comes out through the camera.

  33. She has a darling face and a great body. Those pictures are beautiful, too.

  34. Those are very classy and tasteful artistic nudes, and she's got a beautiful body. At least they're not trashy cell phone mirror pics, lol.

    And yeah, Sir Entward III, research you say.....just like all those hours you spent online researching wholesale bacon prices, eh? ;D We're onto you, buster!

  35. Lovely photos. As someone who is fat I am always obsessed with people whose thighs don't touch. They would never get chafing.

  36. okay, all that goodness i was feeling after seeing annette benning and her kid today in the random photos; all gone. the rear view was the final kicker. she looks amazing. and normal. who can pose for naked pictures and look like "oh hello, have a seat while we finish up".

  37. Wow at anyone saying "oh, she's cute. but not beautiful". Seriously? You're just feeding into media's perception of "beauty" and fueling the distortion between media's standards and 'normal people'. The girl is beautiful head to toe.

  38. I know someone who worked with her and he described her as spider-like but hopefully since Flynn she's put on some weight. I think she is pretty but her face is Koala like.

  39. @feraltart - I love it! Chafing is a huge issue for those of us whose thighs touch! Especially when it's hot as blue blazes outside!

  40. j, no we are not. Beauty is PERSONAL TASTE. I am sure there are people I find to be beautiful that you do not.

  41. I had no idea you could have breasts like that without implants. Is she human?
