Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Michael Clarke Duncan Moved From Intensive Care

In this 24 hour news cycle thing we have that moves from one story to the next and leaves things in the dust, it can be easy to forget that Michael Clarke Duncan suffered a heart attack on July 13th. It was such a massive heart attack that he is still in the hospital. In fact, it was just yesterday that he was finally moved out of intensive care. Do you know how sick you have to be to spend almost a month in intensive care? I can't believe he managed to survive a heart attack this severe. He looked to be in pretty good shape. That is the scary thing. What do you do if you are like me and overweight and drink too much and eat stuff that is horrible for you? I'm glad to hear that Michael is getting better. I hope this move out of intensive care means he will be headed home soon. He probably should because goodness only knows what Omarosa has done to it. I am being nice. She saved his life. Learn CPR.


  1. Wait I had no idea MCD was with Omarosa. But I like him so much!

  2. Holy cow! Thanks for the update, Enty. That is an incredibly long time in ICU. Hope he is on the road to a full recovery.

  3. Amber, that was my takeaway from this too! ;-) Glad he's well enough to go home!

  4. I'm glad she knew CPR and was able to save his life. MCD is a good actor and I've never heard about him being awful (unlike her) so I hope he recovers soon!!

  5. Well, I imagine it takes a lot of man to put up with Omarosa! I like her a little. Her reality t.v. persona was pretty much a put-on, she says in interviews. She is like an evil black Cruella de Boojieville when she's on those shows. I'm sure she smiles sometimes in real life. And who wouldn't be loving with Michael Clarke Duncan around? Seriously, he's awfully cute.

  6. Wow! What an odd couple. Hope he gets better, but I can't believe she would be good for his health, except for the CPR part.

  7. Enty, learn CPR at :


    He is very lucky to have survived. Seems like a nice guy.

  8. Just remember they changed CPR. It's 30 chest compressions now, and you dont have to do the breaths. Just do your compressions to the beat of " stayin alive" by the bee gees and you'll do great!

    1. We were trained recently that it's 30 to 2-meaning for every 30 compressions you still need to do 2 breaths to the patient. God I hated first aid training-made me so queasy!!don't know how my mate who's training as a paramedic copes with it all.

    2. I am refreshed every year and my last training they took the breaths out. In December I saved an inmates life by doing CPR and did not use breaths. He came around after my 3rd set of compressions.

  9. He seems like a big teddy bear. Hope he continues with his recovery and is back on the big screen where he belongs soon. I will never talk shit on O again-shes earned a pass in my book. Agree w/ everyone else, CPR saves lives!

  10. He is adorable.

    I really need to learn CPR. Thanks for the link, @Agent.

    Early 40s is when the first "round" of heart attacks start to happen, know what I mean? If you're going to have a heart attack, it either happens in your early 40s or not till your 60s. I know, it killed my dad at 42.

  11. Anonymous7:34 AM

    He seems like a nice man. I hope he has a full recovery !
    Can't believe he's with that Omarosa person though. Yikes. She probably caused his heart attack in the first place. The least she could do was save him !

  12. <3 him, get well soon!!

  13. Omarosa...Omagrossa is more like it. No wonder he had a heart attack. He's dating her. She's horrid and he seems so sweet. She probably fed him a drug that caused the heart attack, so she could get some free publicity. I didn't even know they were dating.

  14. I really do hope he gets back to his old self. He seems like such a nice guy. I was so mad when they cancelled The Finder, by the way.

  15. 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths is for CPR in a controlled setting where there is an AmbuBag or CPR mask with filter (you can buy them for your keychain).

    If you are doing CPR on a complete stranger, you don't have to do the breaths. The most important element of CPR is the circulation of blood.

    You don't pull all of the oxygen out of blood the first time it circulates, so you can buy time with just compressions and no breaths.

  16. I didn't know he had a heart attack, or was dating Omarosa. Glad she was finally able to make herself useful. I hope he'll be ok.

  17. @KellyLynn - I was mad too, I really liked that show. He and the lead apparently are good buddies outside the show. I think you can tell.

  18. Wow, that's a long time to be hospitalized for that. When I had a heart attack, followed by open heart surgery, I was only in for 5 days.

    I was a non-smoker and not obese, and just 37 years old. When I went in to the doctor's office the morning of my chest pains, a doctor patted my hand and told me I was anxious and depressed and prescribed Zoloft.

    When I went to the ER, the attending repeatedly asked my husband about my cocaine use. No one could believe I was suffering from heart attack. My heart stopped shortly after and finally I was treated seriously!

    (me to my husband, "I told you I was sick" lol)

    1. Holy cow! I hope your ok now! Scary stuff. Was it caused by the prescription meds?

  19. @Momster - glad you're ok now. My sister-in-law had a similar experience when she went to the ER with what turned out to be a stroke at 25. Repeated questioning about what she'd been using. It was terrible.

    Stroke was caused by oral contraceptives, and she recovered quite nicely, by the way.

  20. Green mile was my first adult serious drama movie as a kid. It made me cry at points and made you feel justified in others. He is a brilliant actor. All the pictures I have seen with him and the girlfriend they always look so happy. It's really rude to say she somehow caused this, even in a joking manner. She saved his life! If she hadn't given him CPR who knows how much more damage that would have done to him.

    Rest and relax MCD, we need you to show the young actors how true men act!

  21. I'm ok, thank you :). The root cause, which took months to figure out, is a bone marrow disorder. I will always be on medication and blood thinners.

    I love MCD and hope he'll be fine.

    Frufra, hope your sister is okay. Seen any fires lately? We were in Owasso last weekend and there was ash falling like snow, from a fire more than 40 miles away. :(

  22. Momster, no fires close, thank God. I'm wondering what's going on with them , in fact. Are all active fires under control? There was a tiny (10 acre) fire less than a mile from our house last Friday, but it was put out quickly.

    We used to live down by Brownsville, Texas, and ash would fall out of the sky like that during sugar cane harvest. They actually burn off the fields before they harvest the cane. It's a very bizarre sight.

  23. Totally off topic, but...has anyone ever heard an update about the status of Daniel Von Bargen (a.k.a. Seinfeld's Mr.Kruger) since he survived shooting himself in the head early this year? I've tried google & absolutely zilch seems to be out there about how he's doing since...

  24. whoa. a month in the ICU? he must have been in bad shape. glad he's improving.

  25. Thanks for that link @Agent**It.
    I really need to take a CPR class, b/c you just never know.

    @Momster - Glad you are ok! That is scary!

    I hope he recovers from this quickly. Get Well, Mr. Duncan!

  26. Some of the best acting in one of the best movies ever, the Green Mile. Michael Clarke Duncan as John Coffey should have won the Oscar.
    Loved you in The Finder.
    My prayers are with you Michael, and thank you Omarosa.

  27. Rick W: I also looked him up after a couple months of no updates. Found nothing. I really thought he'd be a bigger story. But my takeaway is he must at least still be alive or we'd know, so there is that.
