Friday, August 31, 2012

Marine Wife Killed Because She Would Not Participate In S&M

New documents have been released which show that Brittany Kilgore was killed because she refused to participate in S&M activities with the man and two women accused of killing her. Louis Perez got Brittany to go to dinner with him in exchange for helping him do some moving. He bragged to friends he was going to get Brittany to participate in bondage. She refused and it ultimately cost her life. Previously Lopez and his two female companions had kidnapped someone and held her hostage until she agreed to play. I guess they thought this time would work too. It didn't.


  1. Who are the women who participated in this? Aiding & enabling a kidnapper/rapist/now murderer?!?

  2. I really wish I could post anonymously here...

  3. That's so sad. Is her husband is Afganistan or Iraq? So terrible for him to hear.

    The three of them deserve to have their body parts chewed off by ravenous animals. Seriously.

    1. i've been following this story for quite awhile and just to add sonething her & her husband were divorcing

  4. What the fuck is wrong with people?

  5. No one who practices S&M would agree with this. The people who practice S&M are all about "safe, sane & consensual". These people were psychopaths.

  6. Maria, it's pretty anonymous here, IMO. I don't think anyone will be shocked if you have something to share.

  7. it's been proven it's shockingly easy to find out who people are via blogger details - and this little filly of mine in the photo is instantly recognizable to a fair few... let me think on this a while.

  8. what in the world....

  9. Marie, get a new e-mail address through g mail ( or whatever) create a new user name, post, then delete the address.

  10. Beautiful baby Maria.
    My bf's mom raises lusitano's. They are stunning! I love horses. :)

  11. Maria,

    I am with you, it's always better to err on the side of discretion. Personally I wouldn't post anything if I cared about anyone finding out I posted it. I have worked in IT for a long time and seen many things come back to haunt people.

  12. WHY can't we talk about Clint Eastwood? I sure hope Enty posts about Chairgate.

  13. I'm just going to have to go with this isn't my story to tell. This is a good cautionary tale but the details here aren't all correct, like much of the rest of the news coverage I see here. The real details are out there for smart searchers to find.

  14. Hmm. Interesting Maria .

  15. WTF? That is SICK!

  16. Yeah, bring on the chair thread. Poor Mitt, he was upstaged by a piece of furniture.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I've been watching the Republican convention...really, that chair appears more lifelike than the Mittster...

  19. Don't read the comments on the Daily News site. The majority of them come down to the good old "she asked for it" argument. *sigh*

  20. Well I will say it and then cordially invite the haters, fbombers and mob police to make their comments as they will.

    I personally felt bad for Clint last night. Sure he didn't have to be a part of it, and I don't know what was wrong with him except that perhaps political commentary is beyond him now. For those with the chair hate, I will cordially remind you of Barbara Streisand's idiotic schtick during one of her concerts of arguing with a blow up effegy of Dubya (and no I am not a Dubya fan. Still I can think Babs is an idiot for doing that anyway).

    Rambling and inchoerent though he was, I am glad SOMEONE reminded these politicians (of both parties) that they do work for us, unlike some politicians who condescendingly sneer at us that none of us have built anything or done anything without help.

    Lest anyone get too smug about last nights happenings, the Dem convention is next week and we will get the to hear from Delaware's very own favorite village idiot Joe Biden. That will be a treat I am sure.

  21. If we're gonna go there, then...

  22. UGH that would be *incoherent. Somewhere my old typing teaching is hanging his head in shame ;>

  23. @Lurky..Well said, well spoken!

    Thanks for the link Em..Wow is it me or does Clint seem a bit doddering these days? Not slow of mind but old.

  24. @Em - Thanks! My favorite was the M. Night one. LOL

  25. and blood was found on the s and m instruments!!

    That poor child. And I hope all involved are ordered killed by the court.

  26. Omama! Nice to see you!

    @C & S - you're welcome :)

  27. Bravo Lurky Loo!!!!

  28. Ok, they didn't want S&M, they wanted kidnap and torture. Huge difference.
    It's totally not my thing, but from my understanding the lifestyle is about trust, safety and responsibility to your sub. Convincing someone to be tied up, beat and maimed is not part of the culture.

  29. Would it be too much to include a link to an article about this story? There are six embedded links that are ads but nothing to give someone more info about this story.

  30. I blame 50 shades of suck.

  31. The victim's husband was in Afghanistan at the time of her murder; he was cleared as a suspect.

  32. C lint 's message was yes we elected you and yes it is ok to fire you due to job performance. The folks that voted you in were not racist 4 years ago and those same voters who choose to not reelect you this time are still not racist. In other words, please stop this great divide of race baiting. The conversation with the empty chair gave birth to Eastwooding and was hilarious, as was the Pres. twitted picture in response.

  33. Race Baiting? if anyone is race baiting it's the GOP...their whole platform is White Male Resentment
