Friday, August 10, 2012

Man Finds Dead Wife By Using Cell Phone GPS - Hmmmm

When a spouse is found dead, you always look at the living spouse as a suspect. You just have to. This one sounds kind of fishy to me. A man in Los Angeles called police to report his wife missing. An hour later he decided to use her cell phone GPS tracker. He probably had it installed on her phone so he could spy on her. See, that is your first clue. An hour after he filed the missing persons report he found his wife's car. He didn't have the keys to the car (they didn't have an extra set?) so called police. They came and opened the trunk and found the woman inside, dead. The police say the cause of death is suspicious but have not called it a homicide. Yeah, she could have beaten herself and climbed into the trunk and shut it and then died there. Please.


  1. What a leap to call it suspicious after finding the poor woman's body in a trunk.

  2. Our phones have GPS, is my husband planning to kill me?

    1. lol I had an ex do that to me when I borrowed his car. he installed it and I didn't know what it was, until later of course.

  3. Lots of phones have GPS. That's not what makes him suspect.

  4. Give it up. GPS apps are automatic on most new phones. It's how people locate them when they're lost or stolen, in addition to using them for intended purposes.

    You call yourself a lawyer? Fucking joke.

  5. Another woman dead and another man close to her a probable killer.


    I remember a powerful example of the difference between men and women:

    A group of women are asked by a teacher if they have some kind of game plan for walking back to their car after class if it's at night. All the women raise their hands. They walk with a friend or they carry mase or they have a security guard escort them or they carry their keys in a certain defensive position, etc.

    When the teacher asks the men this same question he gets blank stares and some of the men seem confused there is even a reason why women would feel the need to have a night-time game plan.

    This is why I devote my time for women's rights. Because women are a million more times vulnerable to situations than men. And this poor woman is another statistic in that vulnerability. I hope they catch the bastard and he spends the rest of his life rotting in prison. RIP

  6. Did he actually have the monthly add-on to track her using the GPS or was it just one of those android/iphone apps that lots of people have to find their lost phones?

    1. google has one that's free. you just have to be friends with them, and have it installed on your phone.

  7. I've used Find My iPhone countless times. Just get on my computer, log into iCloud, and I can see the exact location of my phone anywhere in the world. Not that suspicious if you ask me.

  8. Are we sure he had a GPS tracking device installed? People with iPhones just have to log in the the cloud to find the phones location...I do it all the time when I misplace my phone in my own house....

  9. Let's not beat around the bush with this 'spouse' crap. When a woman is found dead you look at the husband/boyfriend.

  10. Don't all of our iPhones have gps? If they are stolen, you can go to an apple store to find its location. Does anyone know how that works? Do you have to have a police case number or something?

  11. OUr phones have GPS tracking. It's a tool to locate them when they're lost. I guess I need to hide the kitchen knives?

    And I don't have an extra set of keys to my car and neither does my man.

  12. What??? How messed up is this story. Dead in a trunk and they don't know if it was murder. Hmmmm.

  13. What??? How messed up is this story. Dead in a trunk and they don't know if it was murder. Hmmmm.

  14. I ditched my man, so I guess I'm safe?

    Seriously though, I've watched enough 48 Hours to feel sorry for the RARE husband/bf who didn't murder their SO.

    It's a thin line...

  15. It's always the spouse, folks. The spouse or a close family member. Like cali said, I feel sorry for the spouse in the rare instance they aren't the perpetrator.

    Stranger awareness is good, of course, but overwhelming odds are that violence will be committed against you by someone you know and love (or theoretically love).

  16. @Frufra:

    Everyone gets due process. This person should not be tried and convicted based on a hunch, and certainly not one found on a gossip site.

    So take a fucking breath already.

  17. I have GPS on my Android.

    How could anyone not have a second set of keys to their car? What if you lose your keys - what do you do?

    1. Surfer, I don't have a second set. Bought my car used and too cheap to buy another set. All the electronics make it like $200. I am paranoid about my keys btw.

    2. Same here and the day I lost my key...yikes. that was a challenge. It's $300 at the lowest for an extra key.

  18. If they were not beefing with each other and she had and iphone, like Miguela stated, after he reported her missing and not having to wait for the cops, he did a search for her by her iphones GPS.

    Like i said if they were not on the outs and fighting bad, with a history of abuse then he did what any concerned spouse would do.

    The mother of my child has an iphone, she trusts me with her apple ID, and if i thing something happened and we are not having issues, then i would try to track her if there is a serious reason to.

    Honestly no sense in rushing to judgement until more details come to light.

  19. My gut says husband. The fishy part for me is the phone call. Why call if you could just locate her with the phone in the first place? I think the iPhone tracker needs to be turned on in advance. You can't do it retroactively.

    ITA Frufra. It's usually the husband or a close relative.

  20. Not to mention that a missing persons report can't be filed until the person is missing for 24 hours.

    Looks like he took things into his own hands, if you ask me.

  21. and how much insurance did he have on her ?

  22. i don't even own a 'smartphone' and i know that you can track people via gps apps (my technogeek ma has a bell/whistle phone and it came loaded on her phone and she showed me how to use it). if you buy a cheap/ used vehicle, there is often only one set of keys and you have to make more if you happen to think of it/ have the time/ money. i don't mind snarking on celebs but accusing someone of a crime that can destroy more than the life that was lost seems wrong...? just me...?

  23. dia - I realize car keys, especially certain ones are expensive - but having a second set of keys shouldn't be seen as a luxury. I have a second set, as well as a "valet" key - only works on the door, meaning they can't open the glove compartment or trunk.

  24. Yeah I say spouse too. In the UK at the min the top story outside the Olympics is that a 12 year old girl has been missing for a week - was last seen leaving her grandmothers. The grandmother's partner was the last person to see her. Roll on today when the grandmothers house has been searched, a body has been found and the partner is no longer to be found and in the words of the police he is 'not to be approached'. Scary and awful times all round.

    1. Sorry, and rest in peace little girl.

  25. I didn't realize Find my iPhone was finely tuned enough to find WHERE in the house you left it.... ;)

  26. I 'm in the same boat regarding one key as dia papaya. Car only came with one and it is so expensive to get another one made. This will probably bite me in the butt when I lose the key but it happens.

  27. Surfer. You are right. But I still can't afford a second set. Why are they so expensive? Not fair. And I have an old Saab. Not even sure I could get another set now :(

  28. dia & Laura - I didn't say what I did to be snarky - just thinking ahead. What are you going to do if you in fact lose your key? AAA may unlock your door for you, but how are you going to start the car?

  29. dia - I think a lot of the keys today are more expensive because they have alarms attached to them.

  30. True story - Find my iPhone saved my butt. My purse was stolen while I was vacationing in a nice US city. I found a friendly cop who helped me track my phone which was in the purse. Got it all back in about 20 min. The thief didn't go very far and he had all my property still on him.

    Woo Hoo! So surfer, I realize I have an iPhone which is expensive but it is higher on the need chain than new keys.

  31. @Sis - sorry if I came across as a bossy boss. I'm just talking statistically speaking, as well as my own anecdotal evidence.

    And don't worry; I've been breathing all day long :-). Happy Friday, y'all!

    Yay innocent until proven guilty! Go America!

  32. Surfer - I know you weren't being snarky. Thanks for looking out for me. And I am the most forgetful person. I totally need a second set. It's a miracle I've been OK this long.

  33. dia - we all have our priorities, lol.

  34. Ditto dia, why would you call the police before using the tracking device?? It makes no sense to me...

  35. Yes, agree, that phone call is exactly what makes his story stink.

  36. Maybe he called her and didn't answer and was missing over 24hs when he reported. Maybe he went nuts for not knowing where she was and decided to look for her himself. Maybe they didn't own a second set of keys. Maybe he was do desperate do find her and didn't think about getting the second set of keys and when he found the car, didn't want to leave the place. Or maybe I'm being to innocent. But I rather be that then to end up falsely accusing some one. =(

  37. And all of this is making me think. I know i hv extra key, but where is it? Do i hv locater thingy on my phone? Now im getting brain swirl!! Lol

  38. Sis Cesspool, you are aptly named.

    you wrote: "You call yourself a lawyer? Fucking joke."

    yes, enty is a lawyer. not necessarily an entertainment lawyer anymore according to the ny post, but he is a lawyer. so, its not an f'ing joke. and, speaking of the post, your hostility level is more appropriate for comments in the post. we gossips like to keep it cordial.

  39. What's interesting is the police first say it's suspicious then (even with trauma to the body) switch to telling the news it's suicide. So, they are actually giving any suspect(s) a false feeling of relief in hopes that they will trip up and reveal themselves. Genius!

  40. I gotta jump on what lovely Annabella said above
    Nobody puts Frufa in a corner!!! She's the sweetest poster on here, and her husband's been a cop for years and years. You were right about us not declaring this particular guy guilty, but for Pete's sake please tone it down with your comments. You scared the shit out of me during that last nasty Scientology showdown - not sure if that's your thing or not. If so - mission accomplished

  41. Seems to me Frufra has gotten over Sis' comments, now how bout the rest of us move on.

    Maybe he didn't use GPS cuz he didn't think of it right away. I wouldn't have.
    I know I have spare set of keys, but where? I am positive my SO doesn't know either. My dad has my valet key tho just in case.

  42. @sis.. no worries.. we're not all batshit crazy. Hang in there and let the haters expose themselves for what they are. I dig ya!

    I also don't have a second key as I bought my car used and the key is over $300 for a new one. I have thought about getting one but to tell you the truth I have never lost a damn car key in my life (watch me lose it now). But yeah I do get concerned it might break or get stolen/lost. The newer technology is a catch 22 and the key is expensive because because they are programed to start specific cars and are not able to be duplicated for a few bucks.

    as for this story I dunno. from the bit we're reading it would be premature to jump to conclusions as there are very few details. People that are worried stressed concerned etc.. dont always think clearly.. perhaps he didn't think about using the phone at first or someone asked about gps tracking on their phones. Unless he is a world class liar... it would be impossible to pull this off so why call the police to looking in the trunk? stupid or crazy or innocent

  43. @annabella
    And you know for sure enty is a lawyer how?

  44. @goes in circles and @clearly disturbed
    I guess i'm still reeling from when Sis called one of the regulars a cunt in a fairly recent post. My bad

  45. Update from the LA Times: police think she killed herself while under the influence of postpartum psychosis. So tragic.

    1. And then locked self in trunk? That doesnt make any sense.

  46. If my memory serves me correctly, Sis likes to come around here and post scandalous shit. Maybe 1.5 yrs ago or so - lots of troll calling out. It is hard to forget with a name like that. I didn't comment then, but I have been reading since close to the beginning.

  47. I got a free app for my Android phone called Life360. You can track your friends and family via their phones, which is really helpful when someone is late arriving. And if you want, it will show you where all the registered sex offenders live in the area.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I'm guessing when he searched for the location of the wife's cell phone it didn't specifically say "it's in your wife's abandoned car" but instead just gave a relative location or closest address? If there was a spare set of keys he wouldn't have even known to bring them based on what the GPS said.

  50. Exactly, auntliddy. Most cars nowadays have a release switch inside the trunk (for a quick escape, you know, just in case someone ever throws you in there).

  51. Hmmm...just as I finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn...


    Looks like this poor woman was suffering from postpartum psychosis. So no the hubby didnt do it. Glad I didnt Nancy Grace this one.

  53. my ex put this on my phone. later put it on our chidren's phone. the thing is, HE put it on and WE knew nothing about it. my ex was put on notice my the court to NEVER do this again to anyone. he said it was for safety. judge said it was stalking and a control thing. that was 2 years ago.

  54. I use google maps on my Android, and when I was an active Realtor, I had a couple of friends in my office who I OK'd to be able to track my location.
    It was a safety thing--I'd let one friend in particular know if I was out with a new client, and she'd try to call me after a predetermined amount of time. If I didn't answer, she'd track me to make sure I was in the area where I was supposed to be, and make sure I was still moving. It's not odd to me that a husband and wife would have the same thing. Let's not be too quick to judge.

  55. Woah, all we need is BoS and we'll have a real troll party going on. Get out of the bomb shelter and take in some Vitamin D to cheer up.

  56. So she wasn't pregnant?

  57. A new young (19 years old) co-worker has paranoid parents (in my opinion) who have tracking on his phone. He took a wrong turn to work on his second day, and his dad immediately called him wondering where the thought he was going, etc, and then called him once he got here and parked as well. This is a hyper kid, but no substance abuse issues or anything (or secret girfriends) (or boyfriends). I thought the tracking was excessive; he said "You get used to it." Huh. His mother showed me her phone screen once when she was going to drop off something for when he arrived. "He said he was two blocks from here," she explained, "but here it shows he's still a half mile away. But it's not always so accurate. Or maybe he's just confused." My goodness. I was never one who tried to get away with things, much, but I'd have HATED that.

  58. Also, if I had a tracking device that put a phone and therefore theorectically a person in a car which I could see was empty, and I was worried about that person, I would probably also call the police to be the one to check the trunk. I would not want to be the first to see it, to see it alone, and to be the person suspected of putting the body there because I "knew right where to look." So I'm not saying this guy didn't do it, but his having the police check the trunk does not add any suspicion to me.

  59. Auntliddy,

    Take suicide drugs, open the trunk, get in, close the trunk and hit automatic door lock.

    Kind of a mean thing to do but if you are severely depressed and blame your husband for making you pregnant and putting you in this situation it could happen.

    Mental illness hurts everyone.

    I wonder how many women who, in the olden days, were said to have "died in childbirth" did something similar.

  60. WTF, the above-referenced Orange County register article said her body "showed visible signs of injury". There is a danger in assuming just because she had postpartum psychosis (this lady with postpartum psychosis was working????), that her death was automatically a suicide. I'm not sure I buy this just yet.

  61. @sunny thanks, just thanks!

  62. Late to the party again, but just wanted to chime in re: GPS tracking on phones.

    My best friend's fiancee is a recovering alcoholic. About 6 months ago, he fell off the wagon and disappeared for 12 hours - wouldn't answer his phone, return texts, etc. She called me in a panic, and the first thing I told her to do was call her wireless service provider to see if they could find him via GPS. Verizon told her that is you aren't subscribing to the software, they wouldn't be able to track the phone. She could have activated the software, but it would take three days for it to register. Now, his phone was older, so that could very well be the reason.

    She ended up tracking him down after he finally used his debit card at an ATM two hours away. She called the police in that area, described his vehicle, and they found him half naked in the median of a major intersection. They ended up using pepper spray and tazing him twice just to get him to cooperate. He also had two prostitutes hiding in his truck.

    It was a sad day. Anyway, sorry for the ramble, just what I know about GPS software.

    Hope a definitive COD can be found for this poor girl.

  63. @Agent
    You're welcome :)

    Oh my. I'm totally out of line for asking, but is your best friend still engaged to this man? That's rough

  64. I work right by where she was found and saw the investigation taking place. I have been following the story closely since its in my best interests to know if there is a psycho on the loose in my city or what. I drove into work on Monday and saw an entire road closed off with crime scene and police tape. Something you definitely don't see in Irvine, Americas safest city. When I got to work something's were going haywire so I put it out of my head, until I saw the 4pm news and they mentioned it. The couple is from Long Beach, not LA. She worked in Irvine and her husband became worried because she was hours late getting home with no calls to let him know she would be running late. He called the cops and then used GPS on her phone to try to track her down. I don't know specifics of her phone, but I can say if it's an iPhone, that tracker program is a miracle! I left my phone at a local Target once and once I got home and realized it, I turned the tracker on my iPad and saw it was still there. I drove back and continued to track it, seeing that it had now gone to another store in that shopping center. I played the tone and sent it a message to please return to the Target and finally an elderly man brought it back, as he had found it in a cart and thought it was his (same case). Anyway, she had an older model Honda Civic, something that could have easily been purchased used and down a set of keys. Heck my BF has purchased way older Civics and there's not even an original key anymore. According the news now, the police here believe she had postpartum depression and may have committed suicide. Her friends and family and coworkers are devastated. Truthfully, from the beginning I had almost hoped it was her husband if it were foul play since I don't want a psycho locking women in trunks in my city, but I am happy, as one can be, to hear it wasn't him, but my heart absolutely breaks and goes out to the entire group of people affected by this. (btw, longtime reader, first time poster. Not meaning to troll or anything, just wanted to give my view)

  65. @Sunny, she is. He's doing court ordered AA (four meetings a week), has random drug testing, and still has about 80 hours of community service to go. Nice guy, just hope he can stay sober. He was in a horrible car accident 8 years ago (DUI - his fault, also his FOURTH DUI) and suffered brain damage, which doctors think contributes to his continued binge drinking. Only in Florida can you have four DUIs, two major accidents, and STILL have a driver's license. :/

  66. Sunny! Get outta my head! I was about to ask the EXACT same thing to Cornbread ;))

    BTW, Cornbread- YIKES. She's STILL with him? The words "two prostitutes hiding in the trunk" are sorta my deal breaker with dudes. I've just decided this but it seems like it makes sense to steer clear when senarios like that crop up. Your friend is a saint, no joke.

  67. They're also trying to start a FAMILY. I can forgive, I can give someone the benefit of the doubt, I can love unconditionally...but there are just some things you can't un-see or un-know...ya know? I would have a hard time staying in that situation. I saw the prostitutes' mug shots, and they were very "faces of meth." Shudder.

    Hell, I'd have a hard time GETTING in that situation. It blows my mind she even met this guy and fell in "love." Although if you met him, you totally wouldn't believe his past, anyway.

    Lifetime movie in the making, for sure.

  68. @cornbread
    It kills me that your best friend thinks this man is her best option. Please forgive me for giving my opinion when you didn't ask for it, but 4 duis, hookers and trying to start a family? I really hope your friend comes to her senses and realizes it's better to be alone then with someone who is this wreckless and selfish (multiple drinking and driving and cheating is selfish)
    I hope you 'know' me well enough that I'm not trying to be a bitch. I just see heartbreak in your friend's future(not to mention any children she would have with this man)

  69. @Sunny, I couldn't agree with you more (I read your comments on here and believe we share a brain!) My friend is also diagnosed bipolar (misdiagnosed as "depressed" for seven years) so I do wonder if that plays into it. I've politely talked to her about whether this is love, or just desperately clinging to someone. No luck. I see the future heartbreak as well, and secretly hope they don't get pregnant.

    The only reason she started trying to get pregnant is because I told her that my hubby and I had decided to start our family (just found out two weeks ago I'm preggo, btw! Yay!) Anyway, her trying to also get prenant has a Hand That Rocks the Cradle vibe to me...

  70. @cornbread
    First of all, congratulations!!! That is such wonderful news :)
    Regarding your friend, she will obviously just have to make her own mistakes. I know that I didn't listen a couple of times when my friends were basically saying "What the HELL are you doing?", but in her situation it is just so obvious. It sounds like she desperately needs some therapy, but even with the diagnosis you mentioned I get the impression she is not getting the best care and that is such a shame. I hope everything eventually works out - please keep me posted if she changes her mind, and you and I will do a virtual high-five
    Prayers to you for a healthy and comfortable pregnancy!! :)
