Macaulay Culkin took some time off from injecting himself with heroin to be one of the very few guests invited to her wedding Saturday night. Only 100 guests were there and Macaulay was one of them. They have known each other forever, and when Macaulay and Mila broke up, Natalie was a Macaulay supporter and has not really talked to Mila since unless she had to and that included everything to do with Black Swan. Mac must not be in that bad of a shape if he flew cross country from New York, and got himself down to Big Sur and showed up looking fairly normal at the wedding. A lot of celebrities would have canceled after the week he had so it shows that he is a good friend and wanted to be there for Natalie.
Oh Mac! I will be so butthurt if you do something bad to yourself.
ReplyDeletehe was probably just the in house drug dealer
ReplyDeleteI hope he pulls it together. I kinda like Mac
ReplyDeleteAnd just maybe, that goes to show that the stories are not true after all.
ReplyDeleteJust because something is printed (or said), doesn't make it so.
"A lot of celebrities would have canceled after the week he had..." so the Enquirer put him on the cover. Doesn't that happen, every week, to celebs? And this is a wedding, not bowling on Thursday night.
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to argue with you, Enty, but showing up at the wedding seems like the normal thing to do (junkie or not).
"Macaulay Culkin took some time off from injecting himself with heroin to be one of the very few guests invited to her wedding Saturday night."
ReplyDeleteEverything said about Macaulay has been pure speculation and gossip, NOT fact. That first sentence, quoted above, is disgusting, unfair, and possibly untrue. I am done with this site. What a waste of my time -- and my brain -- it's turned out to be.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear Enty revealed or alluded that Natalie was going to dump her now husband right after awards season for Black Swan? Anybody else remember that or am I confusing her with someone else?
ReplyDeleteenty admitted he was wrong last week and that these two have worked it out for that baby.
@**D**, Enty addressed that in a post over the weekend that announced Portman's marriage. He said that he had heard that things weren't going well, but she was staying because she was pregnant. He thinks that the baby brought them closer or they just resolved their issues.
ReplyDeleteMust've missed that post! Thanks Denise and *karen*!! :)
ReplyDeleteThe pic Perez has of Culkin at Big Sur says it all to me.
ReplyDeletei didn't see a pic on perez's site
DeleteAKM, please stay and (continue to) be one of our voices of reason.
ReplyDeleteAKM I took Enty's opening sentence as totally sarcastic. I don't think he meant it that way at all.
ReplyDeleteI think that was sarcasm, too.
ReplyDeleteI like Macauley. I wish him well.
ReplyDeleteI swear Natalie's baby looks a lot like Aronofsky and his boy. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say I think it's his, that's a
pretty big conspiracy to buy into, but I remember seeing the first baby photos and thinking the boy looked very different than expected with such a dark French father.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
ReplyDeleteJust another example of the retirement of the "original" Enty.
Or perhaps the change of ownership of this site.
This is a snarky gossip blog! Do you all think that being annoyed about things on here makes you above it? We are adults choosing to devote time to BS celeb gossip and blind items?!?!!?! I can totally live with that, so don't worry about sarcasm being the lowest form of wit, as celeb gossip is the lowest form of entertainment.
DeleteAKM, please don't leave! We need you around here! Agree with WUWT. Please :D
ReplyDeleteNatalie's father has red hair. And it can show up and surprise anyone. I have a redheaded cousin. Nobody else in the family EVER had red hair, but he did. He also was the image of his father, so no playing around happened.
ReplyDeleteBabies can pop out looking very different from the parents at first. I had very dark hair, nearly black, and my husband had brown hair, so how did we have three blonde babies? Dunno. But they all have varying shades of brown hair now.
look, there are different types of gossip blogs that cater to different readerships.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in my early 20s I used to read Perez, then I moved to Evil Beet, then to Celebitchy and now almost exclusively CDAN.
What I mean is, if you don't like Enty's sarcasm, posts, bitchiness, or whatever, just find some other gossip blog, there are billions out there!
what a boring couple.
ReplyDeleteThere is actually a blog I used to read called I'm Not Obsessed. Her tagline is Gossip . . . Without The Guilt because her posts are very kind and have an emphasis on fashion and handsome men :)
ReplyDelete@ Sunny
ReplyDeleteI used to read that too for a while :)
jeje we all navigate the same sites :)
its too vanilla for me though (i guess im more of a bitch :P :P)
I wish he'd go back to acting...he's so talented.
ReplyDeleteHa ha - me too! I think I'm a closeted bitch! I actually used to hop on about 5 different blogs, but once I started reading CDaN it took up too much time since I read the comments too. I had to give the rest up, but I do pop on Dlisted too but just for the posts. I love Michael K
CDAN's comments and even the posts by Enty are some of the most mild out there.. I don't see many people complaining in the Dlisted comments that MK is too sarcastic, and that's because the readers over there understand what they are going to the site for. I don't understand why we have such a problem over here. I've read this site for years and yes the tone of the articles have changed a little, but who cares. I come here mostly now to read the comments, but that is getting less enjoyable by people bitching about stupid things. If you don't like it find a site more suited to your tastes.
ReplyDeleteI love Entys wit sarcasm and inside dirt. Theres nothing llike him anywhere. Its so honest real and refreshing. Not trying to kiss ass. I just loooove this site. Mila mustve cheated to have a team mac and team mila. Her propensity fir douchey kelso shows that. Altho personally i think shes either got bitchface or a sultry expression. I dont get a warm fuzzy or mature vibe from her. Where as mac seems like an old soul. I pray he gets himself together.
ReplyDeleteIvanka Trump was also invited
ReplyDeletei hope the best for Culkin
Sarcasm might be the lowest form of wit, but it can also be hilarious and entertaining as hell. Get over it.
ReplyDeleteI know it's such a cliche to say "find another blog"....but seriously, if a blog isn't living up to your moral standards or if you are concerned that an anonymous blogger isn't giving you every single fact of his life as the truth and nothing but the truth....then what else can you say? "Find another blog" It's really just that easy. It's kind of like going to a porn website and complaining about the nudity.
ReplyDeleteJust popping back to add something...for all of you pointing out to me that I can just "find another site," thank you! I hadn't even thought of that!
ReplyDeleteLook, websites rely on traffic, just like a business would. If I tell a blogger why I'm leaving -- because he's an asshole, and several of his posters are as well -- then he knows why I left. He can choose to change things if he cares to, or leave them be. Whatever. I'm just giving feedback. I'm allowed to do that. Thanks!
For those who said I should stay: you're the ones who are cool and I will miss you. Toodles.
Mac is actually ill (which was first mentioned in early 2011), but 18 months later it's been spun into drug addiction. Anything to sell a tabloid.
ReplyDelete@whocares - what is wrong with him? That's very sad indeed. Not being sarcastic at all - I love him and feel so sad for him. He's had a hard life with the crappy parents he has.
ReplyDelete@whocares his rep just said he was perfectly healthy. Who said he was ill? I'm honestly asking.
ReplyDelete@Carmelitelady, I've liked Mila Kunis since her That 70s Show days. I thought she was very funny on the show. I also like the fact that she doesn't seem as vapid and insecure as so many starlets these days, i.e. Blake Lively, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Biel,and so on. I think I would enjoy hanging out with her.
ReplyDeleteReading all these comments has made me look back on all my gossip reading days. Jezebel brought me here and now I love this group so much. The community is one reason I kept coming back. The commenters have such wit, humor and honesty. I am thankful to have somewhere to come where I feel welcome. I enjoy entys posts but the real reason I came and stayed was the actual other people who come here, read and comment. Thank you all for being a fun part of my day!
ReplyDeleteHeroin addicts can be functioning addicts when they really try. Just saying. I hope he isn't, but it's not unheard of.
ReplyDeleteDoes Natalie's husband have a disproportionately large head or is it just the pic?
ReplyDeleteMegerz- the first one.
ReplyDeleteHuge noggin and a five-head. With the wrong haircut it's disastrous.
Ugh. All I see with this guy is a Q-tip head. Just watched the Black Swan and was distracted by it. He is gross!
ReplyDelete@smashbash, I'm a Jezzie, too! The open threads are so good, I love how everyone supports each other through situations small and large.
ReplyDeleteJezzie here as well. Well, I was. I just can't with Kinja. I go on now and then but not like I used to.
ReplyDeleteI hope Mac recovers if he is as bad as reports say he is - though I'm a tad skeptical. If something tragic happens we are going to get a million 'Curse Of Home Alone' stories linking Mac to the deaths John Candy and John Hughes - who died three years ago today, actually.
ReplyDelete@djphob - agreed. I quit Gawker for awhile because I was so pissed, but couldn't stay away from Jezebel. They held out for a bit longer, that was nice.
ReplyDeleteBefore I came here I would read the Jezzie comments. Then it started to get very heated and racially tense. I just couldnt anymore. Sometimes I still read them and click on an article. But only once a day a few times a week. Not like here. And I never commented over there. Just the last month or so I felt the courage to comment here. I have been reading since the whole himmmm or whatever thing broke on jezebel.
DeleteWell I'm glad you started commenting here, smashbash! I got a star right before Kinja so I am especially bitter. It cracks me up to read the comments on celeb gossip there since I've started reading Enty. They would have the WORST blind guesses!
DeleteI swear I saw Himmm comment on Gawker and be largely ignored before the big to-do, but now I think maybe my brain is mistaken. When they first picked up the Himmm story I remember thinking, "He's been here, you idiots!" But I certainly can't find any such thing. Shrug.
I lived through the 'heroin haze' that was Seattle in the 90's.. The addicts had a look to them, gray-ish tinged skin, always cold, always covered up (track marks on hands, fingers, feet - anything when your arm veins collapse). Watching someone shoot up into their neck once was horrifying.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my point is: Mac looks like a junkie. I'm sorry. Ex-addicts that survived the horse miss it and want it 20 years later. It's a m***er f***er. You do it once and it's all you ever want to do. He'll get clean when his money runs out or he almost dies. Makes me really sad.
I love this community too and I'm sorry that AKM feels the need to leave. Yes, I started out with Perez and found Michael K (god what a sweeping difference that was!) and then found CDAN. It's been a daily obsession for me since. And while some of the discussions can get quite heated overall people are mostly nice. But people do come and go (Rocket Queen had a baby and probably reads but doesn't comment anymore, Old;ady hasn't stopped in since the debate the other day-hope she's okay)and hopefully AKM will come back when she realizes how much more fun we are and how much better this site is...Patience, grashoppers! We will miss you though.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that I would love for all the posters to stay or return. If you don't like how a thread is going, you can influence it by your comments. I really appreciate that people take the time to leave intelligent, well thought out comments. I spend a lot of time on CDAN because I do read all the comments and even use threads to start conversations with my husband.
ReplyDeleteI wish people would use the full quote.
ReplyDeleteSarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence
Mac's looked like a junkie since puberty, which wasn't too kind to him. The puberty I mean.
ReplyDeleteTo the Jezebel readers:
ReplyDeleteI posted a link Jezebel the other day, but I just hopped over again based on the convos here today. Did anyone else read this? I was laugh crying while I read it, and my 2 year old kept asking me if I was okay. Apparently none of the commenters were on my immature tip
I think the majority of readers here appreciate Enty's wit. I doubt he will change though for a few sensitive types. Can you imagine Perez Hilton not outing people or Lainey not promoting the maybe gaybe's as heteros? They all have their own style and asking for a celebrity gossip blogger to be more like Entertainment Tonight is kind of insulting.
ReplyDelete@sunny I read that, Sunny! The comment thread with similar tales was hysterical, too. The man works late tonight, so it's wine and Internet night or I might have missed it! Lol
ReplyDeleteHere's my thing. I almost don't care about Hollywood Gossip. I read this site first only to have an "in" with my 20-something co-workers, who live and breathe the who did what with whom side of Hollywood (and I stay ahead of the curve), and surprise them with what I "know." But very quickly, I began to enjoy the snarky, quick-witted, wise commenters like Harriet Hellfire (still here in another incarnation), Jasmine, Amoteafloat (reincarnated, then gone), Chihuahuense, Montana Marriott, Bionic Bunny, Syko, Looserdude, etc. Even ones who couldn't stand each other, I'd like reading what they had to say, because they could turn phrases and see through crap and find truth in very unique ways. Lately I've really liked AKM, Sunny, Agent**It, Frufra, Sherry, feraltart, etc. And many others. It isn't the gossip. It's the community. People I don't even know, and I look forward to their input on things I don't even care about. It's weird. But I like the way you all think and write, and I don't like losing anyone.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have to go back and read the comments now! I got through 6 of them, and they were all like "Diarreah (sp?) is not a laughing matter". Uh, yes it is. Sorry! I am a (former) traveler and an idiot, so this post had me doubled over.
Enjoy your wine and internet! My hubs goes on a long biz trip next week so you may see some tipsy evening posts :)
Thank you for mentioning me! Happy to be a part of our little Motley Crew!!
Now (for the last hour or more) I can only think of people I left out. Two minutes later, I'm like, and dia papaya! Then, ten seconds after that, EmEyeKay! A bit later, that one with the cookie stealing bunny or squirrel! MsSnarky? And a bit after that, the one with the equation I call (nothing)from(nothing)is(nothing). Oh, now they are going to be sad I didn't name them!
ReplyDeleteSorry. I enjoy the commentary of too many of you to list individually. Not intentionally leaving people I like out, just can't list them all. AND I DON'T LIKE LOSING ANYONE!
@smashbash, EmEyeKay
ReplyDeleteI used to read Jezebel too, I feel the articles are great, feminist, lefties, original &well written.
the comments suck.SO.hard though :P
now I only browse it from time to time. I really don't get Gawker inc. comment's policy. If CDAN proves anything is that if you write fairly level headed articles and don't censor the comments you get great discussion panels and a loyal community :)
Jezebel comments are tending to be one-sided (because anything that's not aligned with their thoughts doesn't appear), often bitter sometimes unrealistic (like people praising lindsay lohan ??!). plus their new comments format sucks even more if it is possible
@Sunny: love LOVE Mikael K @Dlisted :D
ReplyDeleteI didnt read it, thanks for the link :D I apreciate a good sh!t story ;D
(yeah, my sense of humour is like a 12 year old)
it reminded me of this other Jezebel old story of the worst 10 sexperiences, awesome :D
check out #6 the french connection :D
ReplyDeleteThat was hilarious - thanks for the link!
"Stumping without permission is really just poor form"