Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Macaulay Culkin Addicted To Heroin

Well, this is a fine how do you do to your Wednesday morning. According to the latest issue of the National Enquirer, Macaulay Culkin is addicted to heroin and prescription drugs and regularly uses each. It would explain his death like glow about him. He kind of has that 2009 Amber Heard look about him. Macaulay is said to have nearly overdosed once and spends about $5000-$6000 a month on prescription drugs and other drugs. Apparently after Mila broke up with him he went into a downward spiral. Well, what do you want her to do all day? Watch you inject yourself and pop oxycodone while you complain you can't get any good parts? Hey, if you can afford to spend $5K a month on drugs and haven't worked in years and years, then your life is pretty good. So, go to rehab, get yourself a People cover and then head out for a season of Dancing With The Stars followed by a season as The Bachelor. Yes, you might have to slap your face with both hands a couple of times, but you will be back in and making Home Alone 4 before you know it.


  1. Nooooooo! I hope it aint so but those pictures from a few months ago looked so awful, get it together Mac!

  2. Very sad indeed.

  3. :(

    Wasn't there a blind about an actor who got addicted during "research" for a role? Some guessed Mac for his role in "Party Monster", which he was fabulous in btw.

    1. So right, he was wicked good in that movie.

    2. LOVE Party Monster. Is Andrew Agnew still in jail btw?

    3. Omg i mean Michael Alig. Man I botched that name.

  4. Sadly, this doesn't surprise me. This reminds me of the Phoenix family. All the kids were pimped out. I'm pretty sure MacCauley sued his parents for his money.

  5. The Culkins were the original Lohans, shoving as many kids as they could into acting and claiming the paychecks.

  6. Oy. I really hope he gets help. I'd always been kind of proud of him for staying SOMEWHAT out of the tabloids. He seems like a nice guy. I really hope he can pull it together if this is true.

  7. Tragic, hope he get help.

  8. Oh shit. Well that explains a lot.

    One does not just try heroin and walk away, nine out of ten times it becomes something you want to do "just once more" and then it's all downhill.

    VERY tough to kick too, read a whole thing about it. Sad.

  9. " wicked good " now that is a phrase I'm familiar with:)

  10. that is so very very sad. his parents were really awful. I feel so badly for him.

  11. Horrible. This is not gonna end well.

  12. Get it together, Mac! <3

  13. Very sad, i had read while he was with Mila he helped keep her on the straight and narrow when she was on That 70's Show. Hope he gets help and clean

  14. "The original Lohans." So very true.

  15. Agree with everyone. Its sad. And i'd like to lick his asshole father in the ass.

    1. Lmao, Kick him in the ass, not lick. Sorry! Lol. kICK!

    2. Greatest.Typo.Ever!

  16. @auntliddy - I hope you mean kick.

  17. LOL auntliddy. spell check!

    I used to work for Mac's manager. He was always the nicest guy to everyone. Never met anyone better in the biz.

  18. Um, have you seen photos of him? It's been obvious for a long time that he was on some kind of major opiate bender.

  19. @ashley...yep Alig is still in prison. I watched Party Monster on Hulu last week and goggled him. There's a blog about him with updates and contact info. I can't remember the name of it and much too lazy to find it right now. *still in bed. No coffee yet*
    @auntliddy...I'm pretty sure I woke the whole house laughing at your typo. That was great.

  20. I just choked on my coffee, auntliddy! Best typo so far today!!

  21. O auntlicky. I mean auntliddy. O. Oh my goodness.

  22. Very sad, I hope he can get help. I like him a lot.

  23. @auntliddy, hilarious. Barton, stop:)

  24. HA, Barton I love you.

  25. Is Jedward available yet? We need an intervention stat.

  26. Thisis kind of a mean post. He has done so good stuff as an adult actor. I really liked him in Saved! I'm so sorry to hear of his problems.

  27. Good Morning auntliddy! Good one!

  28. Hope it's not true.

  29. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I hope he gets help. He's a talented actor.

    He was really phenomenal in Party Monster. If you haven't seen it, you should.

  30. Aunt Licky. That one's gonna stick!

  31. Aunt licks is the best!

    I feel sorry for Mac. He didn't have a chance after a douchebag dad like he had. I hope he gets help.

  32. Auntliddy seriously comment of the day! Or week!

    I agree with everyone I hope he wants to get help though.

    OT wouldn't it be hilarious if Jedward became a super drug stop intervention team! It would be AB FAB! If they can't help, nobody can...

  33. So sad! Party Monster is one of my favorite movies, and he completely became Michael Alig for the movie. Sounds like it's spilled over to his real life. I read something awhile back about Mac's "ipod dj parties", where he basically gets paid to plug his ipod in at a club. All I could think of while reading it was Michael Alig and his parties. I love Mac and I truly hope he gets the help he needs and can get away from the toxic "friends" he's surrounding himself with.

  34. Oh auntliddy, that made my morning!

    Seriously, I hope he gets help soon. He really is very talented.

  35. explains a lot. He has sort of flown under the radar with all this drugging I think because he must not go out much...but I'm surprised more alarms haven't been raised about the obvious distress he's in.

  36. I hope he's okay and gets help :(

  37. @smashbash, Learning of 'Jedward' has been my lesson of the week. I think you have a brilliant and lucrative idea....

    1. I have watched some of their interviews and they are not stupid. They act crazy but I don't think they are as bad of the deep end as laliho, muckulken and Reid. It looked like they stepped in to help tara. I think they would be smart to stay clean and help those who are to far gone to take advice from normal people.

  38. Aunt Licky! That made my whole day :D

    I was gonna say RDJ intervention stat! But The Jedward seems to be the newest show in town.

    @smash - as much as I make fun of them they do actually seem like good guys. I kinda like them now

  39. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "He kind of has that 2009 Amber Heard look about him" is this a reveal? or am i reading to much into it?

  40. I met Jedward (not on purpose) when they performed at a club I was at in a small city in England. They were legitimately hilarious. It's even harder to believe they're real when you see them in person.

  41. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Macaulay, get a hold of yourself and straighten up dude. I just watched Home Alone again a few days ago and this is making me sad.

  42. Agent**It: Are you by any chance a Masshole?

  43. Love Jedward.

    Do you think that Mila has tried to reach out to him? Must be a living nightmare to leave someone and then watch them fall into something like that.

  44. @Robert, my husband calls it Massatwoshits. Yes.

  45. But Eastern Masshole:)

  46. Wow, this is very sad. I feel for him. I really do. Hope he gets out of this hole.

  47. Anonymous9:35 PM

    He made that movie "Party Monster". Art imitating life or is it the other way around? I always get confused.

  48. @Agent**It: Pissa!

  49. @dyldaj- i noticed that, too. no one else has mentioned it though. hm.
