Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Protests On Twitter

You know how I know when things are going crappy or about to blow up for Lindsay Lohan? She goes on twitter and starts blaming everyone for everything bad going on in her life and then blames the world for trying to bring her down. She then goes out and parties her face off while popping prescription pills like candy. Yesterday on her Twitter, Lindsay said that the press is just out to get her and that everything is just all a bunch of lies. Umm, what part? The part where you let in people to rob a house or that they actually robbed the house? The part where you have stolen stuff before or the part where you stole a bunch of stuff before? Yeah, that one was tough to find a difference about because she is pretty good at stealing stuff. Do you realize that of all the stuff she has stolen and the thousands upon thousands of dollars in goods that she has been part of stealing that she has only ever got into serious trouble for that necklace? That is it. Her fame has given her a pass on the rest of it. And she blames the press for lying about stuff? I can't wait until she goes down for this one. She has got away with too much stuff for too long.


  1. Agreed ! This pile of s pisses me off

  2. Oh please oh please oh please, let this trick finally PAY for the crap she does. In no other city and/or profession (even DC) would somebody with her MILE-LONG CRIMINAL RECORD be allowed to live the life Lindsay does.

  3. If she's arrested on Sunday, does that count as a car crash, and if so, do I win? I can't remember what the original pool was for... a car wreck or anything bad?

    1. Em - maybe we need to start a second pool for getting arrested?

      Speaking of.... Where's Vicki today?

    2. How/where do I get in on this?

  4. ^^^ Time for jail Lindsay.

  5. I don't say this flippantly: she needs serious psychological help.

  6. She is like an open end joke.

  7. She clearly has issues. The fact that she is what 25, 26 years old and still cannot take responsibility for her actions is quite alarming. Get her out of LA, away from her enablers and get into a hospital, or jail. She needs to go away for her own good.

  8. If she does get in trouble, she wont spend anytime in jail. What happened to all the IRS stuff with her? Hopefully she goes down for that!

  9. I keep waiting for Karma to kick in....

  10. She needs like a real life Georgia Rule.

  11. And also some lemon juice + sugar to scrub all that shit off her body.

  12. @MISCH--pretty sure karma has kicked in--Look at her. Look at her life. Look at her family. Karma for sure.

  13. LOL Amber. Her fake tan is getting rather thick. A special shellac in her special shade or orange!

    She's had too many chances. Like Libby said, anyone else would be in jail. I think it's time for tough love. She blew off rehab and I'm sure she would blow off the hospital too. I'm not being flip about this either. Jail time. At least we would have some peace from her antics.

  14. I hope she does some real jail time, like 5+ years. Only fair.

  15. If she gets to jail, she needs to be in the general population

  16. Anonymous8:36 AM Please, just go away. I was rooting for her for the longest time, but now, I can't stand her. She needs more than rehab,jail, and hospital. She needs to be sent to Antartica with the Kuntrashians.

  17. Yes, Maggie--general population. I don't want her to be harmed, I want her to be with REAL people awhile, with REAL stories of hardship in life.
    That would cure her 'Move that cone' crap, and she could come out a better person all around.

  18. Unfortunately, jail time will probably just teach her how to be a better criminal.

    I know a guy who has been in & out of jail for drugs so many times and it hasn't rehabbed him.

  19. I just wish she would get help but I've given up on her, she's a lost cause

  20. This entitled little hooker needs a reality bitch slap. The mood I'm in today, I volunteer to be the slapper....

  21. Is there more to this story I can't find? Last I heard, she'd been thought to have stolen some jewellry from a friends at a sleep over --- now I've seen comments on robbery, and possible guns in another post...letting people into a house to rob it?
    Holy crap!

  22. is there a pool??? it seems like her drug use has ramped up again. only a matter of time before she gets arrested for something, i'm thinking. do you have to have the cause for arrest or just a time frame?

  23. kriss_t---Someone else mentioned this yesterday I think, but look up the "Wonderland murders" involving John Holmes. If an armed robbery DID happen, it's a very old trick from generations of addicts.

    (That movie, "Wonderland" was on HBO the other day, and I watched it again. God help me, Val Kilmer was GREAT in it, and it has such an interesting plot---different people telling their sides of the story, and it's left mostly for the audience to decide who to believe, in part or whole. It was really good.)

  24. Like someone said yesterday, she needs maybe 18 months of hard time, (no parole, no holidays to get out so she can work)so that she can get to know herself as a sober person again. At the same time, she needs to get a third party (not related) to look after whatever property or income she has left.

    I've always had the feeling that she is an ATM for her family and that she is locked in that vision of herself as the family saviour. She needs to distance herself from her scandalous parents.

    Hopefully she can get before a judge that can see her addictions, excuses and manipulative (addictive) behaviour. It will save her life.

  25. What I want to know is how someone her age gets addicted to pills? I'm ten days younger than her, weigh probably twice as much, work full time, and have had broken bones - don't have any need for pills. I took codeine for a broken foot, but it's only habit forming if you let it be.

    What pain could she possibly be in that would warrant ANY of the pills she takes?

    She's just going to get a slap on the wrist and be in and out, like always. We all know it. It's getting to be boring. Why bother even bringing her in if she's not going to do any time, or even be reprimanded.

  26. Anonymous8:59 AM

    she A in the denial of reality course

  27. Can I veto the general population idea? They'll fall in love with her and do all her work.

  28. @Libby, I love that movie!

    As for Lindsay, she really doesn't cate if she's famous or infamous. Even if she goes to jail, she'll never accept resposibility for her own actions, everything will always be someone else's fault. She can't be helped with meds like Brittny. If she doesn't want a different life, which obviously, she doesn't, she continue to circle the drain.

  29. I was sorry for her for the longest time & I always wanted her to get better just to prove everybody wrong! Alas, it did not happen! She needs therapy and time away from the enablers, drugs, and the limelight! If she doesn't do any of these things, I fear she's a goner:(

  30. I have full faith that nothing will come of this latest drama, she won't be charged with accessory unless the two guys have proof to throw her to the wolves. Even then, her lawyer will wiggle her way out of it.

  31. Of COURSE it is not her fault!

    She DOESN'T LIE, you guys are ALL OUT TO GET HER!!!!!!

    *rolls eyes*

  32. @Libby...thanks for that! I will look it up :)

  33. lostathome---Like most addicts, I think it's all psychological pain.

    yodelay---I originally saw "Wonderland" on a friend's DVD, and discovered in the 'extras'--- the ORIGINAL early-80's bad videotape of police recording the crime scene. All blood & chunks everywhere. Chilled me to the BONE. If you ever find it on DVD, check out that tape through slits in your fingers!

  34. kriss_t--the murders remain 'unsolved', and John Holmes died a horrible AIDS death, so he seemed to 'get his' in the end.

    And the robbery scene in Boogie Nights was taken from the Wonderland story, and was well-done.

  35. @dia, I don't know! She's been quiet today on FB, too... maybe she's - gasp - WORKING?!

    I couldn't remember what the original pool was for, so thank you. Let's wait to hear from Vicki before we start a new one. Plus, she kept track of the dates, so we may have to restart. How Lindsay made it two months I'll never know (but still crossing my fingers for Sunday).

  36. Nothing will happen to her. Can I put that in the pool? She's like teflon. NOTHING sticks to her except her nasty orange day glo fake tanner.27 fast approaches. And truly I wish she would get well.
    Remember when it was rumored that she had died? I actually felt a twinge of sadness.

  37. I'll be gone for a few hours, lovely CDAN boyfriend woke up FINALLY. (He works 2nd shift at the hospital, and I have to be QUIET for him. That's why I'm all over CDAN most mornings. Thanks for always keeping me entertained y'all!)

    1. Have a great day! PR is on tonight. Dimitri is a sexy beast, hopefully be can will a challenge. Ven I am not a fan of, his style is old but his execution is precise.

  38. i HOPE she goes down for this.

  39. Stealing is nothing compared to what she did to her sister...

    Getting her sister on drugs and then pimping her out when she was still under the age of consent? Causing so much emotional damage from the abuse and betrayal that her own sister ends up in rehab before she turns 19?

    Add Ali's childhood to the things that Lindsey has stolen and traded for cocaine.

  40. While she has friends that will pay for her way out. She will never learn.

  41. This one is broke and can't be fixed. She is genetic trash. Sad taxpayer money will be spent. Again. Would love to see her life turn around but it's just not going to happen. Her father should do the world a favor and get a vasectomy. Kate Major is in for a BiG surprise.

  42. Will anything REALLY happen to her? It never has in the past. I am so sick of her antics, and even more sick of her getting away with them. Why wont people stop paying attention to her? She's gross. I guess its cause folks love a trainwreck...ugh, i still hate this bitch.

  43. Nothing will happen to her and Hollywood will continue to hire in on her notoriety while she continues to think of herself as a legend.

  44. It can't be easy to get your hair color and skin color the exact same color. Props girl.

  45. and sadly enough I'd still hit it.

    1. Lol I bet there's a long line of guys thinking the same thing

  46. @uberbaldy that is sad! LOL

  47. Sadly this is probably going to end in her killing herself, hopefully not in a car and not anyone else is harmed.

  48. I fantasize about the day the justice will finally be served but I doubt it will any time soon. Maybe when she's in her 40's if she's still alive it'll all catch up with her hard

  49. You cant fix borderline personality disorder with jail time but, she sure does get away with a lot.

  50. Dear God,
    If you return Amy Winehouse back to us from the big rehab in the sky, we'll give you Lilo in her place. And I'll believe in you again. Amen.

    1. Dear MadLyb,


      <3 God

  51. Amber & MadLyb!!!! LOL!!!

    Please take her instead! Please trade :)

    1. Hehehe. Hope you had a good day, miss dia! Just passed thru Des Moines & 5 more hours til we find a bed. Blah.

  52. There is a saying that only the good die young, therefore Lohan will live for many years to come. Lucky for us, her fading looks will push her quickly and maybe not entirely voluntarily into a more reclusive life.
