Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is A Piece Of Work

Lindsay Lohan has all of her "people" out there right now trying to spin stories about how hard she has been working lately and how she is on the right track and that she is the most wonderful person ever. The only thing she is doing differently than before is just taking a cut of the merchandise rather than taking it herself. As police continue to investigate the burglary that occurred Sunday night, Lindsay has fled to the safety of New York and has so far refused to answer any questions about the two men she let into the house party and their role in the possible theft of merchandise from the house where they all stayed the night. There are also reports that guns may have been involved. When police tried to question Lindsay she asked them if she was a suspect and when they said not at this time she left. She better start saving up those pennies again for her next legal bill.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Whatthe hell is up with,the neon pink fish lips and nighty. I got that fredrocks ten years ago

  2. Her rock bottom keeps getting lower and lower and lower.

  3. This is some breaking news, here. I hope our collective hearts can withstand the shock!


  4. Not even trying to be funny/dramatic, when I reloaded the page my gut reaction was to laugh at that picture. My God, what a look.

    goheels82 - it's like her rock bottom is trying to dig to China.

  5. She wears her makeup like my grandmother did, smear it on and hope that it in between the lines.

  6. Why is this person still relevant? Please lock her up already (preferably after a car accident on 12/21/12 between the times of 12am and 4am).

    1. No way! I have 12/22/12 between 3am and 7am in the pool.

    2. No way! I have 12/22/12 between 3am and 7am in the pool.

  7. OOH! She's totally going to be Dinsmoor when she gets older in 5 years!

  8. Anne Conner---lol--what a visual! So true! They make those wax lips in pink now?

    Seriously, the value of any jewelry worth calling cops over HAS to be a felony. Nice fleeing to NY, Linds. No habitual criminal EVER thought of fleeing out of state.

    Cannot WAIT for her to be taken down. DUIs, carjacking, shoplifting, fur coat stealing, cocaine possession ('not my pants'), and now THIS? No 'regular person' would see the light of day with a rap sheet like that at her age. Or any age!

  9. She's totally trashing her looks with the drugs and bootleg plastic surgeries. She now looks just like her father with a bad wig on...

  10. Anonymous7:03 AM

    It's sad when people get to the point where they stop taking bets on when or how she's going to die and are simply wishing that she dies now b/c they cannot take it anymore. She needs to go to rehab, get herself together and never be heard from again. She will die if she continues pursuing a life in Hollywood.

  11. Lindsay is really insane. She is like some career criminals I grew up with, she is not smart enough or a good enough person to learn to live normally on her own outside of crime. She should be in jail or in a psych ward. For real.

    If she was anyone else, California's 3 strike law would already have her ass permanently behind bars.

  12. Amber, China doesn't want her.

    I would say she looks like a 50 year old cracked out haggard drag queen but that would be an insult to 50 year old cracked out haggard drag queens.

  13. I can't help but wonder if she was exposed to pedophiles in the business, as well as the constant fuckery of Michael and Dina. I can't imagine what it takes to get so low, and I came from a place where people were that low.

  14. Even with bloat and everything else, I just really don't get that double chin. Do you think her inflated lips are pushing her chin down causing the skin to do that? Seriously, it just looks so odd.

  15. OT, but I'm kind of surprised Enty hasn't commented on Amanda Bynes being in her another car accident. Especially with the recent blind about her.

  16. Amber! Stop with the links! Second time I've snorted coffee through the nose. lmao

    Oh Linds. I was pulling for you, sweetie. But I just can't anymore. :(

  17. I seriously don't understand the chin bloat either. Fillers don't travel like that and that's the only thing that explains it, her mom doesn't have that.

  18. It's heading toward wattle territory.

  19. Oh my god, with all that bloating and sagging and wrinkling and stretching and all the dead facial muscles and that hideous bitchface, she's starting to look like Madonna.

  20. I hate this bitch, she is the most miserable person when will people wise up ?

  21. She looks like some people do when they have a compromised immune system and swollen glands/lymph nodes. I would not be surprised if she has an abcess or infection in her mouth. Remember how bad her teeth were for a while?

    I know, gross. Sorry!

  22. Bitch stole Sly Stallone's Mother's lips!

  23. Bwa ha haaaaa!

    OMG @Agent**It, you just cracked me up!

    Fucking looks like a bloated Bette the later years. Or better yet--Joan Crawford!!!


  24. "Cocaine is a hell of a drug..."

    Rick James

  25. @Amber. Thanks for the Dinsmoor link. That was hilarious. I now have a spilt cup of coffee in my lap. Well played.

  26. She has more than one STD so she's always on meds...
    And why does she always run to New York when she's in trouble...
    Lindsay, WE DON'T WANT YOU...

    1. Yes! Don't come to New York anymore!

  27. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Every day I pray to God to make me famous so that these crackheads can see that you don't have to be a crack whore and alcoholic to be famous.

  28. Amber - funny, funny

    JAIL!!! If that judge had left her in there like LiLo deserved, we would have forgotten about her by now. No more dinosaur LiLo!

  29. I've known 26-y-os with a lot healthier lifestyle than Lohan who had double chins and very wrinkled necks. I think it's just genetic.

    I would have thought there'd be some way to nip/tuck that chin, though.

  30. dia papaya---I've said it before, but even ONE DUI is enough to ruin you for life here in 'flyover country'. Employers see you as having terrible judgment. Too much risk.

    But she has TWO already! She'd be lucky to work at McDonald's, in my state.

  31. Anyone want to start placing bets to see when she'll get photographed wearing the stolen jewerly, or when she gets in trouble with the law? I have no idea, but I hope it's soon. I need some excitment in my life!

  32. Hopefully she'll get sued by the owner but I doubt they'll be able to pull enough together for a criminal case unless they find those two dudes and they flip on LiLo (which, knowing the company she keeps, they likely would pretty quickly).

    She's a POS. I used to love her and now she just makes me sad.

  33. @Libby
    Exactly! Wtf?
    It pisses me off that I have palpable hate for this crunt.

  34. She won't go to jail for this either.

    I'll bet Shawn Chapman Holley face planted on her desk, threw her hands up in the air asked once again why she agreed to represent this piece of shit.

  35. @Shaunie "She now looks just like her father with a bad wig on..." hahaha Remember when she used to be hot?

    She probably just brought those dudes to the party because she owed them drug money.

  36. Wait! Wait! I've figured it out! The lips are really the head of the theft ring! They are too weird to be human. Must be some alien like Spiderman's black costume... They tell people to steal things and poor Linds can't do a thing about it! I mean, look... They even told someone to steal Lindsay's pants!!

  37. Lol Call me yndy - maybe her lips are filled with the pink slime from Ghostbusters II and the more she does bad things, the bigger and more controlling they get. :)

  38. This girl looks like a hooker. No wonder she hangs out with low-life's since she is one herself.

  39. She looks great! If she was sixty!

  40. Sly's Mom has the same lips. I swear.

  41. It's Wonderland Avenue all over again. Faded star lets thieves into home of "friends" so they can rob the place. Didn't work out so well for Johnny Wad Holmes. Inspired a great scene in the movie "Boogie Nights" though.

  42. Sarah-
    wouldnt be surprised. at all. not one bit.

  43. @sarah, and you are wonderful proof that it does not have to continue. Kudos to you!

  44. Has there ever been a worse celebrity than Lindsay Lohan? Some SMALL success at a not-so-young age and she's delusional for the rest of her life.

    Its not like she's a legitimate celebrity. She's really a hardcore criminal- a constant druggie, drunk, reckless driver, thief, whore and wannabe con artist. Anything but an actress and anything to avoid the reality of being a has-been. What a totally useless waste.

  45. I bet the chin is also due to coke/booze bloat.

  46. If I were the owner of the house that was robbed I would be on the first plane to New York to start looking for my loot in pawn shops. She probably took the first flight out to sell or get rid of the stuff outside of LA. Makes me wonder if Lindsey new or hung out with the young Beverly Hills burglary bunch arrested a few years back. It was mostly celebrities that were robbed. Wonder how many of those burglary victims Lindsey actually knew? She could scout the house and tip of the thieves. I think once a thief always a thief!

  47. Sharon Stone is the only other one I can think of. She has 1 hit movie where Michael Douglas is the star at a time when Michael Douglas is the #1 box office draw in the world. And she spends the next 20 years acting like she is Bette Davis in All About Eve. Jean Tripplehorn was also in Basic Instinct & you haven't seen her riding its coattails for the next 20 years.

  48. Maybe she's hoping to play the part of Jocelyn Wildenstein the early years?

    She looks like my old lunch lady.

  49. It might be coke/booze bloat, but I seriously think opiate/opioid bloat could be adding to the goiter-look.

  50. ParisSucks, I bet Shawn Chapman Holley said to herself "Whee!!! I get to be on tv again!!!"
