Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Goes From Person Of Interest To Case Over Really Quickly

I'm guessing Dina Lohan got out Lindsay Lohan's checkbook and wrote a nice fat one to the owner of the house that was robbed. Police had called Lindsay Lohan a person if interest for the theft of jewels and other valuables from a home last weekend. Lindsay promptly skipped town after being accused of letting in two men to the house who did the actual stealing. Now, the owner has suddenly started saying that nothing was stolen and that it was all a big misunderstanding,. Nope. It was a really big check that created the misunderstanding. Either that or a free year of Lindsay? Nah, that is only a $1.95 value. Better getting something off the dollar menu at McDonald's.


  1. Why did she do that to her lips? It looks horrible.

  2. those lips!!! Wtf does she see when she looks in the mirror???!!!

  3. Blohan's whole life is a "misunderstanding".

  4. I still have until the end of the day for the LL disaster/jail/car accident pool. C'mon, Lindsay... mamma needs a new pair of shoes! (er, gift card)

  5. She didn't write a check to someone rich enough to steal from. She's either blackmailing that person (it was an overnight party, almost certainly there was some activity that she could hold over that person's head) or otherwise threatening the person (a lawsuit for slander or libel, for example). We've already watched her preemptively seriously damage the reputations of basically everyone who alleges anything against her -- and TMZ runs that shit without checking it out and it's often flat-out lies and wrong and libel and slander in itself.

  6. SevenRaina--Maybe the jewels 'magically' showed up on their doorstep as well? Like she returned anything that would have prompted an insurance claim?

  7. I can't find my slanty eye shadow brush. I am officially naming LiLo a POI.

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    If a check was written, I hope they waited until it cleared.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. No doubt drugs and alcoho were doled out in copious amounts at the party. And who attended the party with ole Linds? That would be her 16 year old brother Cody. There's your blackmail.

    1. @Unknown NOOOOO!! say it ain't so.

      FREE CODY!!

  11. She has morphed into Sly Stallone's Mother.

  12. She used to be pretty and now she's pretty ugly inside and out.

  13. I just can't with that picture. I feel like I can smell it. Yuck

  14. djphob---Do you have a cat? My cats LOOOOVE to play with (destroy) make-up brushes.
    Leave Linnocent aloooooone.....hahaha

    1. @Libby I do have a cat and he just so happens to be a little shit lol

      Whether LiLo or the cat is behind it...either way I don't want it back. Haha

  15. I can't wait until she crosses the wrong person, where even her pimps wont be able to stop her from getting into real trouble

  16. MISCH--On "Family Guy", the few oldest references to LL was that she was SO hot---and we all know MacFarlane has a 'thing' for Playboy models & starlets. A few years ago, ALL linds' FG references abruptly changed to how disgusting she is.

    Always makes me laugh, because I dislike her so.

  17. Misunderstanding of theft around Lilo?
    I think all the paps should redirect their cameras to *under the table*,
    that's clearly where the action is!

  18. djphob---The idea of the cat's 'litter-box feet' meant I always had to throw them away after the cat got 'em.

    However, Lilo's face looks even dirtier than my cats' feet. So, yeah, you don't want it back.

  19. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Poor girl. She looks like death warmed over.Really, really want her to succeed but don't think it will happen. I largely blame her parents and handlers for her demise.

  20. I hate to say this, but this girl is going to end up murdered.

    And yes I heard that her younger brother was there as well. Please don't tell me she is pimping him out.

  21. Nothing ever happens to this bitch. Never faces any consequences, ever. No wonder she feels so entitled and invincible.

  22. Unknown - I forgot all about the brother. You're right! That's how it all goes under the rug this time. Good catch!

  23. Whenever I'm having a bad hair day or my face is ridden with look at Lohag makes me feel a thousand times better.

  24. I'm convinced it will take nothing less then a horrific accident where someone dies in order for this disgusting hag to get what she deserves (a very long stint in general public prison)

  25. Dear America
    This is what you are making rich. Congratulations.


  26. @libby

    She was such a cute kid....and was on the way to a really good career but she only has herself to blame.

  27. God she looks horrific. Sorry to be blunt.

  28. Am I the only one snickering at McDonald's getting a shout out in this post?

  29. A check from Lindsay Lohan? Isn't that like getting money from your Monopoly game collecting dust in the closet?

    She must have something hanging over the party-thrower. Methinks she rolls with a shady shady bunch. Everytime I read about this piece of trash I think of my Mom lecturing me as a kid about, "You are the company you keep."

  30. Isn't having a pool on when someone with obvious issues will potentially injure themselves or others not in extremely poor taste?

  31. It's a sad, sad day when the posted pic of Snooki look far better than the posted pic of LiLo.

  32. If that sociopath would have reported all the accidents she's had, her license to drive would have been suspended. But laws aren't made for the one woman crime wave that is Lindsay Lohan. She's a proven thief, liar, addict, drunk, mental patient. Unsuccessful at all of them. No doubt she paid off the victim to avoid consequences. She won't stop so eventually she'll be arrested again. Who the F is hiring this no talent burn out criminal to act in anything? Who are these brain dead film makers who think even a dozen people want to see her act in anything at this point? She's an embarrassment to any project, not a creative casting choice. Get her mom in there for the cheap, at least she looks younger than the thief.

  33. Giving Lilo the benefit of the doubt...dude invited her there in the first place and maybe after all drugs and paranoia wore off he realized his shizzle was exactly where he put it? Just sayin.

    @djphob good one! :)

  34. I'd rather have sex with Ronald McDonald himself than get within a 5 mile radius of LiHo.

  35. That photo cracks me up

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  37. At this point, Lindsay does NOT deserve any benefit of any doubt.

  38. the.princess: I too chuckled.

  39. Do people still write cheques? People under the age of 70?

    I wish the big brother would steal Cody away.

  40. She must have whipped out the pics of her brother snorting coke off the hosts dick.

  41. How sad. She's courting death at this point. Teflon mistress, nothing sticks!

  42. She looks like Big Ang in this picture.

  43. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I don't think there is anything at this point that will change with her or how she is treated. The state of California has made it pretty clear that they do not want to punish her appropriately. The fact that she and Amanda Bynes still have their drivers licenses should be enough to make anyone be seething. For those out West, my prayers and thoughts are with you. Your "justice" system clearly doesn't care about anyone but these celebutards.

  44. @Jessie - I still write checks for all things DMV & my electricity company. Both have tried to tell me I haven't paid things that I have paid for and having the check stubs have saved me both times!

  45. It looks like she's keeping the Liz makeup look from the 60s...

  46. she posts som odd thinga on her twitter account. yesterday she posted pictures of jewelry she was cleaning. looked like THOUSANDS of dollars worth. diamonds, watch, rings. and some of it was in those little bags that they give you at pawn shops (which i know because i pawned my engagement ring after my divorce). said she was spending he day "cleaning MY jewels :)" why would she do that?

    On july 4th sh sent a note to justin beiber. he had been quoted in a magazine about the type of girls he liked. she took a picture of the quote and then tweeted him and said "is this true?" what a weirdo. going after a kid on twitter?? eww!

  47. I'm sure that part of why she gets off lightly is because she's a celeb, but the California prison system is a horrific mess. They just don't have room for her. Unless she was black, then they'd find some space. Probably a cot in a gymnasium with a thousand other convicts.

  48. Yes, Jessie, people still write cheques. That's how a lot of people pay their rent.

  49. @Jessie, I laughed at your comment. I only write cheques for rent, everything else goes to my credit card. And there are other methods to transfer money.

    My guess is you're Canadian or European, perhaps (because you wrote it "cheque"). When I go down to the US to shop, I always laugh when I look at wallets because they always have a chequebook in them. Those things are rare up here.

  50. Don't worry cheque book owners, my mum had to finally give up her passbook because the bank didn't use the system anymore.

    anita - I'm Australian but I'll take European.

  51. Anonymous8:18 AM

    @Sian: Any pool involving Lindsay is in good taste. There is nothing wrong with speculating and guessing. Methinks it's time to get one going for Amanda Bynes.

  52. Wow, the resemblance to the Wicked Witch of the West here is uncanny.
