Sunday, August 19, 2012

LeAnn Rimes Calls Brandi Glanville A F**king Vindictive B**ch - On Tape

LeAnn Rimes has some real issues. While she was at a lunch yesterday with some of her Twitter followers, she got the phone number of a Twitter follower of hers who is a supporter of Brandi Glanville and called her. She then decided to trash Brandi Glanville, including calling her a f**king vindictive b**ch, and LeAnn said she was teaching Brandi's kids that their mom was that way. Then, after calling Brandi that, in the next clip, LeAnn says she never said what she had just said one minute ago.

Check this out on Chirbit

Check this out on Chirbit


  1. My phone won't pl this for some reason, but she's always been a vile, nasty person.

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    In that pic, LeAnn looks like she's high on something--alcohol or drugs. Also looks like she's had her lips plumped.

  3. Here's the entire post:

  4. She lunches with followers? Does she pay????

  5. Is this her m.o.? Doesn't Eddie get sick of this lack of maturI---oh, wait, never mind. SHE PAYS!!!!

  6. It sounds like she said Brandi was vindictive as f**king sh** and the girl misunderstood

  7. She didn't call Brandi a F-ing B, she called her "vindictive as S**t". So she was telling the truth when she denied calling her that. I'm not a fan of either of these people but at least listen to the tape and report it correctly.

  8. Eddie seems to have a thing for skanky skeevy women. I wonder what his upbringing was like. Judging from what we know of his ideal family life, he was raised in a cardboard box by a five-dollar hooker who worked Biscayne Blvd in Miami.

  9. I can't wait till some woman with more money than LeAnn comes around. EC will be out of there in an instant.

  10. I'm not a fan of LeAnne's (she annoyed me when I had to spend time with her when she was 20), however, Brandi is a vindictive bitch and in some serious, serious need of therapy. Eddie filed for divorce and Brandi filed her response and punter suit 3 months later (and still believes she filed first). That marriage was supposedly broken way, waaaaay before LeAnne entered the picture (there's long been rumors that she had cheated).

    Also, at least report correctly. She didn't call her a bitch, so she wasn't back peddling, she was telling the truth.

  11. Another media report TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT.

    She DID NOT call her a B!tch.

  12. @Barton - right on the money, as usual, sir.

    @Molls - we can safely assume she's had at least one drink, judging by the empty glass on the table! She looks like a real prize.

  13. Also, her eyebrows hurt my feelings - why does she think that looks good?

    1. Good one, Frufa :)

    2. Right on Frufra. And she's sticking her tongue out at you and only you! She's totally mean!!!!

  14. If LeAnn is in fact trashing Brandi in front of Brandi's kids, then that makes LeAnn a vile, vindictive cunt. Thought I'd toss a new word into the mix, a word that, in my opinion, boils down to the essence of LeAnn.

  15. Why are these women acting like they are 15 years old?

  16. People... remember one thing.
    No matter what your bank balance is, trash is trash.
    The only people in that train wreck of a family we should be worrying about are the kids.

  17. LeAnn is very delusional and she has about two years before Eddie leaves her for a co-star from a Lifetime movie.

  18. Poor LeAnn, stole another woman's husband, and can't rest easy in the bed she has made for herself.

  19. How do either of these women have fans? Does LeeAnn even make music anymore? My mom used to love her back in her Blue days.

  20. To whocaresnow12, if you had followed this hole thing, you'd know that Brandi is the EXACT OPPOSITE of 'vindictive'. In FACT, she is has been far too passive for her own good. She has not said a bad word about LeAnn. She has endured being stalked by LR, being cut off in the car by LR who tauntingly texted her about moving to her neighbourhood, she has put up with her creating the 'Witchy33' Twitter account (verifiably traced back to LeAnn Rimes phone) to call Brandi horrendous names, she has put up with her song-writer Darrell Brown abusing her and lying in wait for her at an airport, and turning up at her son's soccer games standing intimidatingly behind her while LR sat on *her* (Brandi's) blanket when the paps got in shot, had LR's stylist Matteo call her vile names, along with Amejean - Rimes' twitter friend who created 2 twitter accounts to accuse Brandi of being an alcoholic and a child abuser and who called her a whore and a dog etc, she has endured Rimes talking about her sons on twitter and posting pictures of them, even posting a picture with the NAME OF HER SON'S SCHOOL!!!!, when Brandi repeatedly asked her not to. Brandi even went to joint THERAPY with LeAnn to create an amicable atmosphere for the boys but Rimes refused steadfast to make ANY concessions, to stop talking about children that weren't hers, and even refuses to give Brandi a contact number for emergencies when the boys are with Eddie and LR.

    But STILL, even with alllllll of that, Brandi has NEVER fought back. I've seen people plead, strangers on the net litterally PLEAD with Brandi to get a restraining order against LeAnn for the sake of the boys, but Brandi won't even do that. Because Brandi says the boys like her.

    Now tell me, does that fit the definition of 'vindictive'?

    What DOES fit the definition of vindictive? Having your band entourage stalk, accost/ambush, abuse and harass a mother of two innocent children? THAT, is vindictive.

    Btw, if you are talking about Brandi cheating, stop RIGHT THERE! There has never been any rumors that Brandi has ever cheated in her marriage, so you obviously made that up on the spot in here. What IS fact, is that EDDIE admitted to Brandi (when they sat down and had a good talk after they split to hash things out) that he had been cheating on her with various women almost from the start of their marriage. So you are either making up something or getting your wires crossed, because its common knowledge (via Eddie's own admission) that he had been cheating on her before LeAnn. Not the other way around. Brandi's never been accused of cheating by anyone even LR fans.

    1. I believe it. I like Brandi and actually think she is being very smart by not lashing back at LeAnne the horse.

    2. I can only go by what i read on the tabloids n i am team brandi . Lean always looks desperate for attention like she has to prove shes got the men, the body, the money, the vacations and her kids.

    3. I get a alkie skank vibe from Brandi. If above is true, then leann is wrong.

    4. From watching the show, Brandi is a ditzy free spirited party girl. But she comes across as exactly the opposite of a vindictive bitch. She is funny, laughs at her own stupidity, takes responsibility for her actions, and is honest about her opinions. You would think her being the new "youngish hot one" she would be catty. Instead she comes off as a go with the flow, I just wanna enjoy myself without taking myself so seriously, type of gal.

    5. Uh no, she has been bitchy and vindictive, and she was rumored to have had an affair a few years ago.

      I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you, but a majority of what you read and see in tabloids is the product of some great spin doctors and publicist and tabloids. You can easily pay to have your dirty laundry kept silent as well. So, please don't attempt to school me with your tabloid information versus real life run-ins and true stories. You sound like the founder and president of the Brandi fan club. You should run with that. She could use someone spinning her image. It's all about to unravel anyway.

  21. Salem = Brandi


  22. Good Gahd Awmighty!!! I'm not one to snark (too much, anyway!), but she is one unfortunate looking gal, isn't she?! And, apparently, a heart to match. Poor kids. :/

  23. @Frufa, those eyebrows are an insult, truly!

  24. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If someone tried (and succeeded) in SIngle White female-ing my life, I might be "f-ing vendictive" or a "vendictive b*tch" too. I have a stepdaughter and I would never disrespect her birth mother. Despite the fact that her birth mother has made questionable life decisions that have given my husband and I full custody. That is her mother. The relationship should be respected. Leann is shameful for saying what she did. Be the bigger person, honey. If you think so horribly of Brandi act the bigger and more mature person.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I too am a step-mother. Lil Lite's mom parents in a manner that is the polar opposite of my style buy I have to respect that I am not her birth mother. What I find more appalling is that Eddie allows Leann to disrespect his childrens mom like that.

      I am currently watching a situation play out with one of my best friends. Her step daughter was killed in a jet ski accident while on vacay in Hawaii. The step-father has taken to speaking to the media as if he was this childs birth father just so that he can be privy to whatever monies and attn the lawsuit brings. He even changed the obit and funeral program of this child to his last name with his wife's permission compeletely disrespecting the childs birth father who had 50/50 custody. Meanwhile my friend the step-mom is fuming because she can't do anything but watch her husband who is too overcome by the grief of losing his daughter, continuously get disrespected in the media when the step-dad gives interviews. IDK if any of that makes sense. I am a bit emo over the sitch everytime I think about it. So it scrambles my brains and the way it comes out.

      It just boils down to this....As a step parent, we have boundaries that we need to respect. Any bio parent that allows the step parent to step over those boundaries is even more worthless than the disrespectful step parent.

  25. Hi Brandi...I mean Salem!

  26. Hunter - ITA. Also with Fru about the brows. Bad brows indeed. I guess I need to follow this hole thing!

  27. What's really pathetic is that they are acting like this about Eddie Cibrian.

    And you know, Eddie and Leann probably don't know what each other looks like with those squinty ass eyes.

  28. Friends of CDaN please help me understand something...

    Why is LeAnn still famous? Does she still record, perform? Do anything music related? I never liked that kind of music do I have no idea. Seems like all she does is wear bikinis and cling to Eddie and talk trash about Brandi.

    I'm SO tired of the white trash version of Jen/Brad/Angie. Tired of all the love triangles. Period!

  29. Lol, I'm on Twitter, (Salem4444), people know who I am. I only wish I was Brandi, lol. Though I wouldn't want to put up with the crap she puts up with. Is whocares12 and her alters on here LeAnn? Don't like the FACTS being posted, 'LeLe fans'?

    1. Bwahahahahaha!

      Oh, I totally needed a good laugh right now. I've been pissed about a 4:30am call time all day. Thank you for that!

  30. You go, Salem. I'm Team Brandi all the way and I really like her. She seems quite genuine, and in Hollywood, that seems as if it's a rare commodity.

  31. nice. karma's gonna bit this fugly faced *itch right in the arse.

    wonder if she's tweet that too?

  32. I don't care about anyone in this threesome. The children however should be protected from vindictive comments about their mother.

    LeAnn may be able to keep Eddie as long as her money holds out, who else would want him!

  33. Dear Gods never let LeAnn breed, she is a horror show. She is so deeply immature. Once Eddie's looks fade she will be looking for another stud she can spend her money on.

  34. I could care less about either one but man...that was like a twihard rant from the (sadly defunct) Awful Truth forums.

  35. Not a Leann fan by any means.

  36. Couldn't Brandi go to court over these comments? Isn't this parental alienation? She said this on tape. Perhaps LeAnn's presence with the boys should be supervised, she is clearly nuts.

    I'm team Brandi all the way, I like her too Gladys. The sad part is that this is over Eddie. But Brandi should establish very strong guidelines when it comes to her boys, especially with someone is vomitous as LeAnn.

    1. No, she can't. It's not illegal, though I truly wish it would be. Brain isn't innocent either, and I believe admitted as much around the time LeAnne and Eddie were married, I think even on Real Housewives as well.

  37. Brandi is sexy and fun. LeAnn is a fugly twat. These are facts.

  38. I knew about Brangeloonies, but I didn't realize there were Brandiloonies!!!!

  39. @whocaresnow12 - pls scoop more dish.

    1. That's all I know. I have a friend that used to be neighbor and friends with Brandi and Eddie, and I've been to his place a few times for dinner parties and BBQs, and beyotch be crazy. I understand her alcohol consumption and prescription intake has increased dramatically over the past year.

      I've said it before, their marriage had been broken since about 2009. They were trying to make it work, but he mentally checked out. It's really sad. They truly loved each other at some point. She didn't check back into that marriage until he was out the door and had filed for divorce. She got really good at playing the wounded bird.

  40. She says "tit for tat is not ok and I'm trying to teach the boys that right now." She absolutely does not say she's teaching them that their mom is vindictive as shit.
    Jesus christ, enty. I know it's a bad write up when I come to the slight defense of LR. I wonder if Salem, I mean Brandi, sent this info to enty. I have been spening too much time on r/conspiracy, most likely.

  41. BrendaL, Or loonistons (Aniston loons) or Rimeloonies.

    I guess you, too, think its 'loonie' to defend a woman and her two small children who have been stalked, harassed and abused. If thats 'loonie', then sign most normal, red-blooded, warm-blooded human beings up. Too bad you're cold-blooded and inhuman. No doubt a bully. What type of a person takes issue with someone defending a person who is being hurt? What does that make you? Wtf is wrong with some people.... :(

  42. @dia That's what I am wondering! I'm going to check the all-knowing Wikipedia... Hmmm...

    Apparently she released an album last year and is releasing another this year. Country, natch. Who knew!

    And 2007-2011 she was hosting the "Colgate Country Showdown".

    It says this is her last contract album with her record company.

    1. Thanks! Who knew Colgate Country Showdown paid so well?

  43. 'Seaward', I can't claim credit for that, the people that got this out there are known on the net, if you bother to do some research and not spew crazy nonsense. I'm a Brandi supporter, I'm on Twitter (under Salem4444 - I'm not hiding who I am, on the contrary, I'm being very open and transparent) but I've not even had a conversation with Brandi, or met her (bit hard to do on the other side of the world in Australia) but I've seen the FACTS and am standing up for a woman who is being stalked, harassed and abused. Its sad that you can't grasp that concept. That the concept of standing up for the underdog and saying its wrong to stalk, abuse, harass and bully another human being is something you cannot wrap your head around says something about the type of person you are.

  44. "She says 'tit for tat is not ok and I'm trying to teach the boys that right now.' She absolutely does not say she's teaching them that their mom is vindictive as shit."

    Yeah, I'm no LeAnn fan by ANY stretch of the imagination, but that was my takeaway, too. Still, personally, I think that all three of these jokers are trashy losers, with Brandi no better than LeAnn and vice versa. Those poor boys. :-(

  45. What's loony is a fan coming on a gossip board and ranting a defense of someone s/he presumably doesn't know, except through the tabloids and twitter, like that person is their bestest friend.

    Every bit as loony as the twihards (who all but ruined AT)

  46. @Akm
    I'm convinced your use of the word joker was a subliminal shoutout to those brows!

  47. Lola, I understand you have no idea whats going on, but the taunting and abuse from Rimes to Brandi is VERIFIED and is making news. Simply making people aware of what is going on is not 'ranting' any more than a newspaper is. Look, get off your arse and do some research on this. Start here; and here

    This is not ranting or gossip, this is a group of people online who have seen a woman and her two children be ambushed, abused, stalked and harassed and decided to expose this abuse. If you have a problem with that, then you really need to ask yourself why.

  48. Thanks for laughing at my eyebrow joke, folks, but I must confess I swiped that line from someone who commented on Dick Button's shoes during the last Winter Olympics - "Dick Button's shoes hurt my feelings".

    I was rolling around laughing, cause I had just googled "what's up with Dick Button's shoes". (They looked like they were from the Frankenstein line, in case you don't remember 'em.)

    1. Poor Dick Button... Why are your shoes so big?

  49. Hmmm...I am no fan of Leann but this is being misreported...she didn't call Brandi a bitch, though she did call her vindictive. And she didn't say she was teaching the boys anything about their mother, just their, have to side with Leann on this one. She has a right to defend herself from some random fan getting involved in stuff that isn't her business. Dare I say, Leann sounded reasonable here? I was a little shocked.

  50. Yeah, see, I don't really care about either one of them enough to research anything. If she is truly being harrassed and abused she should go to the police, not play it out in the tabloids. And lest you make a wrong assumption-- I'm not team anyone here.

    It was ranting, btw.

  51. For those who want to know who released it, you can find them on here. They are girls from Twitter. They're not hiding who they are.

  52. Selock, fyi, it wasn't a fan getting into LeAnn's business, LEANN was the one who got stalked and tracked a hater, got their number, and PHONED *THEM*. LeAnn was the one who made contact. Didn't you read this part? - "she got the phone number of a Twitter follower of hers who is a supporter of Brandi Glanville and called her. She then decided to trash Brandi Glanville".

    LeAnn tracked a hater down, and called her. Not the other way around.

    Lola, oh, I can *so* see you don't care (lol), and I suggest you look up the word 'ranting'. Your first missive against me is much closer to the meaning. ;)

  53. Wow Salem, now tell us how you really feel. Chill out, there is no need to stan this hard for Brandi...

  54. Ah, forgot the Celebitchy link from where this all came from where the people who released it are talking about it;

  55. Wow, the LeLe's really are coming out of the woodwork now, aren't they? Oh, but they 'don't care'. pmsl

  56. Ummm. Okay...WTF is a Lele? LOL. (FYI: I am just killing time on the computer reading my favorite blog. I don't watch RHOBH and I have never willingly partaken in anything produced by Ms. Rimes, either.)

    I just can only imagine what sort of things these girls were tweeting "in Brandi's defense", and how I might feel about that if I was their emotionally stunted celebrity target (the only reason anyone in the traingle is making news, btw).

    Do these ladies know Brandi personally? Because I'm guessing not. And if not, this sort of drama is reminiscent of junior high, not even high, school. You have to admit, it's a bit pathetic to get this frothed up and involved in the lives of others, right? I mean, I feel dopey enough just reading a gossip blog at times ... ;P

  57. Selock, then you obviously have no idea what is going on then. And yes, some of these people know Brandi personally and a couple have met her and are friends (not me personally, its a 26 hour plane ride). You wouldn't believe some of the things and the evidence these girls have compiled. Its personal, its not celeb gossip, don't dismiss it simply because you don't understand the severity of what a woman has undergone. Imagine the person isn't a celeb but an ordinary citizen being stalked, abused and harassed. Then you might see it differently.

    LeLes are LeAnn supporters (I think LeAnn calls them her Tweelees).

    1. Please, cry me a river, they are all loaded!

  58. Fair enough - I admit, I know nothing about any of it. I am thankful for that, really, because it still sounds suspiciously like a battle being waged by a bunch of people who need to grow up and get a life, celebs included.

  59. I'm Team Brandi - Leann is nuts.

  60. @Salem, how early were you up to be posting all that? I am Australian and it is only 5:07am on the east coast. I am off to the gym, so I will check in later

  61. I'm not a fan of any of these "adults" either, however, no mater what, leanne, broke up a marriage and a family unit. Now, she is trying to drop doo doo bullets into the kid;s brains by talking sh*t to them about their mother!!!!

    No way to look at it other then, leanne is the one who is morally wrong.

  62. **scuse the typos (pulled an all work and I was on Mars time)


  63. Nowhere does Leann call her a bitch.
    But I have to wonder what she is doing arguing this matter with people over Twitter.

  64. AmandaM, N9NA, seaward, AKM, and Selock all got it right. But the original poster here and on other boards have twisted LeAnn's words and are reporting lies as fact. That's libel, folks, and those spreading the lies across the Internet could be sued. So why doesn't everyone get their facts straight before they face lawsuits. In addition, I'd like to know who recorded this. Because in CA, unless both parties know the call is being recorded, the person dong the recording can end up in prison.

  65. "OMG U JUS CALLED HER AN EFFING B" lolololol

    I don't like either one, but wtf, who calls a fan? And Leanne, you did steal her husband, she has a right to be a liiiiittle vindictive if she wanted to.

  66. I saw someone mention does Aniston have to do with this? And yeah, leaan is a certified nutjob. She is seriously fxcked in the head. Who the hell tracks down fans and calls them? Jesus that woman is insane.

  67. I used to be a big fan of Leann's. I even defended her on here and got seriously drubbed for it.

    I understand that she had something to do with Eddie leaving his wife and kids. Whether they had problems or not before Leann, I don't know. It's such a shame, though, that we ladies can't stick together and turn our backs on these cheating men, in the name of sisterhood. After all, EC isn't much of a prize anyway.

    I do know, from personal experience, that sometimes a woman will see another woman's life and decide that she wants that life for her own. She will stop at nothing to make this happen. After she succeeds in making that life hers, you'd think she would calm down and enjoy that life. No. She continues to wage war on the original wife, telling friends, family, the children involved, and even complete strangers awful lies/stories about the wife. This continues until... I don't know. It's been seven years, and it hasn't stopped yet. The only thing the original wife can do is pray that the new wife finds peace one day and gives up this futile war. For the sake of the kids? Maybe, although the damage has already been done.

    It took some time for me to see what a POS my ex was. Now she knows what his druggie, misogynistic, lying ass is all about. All I can say is, you wanted my life bitch, hope you're enjoying it!

  68. As for leann working: she's a freaking bazillionaire, doesnt hv to work if she doesnt want to!! U can color me jealous! Lol

  69. Leann Rimes is a bitch.

    To call the mother of her step children a vindictive fucking bitch is NOT appropriate.

    Why did she lie to Brandi and Eddie?

    If I was Brandi, the word vindictive would have a whole new meaning by the time I was through with Leann!

  70. I listened and I did not hear "vindictive fucking bitch"; I heard "vindictive as shit."

    I don't really follow the players in this particular drama, but there is a nuanced difference between calling someone's behavior "vindictive as shit" and labeling a person as a "vindictive bitch." If we're gonna crucify LeAnne, let's accuse her accurately, I guess.

  71. I think what’s worst than “vindictive as shit” is that Leann is a celebrity, calling a complete stranger from the internet to talk about her personal life and criticize her stepkids mother…that is wrong and crazy. I think that is the big deal here, nevermind “vindictive”

  72. The "big deal" here is that Brandi's fans are stuck in high school more and refuse to grow up.

  73. LaAnn is unhinged.

    Brandi is a whiner.

    Eddie is a smug jerk.


  74. Violet skips away, deciding that now is the perfect time to begin that diet and get some exercise. Backs away from computer whistling........

  75. @A: you are so right. Leann Rimes fanatics are the epitome of decorum and maturity. RME

  76. Good gravy, Leann's looking a bit strange in certain angles. I hope that she's sticking out her tongue, and that's not her lip.

    What is it with the SoCal aesthetic? Do people only use cellphone cameras instead of mirrors there? I'm planning to move to SoCal in the next year or so, and not only am I almost old enough to be humanely put down according to their aesthetic statutes (39), I'm still on the first version of my face.

    I hope they let me in! LOL. Maybe I'll spin myself as having an organic, heirloom visage if people ask me what those weird lines are on my face every time I talk.

  77. Oh auntliddy, "alkie skank vibe" is such a good phrase. Be sure to factor in the Xanax problem, too, though.

  78. Oh. That is her tongue?! I thought it was her lip. Oh well, she's still jacked up. And, cannot *steal* a man. That's bullshit.

  79. @auntliddy - What is an alkie skank? Google gave me nothin'

  80. TEAM BRANDI. The boys don't need two mothers. LR is just an extremely insecure, narcissistic whore looking for approval from people who don't matter.

    Isn't there a recent blind about Eddie already cheating on LR?

  81. Holy Shiz.
    Never seen anyone stan so hard for a celeb...
    Salem is either an uber stan or someone close to Brandi, with google alerts set.


    BTW That eyebrow joke had me rolling

  82. Kharma is already takin care of Leann's face, whacked out fake boobs, and career. It's only a matter of time before what's left follows.

  83. I'm no leann fan, because shes a looney toons crazy person. However, I took what she said as she's teaching the boys that vindictiveness isn't okay. I dont know. She needs to be force fed cheeseburgers and covered up with actual clothing. Skank.

  84. I would like to know the origin point in Australia where you think LA is a 26 hour plane ride from???

  85. Oh, Lite, is this the girl from Vacaville? I am so sorry for you loss and the loss of your friends daughter. I know a divorced couple who moved so they could live directly across the street from each other so that it would be easier on the kids. I hae so much respect for divorced parents who put their kids first.

  86. I am surprised people even care about these two.

  87. I'm with time I'm on Twitter, I'll look you up!

    Brandi may have done some classless things but she is a really great mom and she calls it like it is and I like her. LeAnn is young immature and is a total pain in the a$$, everyone knows it. In one episode of the RHOBH, one of Eddie's mistresses was a waitress at Lisa's restaurant, and Lisa asked her to leave and told her why, I loved it!

  88. Anyone who wants to see more; the full 20 minutes of the phonecall are linked on Celebitchy in the comments. I didn't listen to it completely, but LeAnn is nuts, really.
    Too lazy to look up the link right now, after going over all the comments on Celebitchy I am emotionally drained xD (and yes, I have no life at all)

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. The full story, incl link to a webpage with craycray stories on LeAnn:

    This person had the talk with Leann on the phone;


  91. Astrogirl, if memory serves, Melborne or Sydney to LA is about 13ish hours give or take an hour or so. But since you cross the international dateline, you arrive in la a couple of hours after you leave. Maybe she means when you travel back to essentially lose a day (because of the IDL).

  92. @astro - Maybe she flies to LA by way of Europe. The long way round!

  93. Oh my. What happened here today?

  94. I have a 15 year old daughter and Salem's posts just reminded me I need to check her Facebook and Twitter to see what all the little teenyboppers have been writing about and who they hate this week. Holy crap.

  95. Is it possible Salem is Brandi's BFF Jennifer Gimenez? I'm just sayin...

  96. Wow-really which neighbor? Because I knew her neighbors too. Still talk to many as of today.
    And no Salem isn't Jenn Gimenez. Jenn stays OUT of this mess. She doesn't need anyone putting her name in this while she is out helping people. And Jenn LIVES with Brandi-no way in hell Brandi has any drug/alcohol issues while Jenn is there. She takes her life and sobriety very seriously. Be careful of what you spread-it can damage innocent people by proxy.

  97. Leann has no right to "teach the boys " anything that is what gets me. As a Mom that flew all over me. In Essenes she says this is what their mother is doing and I'm going to teach them the opposite. Keep the boys out of your issues. It truly is about the kids not about her.

  98. There are no 'neighbours', lets face it, its all bs from camp LeAnn. I don't think whocaresnow cares about spreading lies and rumours, its obvious they are close to LeAnn hence the obvious attempts at spin doctoring and lies, especially the outrageous lies about Brandi. Nice try LeLe, but it won't work.

    For those asking about Australia, whenever I've looked, its a 24 to 26 hour flight. Go to and check for any day, and it lists the duration of flight being on average 24 h 20 mins up to 26 hours. Even when singers come down here you hear them on the media talking about just coming off a 22 hour flight. So it quite clearly is a LOT more than 13 hours! Ex;

  99. 11:25 Brisbane 13:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    16:30 Dallas Fort Worth 20:55 New York (New York) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 23h 30m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    11:25 Brisbane 13:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    16:30 Dallas Fort Worth 20:55 New York (New York) American Airlines flight
    Duration: 23h 30m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    11:25 Brisbane 13:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    16:40 Dallas Fort Worth 21:20 New York (La Guardia) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 23h 55m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    11:25 Brisbane 13:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    16:40 Dallas Fort Worth 21:20 New York (La Guardia) American Airlines flight
    Duration: 23h 55m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    07:00 Brisbane 08:35 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    10:00 Sydney 17:10 New York (JFK) Qantas flight
    1 stop
    Duration: 24h 10m
    07:00 Brisbane 08:35 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1964 $2159 $2874
    10:00 Sydney 06:35 Los Angeles Qantas flight
    08:45 Los Angeles 17:20 New York (JFK) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 24h 20m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    10:35 Brisbane 06:40 Los Angeles Qantas flight
    $1662 $2147 $2862
    09:45 Los Angeles 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    16:30 Dallas Fort Worth 20:55 New York (New York) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 24h 20m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    10:25 Brisbane 12:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    16:30 Dallas Fort Worth 20:55 New York (New York) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 24h 30m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    10:25 Brisbane 12:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    16:30 Dallas Fort Worth 20:55 New York (New York) American Airlines flight
    Duration: 24h 30m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    10:35 Brisbane 06:40 Los Angeles Qantas flight
    $1819 $2144 $2859
    12:30 Los Angeles 21:10 New York (JFK) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 24h 35m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    11:25 Brisbane 13:00 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    14:25 Sydney 14:45 Dallas Fort Worth Qantas flight
    17:30 Dallas Fort Worth 22:00 New York (La Guardia) American Airlines flight
    Duration: 24h 35m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    06:30 Brisbane 08:10 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1668 $2153 $2868
    10:00 Sydney 17:10 New York (JFK) Qantas flight
    1 stop
    Duration: 24h 40m
    06:00 Brisbane 07:35 Sydney Qantas flight
    $1674 $2159 $2874
    10:00 Sydney 17:10 New York (JFK) Qantas flight
    1 stop
    Duration: 25h 10m
    10:35 Brisbane 06:40 Los Angeles Qantas flight
    $1949 $2144 $2859
    13:45 Los Angeles 22:20 New York (JFK) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 25h 45m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines
    10:35 Brisbane 06:40 Los Angeles Qantas flight
    $1659 $2144 $2859
    16:15 Los Angeles 00:35
    (Sun) New York (JFK) Qantas Airways flight operated by American Airlines
    Duration: 28h 00m
    = Flight Operated by American Airlines

  100. To feraltart, lol, I'm in Qld but am a shift worker. I work on the computer mostly so its no biggy to just tab over and hit refresh.

  101. Ummm, get a grip.

  102. A flight from LA to China is 22 hours, so I would tend to agree that a flight to Australia would take as long.

    I am not on a "side", cuz I don't really know the whole story, but no matter what LeAnn said, it was very immature. Why even say anything about the situation or Brandi at all? Especially to random Twitter followers. Have some class, take the high road. Skank.

  103. These comments amuse me greatly.

  104. Was thinking the same thing @djphob! This was the craziest thread today. Utter determination!

    1. Clearly you're both lele-ers (or is it leelee-ers?) ;)

  105. Uh, okay. Wow.

    Good week for vacation!

  106. Welcome back Em. You survive our crazy heat?


  107. I may very well be wrong on the time, it's been a few years since I went (but thanks for the entire flight schedule between Australia and the US). I remember from Sydney to Honolulu being 10ish hours and then Honolulu to L.A. being about 3 hours. Idk how long it would be w/layover since we stayed in HI for several days.

    1. My timing would be about right from Sydney to L.A. according to Quantas.

      Your vast schedule is into NY which is about 8-9ish hours from L.A., at least. Also, you have departure from Brisbane which appears to be an hour and a half, or so.

      I didn't think my memory was THAT bad.

      (I just spent way too much time on that)

  108. @Lola you were absolutely correct.

    I have flown many times Syd to LA and a direct flight is 12 hours. If you flew from Brisbane to Sydney first that's only an extra hour and a half for the flight time.

    @dia. Hehehe

  109. @Salem. You aren't considering the fact that crossing time zones adds virtual hours to the flight times. The arrival and departure times are indicative of the time zone you are in, not the time spent in the air.

  110. @goesincircles. The actual duration of the flight from LA to Beijing China is 12hours 40mins.

  111. This is hilarious. Salem, a flight from New Zealand to LA is 12 hours, so unless you've got some epic stopovers or are going to the east coast, its not going to take 26 hours to get from Brisbane to LA.

    Which is all by way of saying, you're factually incorrect, and maybe a little, um, overcommitted to Brandi.

  112. Gutter morals. Is there anyone worse than Leann Rimes? Oh, yeah, Edie Cibrian.


    I'd take her head off for fucking with my kids. I can promise you that. If Brandi has an ounce of sense, she'd put a stop to that!

  113. I don't even know why this was reported. Who are the people who follow this so closely? Who really gives a shit? In every blind item on this site celebs are cheating. Who cares if they got a divorce. They were probably BOTH doing wrong in the marriage. I'm amazed that people honestly give more that a moment of their time to this subject. People who commented above wih such dedication to either side must not have a life.
    Enty-- it would help if you listened to the recording BEFORE you post it.
    I am beginning to wonder why I read this site.

  114. Astrogirl
    My bad. I just asked my dad and he says around 13. His wife is Chinese.

  115. I just assume all of the celebs involved are probably hideous narcissists, so to debate which of them is in the right seems kind of pointless.

    For me the interesting part of this story is the fans getting involved. That's NUTS!

  116. I honestly don't really care what LeAnn called her...LeAnn acted like an incredibly immature child and made a fool out of herself. Brandi doesn't discuss Leann, but Leann is still obsessed with Brandi.

    Leann...grow the F up. Also...your husband cheats on you too. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

  117. LOL these comments are killing me! If a plane leaves the gate at 6:05PM going 130 MPH & A boat leaves the port at 3:35pm....awwww sh!t I was told there'd be no math......

  118. If plane A leaves for its destination at 1 PM, at what time will it cross plane B? Etcetcetc etc.
    This is like a fucking math-exam. No fighting people!
    *pretends to be Steve, Jerry Springer's bald bodyguard*

  119. Too funny that the great defender couldn't figure out that departure and arrival times are in local time. Pointing that out seems to have shut her up, no?

  120. I don't think Salem has ever left home and visited the states. Pulling up flight times from Expedia without taking into regards the layovers built into them looked pretty uhm, naive is the best way to say it without being insulting.

    Also regardless of whether you're on LeLe's side or Brandi's side the man fact is LeAnn isn't their mother and she needs to remember Brandi and Eddie make the decisions on the lessons they need to learn. Even if you don't agree. The best thing for the boys would be for the public war to stop. THAT is what you should live as an example for the boys.
    And NO she didn't call her a bitch. That was reported incorrectly.
    And just because you may not like the information someone has saying there are "no neighbours" doesn't make it so. None of us really know for sure, do we?

  121. Leann needs an intervention. Does she have a publicist? She needs to stay off Twitter. She called some crazy Brandi fan? What????

  122. Firstly, my flight information was via QANTAS *ONLINE BOOKING* website, not a 'pedia' site.

    Secondly, you forgetting it has "duration" of flight. Ie TOTAL FLIGHT HOURS, as *distinct from* time zones.

    Thirdly, I rang Qantas personally myself, asked them for the TOTAL *inflight hours*, and they told me I was correct. The *Flight Duration* = TOTAL FLYING TIME.

    So, I've been vindicated and you lot are wrong. :)

    Lastly, if you doubt the validity of the PROOF I have posted, why don't you pop down to your local travel agent/air line booking facility, and as them for TOTAL HOURS FLYING TIME from where ever you are, to BNE, Australia.

    Then come back here, and post your response.

    You'll be posting an apology. Thats if you're game to appear.

  123. Yet more proof from an actual AUSTRALIAN Airport Guide

    Flights to Sydney from New York

    The New York to Sydney flight is well covered by a number of American, Oceanic and Asian based airlines. Major airlines that operate flights to Sydney (SYD) from New York (JFK) are; Air Tahiti Nui, US Airways, United Airlines, American Airlines, British Airways, Qantas Airways, Cathay Pacific, Etihad Airways, All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Air New Zealand, Air Pacific and Malaysia Airlines.

    Flight Duration

    The flight to Sydney, Australia from New York is a 9,900 mile long-haul trip that will take around ******21 hours ~flying time~****** with a connecting stops within the United States mainland in either Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco (SFO) or Chicago Ohare (ORD) before flying onward across the Pacific Ocean to Australia.

    Lola and her gaggle of loons can apologise any time now....


  124. Flights to Brisbane from Los Angeles
    Australian Airports >>
    Brisbane Airport >>
    Flights to Brisbane from Los Angeles

    Flights to Brisbane from Los Angeles

    Flights to Brisbane from Los Angeles are well serviced by a number of major airlines including; Air New Zealand, Qantas Airways, United Airlines, US Airways, American Airlines, Air Pacific, Air Tahiti Nui, Cathay Pacific, Japan Airlines, Korean Air and a few others service some of the legs of this route. Your choice of airline will affect the cost of ticket and city of your stopover en-route to Australia. Your search to find cheap flights to Australia has been made easy with our booking form on this page.

    Flight Duration

    A flight to Brisbane from Los Angeles is a 7,178 mile (11,552 km) long-haul flight which at best/shortest takes around 16 hours flying time/ 17.5 hours total duration.

    So at best (sans stop-over) its 16 hours TIME SPENT ACTUALLY *FLYING TIME* just from BNE to LAX. Add 8 hours to that for BNE to NY (Laguardia) and what do you get?

    Who wants to be the first to apologise?

  125. "I have flown many times Syd to LA and a direct flight is 12 hours. If you flew from Brisbane to Sydney first that's only an extra hour and a half for the flight time."

    Exactly astrogirl. Add 1.5 hours from Bne, PLUS another say, 8 hours to NYC (Lagardia or JFK) what do you get?

    Do you understand it now?

    Btw, where the eff did LA come into it? Not only is your mathematical, logic and reasoning skills off, but I NEVER MENTIONED LA!!!!!!!!!!

    I said from Brisbane, to NEW YORK! Learn to READ! Even without the Qantas site, even without me speaking to them over the phone, and even without me just having gotten off the phone to a local travel agent, all to confirm what I said total inflight/duration hours has NOTHING to do with timezones, btw), what you have all said basically BACKS UP MY MATHS. You are all talking from Brisbane to LA, when no one ever fucking mentioned LA, to begin with!! I said from BRISBANE to NEW fucking YORK! You are insinuating I am dunb when you can't even follow a fucking conversation and insert LA when *I* never mentioned ANYTHING ABOUT LA, shows that you are AGREEING with me.

    Lets go through it for the 'slow people' on here. A direct (very rare as it is) flight from SYD to LAX is 12 hours. Add 1.5 hours for Bne to Syd. At say, 8 hours on top of LA, to get the flight time to NYC (shouldn't have to fucking do this, as I said, from BRISBANE TO NEW YORK, where the fuck people get Los Angeles from that, only your delusions know).

    So, thats 12

    = ?

    21.5 hours (direct flight only, which means with stop-over would be longer, hence up 30 hours on some flights.)

    21.5 hours. From Brisbane to NEW YORK CITY

    Taking apologies any time now.......

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Sorry for the tone of my last post but if people who were trying to be smartarses actually READ my first post re flights, they'd have seen I was referring to NEW YORK CITY (simply because its the first thing I thought of in connection to America, and used that as a flight example). At no stage did I EVER say from Brisbane to Los Angeles. At NO STAGE! People on here, obviously not having even read my post which CLEARLY STATED from Brisbane to NYC, suddenly changed it to LA. But as we can see, even with the numbers given from astrogirl, adding 9.5 hours
    (1.5+8) It still worked out near enough to what I said, IN THE FIRST PLACE! Hence astrogirl proving my point for me. In trying to nitpick my sentence about America being a long plane ride away, and trying to come off too smart by half, you people are the ones who have made fools of yourselves.

    All this could have been avoided if you'd seen the post where I indicated I was using NY as an example, and took note that its **longer from Bne to NY** than from Bne to LA. And my example was BNE to NYC. Hence the extra hours. I'll pass the spatula to you all.

    Jesus Fucking Christ :O SMH
