Friday, August 17, 2012

Lady GaGa's Bodyguard Destroys A Fan

I think the video speaks for itself. I love how lady GaGa does not seem all that plussed or concerned about what just happened. How often does she have bodyguards slamming people into doors that she barely even notices?


  1. Just doing his job.

  2. wow did that guy get blind sided or what? lol

  3. Is this tired old trick still working it? Damn. I thought she had gone away. Her importance and value as a celebrity sure did.

  4. The guy rushed her! The bodyguard did his job and she looked plenty "plussed"

  5. That's so wrong, block him fine but don't put him in the hospital.

  6. Is it wrong that i laughed?

  7. I hate Gaga with all her self importance!! Please bitch, I know people that are way more eccentric than you!! Get over yourself!!!

  8. I just wonder what sort of trouble I'd get into if I was slamming everyone who dared get near me. That guy was holding a pen, not a gun. Clearly I know the opportunity exists for someone to try to harm celebrities, but their bodyguards attack people constantly just for being nearby, sometimes the people don't even know the celebrity is there, so they're being attacked for the misfortune of being there.

  9. Lame.

    So Lady GaGa barely notices doors?

  10. I have never cared for her.
    Would it have been too much for her to just sign the autograph?!

  11. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I agree with @Anotheramy. She definitely noticed and looked a little shaken to me. The bodyguards did their job and it wasn't all that violent. The guy got up and walked out the door, hardly "put him in the hospital."

  12. It's possible her guards operate in react first, assess later mode. Critical time could be wasted trying to figure out if the guy has a pen or a knife, yanno? While I don't want to see anyone get injured, rushing up and ambushing them is probably not the best plan.

  13. Hopefully this will serve as a lesson to the fan that he needs to get a life.

  14. That dude deserved it for acting like a little girl upon seeing Gaga. And what's the bodyguard supposed to do?

  15. Gaga's bodyguards did their job. That dude, who looked twice Gaga's size, appeared to rush at her from no where. Furthermore, since it appeared all her other fans were waiting outside for her exit, that dude obviously breached protocol. Were I Gaga's bodyguard, I would have reacted the same way. And then I would find someone less obnoxious to guard.

  16. I agree with Camembert. No matter whether you like GaGa or not, someone rushing towards a celebrity is scary as hell! Sure WE see the paper and pen but at her vantage point she just sees someone running right into her. Her bodyguard is there for that very reason.

  17. Good job body guard. That dude was huge! All he did was put the guy on the ground. Thats what he is paid to do. The fan had no issue getting up and walking away immediately.

    Lady gaga did look taken aback.

  18. I think it was the fans mistake, he shouldn't have rushed out like that and he was fine, got up and walked out feeling stupid I bet.

  19. definitely the fan's problem, you don't run towards a woman like that, regardless of who she is. probably a weirdo.

  20. I'm not a fan of hers, but it just looked like her bodyguard was doing his job.

  21. its things like this that remind me of what himmmm said a few weeks ago about what really happens to the money celebrities make. i dont know how much body guards make, but obviously they are doing their job and doing it well. anyone getting rushed like that is scary. he should have gotten her attention in some other less threatening way and he would get his autograph.

  22. Now I understand why celebrities have body guards because I wouldn't enjoy having someone rush up to me like that! It's threatening and with so many nutcases running around it doesn't hurt to be cautious. The fan didn't seem too hurt to me, he was able to get up without assistance and was asked to leave, understandable also.

  23. IDK but that guy seemed a bit unhinged. Imagine if he had a weapon or something instead of pen and paper. I'm with the bodyguards on this one.

  24. Gaga seemed to have been caught off guard there really, but I'm sure she's well aware of all the cameras so she recovered pretty quick. Anyways, that must still be pretty scary to be rushed like that even if you do have a 6'7 wall of muscle on your side.

  25. Also - that bodyguard is hot as hell.

  26. More importantly, why the hell is Gaga dressed like a gothic Little Bo Peep?!

    The man was probably trying to negotiate the sale of his sheep herd to her.

  27. The guy rushed her. He was not waiting politely or approaching carefully. Bodyguard did his job. And she did look surprised.

  28. Bodyguard did his job and the fan looks fine. Lady Gaga certainly did seem to notice. Nobody should be rushing at anybody, celebrity or not. That's just creepy.

  29. I get it, the fan did rush in, but it's not always necessary to slam someone down. I've never understood this theory that a celebrity's existence in a public space, is automatically turned into THEIR private space based on who they are. If a regular person body slammed someone because they "rushed" in their direction they would be charged with assault. As far as I know, laws are not produced with an * that states "Unless you are famous" Let's be clear, if I'm standing in line to a bathroom, and you a celeb wants to go in "alone" the answer will be "oh hell to the no, and touch me, I'll sue"

  30. If some guy ran up to me that way, I'd kick him in the cojones and put an elbow to his face... least that's what I envision. I probably wouldn't be that skilled.

    He got off easy with the bodyguard, who handled it properly.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. i don't like how the writer of this blog thinks that just cause you're a fan, you are entitled to do anything you want. a what should gaga have done? helped the guy? he got too close, he got punched. that's what happens. end of story.

  33. Oh bodyguard, my body is in your guarding hands.

    Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Don't tell me I'm the only CDAN'er with a deep and abiding SpongeBob love!

  34. The dude rushed at her. No sympathy.

  35. Is it wrong that I kind of love her outfit here?

  36. Think you mean nonplussed: "To surprise and confuse (someone) so much that they are unsure how to react."

  37. No seriously...why is this all over the place??

    There is a horde of people out front waiting for her as she tries to make her way to the car...this guy comes barrelling through the doors at should the security guard do? Allow him to tackle his client? Stop the man kindly and request Ms. Gaga to sign an autograph?

    No-the guy did what he was obviously hired and likely well-paid to do-protect their famous client.

    Goodness knows what this guy could have or would have done...when something like that happens that fast, you do what you have to do.

    And seriously..what an idiot...what did he really expect? Talk about Darwin Awards material!

  38. oh FFS people! yes he should have been blocked but LOOK AT THE VIDEO, does he deserve to have a boot on his fucking neck holding him down??

    NO. Fuck her and her overzealous bodyguards. The bitch probably instructed them to do just that after she shot her mouth off about her right to wear fur. Ugly hag.

  39. OMG, Gaga is such a bitch!!!! Other people's actions are completely her fault and make me hate her more!!!! Are her 15 minutes up? Team Rushing Guy! Rushing guy ftw.

    Bodyguards are paid to protect their clients. A man rushed her and the bodyguards took him down and held him down until Gaga was out of the lobby. I guess what should have happened is they politely stopped the man from rushing her and then asked his intentions and they all could have discussed what to do next.

    And she was visibly upset. Plus look at the crowd she's about to face. You don't know what kind of nutcase is out there.

    And agreed! Bodyguard is all kinds of hot and I like her outfit.

  40. I gotta concur that kneeling on the guys neck seems extreme. And yes, fuck her for wearing fur!

  41. I don't blame the guards. Ever since Dimebag was killed on stage by a deranged lunatic it seems like security should be more concerned with crazies. The way he rushed up there was extreme and Gaga looked freaked. I would have been, too!

  42. You know they have back doors in hotels! Yep worked in one, it's true! So if you are so skittish about possibly touching one of your fans, then may I suggest using an option that allows you to depart unscathed and unshaken.

    Sorry, it's one thing to stop him, standing in front of him would have sufficed, and just body slamming him to the ground. Clearly he was just overly excited about seeing her, and really really wanted an autograph.

  43. Celebs get stalkers so I guess you can't play it too safely.

  44. "oh FFS people! yes he should have been blocked but LOOK AT THE VIDEO, does he deserve to have a boot on his fucking neck holding him down??"

    Oh for fuck's sake, you idiot, he's lucky he didn't eat a bullet. He rushed at her unexpectedly, from behind, with objects in his hands. I would have decked the guy before he was out of the revolving door, purely out of instinct.

    Guard held him down because the guy had intruded danger-close and they did not know if he had concealed weapons.

    I loathe celebs that use their guards to monopolize public space, but they have a right to be safe. Presenting a sudden, tangible danger is a completely different ballgame.

  45. I agree that the bodyguards were just doing their job. That guy came out of nowhere - he could easily have been holding a weapon instead of a pen. I don't think Gaga decides how her bodyguards are going to handle situations, they do what they are trained to do.

    And considering the fact that she just defended her right to wear fur, they're going to have to do lots of that in the near future, I'm sure.

  46. That fan got pushed down and after Gaga was clear they let him up and he walked out under his own power and dusted himself off.

    That's an absolutely clean take down and a proper use of force, both bodyguards did it just fine.

  47. Bodyguard #2 thought he was Liam Neeson in "Taken."

  48. Too bad John Lennon didn't have bodyguards. . .you just never know the true intentions of someone like that.
    She used to have a red-headed bodyguard who was hawt. The guys at Tom& Lorenzo used to fawn over him like Michael K and Prince Ginge.

  49. No compassion for that idiot. He RUSHED her. You better believe they will react. Consider the alternative. Does Rebecca Schaeffer ring a bell? Or this incident in Korea, where a nut fan got on stage and tried to pull a member of the girl group SNSD off the stage.

  50. They are highly paid to do their job, and they did it well. I still don't care for her, even though I know she can play the piano well.

  51. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I don't see what the problem is. If you see a celebrity walking with bodyguards and you try to approach them in this manner then you'll get what you deserved. These guys are highly trained, have great reflexes and are ready on a moment's notice. The female fan approached politely, was turned down and didn't get a scratch on her. This guy is an idiot, clearly. A regular person who's approached in a similar manner may not react that well, especially if he or she has self-defense training. You can bet in that instance that you're going to get your ass kicked and not just disabled temporarily.

    When I took a self-defense class out of necessity b/c of a stalker, my teacher said that one time she was in an elevator alone with a strange man and she felt so threatened by this man that she just kicked his ass even though he hadn't done anything yet. I wouldn't do that, I would simply be on high alert if my gut was telling me something bad might happen but that's the thing, you never know how people will react so best to stay out of their personal space and just be respectful even if they are public figures. Public figure does not equal public property.

  52. Yes, he rushed at her. Yes, he should have known better to do that to a celeb with big burly bodyguards. But Gaga's reaction was ridiculous. Look at her-she clutches her hands in horror, makes a face like "Eww, get that dirty man away form me!" and then lets herself be lead away without so much as a backward glance at the guy. Lame.

  53. Looks like assault to me.

  54. God forgive me...I completely lost it when the camera panned back to the fan and he was still on the floor.

    Bodyguard was hot and doing his job; maybe a little too much force was used but PPOs are trained to act immediately if their client is under ANY potential threat.

  55. "plussed"? not sure what adjective you were going for, Enty, but apropos of nothing, one of my favorite words is "nonplussed" because it does not mean what it would appear to mean. It means "bewildered". Most think it means "not affected/bothered".
    That is all.

  56. Nice work bodyguard! Did his job. Kneeing is a technique so you can still have your hands available.

    They are called bodyguards, someone rushed her. She looked plussed.

    They also took the guy down gently. No one got slammed into a door.

    I can't wait for the Secret Service do this to the next person who tries to glitter bomb a candidate. They don't know it's only glitter, guys.

  57. 12 years ago my son accidentally meandered into Muhammad Ali's circle of body guards at the Bellagio, while we were on a family trip to Vegas. I'm not sure he'd even ever heard of you can imagine his surprise when his bodyguards elbowed him almost off of his feet, screaming "don't touch him!" He was ok, we were all stunned, but laughing. Muhammad Ali's bodyguards kicked my son's ass.

  58. @Gnightgirl loved your story.(Also loved the Bellagio)

  59. WAAHAHAHAAHAHAAA!!! Love it.

  60. Maybe he was just trying to get an autograph, but what if he'd had a knife? A gun? I trust no one, especially some overzealous psycho fan. The bodyguard did what he was paid to do, IMO.
